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This is really disgusting, now he also using Somali National TV as his private propaganda machine? This man is destroying the democratic experiment of this nation,  two presidents have handed the power peacefully without misusing national institutions. Her is a list of some of Farmaajos criminal tactics,  same tactic used by the likes of presidents of Uganda, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Egypt etc

1) He used NISA for personal use against president candidates, raiding some of their homes and killing guards, preventing  Sh shariif and Sh Xassan to flight out of Mogadishu to Baladweyn, after backlash letting them go, but then shutting down flight radar so that they can not land and hade to return, and many other insidents

2) Hijacking election board(NIEC) by filling them with people from NISA and his close circle. 

3) Trying to hijack Somaliland delegates to fill with his loyalist with the help of infamous thug Mahdi Guled , so that they can vote for him. Thankfully Abdi Hashi was not letting them do this effortless, he was fighting this thuggery day and night but sadly some naive uninformed people thought/think he is selfish (without knowing the reality of what is happening)

4) Last minute and unconstitutionally giving Banadir 13 senate, as professor Samatar said it beautifully (He is not doing this for the love of Banadir, he is doing this to rape them(banadir) and the election), becouse it is not the people or the elders/leaders in Banadir who will nominate but it is FARMAAJO himself who will nominate (How naive can you be not to see what his intentions?).

5) Carving for himself "Gedo" as his personal enclave with out it being under any state jurisdiction (Jubba land?). We all may hate Madobe and want to get rid of him but do you really think Farmaajo is doing this for the good of Gedo and Jubaland or maybe he is doing this for tribal resons?

Are we the somali people ready for another mini Siyad Barre? or the likes of Ismail Omar Guelleh, El-Sisi and Yoweri Museveni? who use state apparatus to destroy democracy and fare elections, and rape the nation and its people?


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Blah, blah iyo niicda meesha kala tag. Address the points listed in the video ama iska shib dheh. You cannot refute them because it is all true. Bogeyman Siyaad Barre iyo wax aan loo joogin meesha laguuma weydiin.

Speaking of the past, is Soomaaliya ready to go back to 1992? Dagaalkii afarta bilood. The de facto qadkii cagaarnaa? The two shilin Soomaali currencies that was in circulation in different xaafado in Xamar? Xaafadii Bermuuda oo cidii gasho meydkooda la weyn jiray xataa?

You think we sane Soomaalis who witnessed and lived in in this taariikh madoow forgot it?

Haddee ku hanjabaan waxmagaratada 1991 loo noqonaa, well 1992 surely will follow it. The same folks and recipes are still there. No question about it and that is why ummadda Muqdisho degan nabadooda sii siyaado rabaan, not daneyste shaqsiyo shisheeye kalkaaliyo.

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Sxb why are you conflating this issue with 92, two currency's, xaafad barmuda etc? that in itself is nicnicleys. So you are a nostalgist who longs for a strong rule like Siayd barre? lets kill democracy and hijack elections so that we can have the strong and powerful somalia it used to be? I was as naiva as you in the first years with regards to Farmajo, but it become obvious to me and many others that he is playing the same card as many other power hungry dictators, he is no much better that Madoobe and Abdishakuur, another though who will do everything necessary to be reelected

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2 hours ago, Abdi90 said:


Are we the somali people ready for another mini Siyad Barre? or the likes of Ismail Omar Guelleh, El-Sisi and Yoweri Museveni? who use state apparatus to destroy democracy and fare elections, and rape the nation and its people?


How you compare somalia to jabuti  egypt and Uganda, don't you know somalia no exist therty years in this planet.
dictator better than chaos and brainless traitors.

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27 minutes ago, gooni said:

How you compare somalia to jabuti  egypt and Uganda, don't you know somalia no exist therty years in this planet.
dictator better than chaos and brainless traitors.

