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Everything posted by cadnaan1

  1. Somali Islamists driven into north, south pockets -UN envoy * Al Shabaab continues strikes, despite military defeats * AMISOM move into Puntland "under active consideration" By Edmund Blair and Edith Honan NAIROBI, May 7 (Reuters) - A military offensive has driven Somalia's al Shabaab Islamist group out of major strongholds and deprived it of revenue sources, but its retreat to a southern valley and northern hills still poses a threat, the U.N. envoy to Somalia said. The African Union's AMISOM peacekeeping force and Somali soldiers have pushed the group, which wants to topple the Western-backed government, into smaller pockets of territory since launching an offensive last year. But the group has continued to strike Mogadishu and other government-held areas with bomb and gun attacks from bases in the southern Juba Valley and in northern Puntland's Galgala hills, a region outside the African Union's area of operation. "The AU-U.N. have just done a benchmarking review of AMISOM and the Somali national army, as well, and certainly they have recognised that Puntland is an area of concern," U.N. envoy to Somalia, Nick Kay, told Reuters on Wednesday. He said expanding AMISOM's region of operations to the semi-autonomous region of Puntland was "under active consideration", without saying when it might be agreed. The Somali government has said that the Juba Valley, which lies in the far south near the strategic Kismayo port, was the next target for the military offensive, but has not said when. Puntland, which has been slowly drawing closer to the federal government in Mogadishu, has agreed to integrate 3,000 of its forces into the Somali national army, Kay said. On the political front, Kay said Somalia was laying the groundwork for a revised constitution, although preparations had been delayed, and for parliamentary and presidential elections in 2016. He said it was still not clear whether they could be on the basis of one person, one vote. He said the government was committed to a process that is "more inclusive and more representative" than in 2012, when elders chose parliamentary lawmakers for their communities and lawmakers then chose the president. One option would be to expand the number of people choosing the president to include elders, civil society, women's groups and others, he said, adding it was up to Somalia to decide. "We should not worry if the time that it needs to be really cemented takes a bit longer than had been originally anticipated," Kay said. "This is a country facing many problems and challenges, but they are the problems and challenges of a country coming together, rather than falling apart." U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, on a surprise visit to Somalia on Tuesday, acknowledged the country's progress and said the United States would start the process to re-establish a diplomatic mission there. (Editing by Susan Fenton)
  3. yonis sxb filmikiina wuu qarxay waa la ogaaday halka laga soo abaabulo falalka argagixisada waana hargeysa hotelka waxaa leh reer jirde huseen ninka qaraxa ka dambeyey wuxuu qaraabo la yahay milkilaha hotelka wuxuuna hotel daganaa 6 bilood wuxuuna haystaa dhalashada britishka.
  4. Sida la sheegay hotelka waxaa iska leh ganacsato somalilander shaqsiga lahaa gaariga fuliyey qaraxa waa somalilander wuuna baxsaday gabadha isku masjidka hortiisa waa shaqaalaha hotelka waana somalilander Punland waxay sheegaysay waxbaa ka jira
