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2 Somalis killed in Edmonton

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Allaha unaxariisto; Samir iyo imaana ka siiyo cidahooda!!!


LayzieG, I am with you a 110%...A very good friend of mine's sister says caruurta inteeyan ku waalin aa la waalaa... Meaning keep them busy busy, so they have no time to do anything else (ie. her kids are now 12 and 14yrs, they go to school during the day, karate MON & WED after school, tutoring TUE & THURS after school, Dugsi SAT & SUN and swimming on FRI)...So goormey wax kale ineey sameeyaan waqti uhaayaan... ;););)

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Ganacsade Maxamed Maye iyo Dr Shukri Cabdicasiis Axmed Ciise




[Xaajiga koofida u suran Ditoor C/llaahi ma'ahoo? Shimuu ka tagay Koronto?]


Kulan dhexmarey Jaaliyada Soomaalida Iyo Madaxda magaalada Edmonton


Arboco, September 12, 2007 - Kadib markii labadii bishan toogasho lagu diley Allaha ha u naxariistee Qaasim Cabdulle Maxamed iyo Farxaan Siciid Xassan ayuu taliyaha Booliska Edmonton dalbadey kulan dhexmara Madaxda dagmada iyo Jaaliyada, kaasoo shalay ka dhacay xarrunta Jaaliyada Soomaalida, wadahadalona la-isku weydaarsadey.


Madaxdaas oo uu hogaaminayey Duqa Magaalada Stephen Mandel waxaa ka mid ahaa; Taliyaha Booliska Mike Boyd, Wakiilka Galbeedka dagmada Karen Leibovici iyo qaarkale. Dhanka kalana waxaa goobjoog ahaa Gudoomiyaha Jaaliyada Xassan Maxamed Cali (Taataa), qaar katirsan qoyskii uu ka baxey Farxaan Siciid iyo tiro xoogan oo Soomaali ah. Furitaanki xaflada oo tacsi ubadnaa kadib waxaa la-isweydiiyey xalka sida lagu helilahaa. Halka ay madaxda dagmadu ku celcelinayeen in loobaahan yahay is aamin dhexmara Jaaliyada iyo Ciidanka Nabadgelyada, waxa ay Soomaalidu ku dhaganeyd sababta aan xal loogu helin dilalkii hore.


Lagasoo bilaabo sanadakii 2004ta, waxaa magaalada Edmonton lagu diley afar qof oo aysan ku jirin labadan marxuum. Hal dil mooyee sadexda kale wali wax raad raac ah looma helin. Sidaa la-adligeed, goobjoogayaashii shaley caro ayaa wajiyadooda ka muuqatey. Nuur oo ka mid ah odayaasha magaalada ayaa carabka ku dhuftey, Boolisku in aysan dan kalahayn wiil soogalooti ah, balse ay dhaqso ku qabtaan cidii wax udhinta wadaniga cadaanka ah siiba dhasha dadka hantida leh. Cabdicasiis, oo ah Marxuum Farxaan walaalkiis ayaa isaguna Mike Boyd weydiiyey sida uu kalsooni uga filayo Soomalida maadaama aan wali dilalkii hore wax laga qaban. Su-aalahaas iyo qaarkale oo kulkululba waxaa looga jawaabey siguud oo ay xirfadi ku dheehan tahay.


Goobjoogayaal halkaa ka hadley ayaa iyuguna muujiyey taageero dhaqaale oo ay dagmadu u fidiso Jaaliyada in ay wax ka tareyso hoos u dhigida dhibka ka soo foodsaarey dhalinyarada. Maxamed Maye oo ganacsatada ka mid ah ayaa taabtey Jaaliyad aan laheyn howlwadeeno u gooni ah arrimaha bulshada in aysan dhib ka hortagi Karin, lana tacaali Karin arrimaha horyaalo ee laga doonayo in wax ka qabtaan. Midka mid ah ciyaartooyada ayaa isaguna ka hadley inta uusan u anbabixin Magaalada Vancouver oo ay Kooxda Edmonton ka soo qaadey koobkii Kubada Cagta ee SYL, inuu lakulmey Qaasim iyo Farxaan oo ay weydiistey in uula joogo oo safarka ka baaqdo. Wuxuu yiri guushii Vancouver guuldarey ku dhamaatey, kadib markii tacsida tiiraanyada lehi noo timid, Anagoon dabaaldagina waxaan usoo caroowney Edmonton oo aan inaba hayaraatee wax dhaqaale ah ku taageerin dhalina ciyaaraha.


