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Posts posted by Ismalura

  1. Find? I don't need to find anyone huuno. Like I said before that is not part of job; my job is to screen those who find me. If the person does't feel right before marriage ma kulatahay in uu gadaal kahagaagayo? I know what I want and I know how to get it so don't worry about giving me some rush advice.


    Now about my 'reading deficiencies'.... who tested them? May be the problem lays with the tester (of course). Nin daad qaaday xunbo cuskay baan maqli jiray. Lakiin xunbo aad u jilcsan baad qabsatay because reading is certainly not one of my weaknesses. Look for something else maskiinow !

  2. Nasiib xumo ma waxaa ah a 30 year old who knows what she wants and marries nin u qalmo or a 20 year old divorcee. Of course that is not how it always works laakiin nasiibka cidna lagama xigo. I am not saying 30/40 is the best age for marriage but this is about the rest of your life and you need to be sure that it is right. If that takes me till I am 30 than so be it !


    Which of my earlier posts baad ka argatay that I suffer from dyslexia? Mise rafasho unbaa halkaa kula tagatay?

  3. You know Aaliyah is on your side when she clearly says that she is not. Meesha iskaga bax inadeer war kuma heysidee. 40 waa lagu dhalaa all the time not to mention that this muran started off from getting married at 30.


    LOL @ reading deficiencies...I am the best (est) reader that anyone knows :D

  4. Originally posted by Oz:

    Middle age is when a narrow waist and a broad mind begin to change places.

    And what happens to men at middle age? At least a women in middle age is still as much of a woman as she was at 20 :D .


    @ TheZack Aailyaa ila jirta aa? Maskiin ;)

  5. Easy ma aha waa runta oo the fact that it is difficult is why many people are on one extreme or the other of all issues. Ha laisku dayo unbaa la leyahay when it is worth it smile.gif

  6. Aaliyah walaaleey wakhtiga maxaad salka nooga soo galineysaa bal let us enjoy this month. I honestly can't believe how fast life is; it was just yesterday when 2010 started. Ilaahow khaatumada noo suubi.


    By the way maahmaahda waxaan ku soo xasuustay my primary school head master ilaahey ha u naxariistee.

  7. Originally posted by Kamaavi:

    quote:Originally posted by Ismalura:


    Originally posted by Kamaavi:


    Originally posted by Ismalura:


    Originally posted by Kamaavi:


    Originally posted by Ismalura:


    Originally posted by Kamaavi:


    Originally posted by Ismalura:


    Originally posted by Kamaavi:


    Originally posted by Ismalura:


    Originally posted by Kamaavi:

    Isma, loool. I was looking at it with an open mind, as I should with all music. But now makes me want to divorce anji music. Except the
    . Follow comments of the vids.

    Ok Cagaarow . Aniga ma fahmo waxan lakiin a friend showed me this and I like it coz it is self explanatory so I can follow it.


    Aragsaney . Dhoola cade maxa kuu diiday midabadeena intaad inoo khabayso. Heeskaas oo
    soo wada baxeen waan kaa qabaa. Xa'uus!
    Oo maadan fahim miyaa why Icalled you Cagaarow? You are so slow .
    Aragsaneey, Alla og ma fahmin. Damiina ma ihi.
    Aragsaneey kuye... Stop don't make me blush
    Of course I am kidding. Waan iska kaa magayee damiin ma tihid; I got it from the comments on the video that you asked me to check out.
    Kaasu UK ayuu joga, aragsaneey. I've found best nick for you.


    What you listenin to today?
    If today was your last day Nickelback.



    Can't get enough of this band
    Very cool.


    Listening to
    One of my non Somali friends is officially in love with Musiq

    and introduced me to his songs.



    Your friends listen to such horrible music? Must I've something in common with them.


    I can't believe you quoted again LOL :D


    Caawa I am dying in the library so I have no music :(

  8. What I am saying is if it one's excesses is only occosional dhib ma laha it is still modrate.... definations are flexibale e iska daa and make you own LOL

  9. occasional is part of the moderation if you now what I mean ! It is ok to go over board or even under once in a while....wax walbe dhexdhexaad buu leyahay like I said.

  10. occasional is part of the moderation if you now what I mean ! It is ok to go over board or even under once in a while....wax walbe dhexdhexaad buu leyahay like I said.

  11. Of course Kaamvi average is the answer. Problem is men don't know any thing about moderation...xag jir baan maqli jiray.


    For everything there is some where safe in the middle LOL !