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Gobanimo June 1-----July 1

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Yesterme -Someone with a recognised country and a recognised flag. Living under an unjust government that harmed all somalis, though one wouldn't know that by the actions of certain people. And yet life was better than it is today, as yesterme was in the bossom of a loving community, not bound by qabiil, and in a country where everyone looked like me and spoke like me. And furthermore, happier than current me


Yesteryou -Someone who wasn't perhaps as qabiil and "northern" minded as current you, maybe even more positive and with walaaltinimo in mind. But no dispair, yester-you is still somewhere in the new you, as the yesteryou will come out to help, should you see a somali person being in trouble, unless ofcourse you will stop everything and ask for their region first :confused:


yesterday -A happy day with its ups and downs, but a day in which none of us ever doubted each other. We came from somewhere that was, even then, far from perfect, but it was ours to do with as we pleased. It was the family heirloom that should have been left to us, but which was, instead, stolen from us. A romantic notion? the sceptic in me thinks so, but is it an impossible notion? certaintly not.


Ps: how does it feel 2 venture outside the politics section, my brother? smile.gif


Lets try not to sully this topic with silly novelties that will get us nowhere please. I'm still waiting to be enlightened about our history, so where are the duqooshin of sol?

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^^^ Boy! I should called it Pastime Paradise, huh! :D

Since you don't want me to 'sully' this topic I'll comment further after the holidays, deal?


Just to please you, here's a poem by Cabdi Iidaan from


Gabaygan waxa abwaanku tirshey habeenkii Calan-saarka. Ayadoo abwaanno badani oo Timacadde ka mid yahay ay habeenka goobjoog ahaayeen, gabaygan wuxu Cabdi ku qaatay kaalinta kowaad.



Calan Saar - Cabdi Iidaan



Geeraar baan awalkiisiyo

Anbaduu ka bilaabmiyo

Halka uu ku idlaadiyo

Sida loogu Ishaadiyo

Aakhirkiisa hayaaye

Indhaweyd iska daayee

Akhyaartiinan Golaa

bal maydiin akhriyaa


Eray wayga Salaan

Erayna wayga duco

Halna waa ururkeenna

Erayna waa Calanka


Eray wayga salaane

Waa araarad maqnaynoo

Waa ashqaalo magaaloo

Ammintanaannu haleelnee

Ereygawgu horreeya



Erayna wayga duco

Ilaahow ururkeenna

Inta loo denbi dhaafee

Ummaddii Nebigiiyee (NNKH)

Ehlul-Khayra ka yeel


Ilaahow arligeennana

Mid ammaan lagu joogoon

Abaaroobin ka yeel


Ilaahow aduunkeennana

Mid ibtiisa la maaloo

intifaacleh ka yeel


Ilaahow Oodda dhexdeenana

Soomaaloo idilkeeda

Midday uurka ku hayso

Mid Ilaah ka daweeyoo

La Illoobo ka yeel


Ilaahoow eraygaygana

Mid aammiin la yidhaahdoo

La ajiibo ka yeel


Ilaahow udubkeenna

Istiqlaalka la siiyey

Afarteenna bahoodee

Hareeraa kaga oodan

Isu keen wada keenoo

Mid adkaada ka yeel


Erayna waa Calankeenna

Uumigii milicdii iyo

Asqadii dhaxantii iyo

Afduubkii xadhiggii iyo

Adduunkii lacagtii iyo

Ibtilooyin kaleetiyo

Eed wixii nagu gaadhay

Adaan kaaga qabawnayoo

Kolkii uu araggaagu

Iiftiinkii ugu deeqayba

Axdabtii? laga raystayoo

Dad aqoon daran miihinoo

Maanta meel laga ooyiyo

Oheey way iyo ciil iyo

Uurku-taallo ma joognoo

Ilaahbaa mahaddaa leh

Oo abaal loogu qabaa


NFD-ii ninka joogiyo

Kan Amxaaradu laysiyo

Obokh meel la yidhaahdiyo

Labadaa ku arkaaya

Sidii Aaranka geeloo

Inta uu ul ku goosmay

Intaad ooho tidhaahdo

Ururiyoo dul sudhnaw oo

Isticmaarka fogeeyoo

Ardigaaga xoreeyoo

Insha-Allaahu hagaagoo

Adkaw oo ha nuqsaaminoo

Ishii Cawri taqaanniyo

Kuwa uurka dabaayiyo

Afka layska habaaro

ILaahay idamkii

Kuma soo ag maraan


Albaqraa iyo Weyluniyo

Arbacuunka Quraankiyo

Idaajaa kugu deyrey


Halna waa ummadeennee

ururshow ururshoow iyo

Ma kii loo irkaadaa iyo

Waa kan kii araggiisa

Indhuu noogu baxeen iyo

Alloow yaan ka fogaaniyo

Intanba yawga dhawaadiyo

Yaa agtiisa ku waariyo

Oggolaannay dhahaaya oo

Amranaa ku xigsiiyoo

Qof walooba agtaadiyo

Aqalkaaga hortiisa

Albaabkaaga ku joojiyoo

Ilaaliyoo ha ka jeesan



Yesterday :D

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^words of wisdom. Different era indeed!


Oh how I love Somali poems!


45 years later, we Somalis collectively destroyed everything our founding fathers had fought for. Today we’re weaker and more divided along tribal lines than ever before. Few bad men, honored and privileged in the leadership positions have led us to this dead end road. They have betrayed our trust in political leadership. They have effectively destroyed our confidence in everything Somali. As a result, some of us are very skeptical of walaaltinimo and Soomaalinimo. These terms of endearment have lost their meaning and those who use them are not taken seriously if not ridiculed.


