
Kiikuuyo propaganda

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I have met Kenyans in the diaspora, and they are well grounded and educated people. They welcomed hundred of thousands of Somalis throughout the years. Even those who traveled lately will tell you how patient they ate toward the foreigners including Somalis.

As some one who comes from a border town, Ethiopia was always an enemy that colonized our people from the other side of the border. We never trusted them, and  we were shocked when we saw Somali rebels joining them. 

As you said, the Kenyans are not historical enemies. It is up to them to respect our government and territorial integrity of our nation. Since their economy is liberalized trade with Kenya could grow in to billions. The Jubba issue could be resolved peacefully. They could be part of Amisom without deep attachment anyone leader. They will leave when the Amisom forces leave. 

I think it is up to Kenya to make things better for both people. Besides, if Madoobe loses, the winner will be his cousin from Af Madow. So, why complicate things?


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You have to feed your people before you embark separation. You keep saying Somalis are diverse , huge  land and different entities. Yes, our land is big, and before the 20th century, we had probably the biggest land mass in Africa. 

Yet, we are one people and our geography is well known from DiriDhaba to Wajeer. Here in the diaspora , we all consider ourselves as Somalis tied by culture, language and faith including those from Djibouti. The Scots in Britain or the Quebecois in Canada had 400 years of trying their distinct culture from the dominations of the English. 

There is no such thing in Somalia. Besides, no one is rooting for centralized system of government. What we object is creating a political entity that can't sustain economically to both feed the fat politician and the needs of the people. Have you seen Biixi or Siilaanyo travel to Berbera and then greeted at the airport after his return with 300 "Af Mishaar" greeting him  coming  back from the two hour long trip. The bureaucracy is bigger than what it was intended to manage. 

You want federal system? fine. we will make the  18 regions electing their governors and making government accountable for the people. Why would a person in Gallkacayo has to beg those in Garoowe for development. All you create is few towns where NGO money and resources are eaten by the corrupt rulers. THey collect money from Lawyacado, yet the people of that town do not have water.

If you keep mentioning  the advanced world, then try to copy their system. A small town in Alberta with 10,000 people has bigger budget than Puntland. Why not allow cities to collect taxes and be accountable to the citizens. Why you centralizing resources to these false capitals. 

The more I look the current federal systems, they are nothing but the " Spaaro" of the nineties being modernized by the tribes to make money. We are India, Ethiopia or Canada. We are Somalis and we want something that alleviates poverty, develops our economy and resources, and keeps the cohesiveness of our people.

Remember, these Meles designed systems will collapse in their own weight. Ask those from Sanaag and togdheer what have they gained for 30 years.





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Our Aga people are going through the same emotional process when  Abdi Iley was removed from his post and eventually arrested for his refusal to step down. They do not understand the two events are similar and Madoobe is done here. Instead of sacrificing all the gains they made the last two decades in Somalia and the neighboring countries, they are giving all their support for Madoobe and siding with Kenyan. They need to be smart on this and understand Moddobe is done for now.

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On 8/20/2019 at 10:31 AM, galbeedi said:

The Kikuyu must be expelled. Ugandan, Ethiopian, Burundi and others never claimed any part of our territory. The Kenyans have plans to curve out our maritime boundaries, and you should never allow that kind of nation to keep troops in Somalia.

They do not even obey Amisom orders. Too bad some Somalis are willing to die for a warlord whose time has come to an end. 8 years is enough.

Waa runtaa. This Madoobe dude needs to be removed and made an example of.

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On 8/20/2019 at 3:57 PM, Duufaan said:

Our Aga people are going through the same emotional process when  Abdi Iley was removed from his post and eventually arrested for his refusal to step down. They do not understand the two events are similar and Madoobe is done here. Instead of sacrificing all the gains they made the last two decades in Somalia and the neighboring countries, they are giving all their support for Madoobe and siding with Kenyan. They need to be smart on this and understand Moddobe is done for now.

Sax. In my mother's side of the family, there are sadly many people supporting him because qabiil sickness. He shares sub-sub-sub-clan of my mother and is a distant niece of my ayeeyo. I tell them what I am writing on here - this last warlord standing must be removed along with his Kiikuuyo masters.