Ha ha ha h😂😂😂😂

Niic-badane, Useless Farmaajo baad weli rajo ka qabtaa miyaa? Lol 😂 

lol@ “Somalia no exist therty years in this planet!” Classic...😂😂😂


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4 hours ago, Abdi90 said:

This is really disgusting, now he also using Somali National TV as his private propaganda machine? This man is destroying the democratic experiment of this nation,  two presidents have handed the power peacefully without misusing national institutions. Her is a list of some of Farmaajos criminal tactics,  same tactic used by the likes of presidents of Uganda, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Egypt etc

1) He used NISA for personal use against president candidates, raiding some of their homes and killing guards, preventing  Sh shariif and Sh Xassan to flight out of Mogadishu to Baladweyn, after backlash letting them go, but then shutting down flight radar so that they can not land and hade to return, and many other insidents

2) Hijacking election board(NIEC) by filling them with people from NISA and his close circle. 

3) Trying to hijack Somaliland delegates to fill with his loyalist with the help of infamous thug Mahdi Guled , so that they can vote for him. Thankfully Abdi Hashi was not letting them do this effortless, he was fighting this thuggery day and night but sadly some naive uninformed people thought/think he is selfish (without knowing the reality of what is happening)

4) Last minute and unconstitutionally giving Banadir 13 senate, as professor Samatar said it beautifully (He is not doing this for the love of Banadir, he is doing this to rape them(banadir) and the election), becouse it is not the people or the elders/leaders in Banadir who will nominate but it is FARMAAJO himself who will nominate (How naive can you be not to see what his intentions?).

5) Carving for himself "Gedo" as his personal enclave with out it being under any state jurisdiction (Jubba land?). We all may hate Madobe and want to get rid of him but do you really think Farmaajo is doing this for the good of Gedo and Jubaland or maybe he is doing this for tribal resons?

Are we the somali people ready for another mini Siyad Barre? or the likes of Ismail Omar Guelleh, El-Sisi and Yoweri Museveni? who use state apparatus to destroy democracy and fare elections, and rape the nation and its people?


No we are not ready for another Siyad Wannabe. He needs to be nipped in the bud. We can flourish without dictatorship. It does not work on the Somali psyche, period!!

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Too much tanasulid for traitors is weakness, waa waxa halkaa ina dhigay

Whatever it takes , farmaajo must prepare country one man one vote 


  • Haha - That was funny. You made me laugh! 1

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Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Wasiirkii hore ee arrimaha gudaha Soomaaliya, Mudane Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Xuseen (Odowaa), ahna haatan xildhibaan ka tirsan golaha shacabka ayaa ka falceliyey khudbadii shalay madaxweyynaha ee baarlamaanka.

Odowaa ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in madaxweynaha Soomaaliya, mudane Maxamed Cabdullahi Farmaaho uusan hal maalin sameyn wax tanaasul ah, gaar ahaan kiisasii ay la kulantay dowladdiisa muddada 4 sano ah ee ay jirtay, isaga oo tusaale u soo qaatay, dhiibistii Qalbi-Dhagax, ridistii Jawaari, arrinka Gedo & ridistiisii Ra’iisul wasaare Khayre.

Sidoo kale Odowaa ayaa nasiib darro ku tilmaamay in madaxweynuhu xilligan ku faano tanaasul ayaan sameeyey, isaga oo tilmaamay inay tahay arrin marin habaabin ah.

“Madaxweynuhu wax kale oo kasta haba sheegtee waan tanaasulay inuu Ummadda u sheego waa ayaan darro iyo marin habaabin cusub,”. ayuu yiri xildhibaan Odowaa.

Halkan hoose ka aqriso:-

Farmaajo iyo Tanaasul: Mashriq iyo Magrib


Shalay waxaan ku maqanaa meel aan anteeno fiican lahayn.

Waxaan saakay dhagaysatay khudbada Madaxweynaha saacaduhu ka harsanyihiin muddo xileedkiisa uu baarlamaanka shaley ka jeediyay

Waxaan la yaabay inta badan madaxweynaha fasaaxad la’aan waa lagu ogaaye laakiin inuu yiraa tanaasul baan sameeyay.

Xukunka madaxweyne Farmaajo iyo tanaasul meel islamaba galaan.

Afar sano oo caga jugleyn, dhago adeyg iyo aamusnaan u badan ayuu muddo xileedkiisii ku dhamaaday.