  5. Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Soomaaliya Cumar Cabdirashiid Cali Sharma’arke ayaa inta badan soo gaba gabeeyay wada tashiyadiisa ku aadanaa soo magacaabida Gole Wasiiro cusub, kadib markii uu todobaadkii hore la laabtay Golihii Wasiirada muranka badan dhaliyay ee uu soo magacaabay 12-kii bishan. Ra’iisul Wasaaraha oo ka codsaday Baarlamaanka in muddo 14 cisho la siiyo, si uu u soo magacaabo Gole Wasiiro tayo leh, ayaa mudadaas waxaa haatan ka haray todobo cisho, waxaana la filayaa in mudadaas gudahood inuu ku soo magacaabo Golihiisa Wasiirada. War ay si wada jir ah u soo saareen Qaramada Midoobey, Midowga Yurub, Mareykanka Ingiriiska, Midowga Afrika iyo IGAD ayaa waxay walaac kaga muujiyeen dib u dhaca ku yimid horumaradii siyaasada Soomaaliya, iyagoo ku baaqay in si deg deg xal laga gaaro mashaakilka siyaasadeed ee hareeyay dowladda Soomaaliya. Xubnaha Beesha Caalamka ayaa ka digay inuu dib u dhac dheeraad ah ku yimaado ansixinta Golaha Wasiirada cusub, hadii mar kale uu ka hor yimaado Baarlamaanka, taasoo ay sheegeen inuu wiiqi karo horumarka siyaasada Soomaaliya iyo hiigsiga sanadka 2016. Warar ay heleyso ayaa sheegaya in Ra’iisul Wasaaraha uu todobaadkan gudihiisa magacaabi doono Golihiisa Wasiirada, waxaana ay u badan tahay in aan wax saameyn ah ku yeelan doonin Wasiiradii hore ee muranka badan dhaliyay. Ilo wareedyo ku dhow dhow Madaxtooyada ayaa u xaqiijiyay in xubnaha Wasiirada ay badankood soo laaban doonaan, iyagoo markan heysta taageerada Xildhibaanada beelaha. Wararka ayaa intaa ku daraya in qofkiiba uu keensaday tiro xildhibaano taageersa oo ay beel wadaag yihiin, waxaana tani ay ka saacideysaa marka ay timaado ansixinta Xukuumada in wasiir walba uu u diyaarsan yahay xildhibaano ku filan, si loo ansixiyo. Sidoo kale wararka qaar ayaa sheegaya Saaxiibada Madaxweynaha oo badankooda la diidanaa ayaa Golaha ku soo wada laaban doona, taasina lama yaqaano jawaabta ay ka bixin doonaan Xildhibaanada la baxay Badbaado qaran, kuwaasoo si weyn uga soo horjeeda in la soo magacabo Gole Wasiiro oo ay ku jiraan raggii Labo Xukuumadood soo dumiyay (Xukuumadihii Saacid iyo C/weli). Madaxweynaha iyo Ra’iisal Wasaaraha ayaa la sheegay inay isku raaceen inta badan magacyada liiska Golaha Wasiirada, waxaa dhiman oo kaliya in si rasmi ah loogu dhawaaqo todobaadkan gudihiisa, marka ay dowladdu ka dhamaato soo dhoweynta wafdiga uu hogaaminayo Madaxweynaha Turkiga Recep Tayyib Erdogan oo berri oo axad ah imaanaya Muqdisho. Dad badan oo falanqeeya siyaasada Soomaaliya ayaa aaminsan in mudada uu qabsaday Ra’iisul wasaaraha ee 14 cisho ay markii horeba aheyd qorshe siyaasadeed oo doonayay in lagu kala fur furayo Xildhibaanada ka soo horjeeday xukuumada.
  6. guys hada ayey live uga socotaa radio muqdisho magacaabista
  7. another name on the list the new deputy pm mohamed omar arte qaalib
  8. lol meeqaa ilkojir ayaa jirta hadaad maqashay magacaasi ma kii aad taqaanay ayaad moodaa.
  9. inta magac ee hada lahayo oo list ku jira radiomuqdishu caawa waa live qofkii raba halkas ayey live lagaga soo deen doonaa,,hada heeso wadani ayaa non stop uga socda. Current Ministers Farah Abdiqadir Mustaf Dhuxulow Khadija Diriye Husein Halane Dr. Khalid Cabdi Baffo Daa'uud Abdikarim Guled New Ministers Sanbalooshe Guure Mohamed Mukhtaar Abdiqadir haashi Ilkojiir gan
  10. mar hore ayaa loo baahnaa inuu sidan dadka ugu sharaxo,dad badan ayaa walwal qabay dadna dacaayad raqiis ah ayey meelaha la joogeen sida nuune iyo qaar kale.