Markale, Maamulka Dagmadu waxey ku jawaabeen hadalo ay xirfadi ka muuqato iyagoo u tilmaamey Jaaliyada waxa lagudboon oo ay uguhoreyso isku duubni iyo wadashaqeyn dhexdooda ah, mana jirin wax dhaqaale ah oo loo balan qaadey.


Ugudanbeyntii, waxaa lagu balamey in lawada shaqeeyo. Hasayeeshee majiraan faahfaahin dheeri ah oo ku saabsan waxa laga wada shaqeynayo iyo sida loo wadashaqeynayo midna. Sidaas la-adligeedna, waxaa kulankan lagu tilmaami karaa qowda maqashii waxna ha-uqaban.


Jaamac Farasle

Edmonton, Alberta


[sawiro kale.]

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we need to bond

Let's dear :D


On serious note Lazy, there is in actuality no Somali community. We are just bunch people who happen to speak the same tongue. Beyond that, we do nothing to farther our interests. For anyone including politicains to pay any serious attention to us, we do come together and fight for our rights as block.

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^, I agree with you Senor. I live in a town that has a population of less than half a million, and 10 yrs ago when we moved here, we had just a little under 50 somali families, that was our somali community.


Today, 2007, we probably have about 200-250 somali families.(all in thanks to the new immigrants that was settled here 3 or so yrs ago)


We have been trying to build a community for the longest time, but everytime we start a project, the qabiil game comes to play. Why is Qabiil hebel getting that much responsibility and why not my qabiil, etc etc.


They don't even want to consider hiring workers among themselves who qualify to run, they would rather have oday cilmi from baadiyo to kenya to canada running a vital role in the processes.(mind you oday cilmi didn't quite grasp the english language, and if you can't speak it, you need to hush it, there are funds to prepare, city hall gatherings to attend to, immigration to deal with etc if you can't speak, yet he wants to be a big shot just because he represents qabiil cilmi, it just won't work)


We are greedy, selfish individuals. We always seem to have an agenda, whenever we are trying to work things out, thats why I said I agreed with most of what "ME" had to say about this subject. I know it 1st hand. I was volunteering since age 14, doing plays, arranging picnics on the summer with our youth, so I know that if we as people from somali came together and formed a place for our youth of today to come and be themselves in, then our somali newcomers who came in the last 2-3yrs wouldn't be standing in downtown malls or shisha places or working at a factory and not attending school, they would have worked, gained experience and would have went to do better things than what their lives are today..

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Some people here got the notion that this was done by none-Somalis. No in Edmontin is is Somali on Somali crime. Just couple of nights ago there was another shooting at a night club which police taught was for the retaliation of these killings.

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Originally posted by mojam:

Some people here got the notion that this was done by none-Somalis. No in Edmontin is is Somali on Somali crime. Just couple of nights ago there was another shooting at a night club which police taught was for the retaliation of these killings.

Yes, gangkii iyo ciyaal dhiblaawiyaashii Koronto ka tagay ayaa gobolkaas isku aruursaday, siiba Edmonton, but on this particular tragic murders, wax caddeyn maad heystaa inay killers Soomaali yihiin? Kutiri kuteenka naga ilaali, baliis.

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^Seekknowledge - you will have to admit guys who do dacwa aren't exactly victims of random murder every day of the week. God knows best.


ThePoint- These two youth Farhan and Qasim are well known in the community for their work. The previous week's killing I don't know. Allah knows best.

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