
Reer waqooyi meel walba qabyaalad ayey ka uriyaan.

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Magool hal qabsi yuu ula jeedaa waa la gartay wuxuuna diidan yahay heesaha inta tacsidu taal

Ma garanaysaa wuxuu ula jeedo hàdaynu daantaas nahay?

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12 minutes ago, gooni said:

Magool hal qabsi yuu ula jeedaa waa la gartay wuxuuna diidan yahay heesaha inta tacsidu taal

Ma garanaysaa wuxuu ula jeedo hàdaynu daantaas nahay?

Maa daama Hargeisa beel walba ay xaafad dagantahay daanta waa xafadooda..

Magoolna ma heysto odayga ee wuxuu Ku dhagnyahay wasiirka warfaafinta.

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Wuxuu qabyaaladaynayo ma wasiirkooda warfaafintaa?

Waxaan u qaatay inaan magool isku jamhuuriyad nahay oo aanan shaqo ku lahayn amuurahooda kale iyo wasiiradooda.

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1 hour ago, gooni said:

Wuxuu qabyaaladaynayo ma wasiirkooda warfaafintaa?

Waxaan u qaatay inaan magool isku jamhuuriyad nahay oo aanan shaqo ku lahayn amuurahooda kale iyo wasiiradooda.

Maya wasiirka ayuu heystaa uu leeyahay odayga dhintay ma uu san xushmeynin oo heeso ayuu idaacada kasii daayey.

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Dadku waa kala daan Hargeisa. Magaalada waa lakala degan yahay.

No one can get a land to build  a house  in the neighborhood that belongs to the Suldaanka and Daanta this man is talking about.

At least you could find different people on shacabka and 26 Juun side, but Suldaanka area is no go area.

A friend who came from Mogadishu had found out that the young men who came from Hargeisa are shocked how the people of Mogadishu doesn't care which tribe they belong. They might identify them with Somaliland but the people generally do not care about their tribe.


He said that some of the young men who grew up during the sermons of Faysal Waraabe and others who describe the southern Somalis as evil people who would murder nor mistreat anyone from the north were shocked to find out how friendly is Mogadishu.

Waxa lagu yidhi dhalinta koonfurtu waa dadkii idin laayey , waa dad dugaag ah oo cadaw ah. That was how these kids grew up. Yet, suddenly they saw unlike Hargeisa people are mixed and no one cares about their tribe. Today in Hargeisa people from west Hargeisa do not dare to go the Daanta of this old man.

Anyway, the biggest news of all this drama is that this the third police chief to die for the last eight years. In fact, the deputy police chief  who supposed to take over from the one who died yesterday had stroke and almost in death bed.

Go figure why they dying and dropping like flies.

Malaha xaqii dadka ayaa ka dilaacay. Dambigii ummadda ayaa laga goynayaa.

They will arrest you just before sun down  and will keep you in jail at night until you pay the ransom. The Hargeisa jails are full of people.





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34 minutes ago, galbeedi said:



Dadku waa kala daan Hargeisa. Magaalada waa lakala degan yahay.

No one can get a land to build  a house  in the neighborhood that belongs to the Suldaanka and Daanta this man is talking about.

At least you could find different people on shacabka and 26 Juun side, but Suldaanka area is no go area.

A friend who came from Mogadishu had found out that the young men who came from Hargeisa are shocked how the people of Mogadishu doesn't care which tribe they belong. They might identify them with Somaliland but the people generally do not care about their tribe.


He said that some of the young men who grew up during the sermons of Faysal Waraabe and others who describe the southern Somalis as evil people who would murder nor mistreat anyone from the north were shocked to find out how friendly is Mogadishu.

Waxa lagu yidhi dhalinta koonfurtu waa dadkii idin laayey , waa dad dugaag ah oo cadaw ah. That was how these kids grew up. Yet, suddenly they saw unlike Hargeisa people are mixed and no one cares about their tribe. Today in Hargeisa people from west Hargeisa do not dare to go the Daanta of this old man.

Anyway, the biggest news of all this drama is that this the third police chief to die for the last eight years. In fact, the deputy police chief  who supposed to take over from the one who died yesterday had stroke and almost in death bed.

Go figure why they dying and dropping like flies.

Malaha xaqii dadka ayaa ka dilaacay. Dambigii ummadda ayaa laga goynayaa.

They will arrest you just before sun down  and will keep you in jail at night until you pay the ransom. The Hargeisa jails are full of people.





Sxb wax badan ayaan ka ogyahay reerkan waxaan daganahay magaalo UK Ku taalo la yiraahdo Bristol waxaa u badan reer waqooyi specially muusa biixi family and I see daily how they mistreat other reer waqooyi,

Kuwa ka dhashay qabaalida kale sida kuwa Ku abtirsada wadani iyo ucid waxay fadhiistaan maqaayada Reer koofurka Uma tagin karaan maqaayada Reer muusa biixi.

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1 hour ago, galbeedi said:



Dadku waa kala daan Hargeisa. Magaalada waa lakala degan yahay.

No one can get a land to build  a house  in the neighborhood that belongs to the Suldaanka and Daanta this man is talking about.

At least you could find different people on shacabka and 26 Juun side, but Suldaanka area is no go area.

