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  1. hahahah. Ok sxb but you didn't tell me your points. I asked you something specific. So please answer.


    Idont know much about Duke or about you. I ahve seen you both on this forum. All I know is that Duke is pro TFG and you are pro ICU. TFG and ICU are just tools for making Somalia abetter place or not.


    Both of you agree that our people need peace right?


    and that our nation is in great danger from outside forces.


    How about you guys as NIMAN RAG AH. Share your visions for Somalia instead of rooting for one camp or another for whatever reason.


    How about rooting for peace in Somalia.

  2. Sxb no need for personal vendetta's. All warlords and criminals should be brought to justice. Somali justice. Because without justice there is no peace.


    There is a list of the criminals that have commited crimes against the Somali people and The Somali nation. The list is long and they will be brought to justice one way or another.

  3. Look here guys @ ale-ubaahane and General Duke. You are chasing each other around from tread to tread with the same tribalist name callings. Why don't you both clarify your persnal points. About what you personally prefer and would like to see in Somalia.


    Where you stand on the Somali catastrophe and what you think could be the solution.


    Thank you.


    (I think you both agree, but your just too stuborn to admit it)

  4. It seems to look like that the TFG is built on getting foreign support and getting power that way. The TFG can get the support of the Somali people and win their hearts and minds if they become a real alternative to the warlords. Instead of hopping around to foreign capitals begging for money and troops they should have gone to all somali cities, towns and regions regions. With their plans of restoring Somalia's institutions. The people are ready for visionary leaders who can lead them away from this mess they are in. The Somali people deserve better. The TFG has not dilivered on their promise. I hope that the Islamic courts do a better job and learn from the mistakes made by the TFG. One thing I am sure of now is that the Somali people know better. You know better. I know better and all the Somali people know better. We all know what is wrong and where its wrong. Shouldnt we support the right people? And if the riht people are not here today shouldnt we look for the right people?


    The TFG is Somalia's legitimate government and I do not deny that. C/lahi Yusuf is the Somali president and I do not deny that but as a Somali Citizen I have the right to say that my government is wrong. Deploying the Foreign troops is wrong. We are opening pandora's box.

  5. I hope for a NO. We need a Somali solution. The troops will only destabalize us. And I dont like seeing Somalis being defenceless in their own country. (or anywhere else). We have seen the UNISOM and Operation restore Hope. The crimes against Somalis can not were unacceptable.


    WE AS A NATION NEED TO FIND SOLUTIONS and foreign troops will do nothin but to make the situation worse or atleast delay the day tha the Somali people will unite against all evils and walk the rightiouse path.



    queue the I have a dream speech by Martin Luther KING smile.gif

  6. If this is true. Then its a bad move from the courts. They dont need 3 fronts. They already have 2. One in Mogdisho (kaaraan) and one in Jowhar. I think its not true and i hope its not true. I rather see the warlords taken our forever. Maybe these guys (warlords) should be illiminated. Any volunteers?



    MMA I agree with you its a defensive move. They wanna protect their flank. The guys in Baydhabo might become opportunistic hadii sheekada Jowhar ay isku dhalaasho. The guys in Baydhabo have nothing to fear from the Courts now. The courts will take out Jowhar first and get a firmer grip on Mogdisho only then is it Baydhabo's turn.

  7. Yeps Yeps I agree with both of you.


    Its us against the world baby. To quote two of my favorite rappers.


    2pac: Ain't no love for the otherside, jealousy inside, make a move to die.



    K'naan: Once we were the patriots but home is where the hatred is.


    Maybe its time to change our strategy. That whole patriotism thingy wasn't that bad after all, maybe we should give it another try smile.gif

  8. Muqdisho, June 10, 2006 (WDN) - Wararka naga soo gaaraya magalada Jowhar ayaa sheegaya in amniga magaaladaasi gaar ahaan garoonka dayaaradaha si weyn loo adkeeyey. Sida la sheegay waxa la xidhay dhammaan wadooyinka magaaladaasi soo gala. Wadooyinkaas oo la dhigay ciidamo aad u hubeysan oo watta gawaarida dagaalka. Waxa jira cabsi laga qabo in magaaladaasi ay weerar ku soo qaadaan maxkamadaha islaamiga ah oo ciidankooda uu ku sugan yahay meel Jowhar aan sidaa uga fogeyn.


    Weriya ku sugan magaalada Jowhar ayaa sheegay in magaaladaasi maanta lagu wado in uu soo gaaro gudoomiyaha gobolka Shabeelaha dhexe Maxamed Cumar Xabeeb "Maxamed Dheere" oo haatan ku sugan magaalada Addis Ababa oo sida la sheegay uuo saanad militari ka doontay.


