anthoos kanthoos qathoos

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  1. Sorry sis i dont get da joke, but it is interesting the way you put it though.
  2. I think i find it the stupidest joke ever being written by a stupidest somali ever. how could u compare a nation and GOD. Dammit you one of the somalis that are ****ked up in BURGER KIng
  3. hey you so *****y! If American burger lovers mad you hate " The man of islam" then u so stupid and need more burgers from mcdonalds to keep you focus. save your breath, am ganna tell osama wat the **** u said.
  4. hohohohohohoho! i think i sound like i ate hot muufo hah , the operation pic is funny i laugh at it even the libary people though i was insane. i i would say instead of ( are u lost ) (click on why is he waking up) peace
  5. haye teelefoon!teelefoon! maa kenteen hada nah. aqyarta miid saxibkey ah ,aa isku maar sogalney wadanka marekanka aa kudacdey shekadaan sanadkii markuu ahaa 2000. saxibkey teleefon wuu aqaney lakin telefonada america waa kaladuwanyihin macnaha melaha laga taabto oo kabacdi aa kuhadleysid. anaa sowacey maliin, kaligisaa aa jogey hafada, telefonka aa sodacey ,he ruuned to the phone, telefonka uu gabtey lakin telefonka maa igamaqlo , meelkasto uu rixey , still he dont hear me talking , but he has the phone on the hand , sikasto uu utatabtey telefonka wili telefonka waa dhacayaaa, marki daanbey uu hanagey telefonka uu tuur tuurey, Abtigiii aa sogaley , wuxuu arkey telefonka oo isku daxyasan, anwaroww abti telefonka maxaa heley manta aa lawediyey , markaa wuxuu ugu jawaabey , abti telefonka aa ddidey iin uu ogolado iin aa kuhadlo markaa sidi galada filimanta aa uu kalaturey he told me this story after words and i laugh and laugh and laugh so hard i was laughing for a year peace