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  1. 'huuno' Stop this victimisation all Somalis where hit by the brutal force of the dictator so 'zip' and secondly what is the border to the south? Kenya? Somalia is still united dont forget that.


    You know what the betrayal of the Somali cause is so dont act dumb. And you can see where I am from. So keep your lies to yourself no need to cry crocodile tears 'huuno'.


    The invasion of The South of Somalia will also hit the north don't think that the north wil be spared the slaughter. I say side with your brothers and sisters now or die with the enemy. Us Somalis have played enough with ourselfs this is the moment of truth.


    The years to come will show us who the true Somalis are and who the traitors are who rather live like slaves.


    Bring them on and all our enemies those from outside and those within will be dealt with justly.

  2. Nairobi,13 Jun,2006:Warar aan ka helay ilo xog-ogaal ah oo ku sugan Nairobi oo naga codsaday inaan la magacaabin ayaa noo xaqiijiyey inay jiraan kulamo gooni gooni ah oo ay shalay yeesheen madaxda dawlada kumeelgaadhka ah iyo madaxweynaha dawlada Soomaaliland Daahir Riyaale Kaahin.


    Magaalada Nairobi ayaa waxa hada ku sugan badanaa madaxda Soomaaliyeed,oo ay ka mid yihiin madaxweynaha dawlada Soomaaliya Mudane Cabdillahai Yuusuf Axmed,Ra'iisul wasaare Geedi,waxaa iyaguna dhinaca Somaliland ku sugan Wasiirka Maaliyada ee Somaliland Cawil Cali Ducaale oo isagu ka soo horeeyey waftiga Riyaale oo shalay soo gaadhay Nairobi,kuwaas oo dhamaantood casuumado is daba jooga ka helay dawlada KENYA,iyo wadamada ku bahoobay urur goboleedka IGAD.


    Boqor Raabi Yuusuf C/laahi oo ka mid ah hogaamiye dhaqameedyada Somaliland oo shalay jaraa'idka Haatuf ee ka soo baxa magaalada Hargeysa siiyey waraysi dheer ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in uu og yahay wadahadalo u socda xukuumada Somaliland iyo dawlada dhexe ee Soomaaliya oo uu gadhwadeenka u yahay Mudane Cabdillaahi Yuusuf.


    " Waanu haynaa taa cadaynteeda inay fureen wada hadalkooda,, wada hadalkooduna wuu furan yahay, haatana wuu socdaa, wakhtiga loo baahdo arrintaas cadaynteeda waanu soo bandhigi doonaa, socdaalka Wasiirka maaliyaduna waxa uu la xidhiidhaa arrintaas. " ayuu yidhi Boqor Raabi isaga oo hoosta ka xariiqay inaan arintaas shaki ku jirin.


    Wadahadaladana ayaa ku soo beegmay xili ay wadanka soomaaliya ka socdaan isbedelo xaga siyaasada ah,iyadoo ay soo baxeen awoodo aan horay loo filayn,kuwaas oo gacanta ku dhigay caasimada Soomaaliya ee Muqdisho.


    Masuuliyiinta Somaliland iyo kuwa dawlada kumeelgaadhka ah ayaa labaduba beeniyey inay jiraan wada hadalo socda.








    Laascaanod Online News Desk.

  3. Wellllllllll go to Chechnya for special weapons training? Wake the 'cell' up? Get married, make a baby when that is settled. Go back to Somalia to die a honourable death I guess. and letsnot forget Mobb Deeps words. 'I am going out blasting taking my enemies with me and if not scarr them so that they will never forget me'

  4. And they crumble!


    -Xildhibaan Muuse Suudi Yalaxow iyo Bashiir Raage Shiiraar oo ka mid ahaa Isbahaysiga sii baaba'aya argagixiso la dirirka iyo nabad

    ku soo celinta magaalada Muqdisho ayaa goor dhaw si rasmi ah shaaca uga qaadey inay isaga baxeen Isbahaysigaas isla markaana aysan dib dambe ugu mid noqon doonin.


    -Wararka ka imaanaya magaalada Jowhar ayaa sheegaya in maleeshiyaadka Maxkamadaha Islaamiga ah ay qabsadeen degmada Mahadaay oo 22 KM dhanka qorax

    ka soo baxa ka xigta magaalada Jowhar.


    Degamada Mahadaay waxay maxkamaduhu weerareen ka dib markii ay soo baxeen warar sheegaya in ay halkaasi isku urursanayaan deegaankaasi Maleeshiyaadka Max'ed Dheere oo saaka laga qabsadey degmada Jowhar.


    Qabsashada labadan degmo ee Gobolka Shabeelaha dhexe ay qabsadeen maleeshiyaadka Maxkamadaha ayaa waxay ka dhigaysaa in badi gobolkaasi ay iminka maamulaan Midowga Maxaakiimta Islaamiga.


    Degmooyinka ku teedsan dhanka Xeebta ee Gobolka Shabeelaha dhexe ayaa ka maqan gacanta maleeshiyaadka Maxkamadaha oo isku balaarinaya Gobolada Banaadir iyo Shabeelooyinka.

  5. They are good but come on, they should stay army officers thats it. Their roles in Somali society should be limited.


    Look what they did. They produced Caydiid and C/lahi Yusuf. It takes special talent to produce guys like that. Is it the water?


