A.J. Timacaddeh

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Posts posted by A.J. Timacaddeh

  1. the international community follows america. if america was to recognise the tng the international community would recognise it. look at israel. america recognised it as a state and the rest followed.


    the majority of the world states are america's puppets

  2. juxaa


    Diin-soo: waxaa ku kaydsan qiyaastii 50 million tons oo ah bir-dahaba ama[iro-ore].

    i think you mean iron-ore instead of iro-ore.


    their defintely are enough mineral resources in the somali populated areas but what you need to understand is that the international community does not feel it's safe to go into these areas eventough they are safe.

  3. horn


    the international community does not care about the somali's at all . they only reason that the the west has become aware of somalia's situation is because of the potential that somalia has to harbour al-gaeda mujahids.


    the international community knows they cant resolve the somali issues so they think it's better if they just leave it alone.

  4. guraad


    like che quevera said we are living here in the west and seem to have more hatred towards eachother then the somali's that actually live in those areas.


    we have got our cozy lives here in the west while out brothers in somalia, puntland and somaliland ares struggling.


    we should represent our people if it's going to any good. but if all it's doing is creating more hate between somalilanders and puntlanders then i think we should stop trying to represent them and leave it up to them.


    none of us here in the west will be able to do anything about it anyway. they (the resident )alone can change things.

  5. somaliland is not having a hard time at all it's booming.


    proof is shown below


    Iskuul iyo ceel biyood laga hirgelin doono magaalada Burco

    Posted to the web 12:03 Jul 03 2003



    Jul 03 2003 Burco (Somalilandnet)- Hay’adda DRC iyo Somscan/UK, oo ah urur leeyihiin Jaaliyadaha reer Somaliland ee deggan dalalka Iskaandaneefiyaanka ayaa sheegay in mashruuc dib-u-dhis iskuul ah oo ay bixi doonto lacag dhan $450,000 (Afar boqol iyo kontan kun) oo dollar in ay dhawaan ka bilaabi doonaan magaalada Burco.



    Xaflad loo sameeyey mashruucan oo lagu qabtay shalay Hotelka Burco City Plaza, waxa ka qaybgalay masuuliyiinta maamulka gobolka Togdheer, madaxda hay’adda samofalka ee DRC iyo marti-sharaf ka tirsan qaybaha kala duwan ee bulshada ku dhaqan magaalada Burco.


    Ugu horreyn waxa munaasibaddaas hadal ka jeediyey masuuliyiinta Hay’adda DRC oo faahfaahin ka bixiyey mashruucan, waxaanay sheegeen in dugsigii sare ee Sheekh Bashiir lagu dhisi doono laguna kordhin doono 14 fasal oo cusub iyo laybareeri.


    Waxa kale oo masuuliyiinta hay’adda DRC sheegeen in afar fasal iyo dayr lagu kordhin doono dugsiga dhexe ee Sheekh Yuusuf Al-Kownayn, isla markaana ay xaafadda Sheekh Bashiir ka qodi doonaan ceel-biyood riig ah, si shacbiga deggan xaafaddaasi ay uga cabbaan.


    Masuuliyiintu waxa ay xuseen faa’iidada iyo waxtarka mashruucani u leeyahay shacbiga reer Burco, sidaa daraadeedna loo baahan yahay in maamulka gobolka Togdheer iyo dawladda hooseba ay ka raraan dadka deggan ee ku xeeran dhismaha dugsiga sare ee Sheekh Bashiir, si aanay caqabad ugu noqon dib-u-dhiska dugsigaas.


    Duqa magaalada Burco, Maxamed Diiriye Xayd, oo ka hadlay xafladdaas ayaa sheegay in ay si weyn u soo dhaweyn doonaan hirgelinta mashruucan, isla markaana Duqu waxa uu ballanqaaday in ay ka rari doonaan dadka halkaa deggan oo ay u hayaan dhul bannaan. Waxaanu sheegay in sidii dadka halkaa deggan loo rari lahaa ay ahayd hawl ay muddooyinkanba dawlad hoose ahaan ka shaqaynayeen.


    Waxa kale oo iyaguna xafladdaas hadal kooban ka jeediyey masuuliyiinta Wasaaradda Waxbarashada iyo Guddoomiye-ku-xigeenka gobolka Togdheer.


    Mashruucan waxa maalgelinaysa Midowga Yurub (EU), waxana maalgelinta dhinaca biyaha iyo waxbarashada iskuulada ka qaybqaatay Ururka Somscan/UK, oo ay ku bahoobeen jaaliyadaha reer Somaliland ee deggan dalalka Iskaandaneefiyaanka, waxana hirgelinta mashruucan fulinaysa hay’adda DRC.

  6. guraad


    the arabs are a noble people who the somali's can learn from. some of them might have corrupt leaderships but the majority of them are well off and are an example to how somali's should live. we should avoid making the mistakes they made and do the things they do.


    sayfulaah-almasuul i wholehartedly agree with you

  7. guraad


    it doesnt matter to me from what clan you are. you are not in sool or sanaag or hawd now and are living your cosy life here in the west. the only people who can represent sool,sanaag and hawd are the peopl who reside there now which is none of us in the west and in this forum.

  8. bachelor


    i said that because people here seem to think they have the right represent the people of sool,sanaag and hawd. but they are not. the only people that have a say there is the residents :mad: