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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. Originally posted by OG_Girl: what that means in English or Arabic ? Salam DHAGAR QABE DHULKAA U DHAQDHAQAAQA In English that roughly translates to: One with blood on his hands even feels Earth move beneath his feet (due to insecurity)... Dirty Sanchez How is that in the mirror? Siyad Barreh I presume?
  2. ...a multi-national force from the African Union would be dispatched to Somalia soon to disarm militiamen. The forces will be provided by the union’s peace and security council based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. I don't want to be a pessimist but I think such a force that comes under such a organisation known for many of its past failures including its lack to resolve many of Africa's deadliest civilwars, have its own determental downside effects on Somali people, given they are as they are saying deployed on Somali soil. I think such a force could be used (by indivituals that might have access to its descisions making machine or presuasive powers) for the selfish political short gains which will inturn ignite or alienate certain groups or clans and might lead to reknewed clan hostilities.
  3. The fact is many Somalilanders are not in particularly proud of the current affairs of their beloved country. The Somaliland of today is far from the one the people dreamed for. We dreamed about a Somaliland which is a model for the region, a democratic one, one with a government which is accountable and delivers services to the people, one which is just, free and fair for all of its citizens... and so on and so forth. The current administration which both lacks the leadership and the "know how" required by the Somaliand-In-Transition of today, is to blame the most. They had fallen well short of their commitments and targets (In fact they took few steps backward in every aspect of ruling Somaliland today). The opposition parties have also their own share of why things are the way they are today. The consistent resilience of the people of Somaliland, however, is the one single thing that is keeping Somaliland afloat at this point of time. Despite the burden, the people had shouldered many of the responsiblities including the security of the country to greater extent then have the government. How will Somaliland look after the parliamentary election which is due in about 10 months time? I really hope things will change for the better.
  4. Alaaya raxma raxmiin What exactly happened to him? We heard reports say that he was unconscious when he arrived in Addis Abeba, and then Raggeh Omaar said yesterday on BBC that although very ill, Abdelmajed was conscious and was talking to people. It was very touching to learn that Abdelmajed had seen and talked to his mother (one of his wishes) 3 hours before he passed away. Very sad.
  5. Sanweyntu qaadi meyso, sabaax la saari maayo I think it went like this: Sanweyntu qaadi meyso sitey la saari maayo Sabaaxba u diyaar ah 'sitey' I think was one a short form of 'sitey manuugto'... used to deliver milk to Banadir region.
  6. lol@guraad ... I see, you like to chew on the morale boosting propaganda campaign of ... tell for the past 3 or 4 months they had been prediciting for the worst... and all we see is Somaliland steeming well in full gears. enjoy these my old friend: Agaasimaha isbitalka SomRus " Hargeysa iyo Jigjiga waxaan ku soo aragnay nabadgalyo aad u wanaagsan waxeyna i soo xusuusisay nabadgalyadaasi xilligii beri samaadka Waxaa inoo suurtagashay in aan waraysi la yeelanno agaasimaha isbitaalka SomRus Sakariye Daahir Gabeyre oo Khamiistii ku soo laabtay magaalada Muqdisho kadib markii safar gaaban oo qaatay 3 cisho uu ku soo kala bixiyay magaalooyinka Hargeysa ee ka tirsan maamulka la baxay Somaliland iyo magaalada Jigjiga ee ka tirsan