General Duke

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Everything posted by General Duke

  1. Shirkada isgaarsiinta Galkom oo xarun cusub ka furtay Buurtinle - Sunday, June 29, 2003 at 11:42 Buurtinle, (AllPuntland)- Shirkada isgaarsiinta talefanada ee Galkom ayaa xarun cusub ka furtay magaaladda Buurtinle oo ah dagmo ka tirsan gobolka Nugaal. Xaruntan cusub oo bixindoonta adeegyo ay ka mid yihiin Galinta taleefanada guryaha, taleefanada gacanta ee Mobile-ka loo yaqaano, adeegsiga iscimaalka aalada Internetka iyo Korantada oo habayn iyo maalinba leh ayaa waxaa maanta kormeer ku tagay xarunta cusub ee shaqo bilawday, Madaxwaynaha shirkadaha isgaarsiinta ee laysku yiraahdo S T G ( Somali Telcom Group) Eng: C/saaq Shiikh Ibraahim iyo madax kale oo ka tirsan howlwadeenada shirkada. Eng. Ibraahim oo ka hadlayay kulan ay isugu yimaadeen masuuliyiinta iyo howlwadeenada shirkada oo ka dhacay magaaladda Buurtinle ayaa uga mahad celiyay shaqaalaha iyo masuuliyiinta shirkada ee ka howlgala halkaasi shaqada muhiimada leh ee ay u hayaan shirkada, sidoo kale Eng: Ibraahim wuxuu kaloo sheegay inaan fari ka qodnayn hirgalinta xarumaha kala duwan ee shirkadu doonayso inay ka samayso magaalooyinka dalka Soomaaliya. Masuuliyiinta shirkadu waxay kaloo hormeer ku soo sameeyeen habka ay u shaqeeyaan Taawarada ay shirkadu u isticmaasho isku gudbinta jabaqda ee loo yaqaano ( microwave link). Qaybta farsamada ee shirka ee dagmada Buurtinle ayaa ii sheegay in galinta taleefanada guryaha ay ku socoto xowli aad u sareeya, islamarkaasna dhowrkii maalmood ee la soo dhaafay ay galiyeen in ka badan 123 line. Furitaanka xarunta ee shirka ayaa magaaladda Buurtinle ka dhigtay mid kamida dagmooyinka ugu nasiibka badan Puntland. Shirkada taleefanada ee Galkom iyo shirkadaha ay ka midka tahay ee S T G waxay ka mid tahay shirkadaha ugu waawayn dalka Soomaaliya, waxaa waliba dadka qaarki sheegaan in shirkada STG ay tahay tan ugu wayn shirkadaha ka howlgala dalka Soomaaliya. AllPuntland, Somaliya
  2. Angel Dust, You digging a large whole for your self girl, are you telling me that Buhudle has 4000people? And what happened to LAS ANO? BADHAN? TALEX LAS QOREY OR ARE THOSE TO NAME A FEW PLACES ON THE FIMENT OF OUR IMAGINATION .i.e they dont exist. LOL Your evidance dis proves you and illumanates your ignorance
  4. Talk is cheap and you are even cheaper. Somaliland is not Israel that can occupy territories of other people. we care not for war and forget Ina YUSUF LOL even SAHRA & SUAD will fight to keep the land of their fore fathers free. we speak as one people with one voice, hell with Abdullahi Yusuf is better than heaven with Hargaysa
  5. Che, PUNTLAND is the name son, PUNTLAND not a clan region but a state. Dont hate congradulate AJT, Gediid,lander,Angel beutiful eyes Dust and others the argument is don. SSH is part of PUNTLAND which is part of SOMALIA.
  6. I wish berbera & its ppl, the best of luck. We hope in Bossaso we could be of some service
  7. SSH is part of Somalia, hell the topic is right because its there for the education of Slimelanders ppl get a life and learn that Somalia is a country weither some people in Burco and Hargaysa disagree. lol
  8. A.J.T, Brother I dont understand why you find talking about a new road so insulting? Angel Dust, Darling its not lady like to act like that, such venom such true hate, fascinating. Mobb Deep, keep up the heat PUNT-A-LAND 4 real 4 real. Garacad, nice town the next big thing after LA nah mean
  9. The flag was created by a Puntlander, Haji C****i Liiban. The five points are the five somali colonial regions the colours represent us. So get a grip and stop insulting our flag, jelousy becomes you.