  11. cagadheertii oo waalatay shalay kismaayo Kn: Maanta magaalada Kismaayo waxaa ka dhacdey rasaas xoogan oo kor loo ridayay, iyada oo la adeegsanayay hubka fudud iyo waliba hubka tiknikada kadib markii halkaasi uu gaarey war been abuur ah oo ku saabsan in xilka Ra’isulwasaaraha loo magacaabay Xusseen Cabdi Xalane oo hadda ah sii hayaha wasiirka Maaliyadda. xalane Sida uu kusoo waramayo wariyaheena magaalada Kismaayo, mar kaliya ayaa magaalada waxaa qabsaday dhawaaqa rasaasta iyo hoonka baabuurta, iyada oo la arkayay dad lacago qeybinaya iyo kuwa qeybinaya boorar uu ku yaalo sawirka Xalane. Waxa ay dadka iyo ciidamada maamulka Jubba u damaashadayeen warka ku saabsan in Xuseen Cabdi Xalane loo magacaabay Ra’isulwasaaraha Soomaaliya, sida ay sheegeen qaar ka mid ah dadkii damaashadaayay oo aan la hadalnay qaarkood, warkaasi waxa uu ahaa mid been abuur ah oo aanan la ogeyn halka uu magaalada ka gaarey. Xaaladda ayaa faraha ka bixi gaartay kadib markii rasaasta ay aad u xoogeysatay, waxayna saraakiisha maamulka ku qasbanaadeen in ay idaacadda Kismaayo kala hadlaan askarta, iyaga oo u digey askarta rasaasta rideysa in talaabo sharci ah laga qaadi doono. Rasaasta iyo damaashaadka ayaa joogsaday markii amarka maamulka idaacadda laga baahiyey, sidoo kalena la baahiyey in aysan jirin wax Ra’isulwasaare ah oo la magacaabay. 6-dii bishan ayuu baarlamaanka Soomaaliya kalsoonida kala noqdey Ra’isulwasaare Cabdiwali Sheekh Axmed iyo xukuumadiisa, waxaana lagu wadaa in madaxweyne Xassan Sheekh uu soo magacaabi doono Ra’isulwasaare. Xuseen Cabdi Xalane ayaa ka mid ah dadka aadka loogu filayo in xilkani loo magacaabo, balse wali ma jirto cid madaxweynaha uu u magacaabay Ra’isulwasaaraha Soomaaliya. Inkasta oo dabaal degu noqdey mid katibey, hadane rasaastu waxay ahayd mid si darandoori ah u dhaceysey.
  12. mooge ninyahow waa la yaabee puntlandi iyo shacabkamedia kee baa runta sheegaya teeda kale qofka soo qoray shacabkamedia wuxuu u muuqdaa qof soo cabay biyaha kulul wuxuu soo qoray wax laga fahmaayo ma lahan waxbuu isku qasay.
  13. Pi Kismaayo) Diyaar garow xoogan ayaa ka socda magaalada Kismaayo ee xarunta gobolka jubbada hoose, si loogu qabto shir ay ka qeyb galayaan maamul goboleedyada iyo Xukuumada Federalka Soomaaliya. Shirkaas ayaa waxaa qaban qaabinaya madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud iyo madaxweynaha cusub ee Koonfur Galbeed Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan, Waxaana ka qeyb galidoona wafuud Soomaali ah iyo ajaanib. Shirkaan ayaa lagu dhisayaa isbahaysi siyaasadeed oo ay ku midaysan yihiin maamul goboleedyada Jubbaland iyo koonfur-galbeed iyo xukuumadda federaalka. Xubno ka tirsan bulshada caalamka ayaa lagu martiqaadidoonaa in ay ka goob joog ka haadaan sida ay maamul goboleedyada ugu kalsoon yihiin Xukuumadda Federaalka. Puntland laguma casuumin shirkaan. Tanina waxaa lagu doonayaa in aduunka laga dhaadhiciyo in maamul goboleedyadu taageersan yihiin dowlada Federalka marka laga reebo Puntland, taasoo loo tixgalin doono inay tahay maamul carqalad ku ah dowladda Soomaaliya sida Warbixintu ay xustay. Kulankaan ayaa la rajeynayaa in Kismaayo lagu qabto dhammaadka bishaan December, Wuxuuna socon doonaa muddo afar maalin ah. Dhanka KALE, xiriirka ka dhaxeeya Puntland iyo maamulka Jubbaland ayaa gabi ahaanba xumaa tan iyo markii Madaxweynaha Dawlad Goboleedka Jubbaland Mudane Axmed Madoobe uu bedelay jihadii siyaasadeed ee maamulka Jubbaland. Madaxweynaha Jubbaland iyo Madaxweynaha Puntland C/Weli Gaas ayaa labo jeer wada hadal yeeshay bishaan,kaasoo ku saabsanaa mooshinkii ka dhanka ahaa reysal wasaaraha, laakiin wada hadalkaas ayaa kusoo idlaaday guul darro iyo isfaham waa sida Warbixintu ay sheegtay. Puntland waxay taageero hiil iyo hoo leh oo dhinac walba ah ku bixisay dhismaha maamulka Jubbaland waxayna ilaa iyo haatan daawayn caafimaad u fidisaa ciidamo laga keenay deegaanada Jubbaland oo ku dhaawacmay dagaalo ay la galeen Alshabaab. Hoos Ka akhriso Warbixinta oo English ah;-
