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  1. SBN)Wararka naga soo gaadhaya magaalada Addis Ababa ee xarunta Itoobiya ayaa sheegaya in Xisbihga EPRDF ay gorada iskula jiraan kuna dhici la’yihiin in ay magacaabaan raysal-wasaare cusub oo wadanku uu yeesho. Sida xogta aan kuhelayno shirka ayaa saacadihii ugu dambeeyay yeeshay waji kale kadib markii ergooyinkii qabiilada EPRDF kumidoobay ay isku mari waayeen qofka badalaya raysal-wasaare iscasilay Hailemariam Desaleng. Shirkan oo ay kasoo qayb galeen 180 ka xubnood ee Golaha Dhexe ee EPRDF, ayaa lasheegay in uu soomaray marxalado badan oo midba mid kadarayd, waxaana lasheegayaa in ay siwayn isugu maandhaafsan yihiin qabiilka talada wadanka qabanaya iyo awooda uu yeelan doono ninka lamagacaabo. Jawiga shirka ayaa lasheegayaa in uu aad uxumaaday kadib markii TPLF ay soojeedisay in Demake Makonen oo ah raysalwasaare kuxigeenka xiligan una dhashay qoomiyada Axmaarada uu siihayo xilkaas inta doorasho laga gaadhayo sharciyana ah ninka uu sharcigu u ogol yahay waxaase aanay taasi ka suurta galaynin qoomiyada Oramada wadankii kala xidh xidhay xaalkuna aad u adag yahay waxaanan la saadaalin karaynin xaalku siduu xaal noqon doono maadaama shirkii la isku mari laayahay aadna loo kala shikiyay Hase yeeshee waxaa soojeedintaas gaashaanka udaruuray qoomiyada Oromada, taas oo iyadu kuhanwayn in ay qabato xilkaas. Waxaana lasheegayaa in ay Oromadu dhowr jeer shirka kabaxeen iyagoo diidan soojeedinta ay danaysigu kujirto ee Tigreega. Dhinaca kale kooxda ay arimuhu kucakiran yihiin ee EPRDF, ayaa dib udhigtay shirkoodii caadiga ahaa oo dhici lahaa baryaha soo aadan, waxaana lafilayaa xasilooni la’aanta iyo sicir bararka siyaasadeed ee socda owgeed in loojoojiyay shirka kooxda. Wararka laxidhiidha shirka EPRDF ee Addis Ababa iyo guud ahaan Itoobiya kalasoco sidii caadada ahayd Subulahanews
  2. All opposition without exception are so confused, become anxious and suspicious of each other. Everybody is suspecting somebody of making deals with the EPRDF. One of the opposition parties openly asked: "How can a country the size and prestige (empty prestige with starving people - mine) run without PM". They forgot the PM is still active until next PM is elected. Some have already accepted defeat and are thinking next cycle or next opportunity. Regions: Tigray, Afar, Amhara, Somali, Gambella, Benshangul Gumuz is all quiet and waiting. Oromia: lots of problems and particularly now competition between west Oromo mostly Protestant and Eastern mostly Muslims. The middle what can be termed as Amharized is still working in the stystem. South: Problem with one Ethnic, Gurage these are traders and business people scattered all over Ethiopia but home base is in South. Ginbot 7 is mainly Gurage. Hareri are watching carefully since they are sarounded by Oromo and not far from Somali, but no land connection. Is like city state. Addis and Dirdawa is all quiet.
  3. The only country in the world that comes close second to Ethiopia is Mexico. Lets see what the refugee generating countries say: Eritrea: The Ethiopians are taking advantage and making business, gaining influence through refugees and relatives, changing their image from agressor to peaceful etc South Sudan: Ethiopia is making business and gaining influence among people of South Sudan Somalia: Ethiopia is gaining influence and changing its image among Somalis and making business No body mentions that its culture among Ethiopians to be humaine to someone on hard times, and if that gains you influence, money and peace and friendship so much the better.
