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Everything posted by Khadafi

  1. While the world news were on New York in 2001 on nine eleven. In the rustic town of Eritrea the leader of the Eritrea, described and praised by the cadaanka rounded up his own EPLF- collegues and other oppositional groups as the ELF. No one has since heard of then. Caabey Amxaaro thinks that he can do the same but doesnt know that social media is a media.changer. Jawad the oromo nationalist, the first oromo leader who openly said in Aljazeera interview "I am an oromo first, and then ethiopian" shocked the oromo people into beliving in oromo nationalism. Even the crypto-.Amxaro Oromos started to return to their oromo heritage when TPLF dismanted the whole "be an amxaara so you can have a socal mobility". News comings from Addis shows that Jawad has been arrested together with the whole leadership of the oromo federal congress party. The only group that is now show support to Cabeey Amxaaro are the Amhara residents of Addis Abeba and the Amhara region of Gondar and Bahri Dahr. The Emperor has no clothes. The TPLF might have been a menace to the Soomalida in 90-ties up till 2006 but the core group of the TPLF made a desecion that the knew will ultimately lead to conflict. While Caabey Amxaaro said their would no elections becouse of Covid they the TPLF said they would have elections. If history repeats itself it seems that the situation is what it was in former Yoguslavia. The serbs said no Croatioan elections while Croats carried one. We all know what went down. Bal Soomaalida maxaa u diyaarsan? Mustafa Cagjar went to Baxridahr and praised Menelik and becane the darling of the Amxaaro. Is he betting his horses on Caabey Axmed? If he is and Cabeey succeeds somalis will be in a better position. They will become another garrison town. If he fails and does not prepare the Somalis by allowing elections and expanding Somali nationalism Soomali galbeed will become another mad max region where feuding clans with ak47 roam the streets. Mustafa intuu Baxridahar tagi lahaay dadkiisa ha diyaariyo post-civil war Ethiopia. The Arrest of Jawad and the other oromo leader is big and I think it is a sign that something is brewing in Ethiopia. Americas orientalist and British fascination with their "ortodox gaalo of Abbsynia is no more. Tabar iyo lacag uma haayaan in ey u gargaaran wadanka.
  2. ¨Trust he, the only the reason that he did not take those steps that he is weak. His countrey is in turmoil and he has not a loyal base. Belive me, Amxaaro Abey Axnmed with his "Ethiopia tikdem" is one trying to revive the old Ethiopia. Eeedna yaa la saarin ninka baada bixiyo, Eeeda waxaa leh the wretched somalis that have no self-respect and no dignity then to allow their own personal asipirations go above their national ones. Ba bilaw kuwii Mengistu u tagay ilaa kuwii Malas sanaawi tuugsi u tagi jiray. Gaalka madowgna waxaa ka si horeeyay gaalki cadaanki ee Graziaani!.
  3. This could be a conspiracy but as a rationale man I woild say that Amxaaro Abey is trying secure and eliminate his oromo counterparts. Caabey sings diffirent tunes with diffirent folks but he is one thing for sure. He belives in the centralised Amhara dominated Ethiopia . The famous Oromo singer was killed when he called for Meneleiks statue to be toppled. That made the Amhara crazy and Abey took his chance and arrested Jawar. Jawar is actually the true oromo nationalist inspired , reformed and ignited oromo naionalism with his Media. Jawar would have easily beaten Cabeey Amxaaro in the electiob. The singer was also the obe who coined the tern "Cabeey Amxaaro" in his songs. Who to blame? The TPLF? i think they are innocent. According to a friend of mine, Gunshots can still be heard in Addis Abbaba. Jawar was pressing Cabeey Amxaaro to rename the city and allocate the city to Oromiya. Anyways the TPLF took a brave desicison. They defied Abey and are planned to have to their election. The fight now will between The oromos.
  4. Tit for tat usally doesnt work for me. Wish SL all the best. The fact remains that Dakadda berbera, all main roads were built by the tax money of the Sonali republic. And you too if your not to young probably paid your cents, Glossy youtube videos does not change the fact no jidad no MAJOR infrastracture projects has been in your jamhuuriyada Barakaysan of Somaliland. Aqoonsi or not, thats not the case but sonali youth fleeing today to Yurub are northerners. Tribalism iyo corruption are big problems if not the biggest the biggst problem. Suldaanka. You can sitt in your glassy house in sidney and talk all day petty somali tribal feuds but the reality on the ground is that thousands of Somali youth who simply cant employment in In hargeysa are flocking to Mogadishu for jobb oppurtunities. Ninyahow intaadan aqoonsi ku waalal ka hadal the real issues facing the ppl. Healthcare, education, Nin saxiibo nahnay oo Wasiir ka ahaan jiray SL wuxuu i sheegay xataa that poor ppl do not have money to send their kids to school. Instead of tackling such issues the biggest news in SL weird kid wearing a t--shiirt with the blue flag. People are suffering. Solve that. Masakiinta ayaa ereyga aqoonsiga sida daroogada lagu rabaa in lagu aamusiyo. It works for time. But once that drug doesnt work people will demand decent lives. Jamhuuriyadan Barakaysab ha ku macanaato.
  5. Who really cares? One pro sl garaad talks, another anti sl garaadl talks. 30 sano aqoonsi waysay ma u malaysa 30 sano kale in aad ku halaysid?. I would be worried about corruption in your region and the lack of infrastracture projects. Most roads built in SL were built in the 1980. Dekedda Barbara. Ninyahow noolow laakin be more worried for every day issues facing your ppl then this never ending tit for tat SSC or hargeysaa.
