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TACSI: A very sad day for Somalia Online

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From what i have read from people who knew him all i have to say is mashallah to him coz he made y'all happy in your lives with watever little or big he offered...just pray for him ..may allah grant him JANA ..AMIIN

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inaa ilaaha wa ina ilahi rajicuun


I am Shock...I don't know what to seems like I am one of the last persons to see him and to find out about this trajic event so late.


[ May 20, 2003, 03:57 AM: Message edited by: Admin ]

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Asalaamu calaykum brothers and sisters,



My personal tribute to my brother...



I didn't write anything about Mohamed Ismael's death, (a friend, a colleague, a classmate, a brother, an exceptionally good human being) before now, because I was, and still am, trying to come to terms with this terrible tragedy. Few people so far in the student e-list asked how Mohamed died. It is a question all humans always ask. Mohamed wasn't ill and didn't have an accident...he just slept and never woke up. His heart stopped beating.

Allah yarhamo forever!


Mohamed Ismael, is one of the founders of the Somali Students Association in which I have been involved in since November 2001. He was actually the backbone of the organisation and we will always be grateful to him for his hard work. His relentless efforts to put somali students together so they can work together and help each other, were extremely valuable, although he was humble, modest, and never took credit for nothing. Mohamed graduated last year from London Guildhall University in International Relations and Politics. He was currently doing Development studies as Masters in SOAS University. For the past 3-4 years he was the president of the Somali Society in Guildhall university until he had to pass it on to others.


The vast majority of students in Guildhall knew him well whether they were Somalis or not. He was always there to advise everyone on units, grades and you only needed to give him a title of an essay for him to set up a plan for you. He used to email his essays to anyone who would ask him help. I remember how he used to scare teachers in seminars because of his challenging views about World Politics, from Somalia to Indonesia passing by Cuba, US, Afghanistan, Nigeria and Palestine. He was like a walking library and one of his favourite writers was Edward W. Said.


Mohamed was always present wherever anything was discussed regarding Somalis because he had this deep commitment to our people and their rising above the ashes. He had a very different way of looking at things because unlike most of us, his views and feelings about people and things weren't hindered by any preconceived prejudice...he seriously and honestly didn't know the meaning of the word "selfishness".


Please, don't misunderstand me and think I am portraying here a prefect human being...that doesn't exist. But knowing Mohamed, I can say without a single doubt or hesitation that he was one of the best people with real goodness in them. It is almost like he was out of place and didn't really belong to this world....Allah Yarxamo!


I knew him personally...I knew him well. I dearly loved him and respected him. He was like a family to me and the rest of my brothers and sisters from the SSA. We all looked up to him and wanted to be more like him. He had this unique, mature, calm, consistent, reasonable, fair, respectful way of talking and handling issues. He was a man with integrity and he is a great loss to me, his family, his friends, his colleagues and to all of those who knew him. He is a great loss to the Somali community as he had so many plans to improve things for his people. It was just never meant to be! Allah knows best.


I can only ask Allah to grant him Jannah and to forgive his sins...nothing else can ease my pain right now or console me apart the fact that I know we are all going to leave this life. I am just going to pray for him and I will call on to all the faith I have in Allah.


Lets this tragedy be a lesson for all of us. We have to ask ourselves, what is the purpose of life? That is the question we should try and answer. We all know more or less what is the purpose of life on earth: We are here to worship Allah and be good to others, to work hard and honestly to support our families and give Zakaat, to seek a good education and learn about our religion and pass that knowledge on to others, get married, have children that will continue the human race until judgement day comes.


That is what I think the purpose of our life is...or what it should be.


