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Gay Bomb

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Air force looked at spray to turn enemy gay



Dan Glaister in Los Angeles

Wednesday June 13, 2007

The Guardian



Make love not war may be the enduring slogan of anti-war campaigners but in 1994 the US air force produced its own variation on the philosophy.

What if it could release a chemical that would make an opposing army's soldiers think more about the physical attributes of their comrades in arms than the threat posed by the enemy? And thus the "gay bomb" was born. Far from being the product of conspiracy theorists, documents released to a biological weapons watchdog in Austin, Texas confirm that the US military did investigate the idea. It was included in a CD-Rom produced by the US military in 2000 and submitted to the National Academy of Sciences in 2002. The documents show that $7.5m was requested to develop the weapon.



Article continues






The documents released to the Sunshine Project under a freedom of information request titled "Harassing, Annoying and Bad Guy Identifying Chemicals" includes several proposals for the military use of chemicals that could be sprayed on to enemy positions. "One distasteful but non-lethal example would be strong aphrodisiacs, especially if the chemical also caused homosexual behaviour," says the proposal from the Air Force's Wright Laboratory in Dayton, Ohio.

The Pentagon did not deny that the proposal had been made: "The department of defence is committed to identifying, researching and developing non-lethal weapons that will support our men and women in uniform."


Aaron Belkin, director of the University of California's Michael Palm Centre, which studies the issue of gays in the military, said: "The idea that you could submit someone to some aerosol spray and change their sexual behaviour is ludicrous.",,2101644,00.html

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Maraykanka ayaa hormariyay Bombo ay khatar ah oo ay tuuraan diyaaradaha dagaalka oo askarta iyo dadka kale ee ku nool meesha lagu rido ay luminayaan xishoodka iyo disibiliinka oo ay si degdeg ah midba mid ugu jeesanayo oo is wada fuulayaan.



Maaddaama ciidamada ay u badan yihiin rag ayaa ciidamadii lagu tuuro bombadaas midba midka kale fuulayaa oo iswada khaniisayaan, iyagoo hilmaamaya in ay dagaal ku jireenba.


Waraaqo sir ah oo ay saxaafadda heshay ayaa tilmaamaya in culumada sayniska ay muddo dheerba cilmibaaris ku hayeen horumarinta hormoonnadaan kiimikeed ee dadka kacsiga ku dilaya oo dadkii hal mar isku wada jeesanayo.


Bombadaan khatarta ah ayaa loo bixiyay "bambadii khaniisiinta" oo macnaheedu tahay in raggii ciidanka ahaa oo dhan is wada khaniisayaan, waxaa kale oo bombadaas lagu naanaysaa "Bombadii jacaylka".


Bombo kale oo aan la ogeeyn heerka ay marayso ayaa jirtay oo ah mid ciidamada lagu tuuro ku abuuraysa ur gaar oo u eg midka xaarka oo dadka kale ku gartaan, isagoo muddo dheer soo uraya oo aan caadi dadka kale u dhax joogi karin xataa haddii uu labiska lagu aqoonsado iska tuuro. Bombadaan ayaa waxay cilladdeeda noqotay iyadoo dhaqamada qaarkood aysan urta xaarka u arkin wax xun waayo waxay maalin kasta uriyaan saxarada taala agagaarkooda. Markaa waxay noqon doontaa bambo wax tar ku leh oo kaliya ciidamada ka soo jeeda dhaqamada qaarkood oo in uu qofka xaar ka soo uro xumaan u yaqaanna.


Saldhigga ciidamada cirka ee Maraykanka ee ku yaala goobta loo yaqaanno Daylton, Ohaio ayaa cidsaday in la tijaabiyo kiimikooyinkaas halaynaya disibiliinka iyo moraalka cadowgooda waa bomka khaniisiinta iyo kan qurmooneeysiinaya askarta ka soo horjeedda.


Qorshayaashaas waxaa la soo bandhigay sanadkii 1994tii, iyadoo cilmibaaristaas lagu bixiyay dhaqaale ka badan $7.5 milyan oo doolar, looguna talagalay in ay socoto muddo lix sanadood ah.

Waxaa kale oo ay saynisyahanada soo bandhigeen mashruuc kaas u eg oo askarta lagu tuuro banbadaas ay xataa hawaysanayaan xayawaannada ku nool dhulkaas ay joogaan in ay fuulaan ama xayawaannada naftooda ay soo aadaan dadka si ay u fuulaan.


Horumarinta kiimikaaliska noocaas ah iyo ku dagaallankooda ayaa ah arrin lagu tilmaamay in ay xataa ka sii fool xun tahay bambooyinkii nukleerka ee khatarta ah, waayo waxay adduunka dhan mustaqbalka ka dhigayaan wada khaniisiin is wada fuula ama xayawaannada fuula sidaas ayuuna ku dhamaanayaa macnaha dhan ee farqifga aadanaha.

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This is not as far fetched as you may think. It's in Ocean's 13 where Matt Damon character puts love gas secreting patch on his neck and the girl falls all over him. I think she was zonked out in the end. Whatever the case, I now believe the existence of gay bomb.

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it is pitty coz what about those guys who are using the gas ?? ,, that is if this is true which i still don't believe ,,,,,,,,


means both Army will go crazy and instead of fighting they'll do is fuul fuul ,,,, what is the benefit for the US markaa ?? :D

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I dunno seems kinda hoaxy to me

it's almost like laser vision

really mmm hmmm tell me more yes please I want to know all about this gay .

No it's not a crazy idea at all


can you smells my sarcasm yet?

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