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Cruel side of the Arab world

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Zzz…oh sorry what were we talking about? Oh yeah, human rights violation. Where in the loving hell did SB got the word hate? I guess you don’t get it! He just heaves on the screen to show that he can write complete nonsense to stir some reaction. I am sensing something amiss here. Who is pointing a fault here just to make the Arabs look bad, ha?

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You letting out some pent-up hate here or is this part of your persona we've being spared in the past percolating through your posts?


If the latter, I suggest joining anger management self-help group ASAP. Crashing your local Alcoholics Anonymous will suit. It's imperative you get your anger under control before it ruins your life.

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SB, what ticked me off was how some of the response looked like I was projecting the Arabs as a bad people. It is important to realize that I need an anger management. Don’t we learn so many new developments in our lives? One can not truly get to know a person through few and scanty words he writes on a forum. This might be a sign to you and the rest that a person can come out with quite colorful personalities (highly inflexible one) ;) .


PS Joining Jack Daniel's counselling is in line for me...

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The way foreign workers are treated in Isreal is far worst, at least they get some "Islamic" care in arab world.

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I want to see these Arabs be treated the same way in Africa. Isreal treatment is better than the “Islamic†care you’re referring to.

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well what goes around comes around! did u hear what happened to saudi dude last week! his maid cut his thing off while he was raping her!!


these ppl are down right bad!! i just cant trust them!! i dont believe they are hollier than thou, as many of u believe!! infact, they pull islam down!! their -vetity out weighs their lil +ve ones!!

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And many of my friends argue that the middle east is the ideal place to live. :eek: Where are the human rights watch groups when you need them. :confused:

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Hey, its the racial version of "hand-me-downs." The Arabs get treated like sh!t by Westerners and so they [Arabs] in turn treat the less-privileged like sh!t.


Unfortunate, but that's reality.

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Cruel side of the Arab world.


Why are we surprised or shocked by this? Every nation has their cruel and inhumane side. Quick, someone tell me about how ethnic Somalis treat the Bantus and other minorities (& used to).

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^Another Arab hater joining the choir. Shame on you!


Mrs. PrimeTime, maxaa ka dooni Somalida shacbiga Bantu sidey u maamuli jireen in laguu sheego? Sowdigii ahaa inan aan aqoonin Af hooyadeed. Orod oo luqada waalidkaa soo baro kadib baa laguu sharaxi Taarikhda.





Don't be another unwary victim of my wisecracks, I was only pulling your leg.

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As codetalker mentioned, hand me down racism is everywhere, the white man has been the most successful brand we have yet to see, or should i say the concept of the light skin being better, 20/20 had a program while back on iq levels, and people voted by looking at pictures of light skin and dark skin characters, and the people who scored the highest were the ligh skin ones -- here's the catch thou, the pictures contained multiple photoshoped images of people who were rated as having low iq rates. Look at BET music videos, they always use ligh skin women, the artist is always trying to get the light skin female, while the dark skin female is always portrayed as the gold diggin hoodrat --- even ask yourselves why is god always a white man with a white beard, and lets not get to the concept of the white light, or the colour white as welcoming, transparent, and peaceful, while the colour black is associated with uncertainty and the unknown and unwelcoming --- we must look beyond the meaning of things, there are meanings and ideas that are embedded in languages --- arabs favour whites over blacks, and even somalis hate other somalis becuase of clannism.


one thing about somalis is that we hate everyone equally :D

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Honestly people...stereotyping isn't healthy. Just because there are a few black sheep...doesn't mean the whole herd is rotten.


The problem is...those of us who don't live in a particular area tend to hear the bad news about it before the good stuff...and judging by some of your remarks...I'm sure the western media would be proud of it's acheivement.


Now I'm not protecting Saudis...because there are those filthy ones who ruin Islam's image...let alone Saudi's. But the majority are those friendly, intelligent, faithful ones who pray their 5 prayers in harmony with all the other foreigners of all calsses...


Stop generalizing...I believe it's a sin to talk negative about people...

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Originally posted by CT

Hey, its the racial version of "hand-me-downs." The Arabs get treated like sh!t by Westerners and so they [Arabs] in turn treat the less-privileged like sh!t.

Exactly! ...and the less-privileged treat those down the ladder (under them) like shiit and so on.... Waa duni madaxa la isaga wada taagan yahay!

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Well not long ago i used to be Arab basher,but after visiting recently two arab countries i came to the conclusion that they are not what they seem to be accused for.Hospitality that i received was great and i suggest to every one to hold their horses before they can see their own eyes and then judge .But if you have to well you have every right to do so but at the same time flip the coin on the other side and tell the good part .

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Yes a minority get mistreated but why dont we focus on the bigger picture. We all know bad news is whats always spread but the majority of maids are treated well and many of them become muslims as a result. But hey this is not reported,,,

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