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Posts posted by galbeedi

  1. They don't need to do much to dismantle the regime of Ina Biixi.

    They could send a message to the airlines landing to Hargeisa airport and close the whole thing. The Sand Dwellers are 2km from the airport. They could set up checkpoints at  Cadaadley and prevent the trade from Bebera, takeover Sanaag and even shell Villa-Morgan. If they are serious.

    I can assure you if the GH starts from the east and center, we will start from the west

    .Gabiley aynu iskugu imaano.

    • Haha - That was funny. You made me laugh! 1

  2. 2 hours ago, Game changer said:

    Maxamuud xaashi is from Sool and most of the MPs from that region and sanaag  are related to him.   He uses this to his advantage

    He is more powerful than those from east Burco who are in the government. In fact, a freind who is from Hargeisa told me today that it was Ina Xaashi who forced Muuse Biixi to proceed with the party elections before the president.

    He threatened to vote with the opposition and elect the speaker. If the speaker comes from the opposition they could overturn the decisions of the commission and enact a new law. Furthermore, they could impeach Muuse Biixi. So, Ina Xaashi said he will vote with the opposition if he doesn't get his way.

    THey guy even owns a third of Awdal MPS. They only way he could have that power is because he could feed these hungry politicians sitting Hargeisa hotels. So, tell me where did he got the money to buy votes? because he got deep pockets.

    If elections of the party are held within few months, I have no doubt he will be among the three.

    The good news is GH will reject that manipulated vote. If fireworks start in east, we will join the fray. 

  3. 5 hours ago, baala xoofto said:

    Xaashi found a sweet spot to fish in both sides of the waters

    Somaliland is the only place where  thieves are honored. How a lowly chief of staff became the richest politician who bankrolled a quarter of the parliament. Even the load mouth Mohamed Abib has turned his phone last week with orders of Mohamuud Hashi. This Hashi fellow isn't even in the parliament and his party is in name only among the 13. Dahabshiil has to answer one day how he allowed millions stolen from the people are laundered in his bank.

    Yet, if Muuse and company think an 80 years old (Asaasaqay oo biyaha kululna kabada) loser would give hope and  defeat the will of the SSC whose ship has sailed is just a pipe dream.

  4. 16 hours ago, Game changer said:

    Hadii doorashada madaxtooyada la hor qabto, labada xisbi qaran ee waaweyn ba dhaxal kooda anaga iska leh kii soo baxaba shidhkaanu u gelayna.. Hadii ta ururadu soo horaysana  ururkayagu muran kuma jiro

    I agree with you.

    Xirsi Gaab haddii doorashada la galo oo Cirro dhaco isagaa xisbiga u hadhaya. Kulmiyana ama idinkaa horboodi ama number two. Dadkan baarlamaanka fadhiya 20 ka mid ah waxa maalgaliyey Mohamuud Xaashi including Mohamed Abiib.

    7 years  of Siilaanyo really made the difference.During the election of 2010 each diaspora member of east Burco paid $5000 to the campaign, and many of them got back their money somehow. Probably Dahabshiil made easy for the to loot and deposit without questions.

    Waxa la yidhi HJ waxa u taliya siyaasi, xataa boqor Buurmadow waa siyaasi, HY waxa u taliya oday dhaqan, HA waxa u taliya ganacsatada. That is west Burco are losing.

    Any way, tribal loyalties could change anytime. The east Burco are acting like tough right wing irredentist now, but in 2003 after they lost the election to Rayaale many of them wanted to abandon the ship and go to Mogadishu including the campaign manager of Siilaanyo , Mr. Sifir. When I met Faysal Waraabe few years ago he told me that they all decided to abandon the project but Ahmed Siilaanyo insisted and forced them. In Burco, they were using Somali Shillings, the Islamic courts passed through Burco on their way to Asmara, Eritrea. If they lost that election, they could have been a war.


  5. One month after the parliamentary and municipal elections were concluded, Muuse Biixi suddenly said: there will be a new election next year 2022. He said a race for new political parties must be prepared. Everyone was shocked. The question was: how could you prepare another election within six months while we just concluded two elections?

    He and his cronies had argued that the three political parties will expire in December 2022, so we must prepare before that eventuality. What he didn't mention is his term expires before the parties. By rule he must either win the election by November 2022 or vacate the place for the winner. The most logical route was to hold the presidential elections and leave the next contest to the winners.