  14. GAROWE, Somalia Oct 3,2014 (Garowe Online)-According to well informed security sources, at least 50 US military personnel took part in the latest offensive that Wednesday dislodged Al Shabaab militants from a key base in Galgala, Garowe Online reports. The US special forces in armoured fighting vehicle were also spotted in Galgala area near Golis Mountain ranges during a visit to Puntland army troops on the frontline by Bari Governor Abdisamad Mohamed Galan yesterday. GO learned that military personnel helped Puntland forces gain accurate intelligence in advance of the assault, carried out surveillance by providing tactics and joined units within Puntland army in foiling Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs). The move marks the first ground support since the United States stepped up its involvement in war-torn Somalia in 2006. US supports counter-terrorism task-force- Puntland Security Force (PSF)-that monitors and deters terror threats. Air strike killed Al Shabaab Chief Ahmed Abdi Godane near militants stronghold of Barawe coastal town in early September. Despite intense military campaign in south-central regions, fugitive Al Shabaab fighters have been infiltrating into hideouts along Golis Mountain ranges in northeastern Somalia. GAROWE ONLINE - See more at:
  15. Xaqiiqda mardhaw ayey banaanka imaanaysaa maalin dhaeyd Gaas markuu tagay ethiopia wuxuu yiri anaga iyo ethiopia isku cadaw ayaa leenahay oo onlf ayaa inoo wada cadaw ah.
  16. news in english news in amharic
  17. Kenya risks losing almost all of its territorial waters in the Indian Ocean if a case filed by Somalia in an international court succeeds. Alarmed by the grave implications of the move by its war-torn neighbour, the Jubilee Government has reopened negotiations with Somalia over its claim to a huge swathe of maritime territory considered rich in oil deposits and fish, which the ministry of Foreign Affairs says could effectively turn Kenya into a landlocked country. On Saturday, Cabinet Secretary for Foreign Affairs and Trade Amina Mohammed told the Sunday Nation the matter is so sensitive that a quick meeting to facilitate direct talks between President Uhuru Kenyatta and his Somalia counterpart Hassan Sheikh Mohamud has been arranged in New York. “We are in discussions with the government of Somalia. It is unfortunate they logged their complaints even as we dialogued over this matter,” Ms Mohammed said, adding that Kenya preferred to settle the matter out of court. Documents seen by the Sunday Nation show that the way Somalia wants the boundaries redrawn would take away at least five oil blocks and vast oceanic territory where deep sea fishing is conducted. It would also mean that Kenya might have to access the Indian Ocean only with Somalia’s permission. In June, an Australian firm prospecting off Kenya’s Indian Ocean coast reported a verified oil find at one of its recently completed wells in the Lamu Basin. Pancontinental Oil and Gas NL confirmed their completed Sunbird well has intersected an oil column, making it the first-ever discovery of oil off the East African coast. The dispute could also unsettle regional harmony as the proposal by Somalia could automatically move the Tanzanian island of Pemba to Kenyan territory, according to Foreign Affairs and International Trade Principal Secretary Karanja Kibicho. “This claim by Somalia could make Kenya a landlocked country which may restrict our access to the high seas. And if the alterations adopt the proposal by Somalia then the island of Pemba will become part of Kenya,” said Dr Kibicho. If the case filed by Somalia at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) is determined in its favour Somalia’s maritime boundary in the Indian Ocean would stretch all the way to Tanzania’s shores. ECONOMIC INTERESTS Based in the Dutch city of The Hague, ICJ is the primary judicial branch of the United Nations that mostly determines legal disputes between states. In its application to the ICJ, the Somali government is making reference to a number of oil fields in the disputed area which Kenya has laid claim to, signalling that the battle may have been precipitated by economic interests. Ms Mohammed, an experienced diplomat with vast experience in the UN system, said Kenya was keen on preserving good relations with Somalia and is making every effort to find a solution to the impending crisis that could create tension in the region. She said the New York meeting between President Kenyatta and President Mohamud on the sidelines of the annual UN General Assembly later this month was part of the diplomatic push to sort out the problem. Her views were reinforced by PS Kibicho: “We have set technical teams who are negotiating. Somalia is considered a friendly state — it is our neighbour, and it will remain so.” The Sunday Nation has also learnt that even as the diplomatic efforts continued Attorney-General Githu Muigai had scheduled an appointment with the ICJ president to discuss ways of handling the crisis. “I recently appeared before the Law of the Sea Commission in New York to try to attend to this