  10. Great news, The government is on its way, the second republic is coming.
  11. Gediid, Ina Yusuf is the President of Puntland and its main candidate, I am rooting for him but if he dosent win and a Somali candidate emerges who can unite the country and respect the state of Puntland then I and others even Ina Yusuf will support. Its high time we unite and change our destiny
  12. Hey people we still day dreaming about Las Ano and Buhudle. How many more facts do you want ? latest from an SSH based website Munaasabada 1da July oo Xuskeedii ka dhacday Dhamaan gobolada Puntland Talaada July 1, 2003Laascaanood (Somalicity) Dabaal deg iyo damaashaad aad u heer sareeya ayaa lagu qabtay habeenimadii xalay fagaaraha golkhaatumo ee magaalada Laascaanodd, kaasoo lagu xusayay maalintii qaranimada soomaaliyeed cagahaeeda isku taagtay ee 1da July, munaasabadan oo ay dad aad u tiro badani ka soo qayb galeen baa waxaa lagu soo bandhigay, gabayo, heeso, warbixino taariikheed, iyo wac gelin intaba. waxa halkaa hadalo qiiro leh ka jeediyay mas`uuliyiin ka tirsan maamulka gobolka, aqoonyahano, culamaa`ydiin, iyo waxgarad intaba. Jawigu wuxuu ahaa mid aad u degan dadka idilkiina waxaa ka muuqatay farxad iyo raynrayn aan la qiyaasi karayn, marar badana waxaa dhegayahayga ku soo dhacayay heesihii wadaniga ahaa oo ay ku cel celinayeen ardayda dugsiyada qaar ka mid ahi "goormaan lulanayeey 26kii juuneey 1da luulyaan libaanayeey" waxay ahayd mid ka mida hal ku dhegyadii ardayda. Saacado ka hor xuskan wayn intaanan ka soo qayb gelin waxaan safar gaaban ku tegay magaaloyinka Guumays, Yagoori iyo Adhicadeeye kuwaas oo dhamaantood wadaagsaday soo dhawaynta maalintan wayn, sidoo kale waxaan radiyaha fooniyaha loo yaqaan kula hadlay meelo badan oo ay ka mid yihiin caasimada gobolka hawd ee Buuhoodle oo iyana la ii sheegay in aad loogu dabaaldegay xuska munaasabada 1daJuly. Dhanka kale waxaa laga xusay munaasabada 1da July dhamaanba lixda gobol ee uu ka koobanyahay Dowlad Goboleedka Puntland , Waxaana 12.01 daqiiqo lasaaray calankii dhamaan lixda gobol ee hoos yimaada maamulka Dowlad Goboleedka Puntland. Arintan oo ah mid ka turjumaysa inay weli umadii soomaaliyeed qiimo wayn la leedahay qaranimadii ayna dadka soomaaliyeed xasuusan yihiin dhibaatooyinkii gumaytaha iyo intii taageeri jirtay u gaysteen dadka iyo dalkaba. Maxamed Cali (Somalicity) Lascanod
  13. Munaasabada 1da July oo Xuskeedii ka dhacday Dhamaan gobolada Puntland Talaada July 1, 2003Laascaanood (Somalicity) Dabaal deg iyo damaashaad aad u heer sareeya ayaa lagu qabtay habeenimadii xalay fagaaraha golkhaatumo ee magaalada Laascaanodd, kaasoo lagu xusayay maalintii qaranimada soomaaliyeed cagahaeeda isku taagtay ee 1da July, munaasabadan oo ay dad aad u tiro badani ka soo qayb galeen baa waxaa lagu soo bandhigay, gabayo, heeso, warbixino taariikheed, iyo wac gelin intaba. waxa halkaa hadalo qiiro leh ka jeediyay mas`uuliyiin ka tirsan maamulka gobolka, aqoonyahano, culamaa`ydiin, iyo waxgarad intaba. Jawigu wuxuu ahaa mid