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Posts posted by Saalax

  1. 4 minutes ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

    What if SL doesnt break down  or collapse , what if Ciiro becomes president or gaboose or any other Tolka. Will they rejoin their Kin. Or wil they try to  join The pirates still



    Even if Cirro wins (very unlikely as he will be cheated as usual) the troops in the area will remain intact as they are defense forces for the locals. With SSB and Khaatumo both armed we need to be 10x more armed. Simple as. 

  2. 6 minutes ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

    self determanation to do what  what is their end goal joining puntland joining maakhir joining  khatumo , Joining the bunker. Create  S  A   emirate free of all of them. And how will the rest of the toll  react to this first the Duriyad and then the larger Habar Jones clan to lose their most furtherest frontier , and is there a consensus of the S A  that they want this. Do their elders support all of this.

    Just self administration of their areas (which is already in effect).Then wait out the evitable collapse of remaining Somaliland after that decide which new mamuuls to join.  

  3. 1 minute ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

    So what are the sacadyoonis joining the h@rti clan these days 

    They are putting their interest first. 90% of their lands is out of Somaliland control now, if you walk between Dararweyne and Bohol you won't see Somaliland, so self administration of local areas is the way to go. 

  4. 41 minutes ago, maakhiri1 said:

    they are betting on winning next election, peaceful take over,  few months left , nothing to spoil

    This is unrelated to elections. Only Reer Hargeisa and reer Burco believe in elections and that nonsense. 

  5. 58 minutes ago, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

    Sorry Saalax, but your community can be bought time and again. Muuse knows it. Caarre was bought out and exiled by him. The militia in the mountains, who had an upper hand against a wounded amd weak Muuse, were bought with little cash on last year.

    Tolkaaga need an orator with principles like Caynaanshe, the social media commentator.

    Marka don't be too hopeful.

    I agree that is the western part of the community (led by the likes of Cirro & Faysal) as they believe in Somaliland and Duyaradism. What you see you in the video though is local troops of the Dararweyne district,  a month ago the Khaatumo flag was even raised there. So they don't believe in Somaliland, no cash can buy them. 

  6. 5 hours ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

    Somaliland deserved also prior to 2007 recognition Somaliland only conquered laascanood back in 2007 and  Somaliland progress to statehood was also being fought for as far as the early2000s. Elections have always been delayed in somaliland political culture it isnt something new  wish this culture could change we should make the presidency term 10 years .  Besides the map is wrong  Somaliland controls far more  further in eastern ceerigabo district as far as Yube  if not beyond , there is nothing happening in Awdal its just hersay .. Dont hate ur country Salax u might see ciiro becoming President of Somaliland the fight will remain the same those that cheer for u now will continue to hate Somaliland even when ciiro is president



    Somaliland has no democracy (that has been proven by multiple failed delayed elections, unlawful arrests of civilians and journalists). Since 2017 Somalia and Puntland state  had held two presidential election/selections, while Somaliland is still stuck in 2017. The only thing Somaliland had it going for was the "democracy" thing and even if that disappeared. 

  7. With 40% of its original landmass missing (controlled by Khaatumo and Puntland),  delayed elections, mass arrests & executions of civilians,

    committing genocide in Las Anod.In the remaining Somaliland on the western front (Awdal) there is tensions that could lead to another Las

    Anod like revolution. In the central part they are waiting for elections and if that doesn't happen it will likely lead to     civil war. 


  8. 1 hour ago, Dhagax-Tuur said:

    Let's call a spade a spade.  Stop sugar coating the truth.  There are clans in northern Somali territory that are not Somali in origin.  This is not about recognition of Somaliland, it's deep hatred of Somalinimo.  We know who they are.  Question is, the majority Somali population of Somaliland when will they stand up for Somalinimo?

    Well it was Hassan Sheikh and  Osmar Omar Guelleh that cozied up to Muse Bihi but it seems he betrayed them.