matter. But we were referred to the ICJ because the case had been filed (by Somalia),” Prof Muigai said. The AG explained that his office was assembling a team of experts to support Kenya’s case. “We have already submitted an MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) to the UN secretary-general showing the delimitation of our boundaries with Tanzania. We want the same formula adopted in our case with Somalia,” the AG stated. CASUAL NATURE Somalia rushed to court over what sources at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs claimed was the casual nature in which the Kenyan government was handling the long-standing matter. Somalia was apparently angered by Kenya’s decision to skip without notice a negotiation meeting that was to be held between August 25 and 26 this year. “The Kenyan delegation, without providing either advance notification or subsequent explanation, failed to arrive and, as a consequence, the additional round of meetings that Kenya had requested were not held,” reads part of the application Somalia filed in court. The Registrar of the ICJ Philippe Couvreur wrote to Kenya on August 28 detailing the case filed by Somalia. “I have the honour to inform Your Excellency that the Federal Republic of Somalia has today filed in the Registry of the Court an Application, instituting proceedings against the Republic of Kenya concerning a dispute in relation to the establishment of the single maritime boundary between Somalia and Kenya in the India Ocean, delimiting the territorial sea, exclusive economic zone and continental shelf including the continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles (M),” reads the letter. Kenya’s ambassador to The Netherlands, Ms Makena Muchiri, forwarded the letter to Ms Mohammed the following day. APPOINTED AGENT “Kindly note that the provision of Article 40 of the Rules of the Court that requires Kenya to inform the court of their appointed agent and the address of service at the seat of the court to which all communications can be sent,” Ms Muchiri wrote. President Mohamud appointed his minister for Foreign Affairs and Investment Promotion Dr Abdirahman Dualeh the country’s agent in the case. In the application, Dr Dualeh made it clear there were “no special or relevant circumstances that could justify Kenya’s claim” to the territory it occupied. According to the technical descriptions used in documents, in previous negotiations with Somalia, Kenya insisted that the maritime boundary should run due east along the parallel of latitude from the land boundary terminus while Somalia said the boundary should be drawn to follow an azimuth (angle) of approximately N131.5 degrees east from the land boundary terminus out to the outer limit of the two states’ maritime entitlements. A source at the Foreign ministry, who did not want to be named, explained this meant Kenya preferred the horizontal line from the land through the sea while Somalia wanted a diagonal dissection that would give it most of the territory. “The parties have met on numerous occasions to exchange views on the settlement of the dispute over the delimitation of their maritime boundary. None of these negotiation sessions has yielded agreement. Indeed no meaningful progress towards an agreement has been achieved at any of them,” reads part of the application by Somalia. On oil exploration, Somalia claimed that Kenya had acted unilaterally on the basis of the current boundary to exploit both living and non-living resources on the Somali side. However, Kenya’s Foreign Affairs PS denied that oil exploration in the disputed area may have sparked off the controversies. However, Somalia claims in court papers: “Relevant Kenyan petroleum blocs include L-5, L-21, L-22, L-23,L24 and L-25.According to publicly available information Kenya awarded block L-5 to an American company.” The country also lays claim to oil blocks Kenya awarded to a French company. “The blocks lie entirely or predominantly on the Somali side of provisional equidistance line,” read part of the court filings. Sources in the Foreign ministry in Nairobi allege some Western and Gulf oil investors may have convinced the Somali Parliament and top politicians to claim the territory. Even more intriguing are allegations that some senior Kenyan officials may be colluding with the Somalis by providing them with insider information that strengthens the ICJ case and any diplomatic negotiations. Any loss of territorial waters could also compromise security as it would restrict Kenya Navy patrols.