    THe Guurti illegally extended their term for five years and his for two years. The day light robbery was that the Guurti term had expired already.

    To confuse the people and drag his feet, he told the chairman of the election commission to sue the majority of the members who disagreed with him. Since NEC is independent they could debate and choose their  own chairman, but Muuse said " the election commission is in quarrel (Golihii baa is haysta). This corrupt group of Kulmiye has used every trick in the book  to not only postpone the presidential election and later claim the parties had expired.

    Where in the world would a party who have a sitting members in the parliament expire? His time was the one that expired.

    THere are clear reasons to delay the real elections and push the fake elections.

    If elections are held today or three or four months from today, Muuse and his group will lose, but if he pushes this fake election of 13 parties, he will manipulate the results and choose two out of three and make the third party WAddani weak. Not only that, they will take their time and gerrymander the clans in order to stop the opposition. He might even choose an east Burco candidate and weaken the current coalition.

    If he is allowed to delay the real election and hand pick his successor that will create a real conflict among the clans. He should not be allowed to have his cake and eat it. Biixi must pay for his blander, mess and everything else that is happening today including the Sool conflict.

    He should be forced to hold the presidential election, anything else is rewarding transgression.

    The election commission has no mandate to decide the date of the election or which election should be conducted. Also, their conduct throughout the year had shown that they are not real refries to adjudicate fairly but partisan functionaries of Kulmiye party. Rather than find the middle ground and bring the waring parties together, they have inflamed with their partisan decision.

    No opposition should take part in  this elections. They must boycott this coming bogus election. For the opposition, it is now or never


  6. 13 hours ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

    U have cukuso xildhibaan wabeeye xamarji Abib timacad. Ismacii yare who is ex udub and the other fellow who was also ex udub   Xirsi x kulmiye . How can u expect a better administration  under wadani if u hate or dislike kulmiye when they are both the same. Cajib


    You get a point here. The same failed politicians have been recycled here. Yet, I do believe that if C/rahman Ciro gets the power that will change a lot in Somaliland. You guys have been sucking dry every administration for the last 15 years. I know the west Burco boys are hungry and load, but they represent real change. Besides, it is about time the Calan Cas back their bags, they bring nothing but trouble since day one.

    The strange thing is we have never seen political parties running for nothing. There is no cup or price to win. Baarlamaan looma tartamayo, Madaxweyne looma Tartmayo. Xageed ku aragtay soo kala hadha.

    Wadani will be among the three, so does Kulmiye and then Hilaac of Ahmed Samatar.

    Now, since Biixi is out of the picture who they will be selling again? Ina Kaahin? a man with zero charisma, character or honor. If election is held today WAdani would win easily, but if they fragment people as they have planed anything could happen.

    Besides, there is no trust between us and Xaaji's people. They might be polite, but they are looters who are grapping everything from Wajaale to Djibouti. WE must stop them. Furthermore, with SSC gone, the next guy has no choice but to negotiate with the Bunker.




  7. Reer Mudugu waxay dhahaan:

    Ninka ku dilay lama dilee ka soo diray baa la dilaa.

    This so called governor used to be tribal chief (Aaqilkii Dahir Rayaale). During Rayaale regime, he used to have a Majlis for Qat sessions in Hargeisa. I met him few years back here in Canada . He never worked a day and finally he returned home after his maternal cousin Cumar Geelle called him in Djibouti.

    There is no surprise here. Most mayors and governors in Awdal are either losers, criminals or illiterate. Ahmed Siilaanyo appointed a man convicted of the conspiracy to kill the late Italian nun and doctor Anneline in Borama. The only normal mayor was Cabdirahman Shide who built the first paved road.

    Now this Mafrish chief Caqil had been dispatched to whip the locals for the ruling party, but I believe he will create more uprising and conflict. 



  8. For almost a year, no one is in charge in Somaliland.

    The parliament is just in name only. They can't legislate, they can't make election laws or even interpret, amend or  change what the courts send to them. The so called supreme court is a one man shaw appointed and fired by the man hiding in Villa Morgan. Muuse Biixi is hiding behind the election commission whose job is to register voters and count the ballots. 

