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White House approves assassination of Anwar Al Awlaki

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Yeah, Ibti my point exactly. How does anyone know whats true and whats not true in the age of the internet, CIA operatives, goverments acting like an angered child with all their huffing, puffing and hit lists? I refuse to believe anything these goverments produce unless I see the said person on the screen explaining his views.


Exterimists do use the "either with us or against us" tactic but the difference is the EXTREMISTS are counting on your lack of knowledge of the religion and your alligence to Islam. You CAN refuse to join them whereas in the eyes of the WEST, you're a terrorist by default! The only way to get out of this catogory is to DENOUNCE your beliefs and CONDEMN any Muslim who expresses himself freely. OH, NO! It is not enough to condemn terrorist acts, you're expected to denounce anything that is Islamic, women's rights in Islam, the death penalty in Islam, Islamic dress, Gender roles in Islam....

Reminds me of that one Ayah where Allah says:

And the Jews will not be pleased with you, nor the Christians until you follow their religion. Say: Surely Allah's guidance, that is the (true) guidance. And if you follow their desires after the knowledge that has come to you, you shall have no guardian from Allah, nor any helper.[2.120]



Calling for the eradication of an entire population is NOT IN LINE WITH ISLAM. Taking planes and crashing them into buildings full of civilians is NOT THE NEW JIHAD. wax kale soo sheeg.

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Well, you're an Al-Shabaab supporter who in my eyes are nothing but a bunch of thugz who xalaaleystey dhiig Muslim iska daa dhiig gaalo. Have you seen the leader's interview with Al Jazera? If thats not an eradication of a population, I dont know what is.

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Oh snap, this Sheik is one of my fav speakers.


Loved his Life Of the Prophet series, Makkan & Median phase both epic masha'Allah!


I briefly heard on the news he was involved in 9/11? Goormi ogaatheen wahaas, imise sano baa no soo daaftay mise hada un bey wahkasta ninkan ku fiqayaan? :confused:

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"Where did I say eradication of entire population is in line with Islam"


Alshabaab is currently doing this to anyone that doesnt follow their extremist brand of the religion; this is to Muslims, and Christians are directly being hunted within the country by them and their affiliates. They dont know the proper shariah which has many stages of deciding whether someone is guilty or not and has judicial processes; they just convict whoever they like and kill em in the most brutal way.


So if you support the Alshaytaan then you support ethnic cleansing and mass killing. Alshabaab and Taliban are the same thing, saaxib, much of their leaders came from fighters there.


And this guy follows exactly that.

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C & H, we are not talking about me remember, its about Awlaki, can u quote some of what he said thats against Islam, and why do u take sides with his 2 stances?, what do you say about aayadaha quraanka talking about in gaalada lala dagaalo? axaadiista: 'UMIRTU AN UQAATILANNAASA XATAA... Xadiiska Mucaad & kan Cali ..fain hum qabiluu daalika..casimuu dimaa'ahum' dhamaystiro waadigii Sheekhadda ahaaye?, weligaase ma maqashay inuu Rasuulka beri' (bariii') ka noqday Muslimka Gaalada la dega!, Jihaad, Xumu Riddah, Rajminta, in Gaalada la naco Muslimkana la jeclaado si qayaxan ma uga hadli karaa Sheikh wadamada Galbeed jooga?, Shaikh Faisal ku quus qaado, Jimco wanaagsan.

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Originally posted by Maaddeey:

Did it ever occur to you what Awlaki is doing: his Hijra from USA, his call to fight, his letter to Shabaab, all that is what he is supposed to do and all is in line with the true Islam?

Sxb this is where people differ. I agree that it is upon us to migrate from gaalo land, but what I hold to be the True Islam and what this guy holds to be the True Islam is clearly different.

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C & H, we are not talking about me remember, its about Awlaki,


Well from what I gathered Awlaki iyo adiga hold similar views when it comes what is Jihad and yaa lagu Jihaadaa. I opened the diologue with you because you asserted that even IF he did intice terrorism, thats not wrong.

can u quote some of what he said thats against Islam, and why do u take sides with his 2 stances?


Yes. For one, he praised that guy in Forhood shooting. So now, I fail to see how opening fire in noncombatant people is Jihad. I also fail to see how crashing planes into buildings, suicide bombing, and cutting people's hands off in a staduim when there isnt clearly a chosen Imam of the Umah is Islamic. You can go and say hada dagaal baa gaalada kula jirnaa, sidaa darteed waxaan sameeynaba waa noo banaan tahaay and to that I say Culimada maanta joogta way isku qilaafeen the rules of Jihad. For instance, dacwada ma lagu fuliyey dadkan gaalada ah ee aad guryahooda ku gubeyso?