  9. 28 minutes ago, Che -Guevara said:

    Nothing Somali politicians do ever benefit the people.

    Muse Biixi should have been forced to hold elections long ago or resign. He is lucky in that he has a weak opposition who seems obsessed with kursiga instead of the interest of the people.

    There is no choice but to remove him forcibly now.  I agree he should have been taken out at his weakest after 25 August. 

  10. According to bloomberg sea access was exchanged for a mere shares in Ethiopian airlines (most likely Muse Bihi himself or his relatves). There is   

    no recognition deal.Now with that in mind what do residents of the coastal areas of Berbera and Djibouti benefit from this deal? all it will do is take

    away money from Berbera and Djibouti  ports will become unviable as 120million Ethiopians will no longer be forced to use it as they have a free port. 


  11. 3 hours ago, maakhiri1 said:


    I agree with you, Gheele is very sinister man, he is scared of Berbera port, and SOMALIA, long term agenda, I think if Biihi not removed asap, More shenanigans will continue.


    Ha Geele kama qasna but I wonder if he will give Somaliland more weapons considering they lost a lot of Arsenal. Or he is scared UN embargo watch catching him. 

  12. 4 hours ago, Game changer said:

     They live berbera but not strong enough  to occupy.   Conflict gu automatic buu u imanaya  hadaanad qorshe cad Ka lahayn.   


    Haada siidi hore maha no one wants that smoke in their areas and their civilians fleeing which is why CM of  Sheekh avoided getting involved in Gacanlibaax affairs. They are wiser from 1992 Sheikh and Berbera clashes where they lost hundreds of people and Berbera itself.  Hadaba Gacanlibaax forces operate in Cadadley, Godaweyn, Oodweyne, Xaaji Saalax etc cidna uguma tagdo dhulkooda they can declare a mamuul tommorow if they want. 

  13. 29 minutes ago, galbeedi said:

    The fact is Biixi can't help Geelle and vice versa. 

    For the three gangs of the Somali peninsula, one weak link from Hageisa is down. Geelle could be next, and HSM will finish his term chasing his tails.

    Hal dhegdheer is done more to flow. 


    Geele and HSM mislead Muse Bihi and this is the result. Somaliland is not tiny Djibouti there is too many competing interests.

    • Like 1

  14. 3 hours ago, galbeedi said:


    You guys don't get. THese East Burco guys haven't resolved anything. This is nothing but a move to keep Muuse Biixi. You can't keep the failed leader another 15 months.

    You should never accept an election managed by Muuse. Here are the main counter points or what the East Burco elders supposed to say:

    1- Muuse Biixi must resign and transfer power since he doesn't have any moral ground to continue.

    2- Since SSC left the system a conference must be held to renegotiate a new deal

    3- Abolish the election commission and the new commission must be appointed by independent body. clan elders must appoint the new commission.

    4- Since the Guurti and parliament became useless and unable to find any solutions elders must write the rules and replace them.

    5- It isn't even Islamic to demand 120 camels for compensation of the dead.

    finally, the East Burco elders doesn't represent Somaliland. They are probably trying to save Muuse and their ill gotten money. If one Habar is speaking for all , we have a Habar in Awdal( Habar C...n) and they should talk.

    Saalax, your folks are greedy who are double talking. Finish off Muuse, then talk later. Or just wait for us in a few months.



    Galbeedi I know Somaliland in political crisis is actually due to the likes of Salebaan Gaal (Guurti) that enabled Muse Bihi and the young man head of the commission (married to Siilanyo daughter). Lkn  maxa ka racay meelkasta jab. Marka systemka dhan ba khaldan, it has to go. It is a good chance for both the G36 Galbeed and Awdal go their separate ways this is a failed project it is not worth the investment. 

