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Everything posted by somalialover

  1. I do agree with the all you said, but I did not got this>>>>>>"the cost of raising one child today is the same if not less than raising a child in the old days."
  2. his name is mohamed, he loved his name so he wanned to name his son mohamed too, but it did not seem right. later he come up with MUXUMED, and named his son muxumed. this is what my teacher said to me while I was in highschool; he asked me my name, and one of my two (last and first)names happened to be MOHAMED, then the teacher said to me, "mohamed do you know that your name is the most popular name in the world, if I am a muslim, I will probably called myself MOHAMED.
  3. As America continues its revulsion of industrialization, many things in American Family have changed. To keep everything in their life under control, many American couples chose not to have more than one kid for these following reasons: Today, the cost of raising one child is higher than the cost of raising five kids in the old days. The ungrateful of the children for what their parents did for them. Having more kids has no place in American Society both emotionally and practically. All the above facts create an environment for American couples to have only one child. Firstly, the cost of raising one child is much higher then cost of raising more than five kids in the old days. When a new child born there are many aspects need to consider by the two parents. They have to reset their time schedule. They will be responsible anything that happen to the child. In order for them to be good parents, they have to provide the right environment for the child to successfully grow up both emotionally and physically. That means, providing the child a good education, health care and teaching how to socialize people in a decent way. All those good things to be done, money is needed. Surely, one can proclaim more children more expenses. Secondly, the ungratefulness of the children for what their parents did for them, when they could not do anything for themselves. It is possible to see everyday a child disobeying his parents and that will narrow the possibility of one making the decision to have more children. In the United States, everywhere there are nursing homes filed with aged mothers and fathers. In return, children are not doing what they suppose to be doing, which is taking care of their parents and not throw them into the nursing homes. It is clear that parents are not getting the reward they deserve from their grown offspring. Thirdly, now days, it seems that having more children is emotionally and practically untraditional. In the American Society, too many children will not help one to be view as a successful and independent individual. Why? Because here in America, most people who have more kids are probably uneducated and came from low-income families. In addition to that, housing is one of the most important things when it comes raising a child. Especially in the big cities family with five or six kids will have the difficulty of finding a house or an apartment. A person may say, by having only one kid I will not face those difficulties. Therefore many American couples have no choice but to smaller their family by having only one kid.
  5. sure rudy It will take me a week to do that (proving that I can make four ladies happy) but, nevertheless, when I finishe it I will peresent it to you. like someone said "it is my duty to place that bury" you have to show a positive attitude toward the policy of NO WOMAN LEFT BEHIND.
  6. "were you expecting a oooohhh me please...meeeee...I wanna be number 4...pleeeeeeeeeeease" BY FLYING-STILL. I have already recieved dozons of "" oooohhh me please...meeeee...I wanna be number 4...pleeeeeeeeeeease" but, I am still examining. if you not mind, what does your name mean. FLYING-STILL=STILL A SINGLE, AM I RIGHT?
  7. "I have acheived everything I set my mind to, go to college, take care of my family and never lose faith in allah and always strive to please allah." BY RAHAMA. I AM NOT GOING TO SAY TO YOU, YOU ARE NOT TELLING THE TRUTH, BUT LOGICALLY, PRACTICALLY AND WHATEVER THE REASON IS, THERE IS NO ONE IN THIS WORLD WHO CAN ACHEIVE EVERYTHING HE/SHE IN HER/HIS MIND TO. rahma, REMEMBER, YOU HAVE TO FAIL TO ACHIEVE.
  8. "I have acheived everything I set my mind to, go to college, take care of my family and never lose faith in allah and always strive to please allah." BY RAHAMA. I AM NOT GOING TO SAY TO YOU, YOU ARE NOT TELLING THE TRUTH, LOGICALLY, PRACTICALLY AND WHATEVER THE REASON IS, THERE IS NO ONE IN THIS WORLD WHE CAN ACHEIVE EVERYTHING HE/SHE IN HER/HIS MIND TO. rahma REMEMBER YOU HAVE TO FAIL TO ACHIEVE.