killinka 5-aad ee ismaamulka Soomaalidu ee dalka Itoobiya, wuxuuna waraysigu u dhacay sida tan:- Su’aal. Mudane waxaad warbixin kooban naga siisaa ujeedada safarkii gaabnaa ee aad adiga iyo dhaqaatiir ka tirsan isbitalka SomRus aad ku tagteen magaalooyinka Hargeysa iyo Jigjiga? Jawaab. Muqdisho waxaan ka baxnay maalintii Isniinta 22-kii Maarso 2004-ta ujeedada safarkeenuna wuxuu ahaa indho indheyn iyo sidii faracyo isbitalka SomRus looga hirgalin lahaa magaalooyinka Hargeysa iyo Jigjiga waxaana aniga si gaar ah ii soo jiitay nabad galyadii aan ku soo arkay Hargeysa, qaasatan waxaan kuu sheegayaa in magaalada Hargeysa ay sugidda amaanka gacan weyn ka geysanayeen ciidanka booliska Somaliland mana jirin wax qoryo ah oo la nagu waardiyeynayey, waxeyna dadka reerka Somaliland noqdeen kuwo isku tashtay. Su’aal. Xilliga aad ku beeganteen magaalada Hargeysa ee xarunta u ah maamulka la baxay Somaliland adiga iyo dhaqaatiirta SomRus ee kula socotay waxa uu ahaa xilli lagu dilay inta u dhaxeysa Hargeysa iyo Barbara shaqaale samafal oo u shaqeynayey hay’adda GTZ, haddaba wax saameyn ah ma idinku yeelatay arrintaasi. Jawaab. Arrintaasi cabsi weyn ayaan ka qabnay markii hore oo waxaan u baajinay safar aan ku tagi laheyn Hargeysa maalintii Sabtida waxaase na farxad galiyay aniga iyo dhaqaatiirtii ila socotay heerka wacan ee nabad galyada ay ka gaartay magaalada Hargeysa iyo amaanka iyo kala dambeynta ka jirta halkaasi, waxaana kuu sheegayaa magaalada Hargeysa waxaa joogay oo aan ku aragnay dad caddaan ah oo badan oo ka shaqeeya halkaasi, waxaana oran karaa magaaladaasi waa magaalo ku dayasho mudan. Su’aal. Sakariye Daahir Gabeyre ma markii kuugu horreysay oo aad tagto Hargeysaa? Jawaab. Haa waa markii iigu horreysay ee aan booqdo magaalada Hargeysa, mararkii hore waxaan ku mari jiray transit diyaaradeed kumana hakan jirin. Su’aal. Goorma ayaa la furayaa faracyada isbitalka SomRus ee magaalooyinka Hargeysa iyo Jigjiga? Jawaab. Inshaa Allaah waxaa socda diyaar garow, waxaana rajaynayaa waqtiyada nagu soo aadan in aan ka hirgalino magaalooyinkaasi faracyada isbitalka SomRus. Su’aal. Ka waran marka aad is barbar dhigtid baahida caafimaadka Muqdisho iyo midda ka jirta Hargeysa? Jawaab. Run ahaantii Hargeysa waa meel uu ka jiro maamul dowladeed iyo kala dambeyn , una baahan in la dardargaliyo howlaha caafimaad ee hadda ka jira, marka aan u soo noqdo magaalada Muqdishana, waxaan ka hirgalinnay isbitalka SomRus, kaas oo shaqeeya todobaadkii oo dhan, waxaana ugu talagalnay maalinta Jimcaha in fiisito iyo daweyn lacag la’aan ah aan u sameyno dad weynaha Soomaaliyeed, howsha maalintaasi aan qabanaynana waa mid Fii Sabiilillaahi ah, mana jirto wax hay’ad ah oo naga taakulaysa howlaha isbitalka, waxaana maalintaasi Jimcaha aan dadka wax ugu qabannaa lacagaha isbitalka u soo xarooda maalmaha kale. Su’aal. Ugu dambeyntii Sakariye maxaad u soo jeedinaysaa shacabka Soomaaliyeed ee ku dhaqan magaalada Muqdisho? Jawaab. Waxaan u soo jeedinayaa in ay ku daydaan walaalahood reer Hargeysa, isla markaana ay sameystaan maamul ay u dhan yihiin oo u soo celiya amaankii iyo nabadda ku wada noolaanshihii bulshada dhexdeeda, waxaan kaloo si weyn u ammaanayaa dadka reer Jig-jiga oo runtii soo dhoweyn aaanan iloobi doonin noo sameeyay. Waxaa wareystay: C/shakuur & Uurdoox
  7. Spadez I concur... but isn't time the rest of the world, in particular the Africans to raise up and demand their share of this exclusive club? mojam And Isreal (of course...) but what about Germany and Japan? I thought they had veto powers too.... perhaps.
  8. How many of you think this "Veto" power is really out of date...? Where is the justice in the so called United Nations charter, which on the one hand preaches that all nations are equal, while of the other gives extra powers to certain nations (mostly Western nations and more precisely all being on the northern hemisphere)...
