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Medulla Oblongata

Did you know that people sometimes were buried alive?

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In the past it wasn't always possible to know if someone was dead or just in a coma. In fact, people were terrified of regaining consciousness only to discover themselves trapped inside a box underground. So during the early 1900s, the Society for the Prevention of Premature Burial was formed in the United States and in England. This group supported the development of techniques and equipment to help families know if their loved ones was genuinely dead prior to burial. One of the procedures was to tie a string to the finger of the person being buried. The string passed through a hole in the coffin to a bell mounted on top of the grave. If the person wasn't actually dead and regained consciousness after being buried, it was possible to sound the alarm. Is it possible for third world countries with no machines to record when a person's heart has offically stopped beating to be buried alive today?

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I guess no one ever thought to take their that's a concep


Lee;Oh come on dont be so sciencetific ;)


You dont have to proof the person is dead; its natural. You dont breath, You are pronounced dead . And oh dont bother to ask me for proof either smile.gif


Is it possible for third world countries with no machines to record when a person's heart has offically stopped beating to be buried alive today


Possible. But i thought it was 'basic' knowledge for any personel working in the field to figure that one out

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Originally posted by Brown:

You dont have to proof the person is dead; its natural. You dont breath, You are pronounced dead.


Consider a reer badiyo who tripped and bumped his head on the ground. Unfortunately, the guy went in a state of unconsciousness from which the reer badiyo cannot be awakened or aroused, in other words a coma. How would his fellow reer badiyians (if that word exist :confused: ) know if he passed away or not?

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Edgar Allan Poe wrote a lovely tale on that topic. Read it here (there is another he wrote that I can’t recall the name of now).



sheherazade, I think he also asked that same question in his story.

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this has actually, happened to a friend and classmate of mine. in somalia.


the guy had malaria, it was a severe case, he was in and out of comma for almost 10 dayz.,his family pronounced him dead on the 11th day.


they proceeded with the traditional 'axan iyo fiddo', they slaughtered a camel, and had great big feast, while his father and brother's washed and prepared the body.


the next morning we prayed, salaat al-janaaza, on him, then we went to the cemetery, to bury him.


if u'r not familiar with the burial procees back home, first they dig a hole, rectangular, vertically down, then, in one of the walls, the dig horizanntalyy they call it 'iil' and this is where the body is to be placed facing the qibla.


while the du'aa was being read, and the body was being placed inside the, 'iil',he urinated,(pissed on his karfan), we(the ppl standing outsied the grave), heard the diggers yelling & screaming, 'he's alive !'



that was really frightening, some of the guyz, who never prayed b4, were staying up, all night praying, ppl remember allah, when someone close dies.


they brought him back up, took him home, he was in comma for 6 more dayz, then he was fine, after that they used to call him 'saxar-diid' b4 his name was maxamed.


when he was told, what happened, damn he was shocked for a few dayz, then everything back to normal,

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Wow Geel jire makes you think huh? :eek: Masha'Allah he awoke from his coma healthy...


Well what is to be done?Is it permissable to have a string tied around your finger whilst in the grave Islamically?I mean whats happens if the person is actually deceased?They will stay in the grave with a thread around their finger.... :confused:

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