    THis is the craziest thing ever happened any where in the world. Usually, the government of the day manages the logistics of the election either with fixed dates or by the power of the parliament. If the ruling party fails to command the majority of the parliament, they are forced to call elections. Yet, in this fake government of Hargeisa, the president refuses to announce the day and what kind of election should take place, the one man court is scared to death this time around since he created the whole mess before;  the parliament is composed of clans not political parties. God forbid if they were parties, the opposition who are outnumbered Kulmiye in ration of 3:1 could oust Muuse Biixi and legislate how the elections  should be  conducted and when.

    Now both Biixi and his one man court decided to hide behind the boys whose job is to count ballot. They have been told to decide when the elections must take place and which type of election should take place. THe elections commission is the real legislators now.The Guurti had disappeared except the senile Saleebaan Gaal .

    Last year they told everyone that the political parties have expired. Have you ever heard a party that have sitting members of parliament in the chambers talking about nothing burgers every week and month, yet their party is considered expired

    . Xisbiga haddii ay shahaadadii ka dhacday maxaa baarlamaan ku sheega dhex dhigay. Waar ileen tan oo kale

    10 political parties had been given the certificate of being political parties early this year. They have been told to get ready for the contest. Yet when the heat of the opposition is felt by Biixi, they run to the one man court and asked him to decide which one is first. He is between rock and hard place. If he says 13 parties should run, the fireworks of the opposition is ready and this time Villa Morgan will be burned. If he said the three remaining parties should run the opposition and the wrong tribe wins. 

    I don't know what will happen, but I predict Muuse  escaping to Djibouti if he doesn't wise up and prepare to vacate Villa Morgan soon.





  9. Warya Mr. Game,

    Ma beeshii weyneyd ee HAG ayaad ka soo heshay Hooley?

    Malaaqyadii, Iimaamadii iyo Suldanadii midna lama hayo. Sidoo kale Hooley waxa uu odayada HAG ka joogaa halka uu Daahir Calasow ka joogoo karaamada saxaafada.

    Waxaan weligay moodayey nimanka HJ niman mayal adag, hadase waxaan ogaaday in ay dad " desperate" ah yihiin.

  10. If we start pointing fingers, I would start big businesses and certain people who got illegal money, especially in Jigjiga trying to replace the shanti Jiingado small businesses who dominate trade. 

    During Cabdi Illey time downtown Jigjiga was burned  to ground by the government and big buildings and better urban planning replaced the old town. These markets feed thousands of people.

  11. I thought he wouldn't last a year since this thing became a family affair.  HSM is learning from Djibouti and Hargeisa. NGO contracts and businesses are the domain of the family and Elmi was the wrong guy.

    A Dahabshil man has replaced him.

  12. Guys, the main instigators are the Amhara. They are jumping from one alliance to the other to reach their goal. They allied themselves with the Oromo to depose the TPLF and crown Abiy Ahmed whom they celebrated like their long awaited king and set the stage for the war with TPLF. They did the same thing and with Mustafe Cagjar, they even proposed him as the next premier to use Somalis against Oromo.

    For Amhara , peace in Ethiopia is a danger for them. Who even says no to their agenda is their enemy. As Carafaat said, Somali/Cafar and Oromo should be natural alliance against the evil highlanders who will never submit with their leadership. 80% of the Ethiopian population is south of the Tigray/Amhara region.

  13. This is a genius idea and rarely we see anything out of the box or extraordinary in Somali politics. As the saying goes: They are constantly consistent in failing and doing the wrong thing.

    The whole country is burning from Gedo to Laascaanod. I don't like to criticizing a premier who doesn't have the power or the prestige to resolve issues, but Hamza is no longer able to fix any major issues. Yesterday, the Gedo people told him never to try and visit their towns or they will shoot down his plane. THey consider him as the errand boy of Ahmed Madoobe. He can't go to Puntland , Laascaanood or Baraawe. This is the government of one man: HSM.

    If C/risaq Khaliif is appointed premier he will be welcomed automatically throughout the land. The Gedo community would welcome him, so does other D block groups. He will have huge support within Puntland, Awdal, SSC, Hiiraan and other places. It will send a message of unity toward the people of Somaliland. Since Biixi is out of the door soon, prime minister C/risaaq could initiate his connections in Hargeisa and speed up the unity file. History had shown for the last few decades that those from SSC and Awdal are the most capable Somalis within the federal government. Jamaal and DR. Bayle are fine examples.