  9. hello guraad! I think I found one of your favourite feel good articles... please be quick to copy it and paste in here... :eek: this is the url:
  10. I am just wondering where the 'comment' i posted before is gone? Can someone refresh my mind, what was wrong with it that deserved to be deleted? :eek: Suldaanka, This meeting and the SCC have nothing to do with Somali/Somaliland politics. They are only concerned with issues relating to the social problems affecting British-Somalis. I thought so too, but could be wrong... anways I am sure this wasn't the first time that SCC held a meeting in there... just wondering what is so special about this one?
  11. A.D. Nice pictures there, did you take them yourself? African... I do recognize few faces there too... looks line london had a day out... :cool:
  12. Sophist from reading that article I conclude you've been rattled by recent events the aftermath is taking its toll too...
  13. It has become a regular for Aid organisations to pump in condoms into the Somali society under the pretext of "save sex"... But by asking yourself, is there such thing as "save sex" back home as in the western context? It is totally "Xaram" and this is where the Aid organisations failed to see. Late last year they brought to Somaliland similar kind of shipment of "condoms" as they are doing in Puntland right now. There was a hot debate between the doctors and the religious people, as well as involvement by the Administration and the general public. The selling or importation of "condoms" were later banned by the ministry of Islamic faith (Waasarada diinta iyo Awqaafta). Today, we see the same organisations doing the same thing in Puntland. What is your opinion on this topic.
  14. Cabaaro 9:30kii fiidnimo ayaa waxa garoonka caalamiga ah ee Hethrow Intarnational Airport ka soo degay madaxwaynaha Somaliland mudane Daahir Rayaale Kaahin iyo wafti culus oo uu hogaaminaayo waftigani oo in mudo ahla sugaayay ayaa caawa soo gaadhay London Madaxwaynaha iyo waftigiisa oo aay weheliyaan wasiiro ka tirsan xukumada Somaliland iyo labada gole ayaa caawa si nabad qab ah u soo gaadhay magaalada London waftigan oo aay ka dhex muuqdeen wasiirka warfaafinta,arimaha dibada Maaliyada Qorshaynta iyo qaar kale waxa sidoo kale waftigaasi la socday gudoomiyaha golaha Baarlamaanka, gudoomiyaha guurtida iyo ku xigeenadooda waxa isna waftigaa ka mid ahaa Haji Abdi Waraabe hadab waxa soo dhawaynta ka qayb qaatay dhamaan xisbiyada siyasada ee Somaliland waxa iyan si gaar ah meesha uga muuqday Mudane Cismaan oo Somaliland u fadhiya dalka Ingriiska iyo madax badan oo ka tirsan wasaarda arimaha dibada ee Ingriiska sidoo kale waxa meesha ka dhex muuqday in kasta oo aay asaxaabta siyaasadu wada joogeen hadan waxa ka dhex muuqday gudoomiyaha xisbiga UCID Ing Faysal Cali Waraabe waftiga oo iminka ku nasnaaya Hotelkii loogu talo galay oo aan sidaasba uga dheerayn meelaha ugu mihiimsan ee dalkan sida safaaradaha iyo meelaha madaxda caalamku ku dagto ayaa waxa wariyaha halkaasi warka uga soo tabinayay uu soo gudbin doonaa warar faah faahsan oo isdaba joog ah LONDON
  15. Hargeysa (Somaliland Net) - The aqils and traditional leaders of East of Hargeisa, held a three-day seminar on March 07 -09, 2004 on the issues related to Human rights and Peace at the Ambassador Hotel, Hargeisa. We have discussed thoroughly the human rights violations within our customary law and traditional practices that have harmful effects to the rights of a person and the society and have led to conflicts and recurrent unlawful incidents. These issues include unjustified killing, payment of blood compensation (diya), rape, violation of women and girls’ rights, discrimination of minority clans, violations of the rights of the foreigners and guests, destruction of the environment, grazing land, communal and public property, water problem in Hargeisa and in furtherance of peace and stability. After thorough and complete discussions, we, the aqils and traditional leaders of East of Hargeisa do hereby declare the following: We uphold Shariah Law and all its provisions protecting human rights of all individuals; We adhere to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as stated in our Somaliland Constitution; We agree to abolish all harmful xeer and traditional practices violating human rights; We recognize the importance of the traditional institution and leaders to be united and to perform our role in the protection of human rights, justice and peace; We agree to put the interest of the general public first before our personal and narrow clan interests and to work for our general public in a competent manner. The following are the specific resolutions of this seminar: 1. Local Customary laws To abolish all tribal customary laws that violate Islamic Sharia and human rights. 2. Unjustified killing Unjustified killing and all criminal acts are crimes against the people of Somaliland. Therefore, we should decisively commit ourselves that the killer and criminal should be brought before the law and not to protect and hide our wrongdoers. If after all efforts are exhausted by the concerned aqils and traditional leaders to catch the criminal from their tribe but failed to bring him/ her to justice, they should swear before the Holy Qor’an of their honest and sincere efforts. 