A friend who came from Mogadishu had found out that the young men who came from Hargeisa are shocked how the people of Mogadishu doesn't care which tribe they belong. They might identify them with Somaliland but the people generally do not care about their tribe.


He said that some of the young men who grew up during the sermons of Faysal Waraabe and others who describe the southern Somalis as evil people who would murder nor mistreat anyone from the north were shocked to find out how friendly is Mogadishu.

Waxa lagu yidhi dhalinta koonfurtu waa dadkii idin laayey , waa dad dugaag ah oo cadaw ah. That was how these kids grew up. Yet, suddenly they saw unlike Hargeisa people are mixed and no one cares about their tribe. Today in Hargeisa people from west Hargeisa do not dare to go the Daanta of this old man.

Anyway, the biggest news of all this drama is that this the third police chief to die for the last eight years. In fact, the deputy police chief  who supposed to take over from the one who died yesterday had stroke and almost in death bed.

Go figure why they dying and dropping like flies.

Malaha xaqii dadka ayaa ka dilaacay. Dambigii ummadda ayaa laga goynayaa.

They will arrest you just before sun down  and will keep you in jail at night until you pay the ransom. The Hargeisa jails are full of people.





Xamar sida dhoobo camal u tubanyihiin Reer Waqooyi, bajaajkana kuwa badan dhalinta Waqooyi ka mid ah wado, qaarkood waliba calankooda qabiileed gacanta ugu xiran. Wax saas u fiirinaayo iska yar, qof walba nolol maalmeedkiisa ku mashquulsanyahay.

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1 hour ago, cadnaan1 said:

Sxb wax badan ayaan ka ogyahay reerkan waxaan daganahay magaalo UK Ku taalo la yiraahdo Bristol waxaa u badan reer waqooyi specially muusa biixi family and I see daily how they mistreat other reer waqooyi,

Kuwa ka dhashay qabaalida kale sida kuwa Ku abtirsada wadani iyo ucid waxay fadhiistaan maqaayada Reer koofurka Uma tagin karaan maqaayada Reer muusa biixi.

I hate to pile on Suldaanka but dude was saying in another post reer Awdal weey kibreen as if that community  are guests in their own homes or owe Hargeysa anything.

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In waqooyi the 'clan' is a popular deity locals and their salaadiin worship more than five times a day. It has striking similarities to hanuman- the hugely popular monkey god worshipped in India, as its adherents are encouraged to do monkey business in basically every social, political, and economic affair. 

  • Haha - That was funny. You made me laugh! 1

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5 hours ago, Tallaabo said:

In waqooyi the 'clan' is a popular deity locals and their salaadiin worship more than five times a day. It has striking similarities to hanuman- the hugely popular monkey god worshipped in India, as its adherents are encouraged to do monkey business in basically every social, political, and economic affair. 

🤣.....making sense of the madness.

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So the koonfurians are telling us they are less clanist then Somalilanders. When  they  destroyed their nation based on qabil. We in Somaliland are honest  with each other. And there are no daans in Hargeisa. Every part of Hargeysa is part of the nations capital. From massalaha to sheedeeha to Sinai. 

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Mucjisadu waa magaalo nabad ka jirtay 30 sano oo dadkeedii beelo u kala degan yihiin sida hargaysa

Iyo magaalo dadkeedu is dhex degan yihiin oo aan nabad haysan 30 sano sida muqdisho

Sababtu waa sahal in la fahmo

Hargaysa beel qudhaa degenayd waligeedba wayna sii kala jifowday

Muqdishana waa caasimad la wada deganaa waligeedba

Hadii aad dooranayso inaad dhul degto ama dhisato raadi magaalo qabiil kastaa laga helo been kuu sheegi maayee taladaas waad u aayi.


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Awoowe  laba kala saar, mid waa qofka aan beesha Mogadishu leh (H-clan) ahayn, meelshu doono ayu Mogadishu kaga noolaan karaa. Hargeisa qofka aan deegaan ahaan ka soo jeedin, daanta uu doono ayuu kaga noolaadaa.

Mogadishu waa la yaqaan sida loo kala dego, degmo degmo iyo xaafad xaafad. Beesha Habar Gidir siday u kala baxdo ayay Mogadishu xaafado ugu kala badantay, sidoo kale beesha Abgaal xaafada iyo degmooyinka ay ku badantay waa la yaqaan. Ka daalik beesha Xassan Khaire ee Dayniile. 

Hargeisa sidaa oo kale ayuunbay reer walba meel ayuu ku badanyay, waana dabeeci (natural). Laakin hadana degmo kasta oo Hargeisa ah, waa la is dhex degaa. 

Hadii aad magaalo kasta oo Soomaliyeed aad soo qaadato sawirku waa isku mid. Borama lafteeda xaafad ayaa loo kala degaa. 

Hadii runta laga hadlaayo magaaladda kali ah ee la isdhex dego, ee lacagtu kala soocdo waa Djibouti. Djibout is a class based city, if you are poor you live in Belbela regardless of clan background. If you are rich, then you reside in the well off suburbs. 

Waxba yaan Hargeisa farta lagu soo fiiqin. It is case of pot calling the kettle black. 

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