  4. Its looking more like Saudi Ethiopia case than a strictly Saudi case. Its not known what Saudi Arabia wants from Ethiopia other than securing Saudi Star the food production agri-business. Maybe the overthrown Royals do not want to transfer Saudi Star to the new group. Or could be favour to Egypt and in Ethiopia Oromo. New York Times article sheds some light:
  5. This is a statement that covers Everything: Djibouti will always be the mother port for Ethiopia Ethiopia's participation in Other ports do not conflict with Djibouti, but complement 15 Billion USD has been spent on Infrastructure for Djibouti port, roads, railroad and facilities ________________________________________________ Meles Alem MFA Spokesperson Addis Ababa, March 15, 2018 (FBC) – The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) said Ethiopia will continue to primarily use port of Djibouti as a gateway for its import-export trade. Ethiopia’s move to develop alternative ports is useful for Djibouti as well, said Meles Alem, Spokesperson of MoFA, while briefing journalists on current issues today. However, the government of Ethiopia will continue to use port Djibouti as its main gateway for international trade, the Spokesperson reiterated. According to Meles, up to 15 billion US dollars has been spent during the past years to build infrastructures linking Ethiopia with Djibouti, such as roads, railway line and develop port. The construction of these infrastructures would contribute a lot towards facilitating and stimulating regional economic integration, he said. Regarding the Ethio-Djibouti commissioners/ and administrators meeting which was concluded yesterday, he said the two countries have agreed to prevent illegal trade, human trafficking and to further boost the socio-economic benefits of people of the two countries. Meles further indicated that Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt will hold their trilateral meeting on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) in Khartoum, Sudan on April 4 and 5. ____________________________________________________________________________________
  6. Wararka naga soo gaadhaya magaalada Addis Ababa ee xarunta Itoobiya ayaa sheegaya in xukuumadu ay qiratay fashilka kuyimid iyagoo sheegay in sababo laxidhiidha khilaaf dhexdooda ah ay ufashilmeen. Xog hayaha urur talada wadanka haya ee EPRDF Shafarow Shigute oo waraysi siiyay wargayska Addis Zeben, ayaa sheegay in dhibaatada wadanka kasocotay ay iyagu mas’uul kayihiin, isla markaana ay wadanka u horseedeen burbur iyo xasilooni la’aan. Shafarow Shigute oo hadalkiisa siiwatay ayaa sheegay in is qabqabsi mudo soo jiitamay oo kooxda EPRDF udhaxeeyay uu sababay khalkhalka siyaasadeed ee wadanka saameeyay ee xalka loowaayay. Shafarow Shigute ayaa sheegay in xisbiga EPRDF uu isku haysto talada wadanka, taas oo sida uu Shafarow sheegay ilaa iyo hada Raysal-wasaare lasoo magacaabi la’yahay. Dhinaca kale waxaa wali siisocda shirkii EPRDF, kaas oo lagu wado in uu mudo siisocon doono, sidoo kale waxaa lasheegayaa in ilaa iyo hada wax natiijo ah uusan kasoo bixin kulamada xidhiidh ka ah ee kooxda udhaxeeya. Bayaan kasoo baxay Xisbiga Ormada ee bah wadaagta la ah EPRDF ee OPDO ayaa siwayn loogu dhaleeceeyay xasuuqii ciidanka dawladu ka gaysteen magaalada Moyale ee dhulka Oromada, waxaana bayaanka lagu sheegay in ciidanka wayaanuhu ay si badheedh ah ulaayeen dad shacab ah. Bayaanka kasoo baxay OPDO oo luuqad adag lagu qoray ayaa lagu sheegay in Dawlada ay ka tirsan yihiin looga fadhiyo jawaab shacabka Oromia qancisa, iyo wali wax kaqabad muuqda oo wax laga qabto ciidanka falkan fuliyay. Wasiirka warfaafinta ee ismaamulka Oromada Taye Dandane ayaa sheegay in talaabadan dadka shacabka ah lagu xasuuqay ay ahayd mid badheedh ah, isla markaana amarka laga soo bixiyay magaalada Addis Ababa, wuxuuna sheegay in ay laxisaab tamayaan dadkii kadambeeyay falkan waxshi nimada ah. Dhinaca kale Xisbiga EPRDF ayaa sheegay in dilka kadhacay magaalada Moyale uu ahaa mid si khalad ah kudhacay isla markaana ay baadhitaan kusamayn doonaan wixii meesha kadhacay. Hadalka kasoo yeedhay OPDO ayaa siwayn ujabinaya go’aankii xukuumada ee ahaa in maamul hoosaadyadu aysan hadli karin inta uu jiro xukunka dag daga ah ee wadanka lagu soo rogay go’aankaas oo sicad ay Oromadu iskaga dhaga tirtay. Dhinaca kale dhalinyaro abaabulan ayaa dil aar goosi ah kasamaysay magaalada Moyale, halkaas oo lagu dilay mid kamid ah ciidanka wayaanaha mid kalana lagu dhaawacay. ku soo biir Subulaha news network.
  7. This commision is so effective, at one time the border commision of Sudan and Ethiopia came to observe and learn experience in 3-4 sessions. The following issues were most threatening to border between the two countries and the results are astounding: Human trafficking is almost zero Cross border looting and banditry almost zero Terrorism almost zero Gun running and Contraband trade greatly reduced Next major issues and objectives are: Economic union of both countries Reducing inefficiencies Unified system of critical infrastructure and resources (water, electricity, roads, railroads etc)
  11. Egypt cannot comprehend why the DAM construction is going 24/7, but meeting cannot. Egyptians wanted World Bank mediation NO Egyptians wanted Sudan excluded NO Egyptians wanted French companies analysis speed up NO And now no meeting either. galbeedi, Egypt and your Oromo have to thumb on desk, you just have been outplayed for now, tomorrow is another day. Tallamook, Here we go. Why Ethiopians not in a hurry for PM. Possibility of PM returning is open. Parliament might reject his resignation. Wouldn't that be funny joke on Egyptians. The Tigray are 17 Egypt 0 in last 150 years. Amhara best friends of Egypt in a sandwitch not to be eaten. Oromo new client ddeer in headlights
  12. Lots of discussion on this dam, that may shape East Africa, Let us dedicate a whole topic. Name:The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam(GERD) Location: Ethiopia Google map Coordinations 11°12′55″N35°05′35″E Capacity : 6000-MW Cost: $5 billion