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Weris Diriye Film Coming Soon. (Trailer)

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Take it easy Bro...he's just being his old naughty Ngonge...nothing more nothing less.



Peace, Love & Unity.

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Oh great, just when we forget about it, they had to re-hash the label.


Next time I got to an interview or move to a new neighborhood or apply for credit, I will have another title under my belt along with other well known somali stigmas (Pirate (you ever been on a boat), shababy (Do you have any family that knows any one that is with them? Are you with them?), Ceeyida (Have you ever taken it and scammed our govenment? and once again FGM (how do you feel about it?Do you know anyone that has done it?Where is it done (your home,mosque, backyard, there backyard!) :rolleyes:


Am tired of people getting famous over highlighting negativities. :mad:

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Originally posted by GDwonder:

A simpleton I am, unmoral old-soul is what I really don't wanna be if I ever see the days to come.


Sherb, I couldn't help but imagine him as otherwise.

Don't know what you are, son. Go away.

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A recurring discussion, this. Everytime WD's name comes up, the lines get drawn.


Haven't read the book, and judging by the trailer I don't plan to see the film.


What's the substance? If Weris' worst problem was sleeping rough, then she had it good. And if it's the FGM, she shares that burden with 97% of Somali females. Is there anything else that this 'survivor' has survived?


I think Somalis, as a people, have gone through a hell of a lot in the last 20 years, most of it mind-bogglingly horrific, some of it incredibly inspiring and in the next 50 years these stories, the real stories and the real tragedies, will be coming out Insha'Allah. And THEY would be worth recording.

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Val, mala yaabtay walaalee? bajaqdaas dhib in ee soo martay bee iska dhigtay ka waran?.... waxa ee sheeganeeso a aha wax ka nixiya qof somali ah because waa wax ku wada dhacay dad aad u farabadan.. meeqo gabdhood ayaa qaxootigii la kufsaday, oo dhib iyo rafaad lasoo mariye oo maantana ah gabdho kaala arag ah oo diintooda iyo dhaqankooda wili heysta! meeqaa lagu ag dilay waalidkooda iyo dariskooda? meeqaa xamar lug ugaga baxay ilaa iyo Kismaayo ama kismaayo ilaa iyo Kenya?


ciyaalkaan xun xunka ahi oo ku koray dhulka qurbaha ayaa Waris iyo qashinka ayada oo kale ahi u arka qof dhib soo marayiyo ajanabiga xun xun oo attention raadis ah...shiiidh shiidh fooqul shiidh!!!



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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Val you made a valid point that somalis went thru so much worse than this and that this will just be a drop of a deep ocean. But, that doesnt mean this issue should be disregarded. It needs to be dealt with. So Im beginning to agree with all these models point of view. Perhaps they are using it to get fame, bt at the end of the day if its put out there people will be aware of the issue and educate others abt it. so theres two sides to the story...



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Val, while many Somalis have gone through hell for the past twenty years, none have so far made it from miyi to the cover of Vogue...And allahu yaclam if there'll ever be one who has been through hell and back, who'll find fame and will do us proud!


Ani koley hadey is qaawiso iyo hadey James Bond movie ka qeyb qaadato wax igama galin, ilaa iyo hada waxaan dhaafi la'ahay the way ee gudniinka usheegtay in the movie...The whole cutting 'inner' and 'outter' then sewing whatever that's left together baa iga dhaadhici la'...If that's the case, what's there left to sew baan fahmin?


Don't get me wrong, gudniin waan arkay, laakiin wexey sheegtay ma arag mana maqal...Hadey runtahayna, shooooot, I say let her do whatever she needs to do to get the message accross...

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I didnt see the movie yet, I was actually plannin to see it. I should check out the trailer in fact. So r u saying she is exagerrating? and what is in the movie doesnt reflect the reality of the issue?



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I really don't know if she is exagerrating the whole gudniin thing, but sidey usheegeyso iyo waxaan arkay isn't at all the same! From what I understood wexey sheegtey, then there'd be nothing left, meeshu waa sagxad! Najeynaa...I guess the way it was done in miyigi iyo Xamar waa laba kala duwan... :confused:


I've seen the movie, and enjoyed most the acting of the Somali kids...They were really good!

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yo..duqdu waa drank 24/7..maba miyirsato, marka dee yahuud baa afta caano ugu shubtey.


so whatever she says, is just pos! u know piece of shyte. Marka xaarka iska du ku deh ok. u tell me when we gonna see her in a mosque paying respect to Allah to ask for forgiveness! i did it. yo if u is a moslem, u gotta come home, at least, once in a blue moon! right. :confused:



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^^^ Man! Rudy I like how you write man... is about time you start to mix somali with the making that shiidh hot! loooool


Rudy good point homie laakiin when she comes home, i hope people wlc her like the sister she was always to us and not any different iinsha allah...Ilaahey qofkuu soo hanuunsha bas ayaa soo hanuuna....