I don't care if his cousin replaces him as long as the one who replaces him is pro-Soomaaliya and stops illegal dhuxusha trade. 

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On 8/20/2019 at 3:57 PM, Duufaan said:

Our Aga people are going through the same emotional process when  Abdi Iley was removed from his post and eventually arrested for his refusal to step down. They do not understand the two events are similar and Madoobe is done here. Instead of sacrificing all the gains they made the last two decades in Somalia and the neighboring countries, they are giving all their support for Madoobe and siding with Kenyan. They need to be smart on this and understand Moddobe is done for now.

It is not just them. It is beyond me how could people be so invested in a man that could not care about what happened to them. Honestly, pick any Somali leader and ask him what have they done for their clan, let alone the country?

And people don't seem to understand that you will only realize your interest as long as the rest of the country does.

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After Somalia refused  Kenya's request for mediation by AU, they now requested a postponement of September hearing. Somalia refused.

I am not sure what actually happens if they don't show up for the hearing.

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Oh, another conjure from hapless Kiikuuyos. It seems Soomaali Intelligence is their bogeyman. Read on.

Somali intelligence funding Shabaab to attack Kenya — report

Report says top Shabaab and NISA leaders are in contact to derail the ongoing peace processes and target Kenyan forces in Somalia. 

Othe NISA officials and their agents are also believed to be involved in al Shabaab schemes to attack Kenyan officers in the Northeastern region. 

Strong links exist between Somalia’s National Intelligence and Security Agency and al Shabaab, a confidential report from an insider in the militia shows. 

Top leaders of al Shabaab and NISA are in contact to derail the ongoing peace processes and target Kenyan forces in Somalia, the report leaked to the Star suggests. 

It alleges that some NISA officials trained by Kenyan security agencies are conspiring with al Shabaab to attack KDF soldiers serving under Amisom.

The NISA officials and their agents are also believed to be involved in Shabaab schemes to attack Kenyan officers in the Northeastern region. 

The officers allegedly conduct surveillance and relay the information to al Shabaab and some of their miscreant cells.

"Some of these senior officers are providing highly confidential security information on Kenyan security agencies and personnel to al Shabaab to facilitate the militant group’s targeting of Kenyan security personnel," the report says.

According to multiple sources in Somalia, a senior official of NISA is the main contact person and is in constant communication with the militant group.

The official is also involved in facilitating Shabaab through financial and material support, including armaments and critical information on Amisom movement, particularly the Kenyan contingent.  

Recently, al Shabaab received $1.5 million through a cheque signed by a senior NISA official by the name Abdullahi Kulane.

Using the NISA networks, Kulane also identifies easy targets for al Shabaab along the Kenyan border.

NISA officials are believed to have instigated the deployment of the Somali National Army troops in Mandare in a bid to suck Kenya into internal Somalia affairs, according to sources. 

"NISA also deployed some of their telecommunication jamming systems to compromise Safaricom’s networks in Mandera and other adjacent areas in a bid to facilitate Al Shabaab operations in the area," the confidential report says.

Earlier in the year, Kenya also experienced a spike in the number of sporadic attacks in some areas bordering Somalia, including Mandera, Wajir and Garissa and parts of the coastal region, as a result of NISA officials working together with al Shabaab.

The former identifies easy targets for the militant group in some of the areas to create a facade of potency through the sporadic attacks mainly targeting civilians and some of the critical infrastructure.

The Star (Tabloid)


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Ujeedka dowladda Kenya ka leedahay tallaabada cusub ee ku wajahan Soomaaliya

Maqaal maalintii Jimcaha Abril 17, 2020 lagu soo qoray wargeysyada “Standard iyo The Star”, ayaa dowladda Soomaaliya ku eedeeyay inay gacan daahsoon kula shaqeyso kooxda Al Shabaab. Wargeysyada oo soo xiganayay wax ay ugu yeereen warbixin qarsoodi ah “confidential report”, ayaa shaaciyay in hay’adda Sirdoonka Soomaaliyeed NISA iyo argaggixisada Al Shabaab ay si wadajir ah uga shaqeynayaan sidii loo fashilin lahaa ciidamada  AMISOM, gaar ahaan kuwa Kenya oo joogga aagga 2aad (Jubaland).