    Weriyahan oo naga codsaday in aanaan magaciisa shaacin ayaa sidoo kale WardheerNews u xaqiijiyey in Jowhar ay maanta soo gaareen 4 dayaaradood oo xamuul ah. Kuwaas oo aan illaa hadda la garan waxa ay wadaan iyo halka ay ka yimaadeen. Waxaase loo badinayaa in diyaaradahaasi ay saanad militari u wadaan Iisbahaysiga dagaal Oogayaasha ee dhawaan lagu jebiyay Muqdisho.


    Imaatinka dayaaradahan xamuulka ah ayaa ku soo beegmay xilli magaalada Jowhar ay ku sugan yihiin qabqablayaashii isbahaysigii la dagaalanka argagixisada ee Muqdisho ka baxay. Kuwaas oo kala ah Maxamed Qanyare afrax, Bootaan Ciise Caalim iyo horjoogihii maleeshiyooyinka Qanyare Cabdi Nuurre Siyaad "Cabdi Waal".


    Dagaal Oogayaashan Jowhar ku sugan ayaa la sheegayaa in haatan ay wadaan abaabul dagaal oo ka dhan ah maxaakiimta islaamiga ah oo hadda gacanta ku haya magaalada Muqdisho. Waxa wararku intaas ku darayaan in hammigooda ugu weyni in uu yahay in ay dib gacanta ugu dhigaan goobihii dagaaladii Muqdisho lagaga iyo ay sii xoojiyaan gacan ku haynta Jowhar oo laga cabsi qabo in lagu weeraro.


    Maxamed Cumar Aadan.

    WardheerNews, Muqdisho




    Same old story.

  9. Muqdisho, June 10, 2006 (WDN Wardheernews) - Wararka naga soo gaaraya magalada Jowhar ayaa sheegaya in amniga magaaladaasi gaar ahaan garoonka dayaaradaha si weyn loo adkeeyey. Sida la sheegay waxa la xidhay dhammaan wadooyinka magaaladaasi soo gala. Wadooyinkaas oo la dhigay ciidamo aad u hubeysan oo watta gawaarida dagaalka. Waxa jira cabsi laga qabo in magaaladaasi ay weerar ku soo qaadaan maxkamadaha islaamiga ah oo ciidankooda uu ku sugan yahay meel Jowhar aan sidaa uga fogeyn.


    Weriya ku sugan magaalada Jowhar ayaa sheegay in magaaladaasi maanta lagu wado in uu soo gaaro gudoomiyaha gobolka Shabeelaha dhexe Maxamed Cumar Xabeeb "Maxamed Dheere" oo haatan ku sugan magaalada Addis Ababa oo sida la sheegay uuo saanad militari ka doontay.


    Weriyahan oo naga codsaday in aanaan magaciisa shaacin ayaa sidoo kale WardheerNews u xaqiijiyey in Jowhar ay maanta soo gaareen 4 dayaaradood oo xamuul ah. Kuwaas oo aan illaa hadda la garan waxa ay wadaan iyo halka ay ka yimaadeen. Waxaase loo badinayaa in diyaaradahaasi ay saanad militari u wadaan Iisbahaysiga dagaal Oogayaasha ee dhawaan lagu jebiyay Muqdisho.


    Imaatinka dayaaradahan xamuulka ah ayaa ku soo beegmay xilli magaalada Jowhar ay ku sugan yihiin qabqablayaashii isbahaysigii la dagaalanka argagixisada ee Muqdisho ka baxay. Kuwaas oo kala ah Maxamed Qanyare afrax, Bootaan Ciise Caalim iyo horjoogihii maleeshiyooyinka Qanyare Cabdi Nuurre Siyaad "Cabdi Waal".


    Dagaal Oogayaashan Jowhar ku sugan ayaa la sheegayaa in haatan ay wadaan abaabul dagaal oo ka dhan ah maxaakiimta islaamiga ah oo hadda gacanta ku haya magaalada Muqdisho. Waxa wararku intaas ku darayaan in hammigooda ugu weyni in uu yahay in ay dib gacanta ugu dhigaan goobihii dagaaladii Muqdisho lagaga iyo ay sii xoojiyaan gacan ku haynta Jowhar oo laga cabsi qabo in lagu weeraro.


    Maxamed Cumar Aadan.

    WardheerNews, Muqdisho




    Yea they wanna do anything Stop being so naive people. They want the instability to continue so that Somalia dies a slow death.


    The United Strates doesnt want anything good for Somalia. Since world war 2 the US has been messing with us and making our lives difficult. There are plenty of examples of US interventionist policies that have damaged Somalia.


    lets not talk about the enemy of Somalia (Ethiopia). We know what they want.