aad u degan dadka idilkiina waxaa ka muuqatay farxad iyo raynrayn aan la qiyaasi karayn, marar badana waxaa dhegayahayga ku soo dhacayay heesihii wadaniga ahaa oo ay ku cel celinayeen ardayda dugsiyada qaar ka mid ahi "goormaan lulanayeey 26kii juuneey 1da luulyaan libaanayeey" waxay ahayd mid ka mida hal ku dhegyadii ardayda. Saacado ka hor xuskan wayn intaanan ka soo qayb gelin waxaan safar gaaban ku tegay magaaloyinka Guumays, Yagoori iyo Adhicadeeye kuwaas oo dhamaantood wadaagsaday soo dhawaynta maalintan wayn, sidoo kale waxaan radiyaha fooniyaha loo yaqaan kula hadlay meelo badan oo ay ka mid yihiin caasimada gobolka hawd ee Buuhoodle oo iyana la ii sheegay in aad loogu dabaaldegay xuska munaasabada 1daJuly. Dhanka kale waxaa laga xusay munaasabada 1da July dhamaanba lixda gobol ee uu ka koobanyahay Dowlad Goboleedka Puntland , Waxaana 12.01 daqiiqo lasaaray calankii dhamaan lixda gobol ee hoos yimaada maamulka Dowlad Goboleedka Puntland. Arintan oo ah mid ka turjumaysa inay weli umadii soomaaliyeed qiimo wayn la leedahay qaranimadii ayna dadka soomaaliyeed xasuusan yihiin dhibaatooyinkii gumaytaha iyo intii taageeri jirtay u gaysteen dadka iyo dalkaba. Maxamed Cali (Somalicity) Lascanod
  14. lol A.T.J, If you dont need convincing about Somaliweyn then your leaders sure do, otherwise they wouldnt have arrested an Old man like General Ghalib because he was against Somaliland's break up. W wouldnt have had all that nonsense at Egal airpot. So if you people could stop the flags being raised in Buhudle, Las Ano you would, the fact is that you cant and you never will LOL
  15. Mobb deep, check out the website and Radiogalkacyu for an update on the project. It has everything from financing to the progress of the Road. Guraad, More roads will be built as the economy of the Puntland state increases. AJ.T SOOL is part of MUDUG as Bari is part of SANAG There are no barriers between the people of PUNT
  16. Ayoub Shiekh, shame on you and your ignorance, insulting the poor Somali's. Bender QasiM is the city where you find all sorts of Somali's even Oromo's and we dont make fun of them because we aint ignorant folk. Angel Dust and A.J.T are still talking after all this time? come on
  17. Gediid, We “Puntlanders” are quietly confident about the process because by bringing everybody together we believe the gap that existed will be narrowed and that we Somali’s once together will be able to rise above their differences for the common good. While Puntland will be a backbone support for the enw administration I doubt if we want to take on the responsibility of housing the nation’s capital even if temporarily. Also if say Bossaso became capital it would play into the hands of the few “haters of peace” who want to destroy the new government. I believe that BADOA will be the temporary capital until Mogadishu is brought under control. Who do I want to win, I am a Puntlander, I want a Puntlander to win the contest for the Presidency. But good luck to him if he does win.
