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LayZie G.

Tuujiye: To be or Not to be a Gaal:that is the question

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I have to start by stating that Tuujiye and I go along way back and I know he is good people. He is truly a compassisonate young man who cares about people.


However, I do have to confess and say I have never known him to be this passionate about anything as much as he is about the "gaal question". (not even his bililiqo days, which he use to take crush courses on people's possesions was he this passionate)


The question I'm struggling with is why Tuujiska resort to bullying tactics when he does not get a satisfactory answer about the faith of others?


Why does he insist on others to professing one faith over the other?


Why can't Tuujiska take the hint that the business of faith is one between individual and the almighty, which means it neither concerns bullies, namely Tuujiska or anyone else for that matter?


This talk about "gaalo this and gaalo that" or "gaal aa tahay" or "gaal yahow dhimo" is really troubling and sometimes it shapes personalities, namely when I talk to Tuujiska, I find that I too take the same approach and call him "gaalka tahay ba-cun" or gaal ku dil or "gaal buufiska hakaa saaro". Recently, I have taken a step back just to realize that this business about declaring a faith is more about the individual posing the question and not so much about the target.



So, my question is why do people of other faiths(namely Muslims) question the faith of others who they deem to be unworthy of a particular faith?


In addition to that, what is wrong with being a so called 'gaal'?


Some of my best friends are gaalo. My favourite religion in the world is Catholicism because its very complex and its history fascinates me since its inception but this does not make me a 'gaalo lover' or a 'gaal' for that matter. So, why is that so difficult to understand or even accept as an answer?


Matter of fact, learning other faiths and the various belief systems made me a better muslimah, it made me tolerant and made me have open-mind to understand the division across the board when it comes to faith. Above all, learning about other faiths does not mean necessarily one leaves his/her faith for another, believe it or not, it builds character, it allows the person to grow, to be able to tolerate other faiths without prejudice or so much as adhering to the values of that system. It does not mean you agree with everything a gaal says but understanding the position of a gaal regarding a particular element of their faith, such as why gaalo differ on the question of eucharist is fascinating.


For instance, take the different views expressed in this forum, the ideological divide between Camp A and Camp B is at all time high, one disagrees with another but the camps are dismissive of one another.


There is no compassion, no understanding of why Camp A holds a certain view about the subject or willingness to listen but to disagree respectfully, this in turn is reflect in the intolerance society that we live in today. We are reenacting the behaviours we see on televison, read on magazines, newspapers, the streets. We no longer recognize ourselves and I think Tuujiska is suffering from similar symptoms.


SOL and the body that makes up is reenacting the attitudes it adopts from familiar grounds, i.e If Camp A beliefs to be in the right, Camp B is irrelevant and is dismissed or even gaalo for holding certain views or even accused of bashing other faiths.


So, if thats the approach people of faith take to dismiss one faith or believe their faith, I.e Islam is superior to other faiths, (we as society have no chance of surviving) because people who carry such attitudes and allow ignorance to define them are deluding themselves because everyone, from all walks of life hold similar view and believe their click/religion etc are superior, so what makes Tuujiska take this approach and now that he is diagnosed , what will his treatmeant be? How will be be treated?


Tuujiska, barxada wey kuu furan tahay.



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He accused me of being a gaalo once. Can you believe that, I mean what gives him the moral pomposity to say such a thing!

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Tuujiska is goodman...but u lost me period!



"Some of my best friends are gaalo. My favourite religion in the world is Catholicism because its very complex and its history fascinates me since its inception but this does not make me a 'gaalo lover' or a 'gaal' for that matter. So, why is that so difficult to understand?


u like the most dysfunctional deity on earth! God have mercy on those lil ones that get raped daily by those priests.

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^Rudy, I'm glad that I'm lost to you forever but answer me this question, do you not have friends of other faiths? Christians? Namely colleagues, people you respect or share mutual respect?


I think you are fooling yourself if you think you can not respect or admire a religion or someone of a different faith because you happen to be a Muslim.


Just because you are a Muslim it does not mean the world and the people in it are off-limits to you. You are just another slave of Allah, so is everyone else, so at the end of the day how much you think of others is reflection of your own worth, Muslim or not. Remember to practice tolerance and to discourage bigotry. Respect is earned not given.

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my friend, what is your view on this gaalo/muslim dichotomy. What about other religions and alternative socio-cultural customs. Islam and Christianity are not the only option! if my advice was warranted; its shows Muslims are completely out of the touch with the reality on the ground. of course I am not suggesting that Muslims don't exist but if the world population is almost 7bn then 5.7bn are clearly hell bound according to T-man and his like - which is probably all of this site.

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hey sweetie, i do respect all religions or even atheists!


my thang with u was regarding your fav religion statement! Yeah, i do have best friends who are christians, jewish, hindus etc., infact, my muslims friends are the least.