3. Revenge Killing To stop and absolutely prohibit revenge killing and all acts related to revenge violating the security and rights of innocent people who are not responsible of the wrongdoing and give rise to lawlessness and violent conflicts. Anybody who assists in the revenge killing should likewise be punished. 4. Blood Compensation or Diya Payment a. The main purpose of the diya is to alleviate the misery of the victim’s family and not to protect the wrongdoer. b. Only the immediate family of the victim has the right to receive full payment as they have the right according to Shariah. c. The value of loss of life is 100 camels or its equivalent in cash regardless of the importance and social status of the deceased as the Shariah says. d. In the case of murder, the criminal should be the first to take the burden of payment and what he cannot afford, the clan members will contribute. e. In the case of accidental killing, the clan members should collectively pay the diya. 5. Rights of Women and Children To protect the rights of women and children and abolish discrimination. a. Provision and fair division of inherited wealth after the death of a relative or parent under Sharia Law and human rights; b. Giving the right and freedom to women and widows to decide on whom to marry without precondition and restrictions; c. To give the widow and her children, both boys and girls, their right to property and inheritance; d. In the case of rape, to punish the rapist and to prohibit forcing the victim to marry the rapist; e. To treat our children of both sexes fairly and not to discriminate the girls’ right to education; f. For men and fathers to take active responsibility in the family as breadwinners and good husband to their wives and educators and role models to their children; g. Protection and provision of appropriate care and education to orphaned children, primarily by the clan and legitimate relations. 6. Minority Tribes The minority tribes have equal rights under Islamic Sharia Law and human rights and therefore shall not be discriminated in any way. We have to treat them fairly and help them gain their rights in every respect. We must give them equal voice and participation in decision making and employment. We must respect their rights to marry those from the majority clans. 7. Foreigners and foreign aid workers a. To respect and protect the rights of foreigners, their lives, property and dignity and to educate the people to safeguard the rights of the foreigners; b. To make every effort to bring to justice those who have committed crimes against them; c. To value their contributions to our development; d. The foreigners should follow the rules and regulations of Somaliland. 8. Safeguarding the Environment Our grazing land is in critical condition because of massive cutting of trees, enclosures and establishment of small settlements. The grazing land is the lifeblood of our people. We have to protect our grazing land and environment. We must: a. Prohibit the cutting of trees in the grazing land; b. Prohibit the fencing of the communal grazing land; c. Not establish new settlements in the grazing land; d. Reestablish and protect grazing reserves; e. Develop alternative fuel and fencing materials in order to avoid cutting of trees. 9. Safeguarding all Public Properties and Public Infrastructures a. To protect all schools, clinics, communal and government properties from destruction, looting, taking over of private individuals and squatters. b. All local communities should be involved in improving and sustaining the social services in their communities (education, health, water, and others) 10. Land Disputes When land dispute arises, it should not be transformed into tribal dispute. It should be left for the local government to handle. 11. Water Shortage in Hargeisa City The first priority for water from Hargeisa City should be for human consumption. As there is severe shortage of water, the water in Hargeisa should not be used for farming. 12. Reinforcing Peace Peace and stability is the basis of constructive life and development of the individual and community in general. Thus, we believe that everybody needs peace. The following foundations need to be implemented: a. The government must reinforce security and the clans and individuals must contribute to peaceful living until peace takes strong roots. b. Everybody should cooperate for the preservation of peace and bring before the law all individuals and groups who are disturbing peace. c. Individuals and groups who believe that their rights have been violated must take the lawful process to attain their rights but he/ they cannot take the law in his/ their own hands, so as not to violate other persons rights. Conclusion: Finally, we declare and inform all the communities that the East Hargeisa aqils are not responsible to individuals and groups whose acts violate peaceful coexistence and development of the community. Clans and individuals that have pending issues shall resort to negotiated settlements and mutual respect of all involved rights regardless of the clan size and individual capacities. Finally, we remain indebted and thankful to the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) for the technical and financial support they have made available to the aqils without which this meeting would have bear no fruits. THANKS TO GOD 9 March 2004
  16. the city bank is being taken over I was wondering if anything valuable was in there... if so, why isn't there proper security messures. I had read more then 10 times that such melitias take over the bank anytime they feel like it.
