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Only with Gratitude does one truly Become Rich--Be Satisfied with what you have.

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An American businessman was at the pier of a small coastal Mexican village when a small boat with just one fisherman docked. Inside the small boat were several large yellow-fin tuna.


The American complimented the Mexican on the quality of his fish and asked how long it took to catch them.


The Mexican replied "only a little while".


The American then asked why didn't he stay out longer and catch more fish?


The Mexican said he had enough to support his family's immediate needs.


The American then asked, but what do you do with the rest of your time?


The Mexican fisherman said, "I sleep late, fish a little, play with my children, take siesta with my wife, Maria, stroll into the village each evening where I sip wine and play guitar with my amigos, I have a full and busy life, senor."


The American scoffed, "I am a Harvard MBA and could help you. You should spend more time fishing and with the proceeds, buy a bigger boat. With the proceeds from the bigger boat you could buy several boats, eventually you would have a fleet of fishing boats. Instead of selling your catch to a middleman you would sell directly to the processor, eventually opening your own cannery. You would control the product, processing and distribution. You would need to leave this small coastal fishing village and move to Mexico City, then LA and eventually NY where you will run your expanding enterprise."


The Mexican fisherman asked, "But senor, how long will this all take?"


To which the American replied, "15 - 20 years."


"But what then, senor?"


The American laughed and said that's the best part. When the time is right you would announce an IPO and sell your company stock to the public and become very rich. You would make millions.


"Millions, senor? Then what?"


The American said, "Then you would retire. Move to a small coastal fishing village where you would sleep late, fish a little, play with your kids, take siesta with your wife, stroll to the village in the evenings where you could sip wine and play your guitar with your amigos ....."

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As the poet pronounced:



إن الÙقيه هـو الÙقيـه بÙعلـه

ليس الÙقيـه بنطقـه ومقالـه

وكذا الرئيس هو الرئيس بخلقه

ليس الرئيس بقومه ورجالـه

وكذا الغني هو الغني بحالـه

ليس الغنـي بملكـه وبمالـه

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Article on Contentment I found smile.gif


As we all pass through life looking at people and materialistic things around us, We often tend to look at people above us and desire to be like them. But Islam advises us to look at those below us and feel contempt at what Allah has provided us. Listed below would be some practical suggestions on achieving this contentment and repelling the greed of want of more. It is said that a man complained about his old shoes until he saw a man who had no feet.


Greed for More: A Fact of Human Nature Contentment is one of the most important prerequisites for happiness in life, and, unfortunately, many of us don't have it. We have a good car that meets our needs, but we always want a nicer, more expensive one---a Mercedes or a Jaguar perhaps. We have a nice house, but we always want a bigger, fancier, more expensive one. More jewelry, fancier clothes, a boat. The list goes on. We always think about more rather than saying, Alhamdulillah, for what we already have. Things that Lure us Out of Contentment A good rule for developing contentment is to always look at the people who have less than us, not the ones who have more.It might seem to be difficult because almost all advertising is geared toward showing us people who have more than us and enticing us to want it. They show us beautiful cars, beautiful houses, handsome men, and beautiful women. And we can get it all with a credit card. If our lives don't match the ad, we should make a change --- buy a new car, get a new wife or girlfriend, give her a bigger diamond! Muslims Falling Prey to Materialism Even Muslims have fallen into this trap. Many drive expensive cars far beyond their needs, not just for dependability, but for prestige or to make people say, Wow! These Muslims have been deceived, duped by the multi-billion dollar advertising industry --- the chief enemy of contentment, the chief advocate of a lifestyle of constant wanting. Many children are the same. They have grown up surrounded by advertisements on TV, on the radio, and on billboards. They want everything they see, and they expect to get it---now! But how can we teach them to be content, if we are not content ourselves? Instead of wanting everything we see, we need to learn to resist. Instead of letting our children have everything they want, we need to teach them to be thankful for what they have.


