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Rant on SOL

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North my point exactly. What he finds interesting or stimulating threads might be an utter bore to others, while to him lighthearted threads are trash. The solution is you do your thing and I'll do mine. Don't get into my Ocean, there is enough room for all without dismissing, following or terrorizing people for their preference.


Oh and north it shows that you could not care less or don't have the patience

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Fahiye is right. The level has dropped, I remmember when I was a reader there were lively discussions. Nowadays its tit-for-tat ( I am talking about the politics section, the rest of you troll along) also the camel milk debate side is dead!

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So SOL has changed...thats life Farhiye. dnt worry about that tell us about life in Ukraine, I doubt anyone in here has been there.

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This isn't like sanctuary. we post and move on. No one should complain. I believe Somaliaonline is doing great.


If people like mr. me stopped crying everytime somaliland is mentioned, maybe it would've been healthy place.

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I remember perusing through SOL's attic place where the enlightened and qualitatively superior material, the ones you speak so highly of, are stashed away... can't say I concur with you regarding their quality though. Same sort of stuff as now were discussed, just more befitting of it's time. You know, Zeitgeists change... what was hip and had everyone buzzing yesterday barely register on the radar nowadays.


This 'rant' is due more to fossilized expectation than what reality would merit.

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Faaxow, [Fahiye];


Sayid Mohamed would say:-



Geesigii tolmoonnaa marbaa fulay u tookhaaye’e

Tumaatida warmuhu marbay turuqa seegaane’e

Marbaa warafku tuuryada gefaa taaka leelaha’e

Nimaan adiga kugu toosin baa kuu takhaashuma’e


You see those were the days when good Mutakallim would come with his philosophy threads. Those were the days when NGONGE would intellectualize his rants and present them in a palatable fashion. Those were the days when good Serenity would challenge our sheikh Nur, and folks like me would just jump on her right away and wrestle her to the ground. Those were the days when Castro and I would draw the proverbial line on the cyber sand and engage in our famous bloody duals...[i since met Castro in person, he is not only well rounded and intellectual on his own right, but he’s also saaxibul akhlaaq and muta'dib].

Those were the days; the days when good Baashi would commit all of Tolstoy’s well-written essays to the flames by simply capturing the summit of the Secessionist vs. Somaliweyn debates. It was when Paragon was young enough to publicly dance to the Doodwadaag romantic tunes. When General Duke was just a meek smith, and good Horn camped more in the Islamic section than the politics.


Waa waagaan Val ka biqi jirey before aanan tabteeda helin---weli waan iska jiraa though. It was when good Socodbadane was just annoyingly confrontational, and when JB was SOL’s most likeable stud-- well before Mutakallim introduced him to the branches of Philosophy and confused him with it even more. It was when Jacayl Barro was one of the lead members of the Baro family of SOL---well before he wore his ever colorful Somaliland hat.


Age had taken the stamina out of SOL.



Aniga da’a baa iga daba timid adeer---I am debating about whether to submit a Request to good Libaax and ask him a favor to give my SOL nick to my beloved son. I am sure he would make a good debater. If you notice any behavioral change to xiin character :D …you know what happened...



liiq liiqad baan ahay sidii lula dabayleede'e.

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Originally posted by Jimcaale:

Faahiyoow, wait until Oodweyne comes with 4 page essay and Somaliland and UK highlighted sixteen times.

Credit where credit is due, saaxib. He puts his heart and soul into those posts and one can only sit back and admire the dedication, if not always the message.

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Originally posted by Nephthys:

Well now, isn't this interesting?


This thread, which asks a legitimate question about dumbing down the forums has 8 posts (ok, 9 with mine) and the thread about "1st impressions" which was started as a joke is in its 10th page.


Fahiye, I think your point has just been proven.

Ghanima's topic was fresh,creative and fun to read, kinda neutralized that depressive ill feeling one gets when he/she reads the Somali headlines and P-section debates

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As a character, Farah has retired from SOL and the mantle was passed to his younger and more energetic cousin—Fahiye.


Xiin, admittedly that was the renaissance period of SOL and indeed, waxing lyrical about much ado about nothing (from theology to social deconstructionist theories) was refreshing. Youth drove Mutakalim, Baashi, Sophist, Socodbane, Baydan, Barwaaqo, Jamaal11 et all to produce artistic works of wondrous beauty, words playing like the most moving sonatas of a classical melody. Now, amazed I am as those who are similar age when such creative juices over flowed the valleys of SOL; the same pedigree (Soomali ahaan) are disappointingly filling the pages of SOL with inferior topics. Has education in the west deteriorated really that badly within 4 years?


Futile outcry!!

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LoL @ Fahiye, how intriguing. Do you know, I cannot recall any 'artistic works of wondrous beauty'? I just remember the guerilla warfare.



Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

Waa waagaan Val ka biqi jirey before aanan tabteeda helin---weli waan iska jiraa though.

Waagaad iga biqi jirtey goormey aheyd tolow?


The interesting thing, Xiin, is that I don't think you and I ever had the chance to exchange normal posts. You attached yourself to the 'We are going to force polygamy down your throat till you throw up' caravan right from the very beginning and I'm a conscientious monogamist, so.. really..there was no chance. :D

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:


Age had taken the stamina out of SOL.


Aniga da’a baa iga daba timid adeer---I am debating about whether to submit a Request to good Libaax and ask him a favor to give my SOL nick to my beloved son. I am sure he would make a good debater. If you notice any behavioral change to xiin character
…you know what happened...



liiq liiqad baan ahay sidii lula dabayleede'e

^^Waa ta laleemada indhuhu aragu liitaa'e

Luf lufbaa ka hadha dawlikskii lishaanaanjiray'e


Ala Yaa layta sifaa'ii jadiidun ... wa dahri qad tawala ya buthanynta ya cuud!


SOL's second generation are on the rise, ya xiin, but FyI girls in here are always 20ish :D


Waxay odayashii u dhamaatay ayagu weli waa ba labaatan qudha :D most of them if not all of them.loool.

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