Wasaaradda Warfaafinta Dowladda Federalka Soomaaliyeed oo durbadiiba ka jawaabcelisay warka aan raadka lehayn ayaa qoraallada wargeysyada “Standard iyo The Star” ku tilmaantay, “weerar afeed oo si qorsha leh lagu bartilmaameedsanayo dowladda [Soomaaliyeed] iyo hay’addeheeda”. Warbaahinta madaxabannaan qaarkeed ee maxalliga ah [Sida Caasimada Online) iyo baraha bulshada ayaa iyaguna ka daba tegay oo soo bandhigay in been abuurka laga soo xigtay barta Facebook “Mudaaharaadka 7 of February”.

Balse, waxaa isweydiin mudan, waa maxay ujeeddada dowladda Kenya ay uga gol leedahay ololaha cusub, xilli aan xiisaddii xuduudda weli meel laysla dhigin? Haddiise dowladda Kenya, ay gacanta ku heyso xog “biyo kama dhibcaan ah,” maxay u hordhigi la’dahay dowladda Soomaaliyeed?

Barabbagaanka, waa dagaal maskax huwan

Dowladda Kenya waxay qaadan la’dahay in Soomaaliya oo in mudda ahba u ahayd tusaale dowladaha fashilmay, ay kaga guuleysatay siyaasaddii cunaqabateenta “sanctions” duullimaadka hawada, ku adkeysatay inaan dib loo soo celin dacwada badda, hortaagan in awooddeeda la wiiqo si Jubbaland u noqoto maamul hayin u ah Kenya “buffer zone.”

Adeegsiga ololaha wargeysyada, ayaa ugu muuqda in dowladda Kenya ay u gogolxaaraneyso duullaan hor leh oo ay ku soo qaaddo deeganada Gedo, Jubada Dhexe iyo kan Hoose, iyadoo ku marmarsiyooneysa in dhammaan Soomaalidu (shacab iyo xukuumadba) ay la safan yihiin argaggixisada, maadaama dadweynaha deegaankaas ay hiil u muujiyeen  qorshaha dowladda dhexe ay ciidamada dalka kula wareegayaa ilaalinta xuduudda Soomaaliya iyo Kenya.

Qoraalka lagu dhaamayo sumacadda dowlada Soomaliyeed, waxaad mooddaa inuu yahay mid Dowlada Kenya ay dooneyso inay dib ugu soo ceshato shacabiyadeed “Public Relations – PR”, si qorsheysanna loogaga dhaadhicinayo shacabkeeda fikirka ah, in Xukuumadda hadda ka jirta Muqdisho ay dagaal ba’an oo wajiya badan leh, “ku hayaan waddankooda, maalkooda iyo ummadooda”.

Maxay Tahay Ulajeeddada Kenya

Dhowr sababood baa ku kellifaya Dowladda Kenya inay qaado tillaabooyin quus ah:  (1) Inay u muuqato inaysan sii joogi doonin Soomaaliya, iyadoo hugsan magaca AMISOM, kol haddii Soomaalida ay aad ugu hanweyn yihiin inay yeeshaan Ciidamo Qaran, sida ka muuqata guulaha bilowga ah ee Xoogga Dalka Soomaaliyeed ku hantay fariisamahii Al Shabaab ee Shabeellada hoose; (2) In ay saadaalinayso inay ku guul darraysan doonto garta dacwada  soohdinta badda ee Juun 2020; (3) In Kenya ay ku agoontowday isbahaysi gobolleedka IGAD dhexdiisa; (4) Inay ka cabsi qabto natiijadda doorashada qof iyo cod oo la filayo 2021 oo isbeddel u sababi kara xulafadeeda; iyo (5) In Soomaaliya laga furay dabarkii maaliyadda, lagana yaabo in laga qaado cunaqabateenta hubka.

Kenya waxaa ka go’an, inay danaheeda siyaasadeed, bad iyo barri, iyo meel kasta oo kheyraad kaga jiraba caqli iyo xoogba ku muquuniso kuna ilaashato, xitaa haddii dunida u aragto in Soomaaliya marar badani ay kaga gar-guuleeysatay. Oraahdii Soomaaliyeed ayaa leh, Tuug intaadan Tuug oran ayuu tuug ku yiraahdaa, waxba ma ahaateen.