  17. Guraag: I was to use that phrase "not dumb enough" in regards to you leaving this place... but I had a second thought of not to use it for obvious reasons . But are you? We gonna miss you man!
  18. Maleeshiyo Reer Laascaanood ah oo ku biiray Ciidamada Somaliland Mudisho Times( Muqdisho 13/3/04 ) Wararka Laascaanood ka imaanaya ayaa sheegaya in Sargaal lagu magacaabo Saleebaan Xaaji Yuusuf oo hor kacayey Maleeshiyo Gaareysa 100 Ruux ay ku biireen Ciidamada Soomaaliland ee Fadhiya Duleedka Laascaa-nood. Maleeshiyadaan oo markii hore ka tirsanaa kuwo laga soo uruuriyey Beelaha Gobolka Sool oo looga tala galay in ay ka dhinac dagaalamaan Ciidamada Puntiland. Col.Saleebaan Xaaji Yuusuf iyo Maleeshiyada la socotay ayaa ku hubeysnaa 5tikniko ah iyo laba gaari oo Xammuul ah iyo Booyad biyo ah , Maleeshiyadaan ayaa intooda badan ka timid degmada Buhoodle. Maleeshiyadaan Reer Laascaanood ee ku biiray Ciidamada Soomaaliland ayaa noqonaya kuwii labaad ee ku biira Ciidamadaas ka dib markii uu soo shaac baxay isku heysadka Gobolka Sool ee Puntland iyo Soomaaliland. Mudisho Times
  19. The fact is that three of four districts(Lascaanod, Taleex, Xudun) and the capital of Sool region along with Cayn(Buuhoodle district), and East/South Sanaag, are under PL control. Bari Nomad, You need to get your facts straight... Here are the facts: There are no formal puntland army in "Buuhoodle" nor in "Xuddun". Both Buuhoodle and Xudun are in the hands of local melitias that support either administrations. The puntland army led by Col. Afguduud are in Laascaanood (the furthest they came was Adhicadeeye, about 30 km northwest of laascanood). The actual Somaliand army is stationed in Siixawle (about 10km east of Yagoori, but the furthest they went was Adhicadeeye)... but local melitias that support Somaliland were stationed near laascaanood.
  20. Qudhac, It is free speech brother. let everyone say what he or she wants. At the end of the day, the righteous will prevail.
  21. " Is possible that they are trying to change his stand,and tell him his persuasion for "separate state" is unattainable..." Xiddig: That could be possible... and a reason might be of misinformation or lack thereof of facts on the ground. If that was the case, then I think, it would be a golden opportunity for Somaliland to present their case. I don't think any sane person would dispute the Somaliland's case for independence aided by the successes of this young country that still lacks official recognition from the international community.
  22. I have heard these accusation but don't listen to them. I was defending my country just like everyone else when some rebels aided by mingistu attacked our country. I was a high ranking officer. I was doing my job of defending my country. The mass graves they talk about is the people they killed from their tribal conflict. We have proof that they attacked cities full of civilians and our government was just doing what it was supposed to do. Defend the country from the SNM rebel who attacked. It would have been a surprise if Morgan said that he was a warcriminal... that doesn't often happen in this world and surely in the case of Morgan's. But at least Morgan doesn't deny the fact that he was a high ranking official and was responsible for the actions that took place. But if Morgan thinks that it is as simple as he puts it "doing my job" to kill people to inorder to "defending my country"... well I guess I would love to see him say that in an international hearing.