  18. Check out this link its wicked
  19. Gediid, First I think your new face is much better than the last , With regards to our aspirations, we aspire to peace liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We want to create a new nation a second republic the federal republic. Learning from the mistakes of the past, rewriting our destiny and forging a collective path in order to safe the Somali species. The warlord’s time is up, no one in Mogadishu or the south can flex anything remotely comparable to Aydeed senior and Ali Mahdi, in the era of Clan politic. Now the picture is of alliances and most warlords have chosen to put on the civilian hat on, for example Hussein Aydeed feels that peace is important and that anyone can aspire to become president that this is not his God given right. Most faction leaders (Warlords) are in Nairobi, Puntland is in Nairobi, and the various civilian parties are in Nairobi. So this meeting is the most important since the outbreak of hostilities. With different factions all present of course there would be a bit of chaos, political manoeuvring and the famous Somali tactic of reneging today what you agreed on yesterday. However the meeting has lasted more than 9 months, there has been development on many issues, such as Federalism, the capital, duration of the government and mandate for the new government. Everybody has agreed on principle for the creation of a new Somali state. As in everything this meeting is far from being perfect after all it’s an IGAD not an institute renowned for diplomacy. So we have a federal charter and 40 candidates, but this for us is progress, everybody is in the same room at the same time. The outcome will be a government of national unity (Somali style) where the major factions will have to share power. So it doesn’t matter who wins at the end they have to work with “them” and this is why I hope Somalia will win.
  20. Gediid, My apologies brother I am new to the topic, I just couldn't help it. So sorry, but lets open new topics on exposing the Myth of Somaliland, any suggestions?
  21. Visit website and help in fundraising
  22. East Africa University (EAU) Preamble: With the view that Somalia's decades-long civil war had effectuated a major destruction of everything Somalia would have proud of including the public utilities and the urgent need to be reversed this situation, East Africa University (EAU) was founded in Puntland State of Somalia. Puntland State of Somalia which came into being as a result of political and social realignment of the Somalia prompted by the civil war and which accounts for one-third of Somalia in terms of population and land mass, had had a historical neglect and deprivation. To redress this unpleasant situation and imbalance, EAU was founded with the understanding Somalia's current ills emanate from lack of proper education. Against that backdrop EAU has the objective of becoming the first stepping stone in putting an effective important educational system in this war-ravaged country. Name East Africa University East Africa University (EAU) was originally Bander-Qassim University. However, after a long discussion and many requests from concerned individuals and scholars from the State, the new name “East Africa University” (EAU) was agreed upon. Historical Development of EAU After several meetings with some intellectuals from Puntland, the decision was taken to create a university for the people of Puntland. After many discussions and meetings, it had been scheduled that the construction of the university is to be started in early 1999. First enrollment of 95 students from the high schools was consummated as early as October 23, 1999. Intensive courses like Arabic, English and Math classes were introduced first so as to reinforce students' educational capability. Preparatory classes continued until May 23, 2000. On January 10, 2000 the university successfully opened the Faculty of Islamic Law and the Faculty of Business Administration. Location East Africa University is located in the port city of Bosaso, the commercial center of Puntland State. The campus of the university, which occupies 49.19 hectares of land, just five km from from city center. Bosaso was chosen at the university's site on the grounds of its large population and commercial importance. Being a port city, it attracts a large population from other parts of Somalia The first stone of the university building was laid on Wednesday, January 3, 2000. In the stone-laying ceremony, Puntland State officials led by Gen. Osman Mohamed (Osman fitiig), , some Issims (community leaders), community elders, business people, and many academia from the region of Bari, participated. The land and building The University has a large campus occupying 49,1952 square meters