Hal maalin madaxweynuhu ma tanaasulin, laga bilaabo

– Dhiibistii Qalbi-dhagax

– Ridistii Jawaari

– Boobkii doorashada maamulada dowlad gobleedayada

– Arinka Gedo

– Ridistiisii Raiisul Wasaarishii

– Arimaha la xariira doorashada

Doorashada dhan ee Soomaliya waxa ay u taagantahay madaxweynaha oo diidan inuu mamaulka Jubalanad u madax baneeyo maamulka Gedo.

Madaxweynuhu wax kale oo kasta haba sheegtee waan tanaasulay inuu ummadda u sheego waa ayaan darro iyo marin habaabin cusub.

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Whom ever in their mind thought that there will not be a government in Somalia after February 8 was not only playing politics but was also inciting failed tribal emotions.

That day came and went.

Having said that it is the duty of the president to prepare the nation for the election and make the tough decisions. 

By the way, where is that midget American ambassador who was shuttling between Madoobe, Deni, Qoor Qoor and Farmaajo for the last 12 months. The time has come these internationals creatures to leave Somalia and let their leaders make the necessary tough decisions. 

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8 hours ago, Mastermind said:

It does not work on the Somali psyche, period!!

Everyone including Farmaajo knows there will never be a dictator in Somalia. At the same time if we keep Pickering for these useless things, we might never get leader let alone a dictator.

Somalia is failing because of indecision and dithering leadership. If Farmaajo has any bone of toughness or even  authoritarian tendencies, he would have disarmed the tribal militia of Mogadishu long ago.

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Arinta gedo yaan dhagaystay dad badan oo siyaabo kala duwan uga hadlaya, waxaa ugu darnaa qaar badan oo ay professoro noogu sheegeen.

Jaamacadaha gaaladu markay shaqo siinayso qofka waraaqaha aqooneed wata, waxay u dooraan inuu wuxuu bartay ardayda i dhigo kaliya.

Hadii saxaafadda reer galbeedka u baahato inay wax ka waydiiso taariikhda afrika waan hubaa inaysan mar labaad wax waydiin doonin.

Cabdi ismaaciilidu soomaalidu waxay uga qancday waa professor, wax alle, wixii saxaafaddu waydiiso wuu ka jawaabayaa, marnaba oran maayo anigu kaluunka waxba kama aqaano iyo noocyadiisa.

xataa dariiqada loo hadlo ma yaqaano dhaqAn ahaan. 

Gedo waa "dal" gobol ma'ahan markii shisheeye soo faro geliyo.

Wax kasta farmaajo haka tanaasulo laakiin arrinta gedo waa xad dhuleed, lagumana wareejin karo axmad madoobe iyo deni oo dhiigga shacabka gedo daadiyay, iskuna diray dad faqiira oo walaalo ah ayagoo adeegsanay lacago shisheeye ugu talo galay dagaalka farmaajo.

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12 hours ago, galbeedi said:

Everyone including Farmaajo knows there will never be a dictator in Somalia. At the same time if we keep Pickering for these useless things, we might never get leader let alone a dictator.

Somalia is failing because of indecision and dithering leadership. If Farmaajo has any bone of toughness or even  authoritarian tendencies, he would have disarmed the tribal militia of Mogadishu long ago.

No mate, Somalia is failing because of one man's desire  to repeat his uncle's disastrous grip on the country. That is what we are up against. If you can't see that I think you are from one of the sections of our people who benefited from Siyad's dictatorship and it is very hard for you to see the other side. The fact that you are calling for more violence of this man speaks for itself. Somalia does not need more violence. We need statesman who will solve problems through peaceful means. In the hindsight Xassan Maxamud was better in solving political issues than Farmajo. He was actually making tangible progress albeit slow. Farmajo can not even solve issues between his own sub-clans. How can he lead a fragile country like Somalia?


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History will forever hold to public ignominy the last months of Useless Farmaajo’s tenure in Villa Somalia.

Sheekadii “Farmaajo ii geeya” waxay isku soo biyo shubatey Useless Farmaajo oo maanta ku hadaaqaya “Garoowe  ii geeya!”...😂

Useless Farmaajo has wasted enough of the time and energy of the Somali people. All Somali political stakeholders should fly to the national Federal capital of Mogadishu and begin the necessary proceedings to elect a new Federal government.


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