KK, qoftaan eri la qalaayo camal ee ka dhigtay sheekada dhan yaah lool... zab noocee waaye zabtaas?



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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Originally posted by Kool_Kat:


Horta, are there different ways of female circumcision, other tan wixii sunna iyo fircooni la kala dhihi jiray? The way she explains in the movie waa waxaan maskax galeyn...

There are actually four types that WHO classifies. Fircoon is infibulation, the worst form of FGC. Sunna is considered type II at times and at other times as misc. There is also another type called excision and a fourth one called clitoridectomy.


Waris' account of FGC sounds horrifying

Mama tied a blindfold over my eyes. The next thing I felt my flesh was being cut away. I heard the blade sawing back and forth through my skin. The pain between my legs was so intense I wished I would die



Personally I hate the use of word mutilation because it provides a one sided skewed view on FGC. This doesn't discount women who have undergone worst case scenarios of FGC but I find the ones that are documented in paperbacks/movies are sensationalist at best and rightly so. They need to horrify their readers to earn their recognition and funnily enough they all follow the same storyline of being forced to marry against their will, running away and being saved in the West. :rolleyes:


What people like Waris are doing is alienating the very women who need help to ban FGC in their communities by branding them and holding them up to the spotlight. There has to be a better way of bringing awareness to the issue other than airing your dirty laundry .


As to all the other business, she is a fully functional adult and thus can make her own choices on what to do with her assets. smile.gif

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Ani koley hadey is qaawiso iyo hadey James Bond movie ka qeyb qaadato wax igama galin, ilaa iyo hada waxaan dhaafi la'ahay the way ee gudniinka usheegtay in the movie...The whole cutting 'inner' and 'outter' then sewing whatever that's left together baa iga dhaadhici la'...If that's the case, what's there left to sew baan fahmin?

She didnt exaggerate. She is on point. * Warning: Graphic The cutting of the inner she is talking about is the *thing* they cut off first, then they scrape it clean(or attempt because there is muscle under the fat?), then they tighten the opening even more, then trim the labia :eek: What people dont understand is, this is a MAJOR surgery thats being performed by people with no medical training.


Seeker ,

It is no HER dirty laundary but rather that of a sick society and it needs to be exposed. She is NOT alianating anyone worth attracting. If the mere fact of her occupation has people running for the hills, then those arent the type to take on this kind of struggle to begin with.

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Separate the issues smile.gif You and I agree that FGC should be banned. You and I agree that there has to be some awareness of the issue. What I am trying to convey here is the fact that before the Western society came galloping on its white horse with their anti FGM slogans, these societies were working on eliminating the practice. The educated, literate part of the society had medicalized the procedure. It was a step in the right direction that got derailed by the war.


Change is not instantaneous and won't occur from an outside source. True and everlasting change is going to have to come from within the society and implemented by the society. The new generation (the ones in the West) are not going to practice FGC. So who is practicing it? The ones who are illiterate and uneducated and live in a closed community.


Do you really think if you want these women to change their ways ostracizing them is the way to go about it? Dee, if all you want is people to read your book due to the shock factor, follow the storyline that most FGC stories follow, I got mutilated, I got forced into marriage, I ran away, I came to the West and I got saved!


But if you want to stop this practice there are ways to go about it that will actually eliminate the practice. It has been done by many societies including the Bedouin society in Isreal.Educate the people, create a health dissemination system, debunk the myth of religiosity, get the men to pledge they don't need infibulation to prove virginity, provide a different source of income for the traditional women who perform the surgery, provide a lesser alternative like nicking (yes I said this for really even a cigarette smoker needs nicotine in another form when quiting), research the traditional values of the procedure and find ways to override these societal values. BUT I repeat that the women who live in the boonies mentally or physically are not going to change their ways just because an outsider, informed by Weris narrative, comes and tells them to.


I am not against her talking about it nor do I care what her occupation is. She should absolutely be free to talk and I am free to point out the sensationalism of the tale and the ripple effect it has on the very people who deal with it on a daily basis. There are many narratives of FGC and each one is different. What her tale does is give a single brush stroke to an entire mural and she should frame it thusly smile.gif


Here is a statistic for you, only 15% of all FGC are infibulation or fircoon. You know what the media portrays.........? Every black, muslim woman from Africa is infibulated. And who do you think stokes those fires?


Finally C&H, talking specifically about the state you and I both reside in. Some women, of a certain age set,skip out on yearly visits to the docs because of the whole FGC issue and recently have taken to applying a certain gel from some Middle Eastern country that re-suture their openings after birth. Are you really going to stand there and tell me that Weris' book or movie is actually going to make a difference for them? That they will be able to talk to their doctors openly and honestly? Or worse find compassion from doctor's informed by rhetoric that terms them as barbaric?

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