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Posts posted by Nephissa

  1. Originally posted by Faarax-Brawn:

    [*]Order qaldan la iikeeno.


    • Orderkas qaldan aan dhemdhemshaa.
    • Orderkaas aan ka dacwooda oo aan ka calacalo(hilibka inta weli kor uqaado aan dhigo,ku idhaho,"waa maxay waxani?")
    • Ownerka uyeero
    • Cuntada laii saxo.

    Akhas! cuntadaas aad far-fareesay cid kalaa loo geeynaa markaas! Cooooooooooooc. Somali rest. waxasan ku nacay. Xitaa juice ka markaa la ree-reebo waxan maqlay dhaladaa lagu celinaa lee.. which is why I always order canned drinks.

  2. Originally posted by Castro:

    I'm an expert on these things. I've watched my wife make them for years while I veg on the couch.


    Let me know how it works.

    E'eeh! Come again Atheer? Maad sheegi mise waan sheegi how you became good @ it? You ain't no king lion, jooji bug-ta :D . How many times a day did you and your pack of chokoro go up and down the streets of Xamar carrying metal trays full of sambusa on your heads? huh? Go ahead tell'em..

  3. :D:D . SOL beryhan waxay isoo xususisaa islaan aan aqaan oo markan sheeko aanan ka helin ay igu daarto anna meel ay neceb tahay ooga shido; Odaygii ka waran eedo, naagtii uu kula guursaday horta wax ma u dhashay!! leen ooga bilaabaa. kkkkkk. [stares at JB :D ] Good job, waryeee. ;)


    Happy 26th of June to everyone.

  4. Its strange but Michael made me realise that death is inevitable and will unforunatately come my way hopefully not any time too soon.

    Same here! The sight of his lifeless body coming out of the helicopter on a stretcher, wrapped with white hospital sheets, was an awakening reminder that every soul will taste death!!!!!

  5. His death hit me personally, sidi nin addeerkay inuu dhintay..I just still can't believe he's dead! Ninkan waan ku soo koray, he was a huge part of my childhood. Maxaan thriller iska dhigay reer aakhiraad!!! Ay Ayyyyy!


    RIP MJ king of pop!! :(

  6. Wa Alaikuma Salaam,


    I have never made it from scratch. I always get egg-roll wrap from the halal store to wrap my sambusa. Tastes just as good as anything you could make from scratch...

  7. What trips her out, is the fact that this same brother would have no problems talking and interacting with Non Muslim girls (women); and these awkward dynamics never came up when she dealt with her Non Muslim colleagues.

    Naa sharab! Why not just be the one to make the first move if he can't bring himself to? Maxay la calaacalaysaa.. :rolleyes: sheeesh! On a serious note, my approach to Non-Muslims is like the brother she mentioned. I'm much more relaxed and carefree around non Muslim men. Maxa dhacay nin-bo uma arko runtii hence the carefree attitude. Whereas labo nin muslim or Somali markaan arko meel taagan I get nervous socodka iga halaabo!! Hiya gaar ah baa isoo gasho! markasan xuf ku ag maraa like a bullet.

  8. And somewhere, "The Legendary" Yeey is dusting flying sahara sand off of his nose and mouth. looooool. Steve Jobs waa half Arab kuyeh! Add Paula Abdul & Salma Hayek to the list. Lets see, if they offer "The Legendary" uncle a bandana to cover his mouth!!!! :D:D

  9. I don't see any problem with refugees/immigrants maintaining their life-style in the western world as long as such a life-style does not break the law. Laakini there are certain things that people should go out of their way to integrate on [language, for one] while also keeping their culture and heritage alive. Habar-gaal oo candho wayn la sheekeeysigeeda ama la saaxiibkeeda wax ay igu soo siyaadinaysaa oo macno leh ma jirto. Inta yar ee aan la shaqaynaayo baanba qatyaan ka ahay. Best to stick to your own and love it, addeer. Adigu if you want to bend over to kiss their (|) and kill your heritage cidi kuguma dhegena, go right aheedh.

  10. Why, according to Omar Hasho, your clanist hero has called Ethiopia the greatest enemy Somalia ever had from Asmara a year ago, and last week said that there is no enmity between us and Ethiopia at all... It is a simply question try answer without addressing my person...

    :D:D . Brother RR, aniga col buu ila yahay ilama hadlayee, but ask him this for me :D :


    Why, according to [you know who :D ], your clanist hero has called Ethiopia the greatest enemy Somalia ever had and fought against them in '77, and last year said that there is no enmity between us and Ethiopia at all waa walaalaheen...? It is a simply question try answer without addressing my person...

  11. Originally posted by Fu-Fu:

    ayaantna waa lagu waaye 40ki miyaad kujirtay ina'abti

    Mayee 50ki baan ku jireee, qoftii aan jeclaa maxaa ku suubisay adi? Qoftaas waa iigu bixi jirtay Walahi, adiga waa iga dan-san tahay kistoo...yacnii iguma socotid, iima dha-dhamaysid.. ;) . Igu salaan saaxiibtay.

  12. OMG Abdullah have you actually seen that? Too funny! But nothing beats walking down the street and seeing a Somali couple in love. It kinda makes me feel all "awww that's sooo sweet"! Somali coupleska jidka markay maraayaan in la soo garaacay baa la moodaa. Dadkan waaba dad is jecel, iska deey nooh aboo. smile.gif


    Aniga aroosyada baan nebcahay, when the bride and groom deep throat each other in front of their elders. Akkkhhhhh!! :rolleyes: Indho-adkaa oo xishood darnaa. I think there are certain lines that should not be crossed in front of waaridkaaa.

  13. Well, they gotta give to get! Give and take is healthy, give give give, or take take take is not. I'm kind and sweet most of the time, but is-waal-waal wax la iigama helo, I have alot of fire in me!!


    I'll get you a malawax, just say please macaanteey..shax-sha x badan quruxleey. :cool:

  14. ^ Ma anigaa leedahay iigaga hiili???? Wayoo way, Walleee, waxaa tahay jazaaar! Waxaan ku mahdiyaa maalintaan Jamaal jaanis-sii lahaa, inaysan i dhagaysan :D . Saacadaan waa is-ciili lahaa, ninkaan gabadha u qal-qaaliyay baa igu jizaaray baan la uur-xumaan lahaa. Laakin hadda..aaaaxxx :D:D waa ku istareexooyaa sideey kuugu Daadisay. Sidaa u hanaq-hanaq lahayd aa lagu dhahay iska-qabo.. HOO-Bariiska, kkkkk! Carabta waxay dhahda markanoo kale: 'macal asaf' L0L.