
Federalka Somalia iyo jahawareerka

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Indeed, some folks do find Somalia’s nascent Federalism a pretty hard morsel to swallow and does indeed bear something of the air of a baffling paradox, but in good time and Allah willing, jahwareekaan ba’an wuu idinka bi’i doonaa.

Be patient; major achievements take time.

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kuwa federaalka kasoo horjeeda ayaa jahawareer wada, mana hayaan wax dhaama. Somalidu way aragtay burburka kaligii talisnimo keentay markii Somali oo dhan hal magaalo laga maamulo. 

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Kaligi talis wuxuu ka jiraa puntland, federaal iyo dawlad dhexe intaba ma ogola, waa maamul jufo oo aan jiho iyo jid loo raaco lahayn.

Dastuurkii ku meel gaarka ahaa qaybna way diideen, intii soo hartayna snm hala sugo bay ku taliyeen.

Manhajka wax barashada ama shahaado midaysan waa waxa ugu fudud oo ay kula heshiin karaan federaalka dhexe

Balse doodoodu waxay kusoo ururtay puntland waa ka fac wayntahay federaalka shalay la dhisay waana ka horaysay. 

See 21 jir 4 jir wax ugu sheegi karaa?

Ama aqoonyahan ha sheegto ama culumo ha sheegto maamulka puntland, qofkii sharci ku difaaca waa qabiilayste aan rajo lahayn.

Dhanka amniga waa shacab baràkaysan oo aan dhib jeclayn cid kastaana maamulan karto.

Markii warka lasoo koobo

Puntland maamulkoodu wuxuu doonayaa federaal calankiisu gaar yahay, manhajkiisu gaar yahay, ciidankiisu gaar yahay, arimihiisa dibadda gaar u tahay, hawadiisu gaar tahay, kaluunkiisu gaar yahay, hadana daris la noqda federaal kale oo ay fowdeeyaan.


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Wararka Maanta

Xildhibaan xukuumadda uga digay in ay qaado ciidanka murunka ka taagan yahay

They argue the new government trained from Beledweyne cannot go to Guriceel and galgaduud to participate in a security operation. They did not have problem government recruiting them but they want the boys to get paid and just protect the tribe from other tribes. The idea is they can not go to Matabaan which is part of Hiiraan because there are  different tribes settling there who they sometime fight each other. this is the Somali federalism. It is more legalizing anarchism and tribalism with no end. Of course the shabaab is part of it.

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1 hour ago, Duufaan said:

Wararka Maanta

Xildhibaan xukuumadda uga digay in ay qaado ciidanka murunka ka taagan yahay

They argue the new government trained from Beledweyne cannot go to Guriceel and galgaduud to participate in a security operation. They did not have problem government recruiting them but they want the boys to get paid and just protect the tribe from other tribes. The idea is they can not go to Matabaan which is part of Hiiraan because there are  different tribes settling there who they sometime fight each other. this is the Somali federalism. It is more legalizing anarchism and tribalism with no end. Of course the shabaab is part of it.

Simply stop their wages and let the odayaal pay them

But the question is why they deploying them to guriceel when we know shabaab are few kilometres away from beledweyne itself

80% of hiiraan is in the hands of shabaab that need to be liberated.

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Why does Mogadishu clan keep all its eggs in the Central system basket? Just because Mogadishu is the capital, Muqdishaawis think they will lose influence if the federal system takes hold so they attack it all the time with social media propaganda. 

Give it up guys. Get on with the times. 

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On 9/11/2019 at 11:16 AM, Dahireeto said:

Why does Mogadishu clan keep all its eggs in the Central system basket? Just because Mogadishu is the capital, Muqdishaawis think they will lose influence if the federal system takes hold so they attack it all the time with social media propaganda. 

Give it up guys. Get on with the times. 

Its also a contradiction at this time to want centralized rule and reconciliation. Putting cart before the horse.

Regional admins are here to stay. No reconciliation, no constitution to even have functioning federal government let alone centralized one.

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