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Everything posted by Maaddeey

  1. ^^ No worries, mate!. Did you see where she talks about the former US special forces operative who interrogated Osman Atto?. Ninkaasaa Contractor ah, beledkii Xamar ahaa waa loo yaabaa!.
  3. Leanne Spaven, an EDL supporter who said she hadn't come to cause trouble but wanted a voice, has tea with York mosque members. Photograph: Ann Czernik for the Guardian A York mosque dealt with a potentially volatile situation after reports that it was going to be the focus of a demonstration organised by a far-right street protest movement - by inviting those taking part in the protest in for tea and biscuits. Around half a dozen people arrived for the protest, promoted online by supporters of the EDL. A St George's flag was nailed to the wooden fence in front of the mosque. However, after members of the group accepted an invitation into the mosque, tensions were rapidly defused over tea and plates of custard creams, followed by an impromptu game of football. A young member of York mosque displays his message. A young member of York mosque displays his message. Photograph: Ann Czernik Leanne Staven, who had come for the protest, said that she had not come to the mosque to cause trouble but because "We need a voice". "I think white British who have any concerns feel we can't speak freely," she said. "Change has been coming for a long time and in light of what happened to that soldier in Woolwich there have to be restrictions on people learning extremist behaviour and it has to stop." Mohammed el-Gomati, a lecturer at the University of York, said: "There is the possibility of having dialogue. Even the EDL who were having a shouting match started talking and we found out that we share and are prepared to agree that violent extremism is wrong. "We have to start there. Who knows, perhaps the EDL will invite us to an event and the Muslim community will be generous in accepting that invitation?" Ismail Miah, president of York mosque, added: "Under the banner of Islam there are very different politics: democratic politics, the far right, left, central, all over. You can't target a whole community for what one or two people have done. "What they've done in London is for their own reasons but there's no reasoning behind it from an Islamic point of view."
  4. Lol, Norf, inaad i arkeysaan moodayba!.
  5. Maaddeey

    Somali Navy

    Taliyaaha ciidanka badda Admiral Faarax Qare aa ka muuqda sawirka kore. Sawirka hoose-se muxuu yahay, igaarkeey?.
  6. Ahlaan yaa Jamaacah. NGONGE, I like the elimination process of the Geel jires. Juxa, qabowgaan in meel laga aado waaye, dhibka jiro laba usbuuc qorraxda Somalia looma adkeysan karo. Nin jiraa wuxuu yiri UK jinnigaa ku badan, lagamana raagi kao lagumana raagi karo!. Abu Qatada xataa inuu jooguu rabaa!
  7. NBO ka bixi, inta kale waa magaalooyin Soomaaliyeed. Faroole waa gobernatoore, alysa kathaalik, yaa sheekh?.
  8. War Deg Deg ah oo Faahfaahsan– Madaxweyne Faroole iyo Madaxweyne Xasan Sheikh oo ku kulmay Garoonka Diyaaradaha kuna kala boodey halkaas, iyo Madaxweye Faroole oo la kulmey Beesha Caalamka iyo… Faroole aa badiyey miyaa oo beesha caalamka la kulmay, Xasanna maxay dheheen?.
  9. Macsuub?. Pitta Bread la shiiday oo cream, malab & moos lagu daray sow maaha?. Troppo qasqas waaye. Caysh & Xums, lee i maraaya ani.
  10. Kurdish haddey naga fiicnaadeen waa ba'nay!. Soomaalida dhibkeeda waa is aaminid la'aan, waxaana caawinaya dulmi qabiil & dano yaqsiyeed.
  11. No, Barre is nin bannaan is dhigay, 'Yahuud xataa waa u yeeranaa' uu taaganyahay!. Kanse waa wax walba, Shabaab, Maxaakim, Xizb al Islaam and now a Kenyan stooge!. Adiga maxaad ku kala jeceshahay?.
  12. tutu;954806 wrote: This is the guy who filmed the Woolwich attack. I don't think he's Somali. " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> He's Somali, listen to the way he says 'OK' Qoladee u maleesay, tutu?.
  13. Jacpher;954834 wrote: Shaatigii diinta dahsoon ee Al Shabaab horaa loo tuuray doorashadii Culusoow. Hadda kii warlordkaa qummaati loo soo xirtay. From Al-Qaida to Al-Qabiil, one extreme to another. Waxaa iiga daran xadiis iyo aayad lagu qaraabto lama waayo. Duf ku bax. Lol, 3 su'aal iiga jawaab adoon is xiijin: 1) Maxaa run ah maxaase been ah, intaan sheegay?. 2) Maxaa 'bolded' sentences ka dhexeeya, maxaadse ku iftiimineysay?. 3) Aayadda & Xadiiska aaway aan soo daliishaday, ma bible baan daliishan lahaa?. 4) Saddexdaas markaad ka jawaabto baan kula sugayaa!.
  14. The truth is unfolding, the guy claimed he was tortured, raped and was buggered and harassed. His childhood friend who wrote that on Twitter, was arrested last night inside the BBC studios after giving an interview to the Newsnight!.
  15. ^ Caqligaaga aan ka yaabay saa u garatay!. Bilaash hooyadaa genius ma kuugu bixinin!.
  16. Gabbal, inta kore Abtigiis baa leh. Adiga paragraph-ka labaad oo magacaagu ka billowdaad leedahay, aad baanna kuu gartay!, Xiinse aduu kuu ciil qabaa, sida aad post-giisa kore ka aragto.
  17. ^^ Abti, Kismaayo ma territory-giinnaa?, Gabaygii adeerkaa wuxuu lahaa: ' Anaa iska leh', asagoo SNA ah ee 'Maar ku nool maleh', which one is it, now?. Gabbal, Haye, sxb. Ii degenoow adiga!.
  18. Cambuulo iyo bun;954573 wrote: Beautiful!, where is this, C & B?
  19. ^^ Meelba haddaadan ii raacin ka warran?. 'Madasha' maad tiri?.
  20. ^ Jac, ma ku qabsa rabtaa?. Magaca leey wadaagaan, bes. Saaxiibkaa sheekooyin jacbur ah oo ciyaalka xaafadda ku shactareeystaan uu keenay.
  21. ^Maya, sxb. Hadda kadib Islii, Xamaraa lagu bedelaa.
  22. ^^ Haddaad wax i dhaanto, maxaad iigu sheegi weysay?, dheel dhoobeeyda dhaaf!.