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Behind Kenya’s Failed Ambitions in Somalia

On 17th of April 2020, two Kenyan newspapers published what they called as “confidential” report alleging the existence of strong links between Somalia’s National Intelligence and Security Services (NISA) and Al-Shabab.

The allegations in the report say Al-Shabab received staggering amount of USD 1.5 million through a cheque from the deputy director of NISA but was soon discovered to be unfounded.

As reported by the Caasimada Online news outlet, the alleged cheque was a fabricated image that was shared by a Facebook page under the name Mudaaharaadka 7 of February (February 7 Demonstration), which has been used to criticize the Somali government leaders, on 11th of April 2020, six days before the Kenyan newspapers claimed to have received a confidential report from an insider in the militia. This baseless report is a series of propaganda that are aimed at defaming Somalia and its intelligence services. The full report is on www.caasimada.net.

Kenya’s ambitions to occupy Jubaland are in tatters now that the forces of Somali National Army are being deployed to secure the border between the two countries. Kenya is also of the impression that Somalia is winning the maritime dispute case currently being handled at the ICJ.

In December 2009, the US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, Mr. Karl Wycoff met with the Kenyan Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Wetangula in Djibouti on the margins of the IGAD ministerial meeting, warning the Kenyan government against the “Jubaland” initiative of using that region as a buffer state citing it would only add to Somalia’s instability. Wikileaks had exposed the contents of the meeting in Djibouti through the cable https://wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/09DJIBOUTI1391_a.html.

Disregarding the advices of the International Community, Kenya deployed its troops inside Somalia’s territory in October 2011, to allegedly fight Alshabab, a move that was strongly opposed by the then President of Somalia, Mr. Sheikh Sharif  who described the military invasion as illegal.

Kenya also partnered with Ahmed Madobe, who himself fought the Somali government as an ally of Alshabab for years, before he was installed in Kismayo to lead the Kenya’s buffer state of Jubaland in 2012 shortly after the invasion of the Kenyan troops in Somalia. Kenya had close collaborations with Alshabab on the charcoal trade as reported by the UN Monitoring Group, and many still believe the relationship between the two does exist as yet though sporadic.

The locals in Kismayu and in the other regions of Jubaland are against the invasion of the Kenyan troops who commit, from time to time, various violations against civilians in the region.

Kenya’s militarization of diplomacy with Somalia never slowed down the attacks of Alshabab, but left the Kenyan troops helpless to counter their escalated attacks inside and outside Kenya. In the latest Alshabab’s assault at the US military base of Manda Bay in Kenya, the Kenyan troops, as reported by witnesses, escaped the base in to the bush.

It is to note that Kenya pushed for Alshabab to be listed as a terror group under Resolution 1267, but the Security Council had disapproved the request, after the humanitarian agencies operating in Somalia showed concerns over the delivery of the humanitarian aid in Somalia. The Somali government also sees this as increased sanctions and restrictions so could only oppose such proposal.

In the past, Kenya was regarded by Somalis as a friend when it hosted several peace reconciliation conferences that were fruitful, but now seem to be losing that respect following its occupation of Somalia’s territory of Jubaland. Seeing their plans turn to ashes, Kenya’s foreign policy is failing successfully and the apparent loss of the maritime case to Somalia June this year, could only wear out its international reputation, having claimed seawaters that don’t belong to them.

Kenya also started to host the opposition groups of Somalia for the purpose of using them to destabilize Somalia. Kenya never took Somalia seriously after the civil war until recently when the current administration of the Federal government started to bring the disoriented government affairs including  the foreign policy back in to normal. Kenya is ought to respect Somalia and its sovereignty, or else, Somalia would revive the project of bringing back the occupied NFD, the current North Eastern part of Kenya.


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Money transfer receipt by Kenyan media ‘fake’ Taaj says, warns legal action


The Somalia based money transfer company Taaj has dismissed as fake a receipt published by a Kenyan newspaper alleging the company was used by an intelligence official to transfer money to the militant group Al-Shabaab and warned of legal action.

A statement from the company which is affiliated to Somalia’s leading telco Hormud Telecom noted the alleged receipt was fake and that it did not issue it.