  18. Kenya recently opened eight new geographic blocks for sale to corporations to explore and develop. According to to Reuters, seven of these new blocks lay within the disputed water. Not only does the contested ownership threaten to dissuade corporations from potential investment and exploration, it could put the contracts that have been previously signed between Kenya and multinational corporations at risk. somali government was right to go to the UN court,option kale ee u banaan ma jirto somalia maanta ma haysato ciidanka bada ee difaaci lahaa dhulbadeedkas ee sida sharci darada ah tuugadan kenyatiga u xoogayaan.
  19. malistar sxb waaba kaa shakiyey ee adiga biyaha kulul maad cabtaa,,,qof kaa been badan wali wuu ii dhimanyahay
  20. insha allah 2016 for more years ayaan ugu darnay aabo culusow Mooge iyo tolkiisa walee wadna xanuun ayaa ku wada dhici doono 2016 markay arkaan qoslaaye oo for more years lagu daray.
  21. Kn: Maamulka KMG ah ee Jubba waxa uu sheegey in uusan taageersanayn dacwadda dowladda federaalka Soomaaliya ay maxkamadda adduunka ka geysey dowladda Kenya , taasi oo la xiriirta dhul badeed Jubbada Hoose. sedex xagal Wasiirka Kalluumeysiga, xanaanada xoolaha iyo beeraha Cabdullaahi Sheekh Shaafici ayaa sheegey in uusan jirin wax muran oo ka dhaxeeya Jubbaland iyo Kenya oo la xiriira dhul badeed. “Daw ma ahan in Kenya sidaasi loo galo, dadka reer Badhaadhe ee Soomaaliya iyo kuwa reer Halluuqoo ee Kenya waa dad wada dhashay oo walaalo ah, mana jiro wax muran ah oo ka dhaxeeya” ayuu yiri wasiirka. Wuxuu sheegey in dano gaar ah laga leeyahay dacwadan maxkamadda adduunka, balse ma uusan sheegin waxa ay dahana uu sheegayo, balse waxaa jirtey in Kenya ay horey u sheegtey in shirkado shisheeye ay gadaal ka riixayaan dacwadda.
  22. here is the video of the xildhibaanka oo xabsiga kula jiro dhalinyarada shabaabka oo mobile phone camera ayaa lagu soo duubay. sida la sheegay xildhibaanka wuxuu raadinaayey wiil uu adeer u yahay xabsiga ku xiran oo shabaab nimo lagu so eedeeyey isaga oo awoodiisa xildhibaanimo inuu kusoo deyo raba ayaa asagiiba lasii xiray taasna agaasimaha sanbaloolshe wuu ku saxsanyahay laakiin ma ogi arinta aflagaadada la sheegayo.
  23. <cite> @gooni said:</cite> CADNAAN ,,,,dacwada internet’ka iyo television’nadu way ka wax tar badan tahay inaad maxkamadda waraaqo gayso,xamar sidii hore- maahan daku waa irish iyo Indians Waxaa laga yaabaa in muungaab ka daawadoTV’ga xalkuna soo degdego maxkamadana laga maarmo Tan kale reer kaxdu others maahan mindida daabkeedu waa geed ,mooge waa ogyahay waa wiil caqli badan,allaha shaafiyo eedo haduu run noo sheegay iyo haddii kalaba. sxb sida uu mooge sheegay ninka guriga haysta waxay isku reeryihiin wasiirka faarax c/qaadr ninkaas waa reerka dega FeerFeer ethiopia dadkaasna ma sheegtaan reerkan kale reer kaxda oo xitaa wax qeybsiga barlamaanka xaga beesha shanaad ayey kasoo galaan.