    I am cheering for C/risaq Khaliif.

  14. A very small group of Aaran Jaan which is even a smaller splinter group of the Garoowe clan want to force their way by way of anarchy. These are the people who got rich for the last 20 years.

    Why would anyone would die and kill people to  manage few towns or a province? there are probably few reasons.

    The first one is the that quagmire in Mogadishu has resulted the rise of secessions, fake autonym and disregards of the national government. Everywhere around the world people form and establish the national order, charter and government first, then debate how to manage local regions. I live in a very rich province of Alberta, and a nice town, but all that was made possible by the country of Canada. IT is the national idea and the concept of Canada that made us different from America or Europe. 

    I don't ever vote for municipal or city elections. I pay my property taxes and expect them to clean the street, build roads and collect the garbage. My health care, passport, national well being or pensions doesn't depend to the city or even the province. 

    The second part is that these people got rich of the anarchy and the failure of the national government. More than 60% of the money looted from the foreign aid or from the the anarchy are based in Mogadishu. The remaining 40% is divided between Hargeisa, Garoowe, Nairobi, UAE and other places. Aaran Jaan is the main oligarchs in PUntland who either overthrow or crown the so called kings who serve them.

    IT was the main reason Badbaado Qaran was organized to derail one man one vote in Somalia in 2022. 

    Wise people said long ago that these regional arrangements could function for temporarily until a national government takes the stage, otherwise these clan compromises for the power couldn't go for ever.

    If C/laahi Dani was serious about democracy, he could have declared himself a referee for the next contest and disqualify himself for the greater good. He got some public support due to his open support of Laascaanood and counter weight for the destructive moves of HSM, that doesn't mean he gets a blank cheque. He should have created a common ground for some if the issues.

    THere is no hope for Somalia until we get rid of HSM, C/laahi Dani, Muuse Biixi, Ahmed Madoobe and I. O Geelle. We need a new generation of leaders.

    If so called politicians are willing to kill people to deny elections in regional government, what do you expect from those vying power at the federal government? In these part of the world they say the current leader is always worse than his predecessor. From Hargeisa to Garoowe, Mogadishu and Kismaayo, each one of them had killed more people than those who died under the national government of 20 years. THey arrested more people including women than the military government has done for 20 years, yet these former evil rebels talk about dictatorship and fake democracy. 


    • Like 1

  15. This all fake regional governments are in name only. Jubbaland is only KIsmaayo, Galmudug leadership is based in MOgadishu and nothing is going on in Dhuusamareeb..South West is Baidoa, they can't visit Afgooye or Qoryooley, Baraawe and Marka area is occupied by others. Hir-Shabeelleis just Hiiraan and Jowhar.

    The concept of Hir-shabeele was a bad idea from start. How in the world you create state by saying Reer Hebel will be president and the other clan will have the capital. How about when certain clan gets both the presidency and the capital.

    Furthermore, Jowhar is just 60 miles from Mogadishu. How could you put two capitals separated just by 60 miles?. The logical capital should be Buuleburte, Jalaqsi or even Caliyaale as the coastal capital in the Indian Ocean.

    At the end the most logical thing is the original 18 provinces. Everything the evil rebels did for the last 30 years had produced nothing but disaster.

    I support the people of Hiiraan to be in charge of their affaires.  Yet, if they accept the Hir-Shabeele Maamul, then they should obey the orders of the leader. You can't have both ways. The idea of Al-shbaab paying milliones to the leader of Hir-shabeele is ludicrous..It is probably an issue of power and ego. The war on Al-shbaab had sidelined Cali Guudlaawe and had put the limelight o Cali Jeyte as the real leader and that is probably the main reason.


    • Like 1

  16. On 6/12/2023 at 11:43 PM, Game changer said:

    And you don't even own big import export or tech  companies.   The whole borama city has no one single small factory.   Aqoona waad sheegatan irbadna Masoo saartan.     Siyaasadada kuma fiicnidin , oo qabyaalada kuma fiicnidin  ,  oo ganacsiga  kuma fiicnidin .   Wax kale iska dhaafe Xitaa beeraha waad Ku liidatan.   Awdal is   the most fertile land in somaliland ,  any farmer can get rich quickly  because you have huge market all the way from djibouti to goojacade

    Tell that to the eco Habro chamber. Awdal is the second contributor to the treasury. Everyone that crosses from Djibouti pays money, every truck that goes to Borama is taxed more than double. The small meagre of Lughaya imports by tiny boats are taxed double than Berbera.