However, i dont put one religion over the other. I just say to each......his own. whats wrong with that. Respect all...yah know. why praise one over the other!

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lols Tuujiye...ur one confused niqqa, fiiri aan kuu sheego qaal saaxiib ma noqdo, haa la baashaal, but ka fiirso hadii wax macna laheen aa daba oradid meel ma'gaareesid

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B, are u asking rudy or me?


As for me, its simple, there is lack of tolerance on both sides and ignorance not only flames the conflict but it makes nearly impossible to establish inter-faith dialogue and institutions that are really dedicated to taking up the cause of unity and understanding. For muslims, its simple, all gaalo are gaalo, to them all anglo-saxon whites are gaalo, all are viewed the same. And from the christians, the same goes for their take on Muslims, they are all violent as well as militant and backward, very few truly believe that not all Muslims hold a view that is not consistent with the ideology of Osama and his cronies.


Its rare that you see influential scholars (on the Muslim side) educating the masses about interfaith subjects or christianity, except to share anecdotes about negative elements of such faith and vice versa. These so called scholars of both religion are breading grounds for hate and bigotry on both sides of the aisle but the topic is about Tuujista, so let us wait for him to start the discussion.



PS (I'm not defending one religion over the other ya rudy not do I favour one over the other)



PS: Alternative sub-culture? care to expand on that so as not to assume what you meant by it@B



PS: ofcourse this position that few take about one faith being superior is a talking point and is strategic, its purpose is to incite violence and plant hate on the hearts of many in order to meet their end game, which is to take over towns, villages, consolidate power over their masses etc etc. It has less to do with religion than it does with politics of warfare and the sad thing is people take these talking points as gospel and truly believe they are waging jihad of sort against the enemy, or atleast those their masters deem a threat against their interest.

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^ Yes, the question was for you my friend!


what about African customary and socio-cultural practices! Many Africans - those who haven't being mentally colonised have an affinity towards nature. Our microcosmic is composed of being in touch with nature!


edit....our laws were flexible, deeply integrated in society and dynamic before being told 'our way of life was repugnant to Jesus/Allah' by Muslim and Christian colonisers. Also just because there no written evidence of our laws and customs are they inferior? because the colonial observers legitimated their colonial penal/sharia laws on the premise that our way of living was brutal and backward! so we need to be civilised!

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I dont have problems with gaals, but I cannot stand those Somali gaalo who know the truth, but start bad mouthing Islam. Those munafiqiin and I am glad someone is telling them the truth. However, I am against to call someone gaal unless they declared their gaalnimo, publically, cause calling someone who believes in Allah, can take you out of Islam.

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:D:D:D Boy was I wrong.. your right Layzie I don't know you walaalee..lool I hope you forgive me...


I don't like to write in English much but I think the best way for me to reply is in English no?


I’m just going to quote you on few things sis..


1. Layzie abaayo you wrote this

My favourite religion in the world is Catholicism because its very complex and its history fascinates me since its inception but this does not make me a 'gaalo lover' or a 'gaal' for that matter.

If your favourite faith is catholic and you love the History of it then a good question to ask you is "do you know the true history of Islam and why do you say your a good muslima when Islam is not your favourite faith. I think that statement you made is very hypocrite because I'm Muslim because I love Islam and think is the only faith that tells the truth. One can not call him/her self a Muslim/muslima if they are putting Islam second. on the second quote...


Matter of fact,
learning other faiths and the various belief systems made me a better muslimah,
it made me tolerant and made me have open-mind to understand the division across the board when it comes to faith.

I think you need to put more time into Islam than you have! you need study Islam before you talk about open minded and respecting other faith. How are you a better Muslima when Islam is not even your favourite religion? is true when you open your mind and understand others, we learn to respect them and live amongst them peacefully however I believe you did not learn your own faith and never gave the chance because if you did you would know how much the Qur’an talks about respect for others and learning from others no matter what back grounds or faith they hold.. the first ayah in the Qur’an talks about educations and being open to learning... we are told to learn from others so that we could understand the teachings of our faith and how truthful it is! because when you learn what they believe and you judge it based on your faith, you will find the truth. However with you is the opposite! you didn't learn Islam as you should have before you went off and studied (if you have) Catholicism. So look at you know! you think Catholic faith is the best religion in the world!.. this takes me to the third quote..


We are reenacting the behaviours we see on televison, read on magazines, newspapers, the streets. We no longer recognize ourselves and I think Tuujiska is suffering from similar symptoms.

looool Layzie I really don't think you wrote this lool... I have never ever posted anything from the media or from some article in SOL never! but you and some gaals like Raamsade did all of that.. as I was making the point above, you believe Islam is a back warding faith and the reason you like Catholic, is because of this B.S you read about muslims on the news... all this articles you post for us.. You listen to Glen beck and bring his views to SOL.. Layzie everything about Islam you have posted here in SOL is from the media and not all media but from does that hate Islam!...