  10. Millions of those people sxb on all sides of the Somali conflict. We need to engage into a dialogue with them we can not forever ignore them. They prosper when ignored. These corrupt tribalist ideas should be fought at every opportunity.


    Althought I wouldnt support the 'wadaads' if there was an alternative. At this moment they are the lesser of many evils.


    3 points of why I support the ICU.


    1. Unitary State

    2. Keeping Ethiopia at bay

    3. They would reinforce social justice


    A/Y had his chance he was teh president for 3 years now? What has he done for teh Somali people?


    The transitional government has done nothing for us.


    They couldnt even give us a nice speech to lift our spirits.

  11. Somalia: Ethiopian officials meet anti terror alliance in Jowhar

    Sat. June 10, 2006 02:33 pm


    Mohamed Abdi Farah


    (SomaliNet) Reliable sources from Jowhar town in middle Shabelle region in Somalia say on Saturday that Ethiopian officials reached there where they are said to have met members of anti terror alliance that recently had been defeated in Mogadishu’s clashes by Islamic courts’ union.


    The Ethiopian officers met with Mohamed Qanyare Afrah, Botan Isse Alin and Abdi Nore Siad who are all members of alliance for restoration of peace and counter terrorism (ARPCT) in Jowhar airfield where the security had been tightened unusually.


    Some of the warlord alliance’s members are still MPs in the Somali interim government, since the Kenya formed transitional federal government was based in power sharing system.


    Nevertheless the officials returned back to Ethiopia, with other military cargo planes have landed in the Jowhar airport and it is yet known what they were carrying.


    The arrival of Ethiopian officials in Jowhar town, some 90km north of the capital, came as there has been high tension there and anti terror militiamen were deployed in outskirts of the town where they dug in to prevent against any assault from Islamic fighters who are now 25km to Jowhar.


    On the other hand, AC 130 Hercules plane thought to be owned by US navy has been flying over Mogadishu, Balad and Jowhar towns and it appeared to have monitored the zone war between the rivals near Jowhar.


    The people in the capital remember the AC 130 plane with US bombing in Mogadishu in 1993 when 18 US personals were killed in clashes with supporters of late Mohamed Farah Aideed who was killed in civil war in 1996.




    So the Ethiopians support the warlords with weapons and men.


    The US provides intelligence on the Islamic fighters positions, financial support and media blanket to cover and hide the actions of the warlords and the enemies of Somalia ( read:Ethiopia)

  12. Don't think about their weaknesses my friend. Think about our strengths. These courts are the first Somali movement since the SYL that is fighting for the interests of the Somali people as a whole. We should not wait for our enemies to shackle us some more with a corrupt system that divides us, favours them and that will be a burden to our people for generations to come.


    The United States is the problem. They were the ones funding the USC in the late 80's. So why didnt do anything about Somalia all those years? and now all of the sudden they wana be good people. My friend strong Somaliaisnot in their plans. They want Ethiopia to rule the horn of Africa. and a strong Somalia will spoil their party. So they will do anything they can to cripple us. So stop thinking for them and start thinking for us.

  13. May Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali be a great Garaad like his predecessors and guide us throught these hard times for the Somali people. May he be a just leader who unites the Somali people. May he be a Somali patriot like those before him and never surrender to any injustice and lead us to all things good and rightious and away from all that is wrong in our nation today. Amiin.

  14. No my friend, You just wait and see. This matter will soon leave the headlines and their dirty work will continue. Yes we are to blame. However the Somali people are helpless againt the unslaught of the enemies of somalia (ethiopia), the united states and their warlords. The TFG facilitates and reinforces the the tribal divisions that are open to external manipulation. We are ruled by corrupt warlords (this also includes the likes of somaliland and puntland).


    maybe its time we dropped these savage tribal instincts and realized we are just one tribe called Somalis.


    And those supporting certain factions just because of clan affiliation. ITS THE LIKES OF YOU WHO ARE DESTROYING SOMALIA AND THE SOMALI PEOPLE.

  15. Bring them on smile.gif


    I see a Somali empire with Harar as its capital and Ethiopia disintegrating into a million nations. Its better to die honourable and in the defence of our land then to die slowly like we are dying today. So please let them come and we will settle this matter for once and for all. First they where helped by the Portugese (against Ahmed Guray and the Waranles). Then by the English and the Italians ( against the Sayd and the Daraawiish). Then by the USSR,East Germany, The Cubans and the Communist Yemeni's ( in 1977 against WSLF and the Somali National Army)


    Now they will be supported by the United States. ( nothing has changed) We have won all those previous wars. and this war won't be any different. Expect for the small fact that if we are defeated it is the end of the Somali Nation and if we are victorious we will enjoy eternal peace.