    Awdal is blockaded since day one. Fools like you are happy we don't have any export or import companies. The whole import economy is closed for monopoly by four or five guys. This is serious, in Puntland, they have thousands of business people importing and trading, there is no monopoly. One might control the politics in Garoowe, but they don't monopolize the economy or blockade certain clans. 

    We have the largest border with Ethiopia, yet there is no trade or point of entry from Awdal to Ethiopia. Everything hoes only to Wajaale. Don't start with me about business or wealth. We got an open jail Borama, the only activities are the tens of thousands of Soomalis who came to reside Borama. 

    The economic blockade alone should force people to take up arms. The Loyacado head tax should create a guerrilla movement anywhere else but AWdal. I agree with you that the Awdalites have developed a cattle mentality based on false peace and an education that could not lift them out of poverty. Jaamiciga Bajaajta wada waad maqashay. No factory, no business, no trade, a jail open from the sky.

      This place could be Switzerland if we get rid of the greedy Habro. 

    Just shut up. Even 90% of the public servants from Lowyacado to Borama are from Burco and Hargeisa. You are the most tribal bunch in Somalia. Go find one single Awdalite in Burco or Berbera who has business. The only lady from Awdal who had a contract business from DP in Berbera was kicked out by the mayor himself and replaced with his clan.

    You have no business of building a system. You have failed. I have nothing in common.

    I remember that way back in 1995, an Awdalite from Jigjiga was asked by another Somali from Puntland:

    Waar Somaliland ta yaa dega horta?

    WAxa uu ku Jawaabay:  Soomaali iyo waxooga Besha Iss...q.

    That was way back before Goojacade. 





  17. Che,

    I didn't listen the second clip in my first comment.

    I welcome his comments about Awdal. 

    Waxa uu yidhi , " In badan baa la islahaa miyir qab ayey ku soo noqon"

    People were patient that one day stable Somalia will come back and everyone will became sane again, but the Habro thought they had their cakes and wanted to eat. There is no more centralized system in the world than what exist in Hargeisa today. You can't even select your mayor without Hargeisa or collect any Shilling  for your own development.

    Waxii dhulka lacag taalay from Loyacado ilaa Borama sucked like vacuum with zero return.

    • Like 1

  18. He is the natural leader of SSC. QAybe, Cali Khaliif, Xaabsade, Fagadhe, C/risaaq Khaliif, the real leaders of the Garaad community were always based in Hargeisa traditionally.. 

    In day one,  I said the politics of the speaker is more deadlier than the bullets. The international community probably had listened his advice and recommendations. 

    Some in Hargeisa are calling him Al-shabaab.

    • Like 1

  19. We are working on it. There will be big news in the fall. We are trying to unite all the groups in one umbrellas. We will be forming SSC style grand council responsible for all political issues with a military wing. Will try to negotiate peaceful exit, but as expected the Biixi will rely on force.

    The GX have already realized there is no election. Even if there is one, it wlll rigged for the ruling Kulmiye. Nin walba ceesaantiisa cel ha geysto.

    The fake project is in death bed.

    • Thanks 2


    When HSM told the Garaads that "Biixi is in the dungeon" please let me get him with the union while he is a weak ( Qoor Sagaaru iigu jiraa waana baxayaa, laakiin haddii uu orod ku baxo Xukuumada ayaa dumeysa ee ila qabta"chaos . the secessionists were not happy. They think everyone could be bought just like Dahir Calasow .

    Their only hope is chaos and bombing. There is consensus in Mogadishu that the latest booming is the work of the regime in Hargeisa. 

    The last UN resolution wasn't just statement, but a unanimous security council resolution about global security. Even the UAE who chaired supported. Knowledgeable people told us the next step will be a UNSC backed sanctions that will be difficult to lift in the future.

