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"waaaaaaaaaaaa soo socdaaaaaaaaa"


Kaalaya feebaro aa meelkasto ka maqlooyaa maxaa dhacay fimadool la'aan maa dhacday..Aaaaaaaaaaaaa.. waraa feebaro waa ka laad laadaan naga fuqa ee tacluuga naga daaye xaajiyo qamsiin manihinee..see waaye..


Maama Juxa..hehehehe..walaahi abuukaatiga aduunka aa tahay. OG girl oo aan meeshaan ugu jeclahay xitaa waa igu dirtay..wareer badanaa..


OG-GIRL..sis i didn't say anything bad to you!! why you hate me so much? I'm soo sweet and juicy for real. I don't hate you. I hate the carab culture but not tried to like the carab culture but they say to me "haadaa cabiid, waja reeratun yaa axmaq" Yaa xabiibtii cafun yaaqee..and stop the name calling because I like you too much to call you names even thue you hate me... :( .. ma tihid waa iga qoslisiisayee..ticket keega ii jar kulahaa..waa la biibaa


waraa Qac' aniga fiyoore waa bixiyaa waraa taas adiga lee ka hadal diiditaankiisa..Roses..maxaa ka taqaan..laakiin dhibaatada waxaa waye gabdhahaan romantic wee jecel yihiin in loo sameeyo but 4real kama aha markee ee ku dhahaayaan.."ooow how sweet" been suujima ah iyo acting ee ka tahay..markaasee ku dhahaayaan tnx boo iyadoo afkeeda aad u khabtid jalmad qaxwo laga shubaayo..loooool...joke people..kuwiina fahmayona ii baashaala..Aaaaaaaaaaaa..


wareer badanaa!!

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^^^^^^^^^^ sometimes, i feel inaan margo kugu dhago.


waraa, ani maa waxaa igu dirtay idhahee. adaa miinaysnaa, oo dhulka iga kac ku dhahay, cirkana ku soo tuurey. ilaahay shartada hana mootiyo. najaynaa rifrifyahow. :D

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Nus Shillin



raali noqda cashar aan bixinaaye.meeshaan somaliga waa loogaga baahan yahay..yaa playing ciyaal bocor..


Mama Juxaa!!! shaqfir mataqaan xasad yahee..dhulka ilaaheey igama aaba isoo xasuusisay..hada kohor aa waxaa jiray koo reer xamar ah..wuxuu tagay jabuuti, markasee is dagaali rabeen koo jabutiyan ah.waxaa lagu dhahay kii reer xamarka ahaa " wadh yee, dee cagaha dhulka nooga qaad" lol...kii reer xamar wuxuu dhahay "hadaan dhulka ka qaado xagee geenaa baalal ma igu yaalaanee"


marka adiga hada aabitee camal aa hawada i raacsiinee yaah xasad yahee..Xirsi aan kaa xirtay..shartaada iyo fooxada ilaaheey hanaga qabto..


wareer badanaa!!

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I shall share with you all a little story, it has absolutely nothing to do with anything said on this post, but I’ll tell it anyway, it’ll lighten things up.


My aunty (bless her soul) is one of those woman who wear the veil, now this aunty loves to dress in black, I mean seriously dressed in black (i.e. black skirt, hijab, gloves, shoes, the veil…etc). So on a day like any HOT day, she was going to the bank dressed in black to last article of clothing.


I, her favourite niece went along with her, on our way to the bank people stared, kids pointed and ran when my aunt said “boo†did I mention my aunt loves to scare ppl?? Well she does, but anyhow, back to the story finally after all the “boosâ€, the running kids, the finger pointing, the stares and oh the insults we go to the bank.


It was a very busy day, hot and long line ups…a really bad day. But my aunt was determined to get her money, so we got in line. Now right in front of us there was this man who kept fidgeting and looking back, my aunt turns towards me and says “ this man is afraid, he thinks I’ve got something under my hijab, what would he do if I put my bag under my hijab and made it look like a had a gun?†I said “that’s crazy!†But being equally as evil as her I told her to do it.


And so she did. Alla guess what the guy did next??? Ya rabbi this man dropped his papers, pointed at my aunts hijab and screamed “she has a gun!†did I tell you that she wears the long kind of hijab?? Well she does Hmm I forget important parts of my story, but anywho! Let’s move on.


The man ran to the other line away from us… my aunt being in a rather mischievous mood picked up the silly man’s papers and walked towards him (still holding one hand under her hijab) let me just say that the man’s bladder was strong that day…he turned ghost pale and ran like he had a lion chasing him!! My aunt laughed and walked up to the security guard, handed over the papers to him, and flashed her gun/purse on her way back to the line.


This little incident gave everyone in the bank something to laugh about. Oh what fools we are when we look at other and make assumptions.


Tell me y’all found that interesting and uplifting … okay so maybe it wasn’t uplifting, but it gave you something to laugh about …right?


ps was this fictional?...hmmmm


ta ta

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i remember suul cowro . somehow he reminds me of feebaro.


i bet no one knows that sheeko. other sheekooying, catir caano ka dhuuq, caraweelo, dhagdheer, cumar beenaale

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kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk@ suul Cowro..walaahi xasad waaye tan..Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..


Yaree faraha iga qaad nooh..gabadha sheeko casri ah oo jagac bagac ah oo wili ba ceesan bee iska daa nooh..


wareer badanaa!!

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