  15. 8 hours ago, Game changer said:

    You don't have a long vision at all ,  HY  galbeeed without berbera or access to the golf of Eden  will beg Qamadi from the cgdhr,  if war breaks out between you and the monkeys . And the eastern HY won't be connected to burco if you mess up with the fto xun. 😄   You have geographical disadvantage to run away from  the family.   Go East or the West home is the best.   Somaliland is yours , grow some balls to  lead it , instead of carving useless maps that doesn't benefit your community at all .    Let's bring down biixi,  HJ will assist you take over power, because we have decided it, as a mediators.  We sold out biixi ,  we won't even allow him to attack SSC.   Cirro is the new leader.  We don't need any More conflicts with anyone.  

    But that is the thing they live in Berbera too and if they need another sea access there will be Maydh and a airport connecting it to Oodweyne or West Burco simple. Leading Somaliland now is like when the Somalia government  was crumbling and Siad Bare named several vice Presidents, it doesn't have much benefit. Somaliland markay gashaanti ahayd ba lo bahna ee haada markay Garoob noqotay oo gabowday loma bahna. The only thing I agree is more conflicts loma bahna, nin walbo xafaadada iyo deegaankaga mamuulo, buuq loma bahna. 

  16. 1 hour ago, Arafaat said:

    What’s this map Saalax? Is this Oodweyne Province?Xagaa uga tagtay Hargeisa, Berbera, Sheick iyo Erigavo? Aren’t you owner of those towns, who is the Mayor of Hargeisa, Burco and Erigavo, the deputy Mayor of Berbera, Sheick? 

    Second if you want to create a maamul for HY, isn’t Somaliland HY owned? From Hargeisa all the way to Erigavo miyaaney ya kaga badan HY?

    So your first option is nonsense, HY already has a maamul, it’s called Somaliland and the only option you have is the second one, put Cirro on the big chair, and the real question is how to achieve that. 

    Look the map carefully it includes their parts of Burco (West Burco) and Hargeisa (South & East).  Somaliland appears to be a failed project it is beyond saving even if Cirro becomes President so it is best to start from scratch something that only works for the interest of G36  galbeed lands. Waxa laga hadlaya long-term vision not short-term  (which G36 galbeed politicians suffer from). 

  17. 42 minutes ago, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

    Odeyaaahii shex dhexaadka sheeganaaye shalay hadlay maxee ahaayeen? Waxee lahaayeen mag boqol iyo dhowr geel ah ciidamada Muuse la dilay ha laga bixiyo. Konton kale geel waa in loo dhiibaa meydkii lagu xadgudbay ayee lahaayeen. Hubka ee jabhada qabsatay hala soo celiyo ee ku sii dareen. Meesha goormaa la heshiiyey, yaab badnaa.

     Waxaas hanjabaad iyo daandaansi dadban waaye. Haddii kale sidii C/raxmaan Tuur ugu goobanay ayaa ugu goobaneynaa jabhadda ka wadaan.

    Magta wa wiilki reer Daami (I can understand that) but the rest is a non starter. As for Maryaloolism and Jeeganism they can't afford that now cause reer SSC are right at their doorstep eager for revenge with hundreds of military vehicles. No one can gang up on the  West Burco community there is no army to begin with, so it is up to them to choose between  those two options setting up their own mamuul or bet on Cirro to become President and rule Sland. 

  18. 37 minutes ago, Che -Guevara said:

    Indecisiveness kills and hinders!

    The fate of Sool was sealed when Garaad Jama Garaad Ismail invited all Garaads. Gacan Libaax needs such leadership.

    Honestly, Cirro is not the leader Somaliland needs now.


    What do you make of yesterday's statement from Burco community?

    I agree the community lacks such senior elders and politicians but the youth part and military men is on the right path.As for the declaration from the guddiga dhexdhaxad from Bariga Burco (they only settle the east side) seems a defeat for Muse Bihi politically if he accepts  and a win for WADANI (Cirro) politically but it would be a lose for the Gacanlibaax forces if they accept it cause it involves handing over their weapons to the Somaliland government and that is non starter because Muse Bihi can't be trusted. So there is three players in it Muse Bihi, Cirro and Gacanlibaax (Oofwareen).