, what do you say about aayadaha quraanka talking about in gaalada lala dagaalo? axaadiista: 'UMIRTU AN UQAATILANNAASA XATAA... Xadiiska Mucaad & kan Cali ..fain hum qabiluu daalika..casimuu dimaa'ahum' dhamaystiro waadigii Sheekhadda ahaaye?, weligaase ma maqashay inuu Rasuulka beri' (bariii') ka noqday Muslimka Gaalada la dega!, Jihaad, Xumu Riddah, Rajminta, in Gaalada la naco Muslimkana la jeclaado si qayaxan ma uga hadli karaa Sheikh wadamada Galbeed jooga?, Shaikh Faisal ku quus qaado, Jimco wanaagsan.


Bal sua'aalaha kore iiga soo jawaab inteynaan ka wada hadlin hijra to ardul kufaar.


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C&H, some would argue and say that your idea of diin jaceyl is not inline with LayZie's, especially if you think increasing your knowledge of the diin is visiting terrorist sites and reading and listening to material written and spoken by terrorists posing as Islamic clerics.


On the other hand, I and many others look to always confirm the source of the material we read, we rarely rely on the world wide web with the exception of downloading qur'an in audio or athan applications etc. We seek to increase our knowledge the old fashion way, reading textbooks, actual source and wealth of material is available for anyone seeking to increase their knowledge on the diin but you already knew that, right?


Therefore, I can't help wonder how you except me to familiarize myself with a known terrorist, its not like I frequent their personal blogs? Instead, I read foreign policy blogs and articles of experts on foreign policy and who is on the wanted list and who isn't. Who blew up who and how many.


Instead of visiting the personal blogs of terrorists, promising paradise and virgins, I would rather read about their handy work on foreign sites and judge it for myself while also criticizing them on a daily basis.


I'm repulsed anytime I read a line that starts with....

Sxb this is where people differ.

As thought carrying the attack on innocent people was settling until you see or hear the news of elderly people being flogged in public for missing prayers or heads of fellow muslims being chopped or their body parts scattered all over the streets for public viewership. Thats where people like you, C&H , blessed and this girl haatu differ with the hardliners.


You girls can not phantom the seriousness of this issue, which is why I have to continue to remind you, the choices are clear between one of two.


Be more aligned with my favourite sol brother Kasha, who does not mind hearing reports of human rights violation, w here sons of Somalia are firing mortars from heavily populated area against government forces or the recent news of young boys being hunted by "sons of Somalia" for deserting the militia and their family members being targeted, some even held hostage or family members being killed if they do not produce the whereabouts of the child soldier, etc etc.


Kasha, time in and time out said he is willing to live with the consequences and will overlook the atrocities committed by his boys, "sons of somalia". He is willing to overlook the human rights violations, the intimidation's, the butchering, the rape because in the end, it will be all worth it for getting rid of gaalo and gaalo raac crowd.


guess what? I have more respect for him than you lot, waayo, I know where Kasha stands on most issues that face the country and people, where as your crowd goes back and forward, not knowing which side to take in the name of staying neutral, criticizing each group whenever it benefits them.


you lot should be ashamed of yourselves and if I have to force your hand, I will succeed in making you choose one group over the other. You are either with the terrorists or you are against them. Not much to ponder on, seriously, wake up and smell the human waste around you. People are dying everyday, why is it so difficult to say that suicide bomb has no place in our religion? Why is it so easy for you to side with say, a masjid who recruits young boys to fight in foreign lands? By supporting such masjid, it does not mean with money or being a worshipper in the place but STAYING SILENT, NOT SAYING OR DOING ANYTHING ABOUT THE SITUATION. (I used the masjid as an example because your lot, not necessarily you get away with murder when you remain silent)


All in all, I see your own house is burning(the ultra radical group vs more moderate aka C&H and HAATU arguing about how far is too far), so I will not add anymore, except to say its about time you made a decision, the sooner, the better.

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^ Yo listen, and listen to me good. I am NOT a female. And quite frankly, I do not resemble a female in any way. Call me this one more time and you betta watch your back.


Now that is out of the way, before you jump to ill-conceived conclusions, re-read what I said and you will understand that I am actually against this mans views.


Bakhti dheh. Wasakhdan dadka iskaga boodo ayaa iga soo booday. F****** hell.

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Yariisey,Haatu, abaayo, I dont care waxa aa tahay, "ina baqti laqde" xataa noqo, I just dont what were you saying again?

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C&H, some would argue and say that your idea of diin jaceyl is not inline with LayZie's, especially if you think increasing your knowledge of the diin is visiting terrorist sites and reading and listening to material written and spoken by terrorists posing as Islamic clerics.