Now let me tell you something and all the gaalo in SOL (I don't know if you are gaal or not anymore) or others, the word "Gaal" means non believer in Somali. Is a not a word that you could use on a person who is a Muslim but if you know that person is no longer a Muslim or was never a Muslim, then that person is a gaal!


Gaal= Kufaar wax caay ma aha... I know Raamsade and Ailamos are not Muslim but Ailamos is not like Raamsade because he doesn't speak straight up like raamsade laakiin si siyaasad ah ayuu uga qeyb qaataa the topics oo ku saabsan Islam...


so Layzie, I'm the most open minded person you will ever meet in your life walaahi.. Believe it or not I have Somali friends that are catholic and I like them as my own brothers walaahi.. They respect Islam and I respect their faith because they never bad mouth Islam or listen to the B.S on the media... I'm not religious nor do I go around and talk about religion all the time.


I'm not going to debate on this abaayo because I was wrong about you. However I will advice you..


Not too long ago I went back to school to do my second degree which was in Social worker. I took some philosophy courses and most of them challenged and questioned Faith and god... I so my self started questioning something’s in Islam and started debating on them all the time.. I realized that my Imam or my understanding of Islam was weak and I need it to strengthen my Imaam so I studied "Fiq" and read the Qur’an for answers and walaahi it helped me become even more open minded.. I love Islam and I know deep down in my heart is the true faith.. I also prey my 5 times a day even thou aan mar mar la daaho lol laakiin I try in eesan salaad iga tagin... Please Layzie walaahi I like you and I think you are an amzing person!! please read the Qur'aan and practice read the "fiq" and iinsha allah you will find the answers iinsha allah...


Layzie I'm still Tuujiye marax yahee and you know waxaan personal ma aha laakiin diinta qofka su'aala waa qof aan asaga tiisa ku kolsooneen..please just for get everything else and just focus on your self give Islam a chance by studying it...



Good luck.. if you have any questions PM me marax yahee ee rabshada jooji! You know in aan kala jecleen qofkii gaal ah iyo qofkaan aheen.. And you know I like everyone no matter waxa ee yihiin….



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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Abaay Heelay, the people that I'm using the term Gaal on are gaalo abaayo.. raamsade baadari waaye kaas! oo hadaad aqrin laheed wax yaalaha uu ka qoro diinteena waad nixi laheed...



B are you a muslim? what do you mean about this

its shows Muslims are completely out of the touch with the reality on the ground. of course I am not suggesting that Muslims don't exist but if the world population is almost 7bn then 5.7bn are clearly hell bound according to T-man and his like - which is probably all of this site.

B I don't mind you not liking Islam but I think people in this site need you to respect Islam because most of us are muslims!! and we think the "T" is the right way! is ignorents like you that get me in to this faith talk! if you don't like Islam, leave it please don't wait to bash Islam when ever you get the chance... you are weak and have no knowledge in fact what ever happened to you jumping of a clif?



Rudy saaxiib thanks and much respect!



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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Originally posted by Lazy .G:

if thats the approach people of faith take to dismiss one faith or believe their faith, I.e
Islam is superior to other faiths, (we as society have no chance of surviving) because people who carry such attitudes and allow ignorance to define them are deluding themselves
because everyone, from all walks of life hold similar view and believe their click/religion etc are superior,

I'll go on a slight tangent here .. not only is my faith superior to all others .. I believe your Iman is weak if you do not accept this as an undisputed fact.


as a good muslimah no doubt you pray 5 times a day and there is a surah in the quran that you read 17 times a day called sura Al-Faatiha


The translation is as follows:


" in English.



In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful.


Sura 1. "Al-Fatiha - :The Opening"


Praise be to Allah

Lord of the Worlds, the Compassionate, the Merciful.

Master of the Day of Judgement!

You alone we worship,

and to You alone we look for help.

Guide us to the straight path,

The Path of those upon whom You bestowed favours,

those who have invited Your wrath, nor those who have gone astray.

do you know who those who have invited Allah S.W.T Wrath are ? or those who have gone astray ?


they are the Jews and the Christians respectively ... so according to the quran Islam is superior.


What you are proposing is a false equivalency !

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The Zack   

^I second that motion right there. Islam is superior to all other religions, anybody that doesn't believe that should double-check his/her faith.

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Geel Jire loool


I agree Islam is Superior to all other faith and is the only faith that tell the truth and talks about the mistakes of does before it!


Ilaahoo qalbigeena u fur wanaaga diinteena "aamiin!!"


Zack and Geele, dadka imaam kooda weak yahay, waxee u arki doonaan the word "superior" in uu yahay eray isla weyni iyo xumaan la socota lool.. balfiirsada idinka...



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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