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Sheeko run Ah (in somali) about Chat rooms..

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Dahabo Dowlo (note she added the nick 'dowlo' to her name after A/qasim was made president in Mogadishu) is an elderly lady and it was sad of her to write such and encounter. However on the other hand rumours making the rounds in Earls Court (London) says it is true that her accomploci in the net existed but that her version is not utterly true. It is said that the other party in her story threatened to reveal all that went on between them unless she meets his demands ( I have no idea what the demands were..but u can figure it out).

What is ironic though is for someone like Dahabo who has teenage children to go into such net relation and to make it matters worse to reveal it in the end. Cause if you actually read her account of the events she has participated it in full acceptance.

Somalida waxay ku duceysata 'Illahow ceebtana no qadhi'...waxa nasib dara ah in ay Dahabo ayada shiilka isaso dhigtey.

All in all I stand by my position that the internet is abused by those who venture out to do so and who are like wise in real life it is not a detering factor,.

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Salaam kabeer for my Baro family, I did not ennoy you few days , I was little busy though ;)


Can any one say it in English ,please! smile.gif



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Mutakalim sxb I didn't understand waxa aad qortay walaahi..


OG-Girl I missed you walaal..


The story is about some lady that falls in love with some man that she met online (chat rooms).

The lady has a husband and kids but he (the online person) makes her forget about what she has and tells her to give her husband a hard time so he would diforce her. To make a long story short, the man asked her to meat with him and so they after her husband goes for a trip. After he gets alone in her car he takes her for a ride. After a while she asked him to take her back because she didn't want to be far away from her house. But the man said too late. And she gets raped by the man and some other guy that was waiting for them. LOL..the story sounds better in somali with the sweetness and I gess Thats the best I could do..


Wareer badanaa..

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^^^plus the somali lady dies at the end as a result of the rape...


subxana laah, waa aduunyo waalatay,,wax walba in ay dhacaan waa la sugayaaa

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Feebaro thanks brother.... believe me I read it few months back from islamway and was Arab woman telling the story.


I will try to find it from their old articals Insha Allah.


Farxan, was Khalijian Lady NOT Somali.



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Acuudu Billah,Muta.. wadh yahe yaad cuskatey..?


wuxuu cuskadaa dadka reeer aakhiraadka uu intuu foox u shido.......... :D



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Thanks all,,


run ahaantii waa qiso la yaab leh,,, muddo ka hor baan arkay anigu runtiina aad bay ii murugo gelisay.


laakiin waxa aad moodaa in mushkiladda markiiba la saarayo Internetka iyo Chat rooms ka,,,,,, it is part of it... laakiin dhibka ugu weyni waa users ka,,,,,,, qofku wuu geli karaa, isticmaalina karaa chat rooms ka possitively,, laakiin markiiba dadku waxa ay bilaabayaan inay sheekooyin kele ku bedelaaan oo markiiba jacayl iyo wax aan jirin ay ku bilaabaan..



Take Care brothers and Sisters

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jaceelbaro your right sxb.


I think qof haduu iska aamino qof kale si aad iyo aad u daacad ah oo wili kaba daro like sida sheekadan naagta ku dhacday oo kale, waa qof aad u caqli yar oona aad u qafiif ah.


Their is nothing wrong with chatting with other over the net but if you are talking about something serious like this lady was, then you are playing ****** game. If you are serious about the relationship, why not call each other! why do they have to chat on the

yaab badanaa! Jaceelkeeda jaceel jiis ah uu ahaa meelna maku gaarin.


So people don't think their is something wrong with chatting over the net but be carefull and never get too personal unless you know the person or you have talked to them over the phone.


ps. OG-GIRL yes the lady was somalian...

wareer badanaa!!!

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Just a small idea that come to me a Minute ago.......


Suuragal ma tahay in la sameeyo inta sheekooyinkaas oo dhan la ururiyo qaar dheeraad ahna la raadiyo in Buug laga qoro si dadku uga faa'idaystaan iyadoo weliba luqado kelena lagu qorayo sida English & Arabic. ????

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Waraa shaqo culus waqtigaan hanugu furina..

Anaga waqti uma heyno dad in aan ka bad baadino chat rooms..Wixii baac ah oo ku daadanayan haku daataan kuwii kalana ha iska baashaal..Maxaa dhibkaas dhan


wareer badanaa!!

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