    There is nothing to cheer up man. Its a historical day. Its te day we invited Ethiopia to rule usand its C/lahi Yusuf who did it. The peoplewho supported him all those years should know that they will be held responsible for this because this old man will soon die after he messed our future up

  6. Qolobaa calankee- duu waa caynoo( cayn oo) (calankeedu)

    Ignaguu keenu waa cirkoo kale ‘ee

    Aan caadna lahyn ee caashaqayee


    Xiddig yahay cadi waad na ciidamisee

    Cadceeda sideed u caan noqoyee


    Qolobaa calankee- duu waa caynoo

    Ignaguu keenu waa cirkoo kale ‘ee

    Aan caadna lahyn ee caashaqayee


    Culays baan nahay oo ciriiraan ku jiree (ciriiri/cidhiidhi baan)

    Cududeena wataa dib u soo noqotee


    Qolobaa calankee- duu waa caynoo

    Ignaguu keenu waa cirkoo kale ‘ee

    Aan caadna lahyn ee caashaqayee



    smile.gif Now lets pray for peace in Somalia

  7. You said it my friend. Thats whats it depends on. I can show you enough statements that show that your immoral cause is growing only on the missery of our southern brothers. This will not be forgotten by our southern brothers and its time that us northerners show that we care for the future of the Somali people. And as for the TFG and thr ICU. They both know that they need each other and knowing Somali politics they will work together because they have no choice.

  8. Don't count the TFG out man. The tribal fiefdoms are over and C/lahi yusuf is in trouble but don't take the guy lightly and don't underestimate the ICU.


    I think that TFG and the ICU will make a deal now.

    Its in both their interests to make a deal. And soon the term will en for the TFG so we will need a new government the ICU with its popular support can win the next elections.


    TFG needs popular support and the ICU needs diplomatic recognition. They can help each other out if they can work their problems out.


    There is a middle ground.


    1. No foreign troops

    2. No sharia state

    3. Loyal to the Somali cause (stop this Ethiopian BS)

    4. Abandoning this federal structure ( a new constitution).

  9. That mistrust exists 'xarago' but the thing is it doesnt matter real Somalis will decide. With the way you are thinking you are saying that anyone from the ha-w-ye clan can never do anything good for Somalia or the Somali people. Every clan has wronged the Somali nation. We are all guilty. This mistrust is whats making every attempt at peace fail. Your alterior motives are showing now. Trying to support a head on head clash between the TFG and the ICU. The ICU will bypass the TGF go for the central regions get support from Pland and SSC and even Togdheer region. Maybe you havent seen but the ICU has allot of sympathy in togdheer province and also in Sheikh.



    To sum it up you want the war in Somalia and the divisions to continue so that your immoral cause gets recognition.


    I say keep dreaming. The ICU are not the guys the recognize a faulty cause like yours.

  10. Ilfuur aan meesha ku noqday samaadan arag sxb.


    Meesha waan iska fududeynayaa laakiin my somali brothers should realize there is a common ground that we all can agree on. A strong peacefull and prosporous Somalia for teh Somali people is all we want, allof us want that. Maybe thats what we should support instead of this fight to death on somaliaonline about supporting the factions fighting.

  11. Last Updated Wed, June,14 2006,12:30 Pm--Mogadishu Somalia

    Midowga Maxkamadaha oo xoog kula wareegay Magaalada Jowhar.



    Jowhar 14 June. 06 ( Sh.M.Network) Midowga Maxaakiimta islaamiga ayaa xoog kula wareegay gacan ku heynta magaalada Jowhar, ka dib markii ay jiireen Maleeshiyadii Max'ed Dheere oo ka tirsan isbaheysiga la dagaalanka argagixisada, ka dib Dagaal culus oo saakay ku dhex maray magaalada Jowhar , iyadoo xaaladda magaalada Jowhar ay tahay mid xasiloon iminka oo gacanta ugu jirto Maxkamadaha midoobay. iyadoo aan la maqleyn wax rasaas ah.


    Dagaalkaan oo la isku adeegsaday hubka nuucyadiisa kala duwan ayaan la ogeyn ilaa iyo iminka qasaaraha rasmiga ah ee uu geeystay, iyadoo ay jiraan warar sheegaya in baabuur dagaal ay miinooyin la kacday.


    Dhaawacyo badan ayaa waxaa la geeyay isbitalka magaalada Jowhar, sida ay sheegeen saraakiisha isbitalkaasi,


    Sidoo kale Midowga Maxaakiimta islaamiga ayaa la wareegay garoonka diyaaradaha ee magaalada Jowhar, iyadoo aan la garaneyn halkii ay cirib iyo jaandhigeen maleeshiyadii Max'ed Dheere oo firxadkooda la soo sheegayo in ay u baqooleen dhinaca degmada Mahadaay.


    Magaalada Jowhar ayaa dhamaan gacan ku heynteeda waxaa la wareegay Midowga Maxkamadaha Islaamiga, iyadoo gurigii Martida ee magaalada Jowhar oo uu daganaa Madaxweyne C/laahi Yuusuf ay ku sugan yihiin Maleeshiyada Maxkamadaha, waxaana iminka xaaladu ay tahay mid dagan.


    Dagaalkaan ayaa waxa uu ku soo beegmay xilli Xalay magaalada Jowhar ay isaga baxeen xubno uu ka mid yahay Max'ed Qanyare, Bootaane Ciise, Cabdi Nuurre Siyaad iyo Ciise Cismaan. oo dhamaantood u baqoolay gobolada dhexe oo ay ka soo jeedaan.


    Sawirada dagaalka la soco goor dhow


    Waxii ku soo kordha kala soco


    Shabelle Media Network, Sh/dhexe





    My congratulation goes to the ICU. May they hunt down Somalia's enemies and bring peace to our beloved nation.

  12. Awdal has lost its impartiality long time ago and its reports are not to be trusted. They are as biased as they can be. So come with a real source my friend. As a muslim the Sheikh can never recognize the division of Somali muslim brothers.


    Awdalnews is a propaganda machine for a lost immoral cause.