Kala Duwan Clan

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Everything posted by Kala Duwan Clan

  1. And they said I was crazy when I pointed out 1m1v in Somalia would never happen. Let the Civil war 2.0 begin and then Somaliland can finally join the U.N.
  2. True Xaaji Xunjuf...these young people never tasted the bitterness of civil war with Afweyne.
  3. BK is a true Somaliland patriot. The koonfurian don't understand Nationalism. They think they can seduce us with nice words...waryaa diyaar ma u tahay dilid. lol
  4. It is not an "old video" this is the prevailing truth about Somalia. It is as Xaaji Xunjuf has said still a weak country that can fall back into anarchy at any time.
  5. Isaias Afwerki has played the game well, considering he has many political enemies within his country.
  6. Barbarian trash. "if you leave the religion of Islam, you can be murdered and your murder is justified." Not forgetting that Prophet Mohammed pbuh said "there is no compulsion in religion." This is why Somalis are not mentally healthy today, too much ignorance and not enough knowledge. What an arrogant scumbag that fool with the mic is. But then zoomalia is full of degenerate low iq filth not worth the paper their name is written on.
  7. The cheese man has failed to secure Mogadishu since being selected president in a corrupt money bribing sham.
  8. One warlord telling another warlord don't loot the city the Mayor is already looting with the help of Al-shebaab. Jokers.
  9. Worthless politician looking for a free meal ticket to rob the improvised masses. Don't expect Zoomalis to have honour.
  10. People trying to help the poverty sicken zoomalis living in Hirshabelle region have been killed and the zoomali "government" does not investigate this heinous crime. Somalia: Ensure Justice in Health Worker Massacre WWW.HRW.ORG
  11. What a joke. Somalia is too unsafe to have "selections". First remove the terrorist from your lands and then talk about "elections". Talk about putting the chart before the horse.
  12. Somalia could not defeat Al-shabaab so now they are trying to negotiate with them. The southern nigger brain is on full display. A failed state indeed. https://africanarguments.org/2020/11/17/the-hard-truths-of-negotiating-with-al-shabaab/
  13. Slow down Mr Woke. The Americans want to leave the region to your own fate. The Americans have had enough of trying to civilise savages. zoomalis in Bombadishu cannot deal with teenagers with AK-47s let alone Somaliland.
  14. First Somalia has to build a central government. Second the south zoomalis have to learn civilisation.
  15. Why can't the Cheeseman get rid of the terrorist organisation and secure peace in Somalia? Because his NISA head is an QATARI sponsored terrorist scumbag. The Cheeseman is weak and will never bring peace to Somalia. He hails from a weak corrupt clan with no honour. Now give Somaliland a seat on the U.N.
  16. Doesn't mean racism goes away. America will become a more hostile place for blacks and Muslims now.
  17. Proof that Somalia is still unstable and have not solved their clan problems to this day, 30 years and counting. Somalis in the south are savages that will fight another hot civil war soon.