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Posts posted by Atirisho

  1. Xaaji Xunjuf;785491 wrote:
    Yeah Somaliland is hijacking you're own conference aint that something right in-front of you're eyes Somaliland will be addressing the international delegates, because obviously we matter in the horn of Africa

    Put your delusions aside. Somaliland is as part of Somalia as Puntland, Galmudug, and all the other states. They are not hijacking anything, in fact it is against Somaliland's interest to be attending this conference. They clearly didn't have a choice and they were told to attend this conference by the only country who they depended on for their recognition.

  2. I think Maay Maay is such a beautiful, under-rated and dying dialect. Growing up, all my neighbors and childhood friends spoke Maay Maay dialect which is why I am able to fully understand it.


    Here is Libaan From "Australian Idol" singing Hassan Adan Samatar original song. I think it is a superb song and Mashallah can Libaan sing!!


  3. Dervish;775005 wrote:
    So you're a reject

    YES! Galia is very strange character. She/He has been banned from Somalinet numerous times for vulgarity, insulting tribes, attacking people (including Somalilanders) and just being loose in the head. Her Hatred of everything Puntland or Puntlanders are well-known. Best thing is, ignore her/him just like we had in Somalinet.