Example of the Prophet Life: This is indeed following the example of the Prophet Muhammed (SAWS) and the early Muslims. The story is told of the time Prophet Muhammed (SAWS) saw his beloved daughter Fatima wearing a dress made of camel hair . Although tears welled in his eyes at the sight, he is reported to have told her, Fatima, today endure the hardships and poverty with patience so that you may acquire the comfort of Paradise tomorrow on the Day of Judgment. On another occasion, Umar saw the simple life of the Prophet (SAWS) and said: O Messenger of God! While kings sleep in soft, feather beds, you are lying on a rough mat. You are the Messenger of God and thereby deserve more than any other people to live an easy life. The Prophet (SAWS) was reported to have replied: Do you not agree that the luxuries of the world should be theirs but those of the Hereafter ours ? (Bukhari, Tafsir, 287; Muslim, Talaq, 31)


There can be no doubt that the Prophet himself (SAWS) and the early Caliphs --- some of the greatest heroes of Islam --- lived very simple lives with contentment .


Practical Suggestions in Developing Contentment:


The following are some principles that, if remembered, will help us develop this type of contentment in our own lives.


* As previously mentioned, we should look at the people who have less than us, not those who have more.


* When purchasing something, we should consider what we need , not how glamorous or prestigious it is.


* We should feel empathy for the poor and know that they have rights on our excess money.


* We should look at what we already have and be thankful to Allah (SWT). Many people possess the material goods of the world and are not happy. In fact, they are often the most miserable people. With everything they have, they still feel they want more. This unfilled desire, along with the constant nagging in their heart for more, makes them unhappy. Those who have little but feel no need for more do not experience this nagging in their heart. They can relax and find peace. Indeed, the richest person is not the one who has the most, but the one who is content with what he has."



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I am sorry to say this but how can I be content with I already have? :mad:


I am poor so should I be content with my poverty or seek ways to improve my situation?


I am in love but is being in love good enough, should I be content with Only feelings or should I find ways to make this lovely Angel my life long companion and the mother of my future Children Insha Allah?


Sister FF,


It is a wonderful topic no doubt about that and I enjoyed reading every single line of it but IL CAPO begs to differ as he blatantly refuses to remain broke because who on earth would give a Malaika to a broke guy like me huh?


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^^^ :D:D:D:D


Of course not!!!


Actually at the Eid sermon I attended the Imam was saying that muslims believe that they have to suffer and live a simple life in order to feel that they are true believers and have strength of faith. But thats not true. Muslims should work hard, be rich, and spend in the way of Allah.


What Im talking about is the green-eyed monster that rules and controls most people's lives. Jealousy makes one bitter, mean-hearted and whiny.

Thats what we have to be careful of.


And realize no matter how low you are in the ladder...there are others below you. And your position is life is thanks to ALlah's mercy.


Sometimes Id be walking in the rain or snow and thinking to myslef "Alhamdulliah Im not homeless. Theyre suffering and Im in a warm house with family and everything I need". Just remember Allah at all times.


ALlah says help yourself so that I can help you.


I am in love but is being in love good enough, should I be content with Only feelings or should I find ways to make this lovely Angel my life long companion and the mother of my future Children Insha Allah?

Dont take advice from me...Id tell you to stalk her and threaten her until she complies :D

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I would have walked out of that sermon believe me, where does it say "We Muslims should suffer?" there is a saheeh hadeeth which says how the Prophet P.B.U.H prayed against poverty because believe me "Poverty" is the route of all evil but so is "Wealth" so instead of praying and dreaming to be rich I think we should pray for a wealth that doesn't put our faith in jeopardy, in other words what good is wealth when you are cursed with it and you don't live to enjoy the fruits of your success.



Do you think I haven't tried stalking her?


I did but then she got mad and called her brother who in return beat the love out of me and her father happens to be a police captain so I don't want to go back to jail again, do you have any other advice for me please?


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good tpoic sis.

It is evident that our conscious give us a conception of our own person.As someone who beleives in self reliance perhaps its not bad to have a ground beleive in increasing your wants.Materialism can be limiting but don't you need a strong economic foundation?.I am not advocating a success in a selfish kind.Increase your want while you give out through charities.

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I do agree with both the prophet's examples and the american businessman.We should define decency and simplicity,but we should also maximaze our profits so that in the near future we get ride of this culture of dependency on others.

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IL Capo: Brother you have misunderstood me. I said the IMAM was preaching that muslims DONT HAVE to suffer and deny themselves the pleasures of live CONTARY TO what they believe.

Some people assume that to be closer to Allah one has to live a very simple existence with minimal possessions...AND THATS NOT TRUE.


You can be rich as you like---but you have to be content with that and not want more and more and more....Also you have to recognize that the poor and needy have a RIGHT (yes a RIGHT) to a percentage of your wealth.

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