or 49.19 hectares. So far, the University has six major buildings with the following specifications and uses: First building Sixteen classrooms, each 56 square meters. Five offices, each 16 square meters. Twelve restrooms and two wudu (ablution) areas. Second building Library, 272 square meters. Women’s library, 80 square meters. Conference hall, 132 square meters. Two offices, each 16 square meters. Two restrooms. A boarding hall is situated on campus with restaurants for student use. Faculties EAU has two faculties: Faculty of Law, Sharia, and Islamic Studies. It’s principal language is Arabic. Faculty of Business Administration. Principal language is English. The school years start September 1st and end in June, and is divided into two semesters of sixteen weeks each. EAU is closed for two- and half- month break each year. It is open five days a week from Saturday to Wednesday and daily lectures run from 3:30pm to 8:15pm. Though classes are now available only in the afternoon and early evening, plans for morning classes are underway. Increased enrollment is dependent on teaching availability and funding. Graduating students are awarded a Bachelor’s degree. Justification for Founding and objectives Taking in into consideration the urgent need to meet the demand for higher education in the State of Puntland of Somalia following the devastating civil war. EAU was founded with the following objectives: To meet the demand for higher education in the state of Puntland which accounts for one-third of Somalia in terms of population and land mass, and to rectify educational imbalance which existed or still existing in Somali regions before the civil war, and putting in place an effective higher education mechanism To accommodate the high school graduates in the region and bring higher education in close proximity to their homes. The number of high school graduates is increasing year after year as the basic education system is picking up in Puntland. To create an environment conducive to the academic activities which attracts and encourages the Somali intellectuals to return back to their motherland, in a bid to reverse the brain-drain Somalia has been subjected to by the decades of civil war and subsequent migration. To train educators who would contribute to the overall mechanism of standard educational system in the region. Curriculum and Academic Titles Awarded The Bachelor program is four-year long broken up into 8 semesters, and the students are awarded a Bachelor's degree after the completion of their education. Finance Operating expenses of EAU consist of: construction costs operational costs Construction funding comes from Ihyaa al-turas of Kuwait and Somali Diaspora as well as from donar countries like Europe, US, Canada and Arabic countries. Operational costs will come from student fees and a community fund. It is important to mention that computers, overhead projectors, generators, boarding materials and reference books, which are from Somali communities in Norway, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia, have all been donated. Prof. A/rahman Omar Warsame from Riyad University and Engineer Ahmed Ali Yusuf, president of a Somali relief origination, donated a variety of books. EAU is awaiting for the arrival of donated books and other materials from Diaspora. New Student Requirements To possess a secondary school diploma or equivalent. Absent from school for no more than three months. Provide a health certificate. ID card from the students’ municipality. pay $15.00 of registration fee, and $300.00 of annual tuition fee. Completed application with declaration of student’s faculty of interest. ANNEX A. University Board EAU consists of two committees in addition to the teaching staff and subordinate staff: Board of Directors Board of Promotors Board of Directors Mr. Mohamed Muse Geel-Hoor Abshir Said Farah Eng.Mohamed A/kadir Mohamud Eng. Mohamed Hosh Godane Gen. Osman Mohamed ( Fatig ) Dr. yusuf Xirsi Ahmed Prof. A/kadir Mohamed Abullahi Prof. Ahmed Haji A/rahman Eng. A/rahman Husien Ahmed ( Ceel-Jaale ) Board of Promotors Dr. A/kadir Mohame Abdullahi Dr. Ahmed Haji A/raxman Yusuf A/asis Mohamed Mohamed Ali Farah A/risak Ahmed Sh.Mohamud Bahiir Khalid Husein A/wali A/rahman Gayre B. How You Can Help EAU Donate money through fundraisers or private donation. The organization where donations can be made and the mailing address will be available soon. Watch this web site for updated information. Donate books, classroom supplies, paper, writing implements, computers, equipment, etc. Return to Somalia and start teaching again. Come home and share your expertise with your fellow country people. Lobbying the aid through international aid organizations and international universities and other donor organizations.
