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Posts posted by Atirisho

  1. Political suicide. This was the last push need to united the people of SSC. If there ever was Pro-Somaliland SSC-ers, that is no longer the case. Attacking people and killing civilians is not the answer. The secessionists will heavily pay.




    I am waiting to hear Siilanyo's "Baaq Nabaadeed" :)

  2. FreshPrince has never being a person with strong conviction or stance. He goes whichever way the wind blows. I am shocked people take what he says seriously. One day he is pro-secessionist the next is in anti. You are dreaming if you think that the land taken from the people of SSC will be handed to them that easily.

  3. Lol @ the donkey carrying the camel and the camel in the car.





    I I found the lady with the child strapped on her chest, the man with the snake through his nose and mouth and the little boy showering in pee to be very disturbing.

  4. Dr_Osman Thanks for this thread. I am not particularly well versed about Somalia and what is taking place there but to see threads like this fills my heart with joy. Puntland seems to be progressing in rather fast rate, which I am extremely happy about. Hopefully the rest of Somalia will go back to its glories days and we put this dark period in our history behind us.

  5. Aaliyyah;766678 wrote:
    Atirisho, I said perhaps you are a puntlander, not necessarily you are..ok so u are somali from south. Got that and you are entitled to support puntland after all I supported them in the past. But, I have received my wake up call.

    Secondly, it is a fact that most of their politicians and even their supporters are against SSC. At the same time im not denying that there are those who support SSC..for sure there are few out there..


    as for things being complicated when it comes to the SSC? for sure nothing worth having comes easy. Puntland isnt something that just started neither is somaliland...somaliland was infact holding meeting as far back as what? 1981? that was even before I was born. So its gonna be a process and the SSC are more united than ever and they will reach their goal..and neither puntland nor somaliland can stop them!...each state dadkeeda haka adkaato umada kalena faraha haka qaado. It is as simple as that..


    my 2 cents..



    Ok Walalo, Good Luck!

  6. So, if I disagree with your statement, I must be a Puntlander? That is strange!


    First, I am not from Puntland, I am from Southern Somalia.


    Second, I support Puntland because they are only legitimate state in Somalia that has always stood behind and advocated for Somali unity. As you are well aware, I am knew here and I don't know many members here, so I couldn't tell you who supports what. However, you have to acknowledge you were a pit reckless when you stated that "all Puntland supporter and Puntland politicians are agian the people of SSC and their interest," which is a false statement. I am pretty sure there are a lot of people who hail from Puntland that want to see SSC succeed.


    When it come to SSC, things are very complicated. Perhaps if they were more united and worked for a common goal, people wouldn't try to take advantage of them. Also, some news outlets that are affiliated with certain region/government are really bais and they main aim is to spread propaganda so I am a bit hesitant believing somethings.

  7. Lol @ Somaliland sending troops to southern Somalia. It is beneficial for Somaliland that the rest of the country stays in tormoil. Isn't their platform for recongnition that "Somaliland is peaceful, and the rest of Somalia is chaotic therefore we should be recongnized?"

  8. Aaliyyah;766658 wrote:
    This is not new..waa la ogyahay puntland iyo wixi support gareeyaba inay kaso horjeedaan SSC. It is just sad that I once considered myself a rabin in ay wax ku qabtaan waxna rabin in aad qabsato!..


    Anyways, SSC guul way gaadhi..labo cali isma waydiinaso taas.



    p.s the irony of all this is xaaji xanjuf is pretending like hes angry abt what puntalnd is doing when he supports tSomaliland and their agression on the SSC ppl..sheeko uu mesha ku haya

    That is a false statement. Not all Puntland supporter or Puntland administrators has something against SSC. Somaliland is much more threatened by SSC than Puntland is.

  9. I agree with Thankful on this issue. Raxanreeb's credibility went down after the garsoor incident when they want from a reliable news outlet to one dedicated to propagating conspiracy theories and anti-government rhetoric.



    This article by raxaanreeb is clearly misleading. It doesn't make sense that if UAE was violating UN's arm ambargo on Somalia that they will be so open about it. This shipment is medical supplies and food for Puntland's needy ;)



    It is true that Puntland needs help with their anti-piracy missions/efforts but they won't violate international laws so recklessly in order to achieve that.

  10. Well Bacadweyn isn't really far from Galkacyo but still they are wonderful. thanks


    Usually, the patients they treated were sent to either Nairobi or Addis Abbas since the hospital in Somalia don't have the equipment needed to perform certain surgeries or because of lack of doctors.


    Not only are they doing this for Somalis, but they also awarded scholarship to Somali students to study aboard which is by far the greatest thing they did for us. “Give me a fish and I eat for a day. Teach me to fish and I eat for a lifetime.” They can keep coming back to Somalia for all eternity to treat Somali patients but giving the Somali youth the education and the tools to succeed and become sufficient and self reliable is far great gift they gave us. So I say kudos to them ;)

  11. YAAY!;) May god reward them for their actions.


    They treated a relative of mine in Galkacyo few day earlier who come from Bacadweyn and for that I would like to say Thanks to the Turkish doctors. It is not their first visit in Galkacyo, in fact, they have been there numerous times before. A lot of Puntland hospitals have great relationship with the Turkish doctors which is a positive.


    It is wonderful to see all the developments and projects going in Puntland lately. It is refreshing.

  12. Axmed-InaJaad;748151 wrote:
    apostate shud be killed acording to the diin

    Before I responded to you, I have done a little background research on where Islam stand on the punishment of apostates. I yet unclear about the subject since I have come across a lot of conflicting ideas, stands on the subject amongst a lot of Muslim scholars. I think the killings, prosecution and/or punishments of Apostates of Islam should be re-evaluated. It is a well know fact the Islamic scholar differ in their view of the punishment of people who rejected the Islamic faith.


    Personally, I am again the ill treatment, prosecution and killings of people who rejected the Islamic faith. I believe that Allah didn't bestow such an ultimate power on us, where we can make the decision to harm his creation because of the path they have chosen. who are we to judge? It is between them and their creator and they will have to answer for their action in the day of judgment.



    Another point I would like to make is, We all left our "Islamic countries" where people are oppressed, killed and their voices are silenced (yes, I said it) to the west where our religious views are respected. So, I think it is unfortunate for us to advocate for the oppression of our fellow humans, and Somalis while on the other hand we enjoy our constitution law that guarantee us freedom to practice what ever.



    Somalis I believe have to abandon this back warded, barbaric intolerance and mentality of harming those who are different than us. This is the main reason why I hate Al-shabab. I think they should be protected from the animals (al-shabab) and other hateful, intolerant doqomo.