  9. I'm not calling you a liar but I have a funny feeling your just playing around. You can't possibly have three wives and be on the net. Lol. If a man had that many wives already, he'd be a very busy man. by diamond that is true, I am always busy, but I have free-time that is when you see me on the net DIOMOND. I love them (my wives)to death, they are very cooprative and well aware of the world we in today. they got use to it to share their man with other women "in a halaal way". when I am not around they help each other around. the Min'weeyno is always their bos. they elected her in democratic way. they also support NO WOMAN LEFT BEHIND policy.
  10. what have you failed to achieve and what you achieved? would you like to turn the clock back? you input is welcomed.
  11. being a true mulim healthy raaliya money
  12. I think it is rediciouls to say; halkii horaaban qaatibile ka taaganahee maxaa igu wato mid kale. that shows your weakness RUDY. be a man and make the effort which will make posible for you to have any number of wifes you want (no more than four). let me tell you this, if you say I can't handle more than one HALKAASNA WAAD KAGAABIN DOONTAA. ladies how come there is no even one says ok I support the the policy of "no woman left behind"
  13. "^^^^^Last time i checked poLygamy was not permitted in the USA-that is if you are residing in the states" by lucky Lucky, I do not live in the states, but I tell you what! just last week the U.S congress have passed a law that allow a muslim man to marry four wives if he wants, but article has not been declared yet. first of all, do you guys (girls) know that, there are more woman in this world than man!!!! so lets all say togather at once>>>>. "no woman left behind"
  14. magoona and lucky thank you for giving me your opinion. here where I live,having multiple wives is ok. seriousely, I can't even locate the first one so I just wanted to see your reaction. bye
  15. what?????????? Allthough, I did date some woman who are fewer older then me, it never come into my mind marrying woman older then me, also I do not like flying girls like 17, 16, in short, atleat she must be younger than me or same age as I am.
  16. luky. I dont believe there is anything wrong with that, but kawaran haduu ilaahay kuuqoray in aad noqotit mid lagu afreeysto. it is all balaaaaaaaaaa balaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  17. origianly posted by luck "*Maybe its cause shes shy or she doesnt wanna Listen to you, or maybe... *ALways?If there is something to compLain about then yeah-compLaining shouLd be in effect immediateLy.This aLso shows that you are doing *Then she was just after your pocket the whoLe time-that aint Love. *Huh?Can you rephrase that statement? *Not entireLy true but you have to remember she has a mind of her own-meaning she doesnt need to agree or see eye-to-eye with you aLL the time" FIRST OF ALL THANK YOU FOR REPLYING MY POST, LUCK. LET ME SENE THESE FEW WORDS TO YOU AND ALL THE NOMADS WHO MAY READ THIS. FOR YOUR INFORMATION, THERE IS NO SINGLE WORD IN MY POST THAT INDICATES I HAVE EXPERIENCED WHAT IS CIRCLING IN YOUR MIND. ANYWAYS, FOR THE REASON OF YOUR FEMALISM, I WILL JUST ACCEPT AND UNDERSTAN YOUR ARGUMENT, AND YOUR EFFORT OF ANALYZING MY POST. HOW ABOUT IF I CHANGE MY TOPIC TO; HOW TO KNOW IF SOMALI GIRL DOES NOT LOVE.
  18. heyyyyyyyyyyyyyy somali sisters on somalia online which one of you is willing be the fourth
  19. these are my list of how 2know if somaligal loves you: first, she will look other way when you talking to her instead of listening to you. second, she will always complain. third, she will make you pennyless, to pave the way of leaving you. fourth, you will ask for raid, when she really know you can't offer to pave the way of screwing your *** . she will always think the opposite what you think.
  20. why do we call them Africa-American, when the most appropriate name for them is Bantu-American? Why is it the best interst of Bantu-American individual to be Slave then to be free, (interms of controbuting positive thing to the world)???????? Why so many Bantu-American girls are choosing to give birth ***** in order to become a single mother to get CEEYR? After hours, I will come back and give some anwers.
  21. some times it is ok to go crazy but me, I will never do that that is the worst mistake I can do beleive ot not not I have been driving over five years never got ticket nor accident and never stoped by police. how my driving is record clear, I never scared parking my car next to the police car. dont think that I drive too slow, I am always leading,
  22. wait untill she give the green-light and then go to any where you want. that is my opinion