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Why don´t somali guys mind dating younger girls

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"Naag Nin Ka weynaa dhaqa" this maahmaah sounds like something 3 older men, who were bored and sitting infront of maqaayat came up with, when the waiteress said " you are too old for me" after they hit on her


All in the name of fun



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Rock's chich@ lol smile.gif You have a point sis but i think they mean it a reasonable older than you (i know it depends what is reasonable to every one)..

are u really a Rock's Fan? wooooww never heard it from a Somali chick...

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ameenah sorry luv u forgot to log off lol,


anyways its true that older guys always go after younger girls and as long as its something like 5 yrs its ok but when its like 20 yrs than its out of order walahi. But i also see lil boys trying to go after much older girls and that is wrost than older guys, imagine lil boy u older atleast 5 yrs trying to check u.

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Originally posted by JamaaL-11:

[QB] A man maturity is mostly mental, not how many years old he is but how many brain cells do he have counts. As for girls the body counts, lol truth...


Are you saying "men mature mentally and women physically"?



how about this one posted on; 83 years old grandfather marrying 17 years old girl... :eek:


Akhristow waxaan aad u xiseeya inaan ogaado dhibaatooyinka haysta dadka usoo haajirey dalalkan reer galbeedka ah khaas ahaan North America oo aan ku noolahay. Ogaanshahaas ama ka warhayntaasi waxay iga caawisaa laba dhinac. Ta hore oo ah inaan ka feejignaado oo iska ilaaliyo kana hortego inayna igu dhicin, haddii ay igu dhacdana sidaan xal ugu heli lahaa. Ta labaad oo ah inaan ruuxii Somaaliyeed ee dheguhu u daloolaan aan uga digo. Waayo waxaan u arkaa inay tahay waajib i saaran inaan walaalkay Somaaliyeed wixii aan ku dhaamo ka caayo. Haddaba waxaan ka war heley dhibaato culus oo haysata dhalin yaro fara badan oo ku nool carigan.


Akhristow sida aan ka warqabno Ilaahay SWT wuxuu si gaar ah inagu amray oo inagu adkeeyey adkeeyey xaqdhowrka, ixtiraamka, qaddarinta, xanaanaynta iyo raaligelinta labada waalid ee ina dhashay. Taas oo awladdii ay noqotey mid ku kala fiican yihiin adduunka iyo aakhiraba. Akhristow dhibka jiraa waxaa weeye waalidkii(Odeyaashii qaar) oo la fahmi la'yahay khaladna dhex dabaalanaya caruurtoodina ku noqdey caqabad nololeed.Awlaadiina ay ka baqayso cadho waalid.


Akhristow waxaan arkay wiil 36 sano jir ah oo laba shaqo ka shaqeeya haddana wax guur ah aan hadal hayn isagoo raba oo jecel inuu helo xaas xalaal ah oo uu nolosha la wadaago. Waa amuur inteeda le'eg!!! Waxaa laga yaabaa inay qaarkiin is weydiiyaan oo yidhaahdaan siduu u rabaa guur hadduusan hadal haynba!! akhristow inankaasi wuxuu ka dhashay reer sabool ah oo ku sugan Somaaliya. Waxay ka kooban yihiin 12 qof kuwaasoo ah 10 walaaladiis ah iyo aayadiis oo jirta ilaa 60 sano. Hoyadiis waa hore ayey xijaabatay. 4 ka mid ah walaaladiis waa xaasas caruur leh. Waxaa u suurtoobi weydey inuu hal qof soo dhoofsho oo ka kaalmeeya masaariifta reerka.Wiilkaas wuxuu aad isugu taxalujiyey inuu reerkooda ka saaro saboolnimada. Sidaa daraadeed ayuu u dhisey laba guri, dukaan iyo bakhaar weyn oo alaabadu kusoo degto.


Akhristow waxaa cajiib noqotey inuu odeygii oo ah 83 sano uu guursaday gabadh jirta 17 sano oo la saaxiib ah gabadh uu u yahay awow. Gabadhii waxay bilowdey inay marba meel u mushaaxdo oo marba set dahab ah dalbato ama fadhi sucuudi iyo duruuc fara badan. Taas waxaa kasii daran odeygii oo gurigii ka saaray islaantiisii oo soo geliyey tii yareyd ee curdinka ahayd. Waxaa taa kasii daran isagoo hor boodaya tii yareyd oo is caruureynaya!....! CAJIIB...oo tolow siduu u geleyaa inan yar oo 17jir ah waaba 83 jir eh!!!


Akhristow waxaan arkay wiilkii labada shaqo ka shaqaynayey oo iska ilmeynaya oo uurku taalo iyo ciilka haya aad yaabayso. Wiilki ma guursan karo saa waa nin laga rabo inuu raali geliyo oo kharashkeeda daboolo Dhaylo Lacag Doon AH eh. Waxaa intaa u wehelisa isagoo ehel badan ay kusoo qaylinayaan oo leeyihiin " Anaga waad na ilowdey".