  23. ?Somalida ayaa tiraa neef la gowracay geedkasta ku-rafay?. Waxaan filayaa cidkasta oo aqrisay magaalka aan kor ku xusay in garatay ujeeda aan ka leeyahay mahmaadaan. Waaxa maanta ayaan daraa in Mr. Jagane Dahir iyo ina adeerkiis Cabdullahi Yusuf ay maanta tabar iyo naf bideen in ay qofkasta ku eedeeyaan inuu yahay Muslim. Islaamnimadu ma wax lagu faanaa mise waa wax la dhaleeceeyo? Intaasi waa iga horudhicii intaa soo socotana waa iga dulucdii jawaabta aan jecelahay in aan ugu nasteexeeyo ninka maqaalkaan soo qorey oo ah nin aan afka Somaliga wadaagno inkastoo tuhun ballarani iiga jiro inta uu iimaankiisu la eg yahay maadaama, ay cadaawadiisii qabiil dhaaftay oo uu hadda usoo jeestay inuu diintii muqadaska ahayd waxyeeleeyo dadkana ku ceebeeyo. Waaxaan tuhun iiga jirin in ninka sheegtay Dahir Jagane uu ka mid yahay xubnaha firi fircoon ee la taliya ninka ay dhalashada wadaagaan oo ah Col. Cabdullahi Yusuf, isla markaana uu ka mid ka yahay raga u adeega cadowga ay Amxaaradu inoogu dhowdahay iyo inta ka siishishaysa. Sanadkii 2003 dhamaadkiisa ayaa waxaa tababer loogu xiray wadanka Itoobiya, rag fara badan oo jinsiyad Somaliyeed haysta, badan kooduna yihiin Taageeroyaasha Cabdullahi Yusuf iyo inkale oo ay ugaysay dhuuni raacnimo, dareen diin iyo dadnimo la aaneed iyo hunguri ay kudheehantahay gaalo jecayl. Tababar kaasi wuxuu ku saabsanayaa sidii maclluumaad looga soo uruurin lahaa xajmiga ay diinta Islamku ku leedahay Somaliya, culumadeeda, dugsi quraankeeda, madaaristooda, iyo sidii Xabashi loogu fududayn lahaa in ay Somaliya gacanta ku dhigta dheera ama ha dhawaatee, islamarkaana Col. Cabdullahi Yusuf looga dhigi lahaa maqaarsaar magac uyaal ah, maadaama uu yahay asaga iyo taageero yaashiisu rag kucaan baxay gumaadka iyo ciribtirka diinta islamka iyo astaamaheeda. Arrintani maahayn oo kaliya mid ay Axmaaradu kaligeed fulinayso ee waa mid ay gadaal ka soo riixayaan quwado caadaystay la dagaalanka diinta islamka, isla markaana ay ku bixinayaan juhdi adag oo leh mid dhaqaale, militari, tababar dagaal, jaajuusnimo, argagixisnimo iyo qarbudaad kale oo noocyo kala duwan leh. Ujeeda uu shesheeyuhu iyo Cabdullahi Yufus iyo taageeroyaashiisu ubixinayaan intaas oo juhdi ahi waa in Somaliya laga nabaad guuriyaa lagulana diriro diinta Islamka. Cabdullahi Yusuf ayaa kal hore yiri anagu gabadh timo tidcan waan naqaan waana inoo caado iyo dhaqan laakiin gabadh asturin ama xijaabani waa dhaqan shisheeye iyo Carab inooga yimid. Sababta ay Amxaarada iyo cadowga kale ee Muslimiinta, Carabta iyo inta dulmiga ka soo horjeedaa Cabdulllahi Yusuf iyo taageero yaashiisa ugu doorteen in ay dagaalka diinta horsed ugu noqdaan waa ayada oo uu Cabdullahi Yusuf ku caanbaxay isla markaana ku sifoobay, ladagaalanka diinta Islamka, caadadeeda, dhaqankeeda iyo ciribtirka astaameheeda gobolka uu Cabdullahi Yusuf xooga ku haysto ee bahda ********** . Cabdullahi Yusuf wuxuu sheegay mar uu la hadlayay koox ka socota wardoonka reer galbeedka ?adinku hadda iyo wixii ka danbeeyay burburkii Itixaadka Soofiyeedka ayaad bilowdeen la dagaalanka diinta Islamka laakiin anigu waligay ayaan la