“Taaj wants to inform the public there is no way it issued such a receipt and that it has established the receipt is fake,” the company said adding the document was ‘forged’.

The Star published the receipt Friday alleging it had received a leaked document from Kenya’s intelligence agency claiming it was investigating allegations Somalia’s National Intelligence and Security Agency (NISA) was aiding Al-Shabaab to attack Kenya Defence Forces in Somalia.

Somali government dismissed the reports as ‘false and misleading’.

“The Federal Government of Somalia rejects this type of malicious attacks, and smear campaigns targeting the government and its agencies,” a statement from the Ministry of Information Saturday read in part.

Taaj called on The Star to pull down the story adding it will take legal action.


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Jaadka la gubaayo markee arkeen ayee aargoosi bilaabeen. Sad for their own people, though.

Kenya oo gubtay shixnad kalluun ah oo Soomaaliya laga keenay

Dowladda Kenya ayaa gacanta kudhigtay oo gubtay shixnad kalluun ah oo ka kooban 12 tone oo laga keenay Soomaaliya, si loogu iibgeeyo dalkaas.

Kalluunkaan ayaa ku qiimaysnaa lacag dhan Sh5 million oo ah lacagta Kenya ah, waxaana lagu tilmaamay inuu ahaaa kalluun si sharci darro ah lagusoo geliyay dalka Kenya.

Hay’adda amniga Kenya ayaa sheegay in kalluunkaan oo ku jiray 761 kiish ay koox ganacsato ah kasoo safriyeen Muqdisho iyo Kismaayo, waxaana lagu qabtay gobolka Xeebta ee Lamu.

Kalluunku wuxuu ku wajahnaa magaalada Mombasa sida ay booliisku sheegeen.

Laamaha amniga ayaa dadweynaha hortooda ku gubay kalluunka, iyagoo sheegay inay tilaabo adag ka qaadidoonaan cidii isku dayda inay mar dambe isku dayda tilaabo nuucaan ah.


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Kenyans Outraged After Govt Burns Fish Worth Ksh5 Million


The decision by the government to torch 761 bags of dried fish on Saturday, April 18, worth Ksh5 million that was intercepted in Mokowe, Lamu County after being smuggled from Somalia has sparked fury from Kenyans. 

Kenyans wondered why the fish could not have been inspected to determine if it was fit for human consumption then distributed to the public if it met safety standards.

A multi-agency security team at Mokowe seized the consignment after being ferried from after Mogadishu and Kismayu in Somalia via Lamu's Kiunga border point. The contraband weighed around 12-tonnes and was packed into sacks which numbered 761.

Speaking to Kenyans.co.ke, Lamu County Commissioner Irungu Macharia who presided oved the burning of the dried fish give the reasons behind the action.

"We decided to burn the fish because it was contraband. You know contraband is goods whose duty has not been paid.

"The goods were from Somalia destined for the Kenyan market. When it gets into the country, you are never sure about the destination. It can go to Mombasa or anywhere else, I don't really know where the buyers were," he stated.

Irungu further gave the rationale behind ignoring suggestions of confiscating and distributing the fish to the needy, especially at a time when many Kenyans were out of work over Covid-19.

"You know Ivory costs a lot of money, why don't we sell it and inject the cash to our economy?

"The fish could not be distributed because contraband is contraband no matter the value, so when you get contraband you have to make sure that you destroy it," he asserted.

Impounded Ethanol

This was inconsistent with a March 2020 decision by the government, in an effort to address the shortage of hand sanitisers amid measures to prevent spread of Covid-19, ordered the use of seized ethanol to manufacture free hand sanitisers for public use.

Irungu explained why this approach was not used with the impounded fish, "They used ethanol to make sanitisers  because that is an extraordinary case due to the crisis, so you cannot compare ethanol with other contraband."

A number of Kenyans expressed their anger at the decision by the government to burn the dried fish.

"Why not distribute it to the needy...bunning of food is an abomination in the African culture," on netizen stated.

"State should apply the same wisdom in money recovered from corruption, we are sufficient, we got no problems at all," quipped another.

"Instead of destroying all those bags, they should have been tested and checked if they're fit for human consumption, during this Covid-19, they could have saved one or two families if not three but our government are failures," one more netizen argued.


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