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Posts posted by Saalixa

  1. JB


    I dont need your advertisement of Panaroma hotel


    I have 50 weddings which i watched and alot at home which is more than enough




    Meesha meelkaloo kicisa baa fiican. So i dont have to see that same dancing stage over and over again!

  2. Bella Princess


    Sister if the guy is not in the same country and city as you, I can only be frightened for YOU

    Be carefull sister. There are many men who exploit the internet to get away from thier private lives and homes and really tell alot of Bull*hit



    Sister no matter what decade or century, Your man would come to your doorstep. Your destiny would arrive and its much better when it comes to you rather than you impatiently running after it! Its just more fun

  3. well i actually like that gabay nuune


    Its just a dardaaran for the new bride. And every new bride and groom get dardaaran so what? Yes she should get words of wisdom told to her like those ones


    I love the last paragraphes- i am gonna use it for the next wedding. Khatar baan iska dhigaya oo gabayaa ah

  4. Ma hodheelkaad ku dagtaa barigii aad xagga aadey

    Nuune huuno ma waxaad i mooday kuwa markay dhulkoogi hooyo tagayaan intay is leeyihin halaga idin garto dadka inaad dibada ka timaadeen hotel kiraysta. I dont need to coz i got a normal house with my Ayeeyo and habarayahay.


    kumaan dagin. Iam not that rich to afford a hotel in hargeisa for a stay of 2 months! common that is like haram. Maybe only If i married a rich guy in the future ;)


    And it existed for a while now. The first time i attended was when my cousin got married there back in 2002.


    But anyway i still like Maansoor much :cool: better. It rocks!

  5. Nuune


    I think wankaa horeeyay. I did my world trip mid way this year June-August. Now Iam broke again and need to save up for another world trip. This time Iam Saving up for Hajj Insha Allah.


    I will let you know markaan inyar oo rasamaal ah isku hubsado. Hajjka baanu isku arki doona Ok?

  6. I second Ibtisam


    Ragga somaliyeed baryahan sidodi kale ayabaad uga amaan heli la'dahay Mise waa adigo afkaaga la doontay


    Seriously...I would not find it safe and worth it at the beginning before you know anything about this man.

    That is not a wise move at all! He can be a loser or criminal. why risk it

  7. Ok...


    I joined guys...But I aint tellin Ya all until U all tell me Your names


    Redy...lets start with ya


    Kool Kat is it that bad? If it gets bad then i always will go out of de group



    Come on ppl lets start tellin each other


    Kool Kat tell me who u ARE?

  8. OK


    I am very late with this facebook and sol addition



    How does it look like guys- is it like intrusion of privacy ? Is it ok


    Should i join


    Tell me about it those who have Joint already....

  9. Aanka soo dhex galo all the 'daanta kale' G-xajiisiin lol


    I'am from Xera Awr and also used to live sometimes in Jig Jiga yar where some of my relatives live - and it has changed alot

    it is soooooooo beautiful now


    Suldaanka you must be the first Hargeisawi on sol thats from Ozzie land. Nice to see


    P.s. Iam only JOKING with the 'daanta kale' comment

    If you from hargeisa thats just a normal joke in the town and nobody takes those seriously


    Infact i visited this new Private Hospital in Qudhac Dheer


    I loved it and it was so clean. But the first thing that the pathologist in one of the Laboratories asked me was- Daante?


    I didnt mind - he was kinda cute heheheee


    I told him- i belong to and every single Xaafad is mine...he just gave me a smirk