
History, the killing of 80 Somali officers 1978 by @harummaruf.

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Discussion of this kind is not good for the soul and morally negative. This kind of discussion comes when someone is looking reasons to explain the inexplainable.

People in kililka hardly talk about 77 war. There is not much official or public information or commonly agreed information. Therefore everyone that discusses it tries to see things from what happened after. Since what hapened after is not good, then somebody has to be blamed.

I find it takes your energy down, and makes you be suspicious even things you thought you knew better.


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Galbeedi, these killing happened before the coup, the people killed in Hargaisa is that during the coup of 9th April 1978?


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"Discontent with the Siad Barre regime began to spread after the military loss against Ethiopia. Siad Barre had eighty-two high level military officers executed in Ethiopian territory for their opposition to the way the war was handled. The military failure and execution of military officers prompted a 1978 coup attempt. Despite somewhat diverse clan participation amongst the coup leaders, Barre portrayed the coup as orchestrated by the Majeerteen clan. In a pattern similar to what would be used later against the Isaak clan in 1988, Barre responded by purging the government and military of Majeerteen, and committing reprisal killings against the Majeerteen civilian clan members that left roughly 2,000 dead.[ix]"


There is no doubt some of the officers were angry of the withdraw.

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21 minutes ago, maakhiri1 said:

Siad Barre had eighty-two high level military officers executed in Ethiopian territory for their opposition to the way the war was handled. The military failure and execution of military officers prompted a 1978 coup attempt.

How parallel Ethiopia and Somalia were going.

There were officers in Ethiopia who said that the war in Eritrea should have been done in Tigray. They were proven right. Mengistu sent 60,000 in one battle in Eritrea, were close to expelling EPLF from its base and operating area, then the Tigray sent some 4,000 and defeated the Ethiopian army.

Then a coup was attempted. When it failed some generals who were shot were run over by tank. So that they would be really dead as if machine gunning them did not kill them.

Then shortly in about 2 years the whole thing folded.

These two countries differences was months some Somalia first then happens in Ethiopia and some Ethiopia first then happens in Somalia.

In Ethiopia people have nearly forgotten Derg Military. A generation that does not know anything is now almost close to power, education, some development and different kind of politics.

If only Somalia can have a government even a bad one, since people will be united against bad government. People would have been so busy with development and economy would be less of what we are doing in this thread.


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Galaal  xogta saxdaa wuu hayaa, balse wuxuu ula hadlay voa'da sidii ilmo caruura....bara rak bara rak... finish halkaasaa lagu laayay kulaha.

Sharciga askarta qabta waxaa ugu muhiimsan sadex

Kow midka ayagoo labisan ay galaan

Labo midka ayagoon labisnayn ay galaan

Sadex midka marka dagaalka lagu jiro ay galaan.

Sadexdaasna waxaa ugu dhib badan kan marka dagaalka lagu jiro.

Waxaan xasuustaa anagoo dhalinyaro ah yaa waxaa nala geeyay ciraaq dadka ciraaq markaas waa wada askar xataa hadduu dhakhtar caafimaad yahay waxaaba sicday dagaalkii iiraan ay kula jireen.

Waxyaabaha naga yaabiyay waxay ahayd hadduu askarigu ka baxsado goobta dagaalka ilaa ay dilaan ma qaadan karo taytalka shahiid

Tusaale haddii loogu yimaado asagoo shaah makhaayad ka cabaya isla kursiga uu fadhiyo bay ku dilaan, dabadeena calankaa la huwiyaa reerkiisaana loo diraa si ay usoo aasaan shahiidkaa ka dhintay.

Goobaha dagaalka askartu way isku bedeshaa maskax ahaan haddii khaa'im madax looga dhigana khatar badan baa ka timaadaa waana tan keenta in qaabka loola macaamilo uusan marbava noqon karin sida kan shaqaalaha idaacadohoo kale.

