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Troll, Shah and Sheeko

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i wasn't talking about Juxa, badow yahow (and no, badow does not mean black :D;) ) as for your question - Gurey and yes there is an animal who has similar name. but before i tell you that i sheeg what you understand badow to mean? Quid pro quo! :D

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^^ Badow is an Arabic word meaning 'Geel Jire'. It is also used to describe every xayraan who walks into a situation without understanding the history, undercurrents or meanings behind certain actions. We are all badows in one situation or another but you're the Sayid of badows (with Sayid also being an Arabic word meaning master). icon_razz.gif

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:D @Ngonge - lahelay! - ma is mooday?


not so fast - remember - anigu af carabi kuma hadlo. marka ogow wixii carabi ah waa adiga - wixii soomaali ah'na waa aniga.

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in other words sayid you dont know the name of the animal right?


alla muxuu meermeersaday?

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^^ You asked what I understood by the word bedow. Now fulfill your part of the bargain. :D

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^^ Markan is idhaahdo ka daa ayaad wax samiisa ama waxbaad qortaa oo aan ku xasuusto in aad badow tahay. I said something starting with 'GU' ya badow. :D



guryaaa iyo kelmado nooca o eg.


(I told you, Universal TV dee).

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^^ Now you made me forget what the one I was looking for sounded like and got me thinking about this list of yours. What the hell are they?

(Though I suspect I already know one or two).

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I am meeting Shike Sharrif today. What shall I tell him?


I can't throw things or attack him, so don't ask.


Edit: what is with all the animal names on here? When did troll corner become the zoo

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Ibti: madaxweyne!, burco weligaa ma maqashay?


Sh. Sharif: Bismillaahi Raxmaani Raxiim, Ha!, burcad weligood ba waa jiran, waana wax...






Subax wanaagsan mid iyo kuli.

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