Haye, Waa ku kaa. This is why I said you know nothing about the man If you think he's always preached on "terrorist" blogs. No Surprise HERE!


On the other hand, I and many others look to always confirm the source of the material we read, we rarely rely on the world wide web with the exception of downloading qur'an in audio or athan applications etc. We seek to increase our knowledge the old fashion way, reading textbooks, actual source and wealth of material is available for anyone seeking to increase their knowledge on the diin but you already knew that, right?

As usual, you congratulate yourself a little too early. You educate yourself through text books, the old fashion way. We, according to you, get our info from terrorist blogs. YUP!




Therefore, I can't help wonder how you except me to familiarize myself with a known terrorist, its not like I frequent their personal blogs?



Good for you for not trolling blogs for legitimate information. Aha.
Instead, I read foreign policy blogs and articles of experts on foreign policy and who is on the wanted list and who isn't. Who blew up who and how many.

WTF??? Didnt you just say, you dont do blogs? OH I see, When it is about foreign policy and witch hunt, they become legitimate? Got it!


Instead of visiting the personal blogs of terrorists, promising paradise and virgins, I would rather read about their handy work on foreign sites and judge it for myself while also criticizing them on a daily basis.



Doesnt it become too taxing? I meaning joining hands with Islamic Phobes on blogs, DENOUNCING, DENOUNCING, DENOUNCING, And DENOUCING.......NEVER getting Credit for HATING enough on your own kind! Ayayay!!

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I'm not in the business of knowing the life and work of terrorists, past or present.


I do not go out of my way to get acquainted with the life story of terrorists posing as Islamic Clerics. Cowards who can not face their accuser, instead make youtube videos singing death to the non-believer, etc etc.


I asked you a question, how do you except me to familiarize myself with work of terrorists, past or present when I detest them?


My dear, I'm not in the business of seeking credit nor recognition.


First and foremost, I'm a private citizen. I express my views solely on the basis of being concerned for myself, others, including you. I do not want harm to come to anyone.


I detest people who falsely accuse others of wrong doing but never own up to their own atrocities.


I detest people who in private confess that suicide bombing is wrong but yet never say it out loud in public.


I detest so called refugees who take up shelter in western countries, including the United States of America yet talk of their host country as if they are the enemy.


I detest ungrateful refugees who condone the action against the aggressors, so called Jihadists who are waging war on everyone, including fellow Muslims.


I detest those refugees for the simple fact that they should know better, they are living the American dream. They have a roof over their head, they live in a stable environment. They no longer fear for the lives of their loved ones or a mortar landing on their room in the middle of a town in Idaho.


United States security comes at great cost but the first sign of the host country taking up a defensive position, they denounce them and call them the big bully of the world. They accuse them of singling out Muslims. What a bunch of ungrateful qaxootis


For heavens sake, why are you in America if you do not condone their foreign policy yet you want to reap the fruits of progress made else where?


IF you believe America to be the devil, why not go back home, where you will be welcomed with slow death?


Why not go to the Arab countries and they will welcome you with open arms?


Its simple, America never misrepresented itself, you knew what country you signed the dotted lines and took the same flight 13, the same flight as Kasha. Not once did you stop to think why am I residing in enemy territory?


So, please, next time a recycled lines about seeking credit ila imaatid, think....just once, think



I, LayZieG, know right from wrong.


I know its right to denounce someone who looks to harm others for no reason other than for having a different faith.


I know its right to speak the truth when the moment calls for it.


I know its right to preach to fellow Muslims that keeping silent is like getting away with Murder. You are not doing favours for yourself or anyone else.



I know its right to denounce people who use religion as a weapon and who bully the population to taking up their rhetoric because its the only way to stand as one.


As for wrongs...


I know its wrong to aim a mortar at a masjid or send a suicide bomber strapped with explosives into a populated area in order to make a point and to terrorize civilians, muslims and non muslims alike.


I know its wrong to target mothers and children and carry atrocities in the name of Islam.


I know its wrong to remain silent in the face of adversity.


My dear, this is no act, its simple instinct. My instinct tells me that it just isnt enough reading a material or believing that a suppose cleric was once authentic but now calls muslims to take up the bombs and ignite markets...(giving the benefit of the doubt just isnt enough, asking for evidence just isnt enough).or make video...either way, whether you knew his work before or after he became a terrorists, he is no longer a Muslim Cleric and you must denounce him....failure to do so will make you a sympathizer and soon, who knows, he might convince you to strap a bra full of explosive on you before shabaab asks you to take it off for being illegal in Somalia....just to put you in a public field and stone you to death.....



I can go on and on....

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and you must denounce him....failure to do so will make you a sympathizer and soon, who knows, he might convince you to strap a bra full of explosive on you

Lool. Lazie, are u on a mission.

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