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A report is written in English doesn’t make it more credible. The so called 83  could be a made up story and exaggeration for so many reasons.

First the Somalia of 1976/77 couldn’t have 83 high level officers in a one theatre of the war like Jijiga or surroundings area. The Somali army that went to war in 1977 was high quality in both soldiers and officers, and the numbers was smaller than later years where everyone become a colonial and general.

It was impossible to had 300 or more colonels and captains in that era, and killing over 80 which could have been 40% of the Somali officer corps  was impossible.

Furthermore , Somalia of 1977 had a highly trained military intelligence who could have executed any mission without blanket massacre.  Sheeko xariirta ay ka hadlayaan  ee ah soo qora kuwa la dalacinayo, ka dibna waa la toogtay wax aqliga galaya ma aha. No army can just shoot officers without finding guilty of something. Again , in those days the system was working especially in the army.


The logical opinion is that those who refused the order to withdraw were executed. If those men with their loyal soldiers came back home they could easily have taken over the country. 

The fact had shown that some those disgruntled officers who came from the war had staged the a coup which almost succeeded.

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I blame general afweyne he was the supreme commander and was responsible for the military. We went to war lost the war a destroyed economy and angry soldiers tried to undermine each other who is to blame.

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So many versions on this story which only happened 40 years ago it is very difficult to find truths in Somali society, who is telling the truths only allaah knows.

Galaal said the order came from Hargeisa and mentioned 3 names are those 3 people alive now so we can hear their side of this case.

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9 hours ago, galbeedi said:

The so called 83  could be a made up story and exaggeration for so many reasons.

Tell that to the agoontii abahood la dilay. A sister in-law's dad was among those who were killed in Jigjiga area by the regime. He was called to accept metal of honour for his bravery on the battlefields, only to be killed for no apparent reason. That is the pain that no one will forget. 

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Some people say that Barre was never the same person after 1977 debacle.

Somalia was never the same country after 1978, even WSLF ceased to exist after war.

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Siyaad Barre was a paranoid narcissist. He had low intelligence sycophants and spies working for him at all levels of government and they executed his orders religiously. All the smart people were either opposition to his government, or got killed before they could scape.  The 83 SNA officers were murdered because they showed bravery, resolve, intelligence, love of country and above all decency. Siyaad wasn't a great thinker. He lived for the moment and the decision to kill these brave men was driven by his strong impulse to control all situations. He personally gave the orders to murder the poor officers because that was the only way he could feel at ease after the failed war. 


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2 hours ago, Dahireeto said:

Siyaad Barre was a paranoid narcissist. He had low intelligence sycophants and spies working for him at all levels of government and they executed his orders religiously. All the smart people were either opposition to his government, or got killed before they could scape.  The 83 SNA officers were murdered because they showed bravery, resolve, intelligence, love of country and above all decency. Siyaad wasn't a great thinker. He lived for the moment and the decision to kill these brave men was driven by his strong impulse to control all situations. He personally gave the orders to murder the poor officers because that was the only way he could feel at ease after the failed war. 


First split happened:

Some Somali said this should be WSLF war and never Somalia war and even the SNA should only fight in Ethiopia as volunteers and members of WSLF. Those were demoted, arrested and few disappeared.

2nd split happened:

We should not withdraw. We were defeated as regular army, but not as the Somali people's liberation struggle therefore should continue as irregular fighters of WSLF. Too late for them. President Barre then was at mercy of Mengistu. He had already signed to kenya that no Somalia govt will interfere with NFD. And agreed same with Ethiopia in Djibouti and in Yemen. Those who wanted to continue the war by other means were obstacle to this.

Had President Barre left these folks to fight or even just stay around doing political work, even if kililka would not separate, but the Somali in Ethiopia would have had better position in 1991 and better deal from the begining. It took about 15 years to get the Somali in Ethiopia in a reasonable and almost respectable position. All this for mistakes of President Barre and greed of some kililka people that supported his decision blindly.




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