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  1. take her to the local masjid, and get sheikh to wacdi her.
  2. since 1991 july 1st was our dependence day not our inpendence day, because since that time we depend on others more ever before.
  3. you like everything to be in place. you don't care how you do it, but you care the result. no one can find a news paper in your house after 7am, if it found no one can read it, because you put marks in evry where. you love small boxes, because you like everything to be stored. when you come home, you don't just take off your shoes and flip them upside down like a B52 by your feet, but you take them and put in their room. you don't come late to work or to school every day, because spent two hours looking for your keys. there are no papers flying in the backset of your car. you don't send your rent to your insurance agence, and your monthly insurance bill to your renter. your bank will never cheat a penny from you, because everything is recorded in your checking book and you have all the receipts. if you get into fight you aim your left and righ hooks on their face. you know where your punches are landing. you do not open every letter you got from your mail, you only open those come from; insurance companies, somalia, friends, collections, courts, INS, IRS and your Employer. you have nothing to give away, because you keep only the things you need, and you throw away anything that you don't need. IF THIS DECRIBS YOU, YOU ARE ONE OF THE NEAT PEOPLE, IF NOT YOU ARE ONE OF THE SLOPPY PEOPLE.
  4. they say "" action speaks louder than words"" so there are many ways to express your feelings. do something that you know will make her/him happier. for me as a man, I feel little uncomfortable by say "I love you" to my girl, I will rather do something that she likes.
  5. I will say hallo, welcome to my apartment and have a nice sleep. to the reader please note that I posted my comment here accidently
  6. I will say hallo, welcome to my apartment and have a nice sleep.
  7. how many kids would I like to hove? God knows
  8. you got it big mom, and than you for that
  9. xamar xisaabaa loodagay nin isamaanay waa ri'isnuugtay doqon rageed iyo doon ari midna gurigaada lamabaro. somali been waasheegtaa beense ma'maahmaahdo. nin dhintay kabihiisaa karoon. naag ninkii dhabaa nabigeeda eh. axmaariyo dameeraba dariskooday cunaan. rag hakuukarta waa yeelaa hasa kuuqabawdo mayeelo. naag ninkii gacan u goglo gacandhay ugogaahaa. naag laba ninleh noolaatay. ***** fadhido lagdin lafutut. aabow kaweeynaan iska celin kayar iga cele. jiis jana magalo. ***** jano magash. nab iyo naag waa lagu naar galo. walaashaa iskuma hubtidi seedigaa ha'iskuxumaynin. walaashaa qabe waakusigay. awrba awrka kahoreeyo saanqaadkiisuu leeyahy. kabtaada iyo diintaadaba waa lagujiraa. guumays keedkeet ka'fure kabadhiisuu ku'xiray. waynaato lamaguursado, waadi lama harsado, warna lamasiico. dhar reemagaa wayfududahay si lagu xirto dhal reermagaalse si lagunoqdo wayadagtahay. nin gu'kaa weeyn gubaas kaaweyn. ninkii soo joog lagawaayo soo seexaa laga helaa. meel il lagalayahay hadaad tagtit ilbaa laiska tiraa. dantaada maqaar aybaa luugu seexdaa. maqaar ay iiga kac mooyeen igadurug malaha. tabcadaa ma'tuugoobo. naagtaada waa maradaada. magaalo kamcay kugudisheey qaabtaa ee gamceey kugusooqabsato malaha. aqoon la'aan waa iftiin la'aan.
  10. I think it is a good idea to think what we gonna say before we say it. I will put it this way HOW TO MAKE YOUR PATNER HAPPY, and we go from there>>>>>>>>>>>>