However, do we really stick to that or follow that rule as closely as we can? I doubt it very much! Somewhere a long the road we lost touch with that purpose highlighted by our religion. Without realising it, we replaced with other purposes determined by humans and not by Allah. We work like slaves, get so tired that we don't even get the energy to praise Allah the way we should. We do things that have no real meaning, no real benefit, things that will not change the world for better. We compete with each other, we become greedy. We want to own more money, more material things. We argue and exchange unnecessary bad and hurtful words never realising that it might be the last words we ever say to one another. We put down and hate while all we should be feeling is love in the name of Allah and kindness towards others. We get upset, angry and take our frustration out on others while we should cherish every single minute that we live and feel blessed and grateful that Allah granted us a day more to live. We complain and feel sorry for ourselves while we should be thinking about those who are worse off than we are, here or back home, living with terminal illnesses or struggling against hunger.


Subxaana laah cazawajal!!


We need to reassess, reevaluate our principles. We need to keep our focus on the right things and to keep Allah's thoughts in our minds at all time.


This is not a lecture to no is more for me than for you, but those of you who can identify yourselves with me can share it.


May Allah bless our brother Mohamed. May Allah forgive me for holding on to him by hurting like this. May Allah give us and his family the imaan and patience to overcome his loss. Amiin!


Wa salaam (Mohamed use to say!)


Please, say a prayer for Mohamed...that is what he needs most right now.


I thank you,





PS: Friends and I intend to organise a meeting for this occasion to pray, pay tribute and talk about how we can help his family or raise donations. If you would like to take part or contribute, please contact me private message. Thanks.

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Sister Saynab..manshallah, i feel like crying wallahi, ur words were so touching.

In SOL we all family wallahi even tho we oceans apart,I felt i lost a family member!

I pray for my brother Maxamad and I hope someone will fill in his Shoes...


May allah Grant him jannatul Firdoosa

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In the name of GOD,

the Most Mercifull, the Most Beneficient


As salâmu alaykum warahmatullâhi wabarakatahu


Abaayo Seynab, I tried to private message you, but realised that i couldn't for some reason. I'm just gonna say it here. Sista what u wrote about the brother was really touching subhanaAllah and brought even tears to my eyes. Your words are all so full of wisdom MashaAllah. May Allah grant you and everyone who knew him the best of sabr and imaan.



We need to reassess, reevaluate our principles. We need to keep our focus on the right things and to keep Allah's thoughts in our minds at all time.

thats so true.


I know that your hurting from the loss and grieve Sista. Just put all the Love and Respect you have for Brother Mohamed into your Heart by believing that death is haq. That none of us are gonna be here.



Thank you for sharing your story with us Seynab. May Allah give you strength and courage to over-come this.



And Allâh has told us,


"Every soul shall taste death."



I pray that Allâh gives to us that which is better than what we have lost and guide us all to the Paradise. Ameen




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Samir iyo Iimaan Ilaahey ha siiyo to all his family and friends... Even though i didn't know the brother but the way sista saynab talked about him really touched my heart. May Allah bless our brother Mohamed Aamiin.

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Amiin ilahay ha u naxariisto, janidana ha geeyo


Its funny how we here one day and gone the next. Walaahi it was a wake up call to me Mohamed's death.


Samir iyo imaan ilahay ha ka siiyo familygiisa.

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My condollences to Mohamed's Family and Friends. Samir iyo imaan, Janada illahay ha ka waraabiyo mohamedna.

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"Aqrabu maa yakoonu al-'abdu min rabbihi 'azza wa jalla wa huwa saajid, fa akthir ad-du'aa."

"The closest a slave ever is to his Lord is when he is in prostration, so make much supplication." Muslim & others.

I shall certainly include him in my prayers insh'allah.



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I never knew him and it's possible that we might've exchanged a few opinions but may Allah have the greatest mercy on his soul and may he finally rest in peace in Janatul Fardusa. May Allah reward him for all his good deeds and forgive him for all his sins. I've read across the forum that he was a good person so I'm sure that his goodness will not go unnoticed in the after life.

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Innaa lillaaaaaaaaahi wa inaa ilaaah raaji3uun.

allahuma arxamhu anta arxama raaximiiin, aamiin.

My condolances are to the family and to the somali nation because a person of such a clibre was an asset for the nation as whole.

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May Allah grant him paradise, this is just another poignant reminder.

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