
PM Khayre to lead Somaliland region talks in a new plan

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9 minutes ago, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

Saalax, Muuse Muqayil odeyaashii soo baraarugay ayuu u booteeyo rabaa. Jawaab fiican ayuu siiyey odeygaan.

Suldaanka 'Somaliland' oo ka jawaabay hanjabaaddii uu Muuse Biixi ugula kulmay ku baaqa midnimada Soomaaliya

Suldaanka guud ee beelaha Somaliland, Maxamed Suldaan Cabdiqaadir ayaa maanta si kulul uga jawaabay hanjabaadii uu dhowaan u direy Madaxweyne Muuse Biixi, kadib markii uu sheegay Suldaanku in midnimada umadda Soomaaliyeed ay tahay muqadas.

Suldaan Maxamed ayaa kamid ahaa Salaadiin ka hadlay wada-hadalada Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya, kuwaasi oo dalbanayey inay qeyb ka noqdaan wada-hadaladaa si looga gaaro natiijo wax ku ool ah.

Suldaanka ayaa hore u sheegay inay muhiim tahay dib u furida wada-hadaladaasi, isagoona carabka ku adkeeyay midnimada iyo wada-jirka ummadda Soomaaliyeed.

Suldaanka ayaa hanjabaada Muuse Biixi ku tilmaamay mid aan meesha oolin, isagoona sheegay haddii uu ka fiirsan waayo arrinkaasi inay reer Somaliland ka tashan doonaan oo shir-weyne iskugu iman doonaan.

Sidoo kale waxa uu Suldaanku shaki galiyay heerka aqooneed ee uu Madaxweyne Muuse Biixi u leeyahay arrimaha siyaasada, isagoona si dad-ban u sheegay inuusan u aqoonsaneyn Siyaasi hogaamin kara.

“Madaxweynaha waxaanu leenahay, Arrinku meel aanu taagnayn inaad gaadhsiisaan waa Fool-xumo. Madaxweynaha isku gefi mayno. Dadka Koonfureedna waxba hadal u dhigan mayno” ayuu yiri Suldaan Maxamed Suldaan Cabdiqaadir.

Wuxuuna intaas kusii daray Suldaanku “Meel aanu Arrinku nala gaadhin haddaad gaadhsiiso, Qaranka Somaliland baa ka wada-hadli. Ninka siyaasiga ah anigu waxaan u aqaan Ninka Jaamacad ka sita Shahaado, Siyaasada Jaaamacad baa looga soo baxaa oo Kuliyad dhan baa looga soo baxaa siyaasada”.

Hadalka kulul ee Suldaanku uu maanta uga jawaabay Hanjabaadii Madaxweyne Muuse Biixi ayaa kor usii qaadaysa xiisada kala dhaxeysa, xili ay ku kala aragti duwan-yihiin qaabka loo wajahayo wada-hadalada Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya.

Lamana oga in Xukuumada Somaliland ee uu hogaamiyo Madaxweyne Biixi ay talaabo ka dhan ah ka qaadi doonto Suldaankan iyada oo hore ugu hanjabtay, maadama ay hore u dhacday in Salaadiin iyo Siyaasiin kale oo aaminsan fikirka midnimada umadda Soomaaliyeed xabsiyada Somaliland lagu guray.


The so called suldaan is more likely to lose his freedom along with his ceremonial cumaamad then president Muuse entertaining his nonsense. I think the political mercenaries in Xamar are putting pressure on this so called suldaan who should be solving the inter-clan problems in Somaliland instead of pretending to know anything about international politics. 

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Any talk of this type that does not remotely involve Ghelleh is:

1. 99% fake trial balloon put for internet and waste others time
2. Not Somali idea or process, but ordered by foreigners who remain hidden for a reason
3. It has no Somali interest, content or purpose to it except serve someone's "masters".

Talk now should have been Coronavirus even if it was for propaganda. But NO has to be covered by the top lie, to bring SL back.

Make the lie big. Seems to work.

Before any talk of anything Somalia and Somaliland should renew, validate and make public the agreement between Mrs..Selaniyo and Ahmed Shiek in Djibouti.

Should be ratigfied by both Gurti and FParliament. Printed in Gazettees or whatever is used.

Anything else is talk of the day or talk of the week...

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19 hours ago, Tallaabo said:

The so called suldaan is more likely to lose his freedom along with his ceremonial cumaamad then president Muuse entertaining his nonsense. I think the political mercenaries in Xamar are putting pressure on this so called suldaan who should be solving the inter-clan problems in Somaliland instead of pretending to know anything about international politics. 

When did you become to garbage-talk like a sewage-dwelling vermin rat on SOL? Muuse Marqaanweyne as the old odey dhaqameed say waxba kama qaadi karo.

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Somaliland isn't going to talk to Somalia any time soon. And suldaanka ina dhabeeye hadu dhex fadhiisto sida cadaada u ah. Liin by jail kuso cabaya. And that counts for all suldaans koofiyaad bacle. Somaliland mustaqbalkeeda cidi kuma ciyaari karto. This is bigger then all of us

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19 hours ago, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

When did you become to garbage-talk like a sewage-dwelling vermin rat on SOL? Muuse Marqaanweyne as the old odey dhaqameed say waxba kama qaadi karo.

Did I say anything remotely untrue? Yes the so called suldaan or any other koofiyad bacle who tries to subvert Somaliland's democratic institutions or established systems will find himself dinning with our convinced highway robbers and those who were booked in for sexual deviance in the famous Mandheera prison. This has always been the case and will not change now. 

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