Akhristow waxaan soo xusuustey anigoo Somaaliya jooga ayaa gabadh aanu deris ahayn waxay isla baxsadeen wiil ka dhshay reer dan yar ah. Reerkii inantu ka dhalatay ayaa aad u xanaaqay oo ku cudur daartey inuuna guurkani waxba ka jirin maadaama aan walaayad la weydiisan waalidkii. Waxaa soo wada fadhiistey labadii reer ee kala dhalay dhalinyarada. Aniguna waxaan ka mid ahaa dhalin yaro ku dhaarsanayd inay dhageystaan waxa ay is leeyihiin labada reer.


Akhristow ilaa maanta qalbigeyga yey qoran tahay wixii uu ku hadlay odeygii dhalay wiilka oo ahaa ilaa 65 sano jir. Wuxuu yidhi" Inankayga Cabdirisaaq wuu khaldamay, maanta uma ekeyn inuu guursado waayo aniga ayuu guur ii ekaa maanta oo joogaa wakhtigiisii" Waan yaabay oo fajacay oo fahmi waayey waxa uu odeygu u jeedo. Kolkaasaan ayeydey u imid oo weydiiyey ujeeddada odeyga iyo sababta isaga guur ugu eg yahay maanta bacdamaa u qabo xaas caruurna leeyahay. Waxay iigu jawaabtay ayeeydey. " Wuu qabaa naag eh wuxuu u jeedaa, inuu joogo oo gaadhay wakhtigii uu guursan lahaa naag yar oo dhaliyaro ah, maadaama ay xaaskii weyneyd gaadahy 50 sano ku dhowaad caruur badan dhashay"!!!!!


Akhristow Ilaahbaan kugu dhaarshee waxa ay odeyaashu ku kacayaan ma dow baa? Gabadh yari waxba ku fali mayso odey raqayo ah oo qofacaya eh waa lacag doon ama aan idhaahdo eh waa Dhaylo Lacag Doon Ah. Waxaase meesha ku dhiban masaakiinta labada shift shaqayneysa ee guursan la' iyagoo ka baqaya habaar waalid.


Ragow talo keena sidani nolol maahee.......


Wabilaahi Towfiiq

Muna X. Cali

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ah it is good to back here again gosh i missed this place.

well hodan to respond to ur question in my personal opinion i think that older men go for younger girl because those younger females are more impressionable and reshapeable(easier to mold sort of thing), where i guess an older women has set view points and opinions about things which some men find unattractive so they opt to go for those young birds that can be trained to the ways they like their women.

now that's my 1 1/2 cents on this topic.

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Since...there are a lot of newcomers..I´d like to see their replies :cool:

This is one issue i still don´t get :rolleyes:

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lol@hodan sis i kno what you mean...


I remember once when I was 13 yrs old...this man of about 70 must of tried hittin on me...and me maskinnada thought he was a lonely old man looking for someone to talk wasn't until he told me to stop callin him adeer and if he asked if I was married that I didn't get the picture...walaahi i got so scared...I ran off the train into the next cart


Just recently me and my mum were out together when she saw an uncle of hers (at least 60...distant blood relation) the man was blind...and he was like I made the mistake of lettin your mother get away but I wouldn't do the same with you....I didn't kno whether to laugh it off or be scared :confused: lol somalis make me laugh even if you with your mother they got no shame lool

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Idil! that was so funny! i feel your pain! how about older ladies at work hitting on you!everyday


OG-sista u want to be taken care off!!lol!!wow me too!

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Sister, i wasn't trying to reply this topic ,but here is my take , you asked a very serious question and i shall give you a serious answer


The only number that matter is

1+1=2 so don't worry about any other numbers

3-100 dosn't matter, if you are happy what you will receive go for it, if not just look the other way around and exprrience will help good luck and by the way the person u are calling old, he has been there 18,19,20,21,22,etc so don't treat him like he skipped all these btfl yrs. good luck again

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i dont think there is anything wrong w/ being "attracted " to someone younger than you or even someone older than you, the REAL problem is when someone older speci"ph"ically targets younger people to take advantage o their youth and innocence. THAT right there is whats disturbing.

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Imagine this, If I marry a girl my age when I'm 30 she'll be 30. What tha hell I'm I gonna do with a 30 year old? but If I marry a girl 5 or 6 years younger than me, when I'm 30 she'll be 24 or 25! PERFECT and don't tell me a 24 year old girl can have the same body as a 30 year old. Therefore I don't blame the brothers who go after younger less mature fresh girls, and leave them washed up women alone. Ladies don't hate! we all know some somali women loose their shape after the first baby, and I think it's easier for her to get back in shape if she gives birth at a younger age like 20 or 21.

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