  23. This is a notice to all Puntlanders to take part in the development of the state. Now this is what I like to see. MASHRUUCA WADDADA GAALKACYO – GARACAD TEL: 252 9 220001 FAX: 252 9 220003 GOLAHA MSHRUUCA WADDADA GAALKACYO – GARACAD DARAASADDA DHISMAHA WADDADA GAALKACYO-GARACAD April 11, 2002 HORDHAC: Waddada isku xirta Gaalkacyo – Garacad waa waddo muhiim u ah horumarinta dhaqaalaha Soomaaliya guud ahaan iyo gaar ahaan Punland. Waddadaani waxay ahmiyad gaar ah u sii leeyahay horumarinta dhaqaalaha degaanka waddadu marto, si looga gaashaanto aafooyinka Dabiiciga ah oo sida waayaaragnimada horay looga helay aaggaas sida: Abaaraha, Nabaadguurka, ayna adkaato si wax loo gaarsiiyo ama loogu gurmado dadka halkaas ku nool, si loola dagaallamo Saboolnimada, loogana faaiidaysto khayraadka badda, si ay u sahlanaato isu gudbinta badeecadaha badda iyo Birriga, loona fududeeyo Isgaarsiinta gaadiidka dhulka. Haddaba, iyadoo laga ambaqaadayo baahida korku xusan xusan ayaa waxaa shirar isdabajoog ah isugu yimid: Ganacsato, Odayaal, Aqoonyahano iyo xubno ka tirsan Maamulka Gobolka Mudug, ayna tixgelin gaar ah siiyeen baaqyada joogtada ah ee ka imaanaya Jaaliyadaha reer Puntland ee dibedda. Waxaa u muuqatay in si deg-deg ah loogu hawlgalo wax ka qabadka jidka Gaalkacyo- Garacad. Markaa, waxaa la isla gartay in la tixraaco daraasado horey loo sameeyay, lana sameeyo daraasad ku jaangoosan awooddeena dhaqaale iyo in Hawgalka loo kala hormariyo hadba meesha ugu daran. Haddaba, iyadoo lagu hawlgelayo aragtiyaha kor ku xusan, waxaa lagamamaarmaan noqotay in la sameeyo xeer lagu fuliyo Mashruuca Waddada Garacad-Gaalkacyo (Wadaagsin) iyo Guddiyo qaada Masuuliyadda Mashruuca. Si loo ansixiyo Xeerka Mashruuca oo ay Goluhu diyaariyeen waxaa lagu qabtay shir dugsiga sare ee Cumar Samatar, 25 kii October 2001, ayna ka soo qayb galeen Isimo, Nabadoonno, waxgarad, aqoonyahanno, ganacsato, haween iyo dhallinyaro. Shirkaas waxaa la isla qaatay in mashruucaas ansax yahay sida ugu dhakhso badanna loo hirgeliyo. Waxaa kale oo shirkaas laga codsaday Golaha Isu-xil-qaamay Mashruucaan in ay barnaamijka soo dhammaystiraan, masuuliyddana qaadaan. XAALADDA WADDADU HADDA KU SUGAN TAHAY: . . . Waddadatooska ah ee Gaalkacyo-Garacad waa tan marta Galkacyo – Godad – Gacnafale oo aan hadda la isticmaalin, iyadoo looga cabsaday MIINO waxaa la maraa Gaalkacyo – Bacaadweyn – Gacnafale. Qorshaha samaynta waddada waxaa weeye in laga bilaabo Garacad – Jirriiban – Ballibusle – Gacnafale. Marka laga bixiyo Miinadana la dhammaystiro inta u dhaxaysa Gacnafale iyo Gaalkacyo oo ah wajiga ugu danbeeya ee hawsha. Waddadu waxay martaa dhul siman oo aan buuro lahayn, waa waddo goolado badan una baahan toosin. Dhererka waddadu waa sidan: o Gaalkacyo – Gacnafale 45km o Gacnafale – jirriiban 135km o Jirriiban – Garacad 70km DABEECADDA WADDADA WAXAY KA KOOBAN TAHAY 1. Ciid guduud oo ciid timid ah 2. Dhaqax Sali ah 3. Jay iyo ciid isku dhafab 4. Ciid cad oo timid 5. Ciid guduud iyo caddaan isku jira UJEEDOOYINKA MASHRUUCA: 1. Horumarinta dhaqaalaha Gobolka 2. La dagaalanka Saboolnimada 3. Ka hortagga nabaadguurka 4. In si sahlan loogu gurmado marka ay dhacaan musiibooyinka sida: abaaraha, cudurrada iwm 5. In la sahlo baahida khayraadka Badda oo aynu ka qatannahay 6. In la sahlo isgaarsiinta Gaadiidka 7. In la sahlo isu socodka Ganacsiga degaanka
  24. S- Warrior, Fantastic, wonderful and you deserve an award for your duty to your nation. Angle Dust, my sister I comend you also for your defense in what you believe in, great debate. But like the Horn Afrique I am a nationalist Somali and believe in the unity of the Somali race. So long live our people