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Posts posted by Zafir

  1. ^Hadaan awoodo, Xildhibaanka qolodeyda ayaan kaa dhigi lahaa Xiinnoow, wax xaliskaaga ayaan aad uga helay. War heedhe boqortooya ayaad istaahishaa waligaa ma laguugu yidhi.

  2. ^Sodogaagii baan waxaan nu noqonay saaxibo lillaaahey ah ninyahoow, it isn't that I have something against you walaalo che, I just can't allow to do this to my friend (your sodog).

  3. Hello Val. How is Minneapolis welcoming you? Nice place eh, I have heard good things about that place. Enjoy your stay dearest.



    Ps: Farax- braown iyo Xiin'ah iigu salaan. :D

  4. Originally posted by Nephthys:

    Wow! A woman who wants a child without all the male jug-jug
    that goes with it!


    Goodluck with that.

    Must you refer to it as Jug-jug?? :( ...It's, it's much more than that.

  5. Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

    lol@A & T.

    War xalay tolow muxuu cunay...


    A & T yow,
    Ina Xaawo
    ka warran! Ninkaa maxaa loola haray

    War ninbaa meel iiga soo baxay maanta! Xiinoow, halkeed ka maqashay magaca Ina Xaawo. Magacaa waa magac la ilaaliyo oo xitaa askar baanu u xilsaarnay in ay afarta iyo labaatanka saac ilaashaan.


    AT&T, Apart from the nicknames that are associated with physical appearances, most of the other nicknames are of the old somali saying Wixii casarkii laguugu arkaa cishihii laguugu caayaa.


    Funny childhood story:

    This new kid moved to our neighborhood (in Xamar) from Burco, the first day after meeting him he proved to be cool guy to hang with and we (kids on the block) liked him. He frequently used the ward (G)arac which caught us all by surprise because we didn't know what it meant, sure enough we started calling him (G)arac. It wasn't until one of our friend got beaten up by (G)arac's mom for going to his house as asking his mom "Eedo (G)arac ma joogaa?" :D did we found out what it actually meant.

    And the nickname stuck with him.

  6. Aliyah, So how does one exercise with out enrolling gym and running outside. I have never been the athletic type, I have always geared towards persevering my sweat unless for those times I needed to waste them. I think what I am missing is calcium , perhaps some milk aught to do the job.

  7. As of late, I wake up every morning with pain in every bone and parts of my body, this morning I even asked the misses if she has taken a keen interest beating me up in my sleep(how else would one explain this symptoms). She says, old age and the need to clash/burn flap have crept up on me.


    Is it too late to join this?

  8. Cinnamon, Little did you know, he has been cought on that show not once but twice. be sure to know, he will hit on you. So, quick, change your age to some thing like 21 to avoid him. :D:D Needless to say welcome.

  9. Originally posted by Faarax-Brawn:

    quote:Originally posted by Zafir:

    Tol la'aan baan aduunkaan imi, la'aan toodna waan noqon doonaa Bi'idni Llaah.

    Warkaas waxaa lagu ogyahay dadka tol la'aanta ah. Laan gaab yahow laan gabku dhalay.


    Waakana Emperor car haa dhaho tol wax mataro.
    Laan gaab hadaanan caleendheer ka ahaan laheyn maanta waa laguu yaabi lahaa wiiloow, wiji timo leh yacni far cidi leh ayaad ku fakatay.


    Emperor, Hadaan tolka Malika ahaan lahaa, FB gabar ma siisteen. laakiin, caleendheer ahaan wax kasta ayaan siin lahaa istupidhka ilka dhaadheer. :D