  21. The stupid southerners including Puntland, the secceionist who based their project in  illogical and ugly ideas, the Djiboutian who took over  a working and quasi middle class country in 1977 and turned it to a clan fiefdom first and then an oligarch of 300 greedy family while everyone else is hungry  and with no water , the most expensive electric power in the world and 70% unemployment. Add that to the OG nomad who in their delusional vision  thought a whole land of Somali Galbeed ( Hawd iyo Reserve and Ogaden) would be their own Ogadenia and refused others  to be part of this vast land, yet talk day and night about Soomaalinimo while serving every evil regime in Ethiopia from Haile Selassie to TPLF.

    The OG made 30 districts in their regions and said each one will have 3 representatives in the regional parliament taking 90 out of the 180 member seat who does nothing but feeds the clan. Villages are made towns and major towns were designated as villages.

    From KIsmaayo to Djibouti you have been playing with fire and expected no one will get burned. The Somali man in Laasqoray or Zaylac never had seen a Somali minister let alone president or parliament, yet he has been waving the blue flag since 1960. Those who got the presidency every few years with all the perks of the foreign aid in their region and others who becomes the premier every now and then had decided that they no longer interested in Somali state or unity.

    We have been watching all this from the sidelines for 30 years. You destroyed the Somali state and decided to replace with  a clan enclaves. We had a free public education from elementary to university, free medical and hospital visits, cheap water, secure borders and freedom to room from coast to coast.  

    I hope it might not happen, but there are candidates to give Abiy a port and lease him for 90 years.. Ahmed Madoobe was brought with Kenyan tanks, so are Reer Baidoa, Puntland and SNM with Ethiopian tanks, so don't be shocked if Some Awdalites ride the  Abiy's  tanks and give him that port he desired in exchange for a clan enclave or an Emirate. I hope it should not happen, but if things do not change soon, expect the unthinkable.




  22. Soomalidu waxay tidhaa:

    Nin Hilaabsho Xumi in uu wax qarsanayo ayaa la moodaa.


    The non stop travels of president Hassan Sheikh and the incompetence of his ministers had damaged his standing among the public. The resignations of the Somali ambassador in Riyad also left a bad taste among the people. In other ways, the way he carries himself doesn't bode well with the Somali public in general.

    Yet, if there is anyone in the south central Somalia who could  fix the Mogadishu and southern mess, it is probably HSM.

    A very well connected friend of mine told me that HSM had used every bad actor, foreign neighbor, business oligarchs, clan chauvinists and even hard land secessionists to gain the presidency and needs to do a lot of balancing act and fine line to thread.

    For starters, there haven't been any serious bombing in the capital for the last three months. Whether this is the work of Mahad Salaad, under the table agreements with Al-shbaab leadership or certain political and business actors who used to have probably the largest percentage of the violence in the capital might have achieved their goals and decided to stand down.

    For whatever reason, the peace of mind and the disappearance of bombing in the capital isn't something anyone can deny.

    Folks, HSM  might even fix to Sool war. By saving the blood letting in that region, he could have a great place in history of the country. In fact, the tone of the SSC community in MOgadishi is totally different from those in the diaspora and the SSC region itself. A freind forwarded to me a message sent by highly placed general from the SSC community in Mogadishu. Despite our belief that HSM has been pressured by outside forces mainly Omar Geele and others to ease the pressure from  Somaliland , this gentleman says that HSM more than welcoming the SSC elders and politicians. He provided them three bullet proof cars for the delegation and even helped them meet the UN, USA, the EU and others.

    Furthermore, he told the delegation that MuuSe Biixi and company are in a very weak position and now is the time to bring them home for unity . He said Muuse is claiming that , " We want to negotiate with the south as northerners" and you should help me to bring in while he is weak. In their earlier meeting, HSM told them to deliberate seriously and will meet after his travel from Turkey.

    HSM assured the Garaads that Biixi is willing to relocate the forces, but he wants to safe face without being chased which might hasten the collapse of the Hargeisa government. The Garaads insisted that the so called " Ilaahay Ha laga Cabsado" coming from MUuse was something similar what the late Kacaan leader said just before the collapse of the country and he shouldn't be believed. 

    If HSM can guarantee for the garaads the  peaceful relocation and the beginning of Somali union negotiations with Hargeisa regime that could be something they should consider. Since the main goal of the SSC is self rule and Somali unity, they could achieve all that through peaceful dialogue. The Hargeisa regime is in a very weak position. Biixi has been isolated diplomatically, the economy is in tatters  and the last donor money has dried up in the last quarter of 2022. The real pinch will be felt this summer. Besides, other than HSM, there is no one trying to fix the mess. Don't waste your time expecting others to clean the Somali mess.