dagaalamayay? arintaa oo aad u farax galisay qubaradii shisheeyahay, saaxiibtinimadoodiina sii wanaajisay, maadaama ay ka yara gaabsanayeen sidii ay uga dhaadhicin lahaayeen in uu ku kaalmeeyo ladagaalanka diinta Islamka maadaama uu yahay nin ay ku tuhmayaan in uu yahay Muslim. Waxaa maanta la wada ogyahay in dhulka uu ka taliyo Cabdullahi Yusuf, laga suuliyo culumada, luuqada Carabiga, Axaadiista, xoriyada fikriga ah, warbaahinta xortaa, schoolada khaaska looleeyayay (private schools), madaarasta iyo mawlacyada aan ahayn Timowaynta(Suufiyiinta). Run ahaantii dadka ku nool goboladaasi waxay ku jiraa cadaasi siyaasadeed, caburis diineed, cuno qabatayn dhaqaale, amar kutaaglayn ay masuul katahay jufada Cabdulllahi Yusuf iyo shaqsiyaad ay wadaagaan aragti iyo xulufaysi dhaqaale. Waxay maalinkasta u roobtoontaan in rabi ka qaado culayska, dhibka, fisqiga, aafada uu Cabdullahi iyo taageeroyaashiisa sida Dahir Jagane, Omer Sheego, M.A. Gaas, Abdirizaq Dalmar iyo in badan oo kale ay isku culufaysteen. Waxaa in badan oo ay ka mid yihiin qoraaga Jagane iyo inkale oo ay isku jufu ama aragtiyihiin isla markaana dacaayada ugu qaabishahan Cabdullahi Yusuf oo ay gadaal ka riixayso Amxaaro iyo qowmiyado ka sii xag jiraa ay dib udhac ku keentay dadkoodii una diideen in ay dhexgalaan bulshada inteedii kale, isla markaana ay colaad joogtaa dhexdhigeen mujtamaca Somaliyeed intiisa kale. Midda kale waa wax lagu faano haddii Muslimiinta ay Cabdullahi iyo taageeroyaashiisu ay cadaawaysanayaan ay diintoodii ku dhagan yihiin ilaa iyo inta laga (oofsanayo) ama ay rabul cisa nafta ka qaadayo taasina waa waajibsaaran Muslimiinta khaaliska ah ee aaminsan geeri iyo nolol, ee aam aaminsanayn in Amxaaro iyo cidkale ay waxyeeli karto, wixii ku dhacaana ay yihiin qadar rabaani ah. Shirka Kenya maahan shir Amxaaro ee waa shir Somaliyeed, haddii Al-itixaad Amxaaro ka cayrisay waa wax lagu faano, laakiin waxaa shalayto utaal dadka Amxaaro INJIRAY MICIIN BIDAY. Waxaan kula talin lahaa Jagane iyo ina adeeerkiis Cabdullahi Yusuf iyo inta kale ee wali aaminsan in ay Amxaaro xukun siinayso in aysan aakhirona khaatumo seegin adduunkana ku idlaysan sharaf dhac, baroon diiq iyo hami raqiis ah. Rag iska dhiga oo rag wax la qaybsada, oo hanoqonina dumar Asay loosaaray (grieving widows). Rag wax laqaybsada oo waligiin ha ku jirinina jaajuusnimo, gaalo raacnimo, diin ladagaalan, been abuur iyo culumada oo laga beensheego, xiliyadu waa isbadalaan, waqtiguna waa gurmaa, ummaduna waa horukacdaa. Taariikhda dib umilicsada, ayaamo wanaagsan ayaa idin soomary, ee maad ilaah ku mahdisaan, MIYAYDNAN AAMINSANAYN IN ABAARI DHACDO ROOBNA KA DANBEEYO, IYO IN CIRKU MAALINBA MEEL KA CURTO. Miyaydanan caro Alle ka baqayn mise horey ayay idinkugu dhacday maa diinta iyo culumada idinku imtixaanay? Mashaydaan baa idiin been guuray, mise waad quusateen, mise aragtidiina iyo hungurigiina ayaa idin garqaada? Noloshu waa xaq, geeriduna waa xaq, dadka aad kuceebaynaysaan diinta ama aad magacyada ubixinaysaan sida Al-itixaad, Al-Islaax wixii Ilaah uqoray ayay aaminsan yihiin, haddii aad adinku Amxaaro gaashaan ka dhigateen. Omar Kulmiye