In memoriam, I post this fitting song composed by a famous songwriter. He uses the rose metaphor. In this case the nurtured, much awaited and anticipated rose dies before it reaches the full bloom. He reminds himself and his target audiences that life is an imperfect reality that has no lasting grace. The melody of the song has sadness tone to it. Chorus of the song goes like this:


Waa adduunyooo!

Ileyn aayo ma lahee,

Ubaxii baxaayoow,

Sowdigan abaarsaday,

Sowdigan abaarsaday! (repeat)


Waa adduunyoo!

qosol kuma hagaagtee,

Ila arag.....

hohiyo way,

Ila arag.....


In the spirit of optimism, let’s hold on every bit of hope....


Juxa good to see u still have some Somalinimo in you.

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^^^^^^^^^^i could not have said better, even if i searched miles of brain cells :D


adeer baashi, very wise indeed, bt as the metaphor goes, roses are resilient, and if they given love, nurture, they bloom again. could the same be said of SOMALINIMO? :confused:


all i know is,,,,,,,,,United we stand, and most of us know,(deep, deep, deep, down).


by da way, love the QARANIMO song,,,,,,,,keep it coming ( inteenan waayeelada ah) smile.gif

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Walaac Anigoo ku seexday

maxaan walabahaar la toosay

wareer anigoo la liita maxaan

werwer jiifi waayey.


Maxaan sida weer cadhaysan

saqaa dhexe gaaf wareegay

intuu waqal ii hillacay

maxaan kula rooray weelka


u baydhay wadiiqo leexsan

wakhtigu i tilmaami waayey.

Jacaylku muxuu i wiiqay

muxuu wadnahayga shiilay


maxaan shimbiraha waraystay

u dhiibay waraaq daboolan

haaddii wacdigayga qaaday

cid wey i tidhaahda waayay.


Waayeel dadoow

inaan waalanahay

duni weer sidoo

weligeed dhintoo

wacadkiyo xadhkii




Wadeeco maxaan ilaashay

waraabe kasoo xareeyey

sac weyda maxaan u dhaanshey

Walwaal uga soo arooray


halkiisa kusoo waraabshey

maxaan weli soo kaxeeyey

wadaaddo maxaan u yeedhay

u loogay wankayga fiican


Waxyeello halkay u taallo

naftayda maxaan ka waanshey

walaalkay niman u haystay

muxuu waddo ii fadhiistay


qof aan wehelkayga mooday

ka qayba galay weerarkayga

ruuxaan la wadaagay cunto

ku wiirsaday dhiilladayda


Waayeel dadoow

inaan waalanahay

duni weer sidoo

weligeed dhintoo

wacadkiyo xadhkii




Maxaan wacdaraha adduunka

u soo jiray waayaheeda

warkeeda la ii dhammeeyey

maxaa waran layla doonay


habeennimo layla waayey

nasiib kayga ku waaberiistay

maxaa dabin lay wareejey

wedkayga la ii shir-qoolay


maxaa dacar lay walaaqay

waabaay ku caafimaaday

Maxaa wacad layla qaatay

rumaystay Walaahi beena


maxaan webiyaal is jiidhay

dhexdooda ka waab samaystay

wanaag anigoo sameeyey

maxay wadhi ii danbaysay


Waayeel dadoow

inaan waalanahay

duni weer sidoo

weligeed dhintoo

wacadkiyo xadhkii



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~~Yes, indeed. These are deep words.


Waxyeello halkay u taallo

naftayda maxaan ka waanshey

walaalkay niman u haystay

muxuu waddo ii fadhiistay


qof aan wehelkayga mooday

ka qayba galay weerarkayga

ruuxaan la wadaagay cunto

ku wiirsaday dhiilladayda

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Somali National Week in Canada



The annual Somali national Week in Ottawa, Canada will be from June 26th to 1st July, 2005. The Somali National Week is the "largest Somali cultural festival in North America".


The Somali National cultural week is an annual event arranged by The Somali Canadian Advancement and Integration Center in Canada with guests attending from the Somali Speaking of the Horn of Africa, Europe and neighboring USA.



The Canadian Government officials, Provincial leaders, Local Government, Somali leaders, cultural guests as well as local officials and a group of Afro-Canadians Will attend the opening ceremony.


Exhibitions of cultural heritage artifacts, and artworks of Somalis, Sports, Somali poetries, Somali Music and songs as well as the screening of Somali and African films translated into the English and French languages are some of the programs of the week-long event.


To involve, attend, volunteer or participate this event,


Please don't hesitate to contact Organizing task force.


There are 3 ways to reach us:


1) You can write & e-mail us at:


2) you can call SCAIC center: 1-613-736 7252



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Somaaliyey toos

May ALLAAH Reward all of those heroes of the past and present who are working hard to make Soomaaliya are better place for Somalis.



Can I get aamiin from my fellow country men and women?

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As the song goes Heybad waxaad ku leedahay Dhulkaaga Hooyo

If only we could realise this

very true.

nice pictures SOO MAAL.





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Celebrate Somali Independence Day!

Eden Prairie Library

Friday, July 1, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Note: Seating is limited. Please arrive early and pick up a free ticket up to two hours prior to the program.

In Minnesota, Somali National Week takes place the last week in June and commemorates the anniversary of independence of two former Somali colonies - British Somaliland and Italian Somalia - and the creation of an independent state of Somalia from the British and Italian colonies on July 1, 1960. This independence ended nearly a century of colonial occupation. Somali National Week begins with Somali Independence Day (June 26) and ends with Foundation of the Republic Day (July 1). Join us for Somali food, fun, music and festivities all day. Festivities will include Somali storytelling, games and a screening of the locally produced film "Two Homes, One Dream: The Somalis in Minnesota."

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