    Waar ninku god ayuu iigu jira ee iga caawiya si aan u soo qabto. 

    Also, the people of the south had shown their real colors. Despite the bribes paid to buy the likes of Dahir Calasow, the people had identified with the SSC struggle.  Some from Hiiraan had even brought tens of thousands of dollars of aid to the cause. Not only the leaders, but also the Somaliland public had misread the good will of Somalis for years. Bakaaraha had burned many times, so are other places, yet Somalis across the diaspora had shown their goodwill to those who lost business in Waheen market in historic way. Yet what they get is Adna saying in London open mike that " They are not the Somali Terrorists " People had said enough of this hatred.

    HSM might be close to Omar Geele, but he got a country to run,  constituents to take care off and  SSC is one of them who are in need.

    HSM needs the support of everyone to make this deal work.

    I say good luck to him.

    On another note, I heard the former spy chief Fahad Yaasin keep throwing unnecessary advice in the airwaves.

    This failed spy need to hibernate and disappear for a while and let others do their thing. He claims that he doesn't anything about Hamza Barre, and that statement alone shows his weakness and incompetence. Hamza was a player in Jubba, yet Fahad didn't even know him. Certainly Fahad is a God fearing man, but he is not expert in terms of intelligence gathering or taking action when it is necessary. He failed to vet and investigate the background of former premier Mohamed H. Rooble who was a card carrying member of Damujadiid. A low level investigator could have easily discovered that. I heard he and another cousin of his called Muudey were the ones who chose Rooble and decided to get rid of Khayre. Many of of us in these pages supported him because of the way the opposition gangs treated him, but I must say he is one of the major reasons Farmaajo has lost.

    I would like to advice Fahad Yaasin to disapear like most spy chiefs and wait his turn if he is lucky and stop compaining.















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  23. 2 minutes ago, Illyria said:

    Not only was theirs a blatant power grab, but they have been scolded as if rowdy, pugnacious teenagers by their financing overlords, and had it not been for the overlords of the FGS, Hassan & Hamze would have taken the country back to the abyss.

    That is probably true. I didn't pay attention to the overloads. History has shown greedy Somalis usually backdown when scolded by the Beesha Lixaad.

  24. The main issue is basically the process and the players. 

    They bite more than they could chew, yet the idea of reforming the system is a good idea. If the presidential terms are changed to five years, it couldn't be retroactive. You can't change the rules during the game. As C/rahman C/shakur said, the agreed upon term changes could  apply only for the next term.

    The absence of Puntland and the manner HSM conducts government business, especially his entourage during foreign travels has exasperated any goodwill toward the president. Since the prime minister is the main base of the constitutional charters agreed by large consensus it needs debate within the parliament and the public. 

    The argument that certain clan which earned the premier position through 4.5 could lose power sharing  is a weak argument to reject  changes to the presidential system. How about if a D block president is elected the next term and a HAG is the premier? The HAG group  could scream bloody murder and a power grab by the D block and it might even create a civil war( Maantana ma waxay keeneen in ay Raiisul wasaareheeni shaqadiisi baabi'iyaan, Tol beelelayey ninka ha loo gargaaro sidii Rooble) Since the MOgadishu based groups are generally anti state institutions, the D block should be the one accepting these reforms for the future. It is safe to do the reforms during the HSM regime for many reasons.


    I think Hamza should not be accused of accepting the eliminations of his job. Believe me,  if I were the president,  I would have appreciated greatly if my premier is willing to sacrifice for the future of the country. Cumar Sharmaarke was slow and weak premier during his tenure under HSM, and everyone had accused him of being laky. 

    Laba la isku heli maayo. Marna in layidhaado waa marxuun oo waxba magalo, marna la yidhaahdo jagadii beeshayada ayaa Hamza baabi'inayaa.

    We have the 12th prime minister since 2004 Empagati government. It is a dysfunctional system that must be discarded for future harmony. I am aware that democracy is a mess, but for the Somali nomads, stability is a priority. If Hamza is willing to sacrifice, it is a welcome news. The debate I missed or the issue I didn't consider was when the changes would be effective, and C/rahman C/shakuur has explained well that changes implemented by the parliament would only affect for the next government not in this term.