    Let them give the likes of me a meaningfull life smile.gif


    (shaqola'aan ayaa i dishaye)

  16. We know the American policy in Somalia and I dont think that they will change anything at all.


    All they will do is make the process of disintegration of the Somali society go faster. Don't expect anything good from them. This is all talk. They will rearm the warlords or make new warlords. The will make this government fall or just die out. They will use the Courts against the Warlords make sure that the warlords weaken the courts. They will also encourage division between the courts allong clan lines and ideological lines. ( moderate versus radical)


    Their plan is the old divide and conquer. The United States is in support of Ethiopia's plan of turning Somalia into smaller weaker states that hate each other, ruled by corrupt warlords who oppress their people with Ethiopian support. You can already see this in Somaliland, Puntland and other warlord fiefdoms. The rulers of these 'states' thank their power from the suport they get from the enemy of Somalia and will do anything asked of them by their masters.


    the 4.5 formula, The federal constitution, The whole idea of federal Somalia are just the tools of division used by Somalia's enemies.


    Expect nothing good from The United States. Expect the worst from Ethiopia. Expect nothing but greed, corruption, ********* , hate for the Somali people and ignorance from the 'warlords' and the likes of Somaliland and Puntland.

  17. Ngonge: You mean it will be an uncivil war that takes the lives of millions of Somalis. Don't take this thing lightly both sides in this will never give up. You just wait and see if the traitors win then a war will start in the east, if the nationalists win then a war will start in the triangle cites. There is no way out. smile.gif we are all fukked.


    unless these opportunistic parasites give up their wild fantasies. and remmember we are all clans so who is to say that the boys from the triangle cities wont have an internal war? they have already had two wars in the past decade and the loosers of those wars are still itching.

  18. Suldaanka Xanuunku meel ayuu kaaga jiraa sxb. hadal wuu noo kala dhamaaday. Goob dagaal un ayaan isku arki doonaa. Ingriis maanta ku caawinaya ma jiro. Dabadhilif'nimadana meel ey ku geyso waa la arki doonaa.


    And Yes there is difference between a colonization and occupation. You where colonized, you rolled over, you collaborated and you still collaborate. It was EGAL who gave away the NFD (He was a traitor just like you). It is you that is trying to dismante Somalia into smaller weaker states. You are an agent for Somalia's enemies. You are weak.


    Honour and truth are words that are unknown in your parts of the world. I thank god that the Somali people have those who faught relentlessly for their freedom, never surrendered in te face of adversity and who will always fight for a cause that is just.


    Some are just better. Some are more honourable. Some know right from wrong. Some know know that the truth will defeat your lies. Some are calm and collected. And we will be victorious and we will see how history treats your kind.

  19. You are the one falling for clan propoganda sxb. I have asked you to discuss the morality & legality of the issue. I am not disagreeing that sanaag is a multi-clan province and that the peace that is holding on the ground today is a peace of convieniance this peace is better then war for both sides but the people from the triangle know how fast these things can chance so hold you horses.


    As for taleex being under SL hands do you really believe that or could it be that they are 'guests' that could be expelled any day. This is Somali politics my friend and we both know that the clan rules in our nation so no Sland or Pland can do anything about clan will. Come as neighbours and come as a clan and all the issues will be resolved in a peacefull manner keep holding this aggressive posture and see all respect that the peoples of the north had for each other evaporate.


    It is a common fact that the people of the triangle cities overestimate their strengths and underestimate others.


    We have seen in the last year the unravelling of the lies told by your faction sxb. Your cause has no morality nor legality, futhermore this extremism has only alianated many Somalis who where sympethetic to the struggles of the triangle cities peoples and this boasting of the strenghts of the SL army will lead to nowhere but to renewed civil war that will burn the north just like the south. there is only one way out and that is through dailogue and negotiation


    ps. Somali unity is not open for discussion.

  20. To my fellow readers as we all know the clan of the Sool Sanaag & Cayn (D-h-u-lba-ha-n-te) have not signed a treaty with the British colonialist and thus have never been a part of the British protecterate of 'Somaliland'. They have resisted any incursion by the Brits into their territory and have defended the honour of the Somali nation againt colonial agression. We can argue that these parts of Somalia have never been colonized. These people have never been a part of the British protecterate of 'Somaliland'and have volunterily joined the Somali Republic on their own terms. So lets discuss the border issues concerning these peoples.


    And to those saying that Nin Shantaadu kaa reebiwaydo sharci kaama reebo. Well you are right. smile.gif