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Posts posted by Atirisho

  1. Why is he putting "niin" in the end of each sentence?


    "Waxaay cunayanin" "waxaay dabalanayaniin" ;)


    Saciid did you had a dubious intention posting this video?;)


    Is there a region in Puntland called rascaseyr? I am not talking about the so-called "Rascaseyr state" which is virtually unknown. I am talking about either a city, a region called rascaseyr.


    I admire and applaud the people of Puntland for their self determination and achievements.

  2. NGONGE;746670 wrote:
    Bad news!

    Bad News puts smile on your face? I hope we never come across in this life. :)



    As for me, What makes me smile? good question. A lot of things put smile in my face............


    ~Nature: Is the source of my inspiration. From the monsoon rains, to the bright colors of the spring, to the beautiful white, fluffy snow, to the tropical paradise.

    ~My family. My young brother always puts smile on my face. It also helps that his has a contagious sense of humour.

    ~Good piece of classical music

    ~Reading a great novel

    ~Watching my favorite shows

    ~taveling. or at lease day dreaming about going on adventure and seeing beautiful, majestic places

    ~ When old people are reminiscing on their life experiences

    ~When my grandmother tells me about life in the old country, specially Somali traditional way of life

  3. Xaaji Xunjuf;745811 wrote:
    lol faroole wa inu heesti qaado let my people go

    Wasn't Siilaanyo, the President of Somaliland detained in China few weeks ago? The world doesn't respect Somalis regardless of what region they are from lets face it.


    I am pretty sure the Puntland parliamentarian will be released soon, but Ethiopia need a reality check. The fact that Ethiopia repeatedly violated Somalia's sovereignty by coming in and out of the country as they please and imprisoning anyone they want is pretty messed up

  4. ^^

    What is with the sarcasm? :)


    Faarax-Brawn;745794 wrote:
    ^Dont listen to him. Look at his last name? Ina Jaad. Do you really think a jaad head and an atirisho can have duel? No dheh




    anyway, i dont remember if i wlc you or not,but so dhaaf. Gacmo iyo laab furan.

    LOL, waa runtaa. I was wondering meesha uu agala qaaday.


    Thanks for the welcome.

  5. GaroweGal;745355 wrote:
    Un-welcoming site, most definetly ONLY if you don't belong to a certain clan from a certain region of Somalia that is yet to be recognised . If you have already not sensed it SOL is a biased site. It cheers for one clan in particular and members of other clans are NOT allowed to express their views in fear of being banned. If you are from that one particular clan that SOL inclines towards speak up, for you should be welcomed with opened arms.

    Excuse the politics. And Welcome.

    You don't say. Are you serious? I hope that is not true otherwise this site wouldn't be different from Snet. That site is full of trolls and people from certain clan are getting banned for no reason what-so-ever. People are abusing their power and bullying people who have differnt point of view than them.







    Thanks everybody else.

  6. There is so many varition of dialects within the Somali language.



    First, The Reer woqooyi dialect is the most abnoxious, aggressive dialect within the Somali language. Everytime I see reer woqooyi people having a converstation, they looks like they are having some sort of altercation even they are speaking about pleasant things. I think the second more aggressive dialect is the reer mudug dialect.



    Reer Bari dialect is much more pleasant. It is not feminine as some put it, and I don't understand how a dialect could be feminine really.



    Reer Xamari dialect is really hilarious. I also find it romantic. don't ask me why!

  7. A_Khadar: Thanks. I like my name too lol. Stay away from the political section? That is the whole reason why I wanted to be part of this site. I didn't want my first post to have been the political section lakiin soon enought it will.


    NGONGE: Why do you think that is? why don't they stand out? There is a lot of people that can contribute very beneficial discussions, and if half of the people that want to be here are turned down, that is not really good. I am will not be laying low, I can tell you that much. I am a bit opnioned, so you will be getting tired of me before you even know it.




    Aaliyyah: Waan ku faraxsanahay in la'ii ogoladay lakiin dee dadka loo ogolanin ayaan ku dodayaa dee. Who is the mod?


    Juxa: Thanks. I wonder what they are looking for when chosing what members to let in and what members to reject.


    Burahadeer: Oo maxaa thread oo post gareeyn ladayhay? anigu I had no problem doing that.

  8. Thanks everbody for welcoming me. I truely appreciate it.


    Valeneteenah: It is not that I am not grateful. But I think it is like my million attempt to sign up for SOL and I was denied everytime. I have been coming here once in a while, reading threads and discussions and this place seemed interesting which is why I was interested in been part of it. I am glad I am finally part of the community.


    Nassir- You guys are punch of intimidating people. Take it easy on me. Lol

    Aaliyyah: You have no clue. Do you have any idea how many applicants the site turned down? Alot.


    Garnaqsi: I have he same problem. I am still trying to figure out how to navigate my way around here.

    Showqi- Thanks!



    S@mai-Thanks for the welcome.


    I guess SOl-ers are not as bad as Somalis from other social networks.


    Nin-Yaaban- Do you do a background check on everybody?

  9. Hi everybody! how is it going?


    I have been trying to be part of this site for a quite sometime now, and I was unable to sign up for the site for some reason. What is going on here and why do they deny people from been part of the Camel community? I am looking farward to been here