  6. Maxaa kugu dhacay Galbeedi? You sound like Oreily on steriods. That statement of yours only showes how many of us Somalis have some grave identity issues to regards weather they are black or not. Colonialism teaches us not to show solidarity and see each others misery. What happened was simply injustice. That man who died could have been a somali. I do not think that racist cops in diffrentitate between blacks. Systematic and structural racism have taken its toll on the black community. Its not a secret why they are dying. When crack in 80-ties was seen a black drug politicals were calling for cold harsh sentencing, when opiate pills created havoc in the white community it was called a "national health emergency".
  7. I thought it it was a joke. What they should have done is send those doctors to those malaria stricken children in afgooye, marka baidoa , warsheekh, kismaayo and qandala or why not Hargeysaa? Acute malnourishment, disease, like eyphus, all infectionous diseases are rampant in Somalia. Instead of looking for a cheap PR-stunt a good stunt would be to deploy those docs to those who need it at most. By the way, joke or not. This bizarre news out-let exposes the true post-colonial nature of the world,. Jump over the dying black folks while in a hurry trying to help your colonial masters. Like a true post-colonialist one has shed any kind of empatrhy to his own folks (black) and only have love and praise for his former colonial masters. War bax dheh!
  8. Weather we like it or not during the time of Xassan Sheekh the countrey was slowly recovering. To be honest Xassan Sheeikh was a who knew the countrey was a broken car. Peace building was in his mind and judicial foudations was laid down. He compromised and saw the reality as what it was and understood his limitation. We all remember the Jubba-land spat. He, Xassan Sheekh quarrelled ad argued at the beginning but understood the reality on the ground and accepted how things were. Farmaajo & Khayre seem to think that they is driving a ferrari when they are in fact in charge of countrey that has been devistated by war and animosity. Instead of sending troops to god-forsaken villages in Beled-Xaawo and Guriceel they should secure the the roads from Al-shabaab. Secure your home, your bastion before you quarrel with Keenya and their minions.
  9. Somalis have a fitting proverb "nin geeridiisha waa nin kale guushiisa". While vast folks of somalis where quick welcome the TPLF downfall they never ponderd about what the state of soomali-gelbeed would be? The downfalls of Haile selassies fedual emperial rule was welcomed by some somalis, but dreams of freedom were quenched by the rise of the communist Derg. The irony is that with every downfall somalis were beng as pawns in a political between Abbsyinians. Whats bitter is that we see it happening to day. Abey Amxaaro revied the old derg commeration of the victory of derg against somal freedom fighters. A guess what? The current governor in jigjig was directly appointed by Abey? The big question that needs to be answerd is when will Somalis forrge their own destiny! AUN !
  10. It's more easier for a person to put the blame on others instead on himself. Arooy Galbeedi, Their is no doubt that that foregin actors played a central role in fueling the conflict in Soomaaliya. The truth is though that the rise of Al-shabaab did not begin in 2007. It began in the 80-ties when a wave of wahabi inclined preachers returned to Soomalia. Some somalis accepted the new faith becouse of Saudi riyaal while others with an inferiority comlex were ready to jump on any bandwagon. Who could blame them? Communism was dead. Somali nationalism was in ruin. For 20 years the traditional sunni islam that somalis knew was sidelined. Nobody talks talks about this. But thats the reality.
  11. This is a big escalation. Qasem Soleimani was a indeed the "hidden" foregin minister that the supreme leader could lean upon. I doubt the iranians will be able to do a military response. They are bidding their time.
  12. Talaabow, Suubanah was the one most fitted to explain and teach us how to purify ourselves. I do not think it is wise to belittle the expainations and traditions of the prophet.
  13. At one point in the interview she defends the colonial legacy and the importance of safeguardng the colonial borders, In a other words Africa should keep its current borders and keep away seccesionism. It's sad and tragic to see intra-tribal somali feuds spilling to non-somalis. As if those kenyans care or are able to see distinction between feuding somaali. Yaab!
  14. What happended to iska-wax u qabso. Instead on relying on Khaleeji arabs who barely cant even build a bulding themselves why dont we rely on ourselves to accomplish things?. Everytime to a non-somali actor comes to us we usally smie with our big teeth and taunt other somali clans? During the 50-ties it was the italians and the english. During the 1970-ties we thought the poor folks of Sergey Buubka and his russians were going to wonders to Somalia. 40 years later We see picturs of turks teaching us how to plant tamatoes. It's not bad to have allies that help you. but one primary thing should be ISKA-wax u Qabso. Rely upon yourself. Yaab!
  15. Inna lillahi waa inna ilayahi raajacun. Alle u naxariisto injineerka.
  16. You didnt adress the issue of lamenting and boasting in regards for british colonialism.. Instead you chose to miscredit thousands of somalis who simply died in northern somalia for fighting british colonialism. A picture says more then a thousands words.
  17. Allah u naxariisto, I enjoyed her shows. Ilaahayna ha soo qabto gacan ku dhiglayaasha baneeystay dhiiga muslimka.
  18. I actually agree with Cabdi Shakuur, To cut off diplomatic relations sounds like it was done in a "fudfudeed way". The government actually fell for the trap that the seccionists laid out. Since the south are slowly re-awakening the seccionists have used drama tactics to intice the youth of SL that it is in a deadly "fight" with the south. Remember the drama tactics that Muuse biixi made a year ago when he went infront of the cameras and said "war xamar ayaa na soo weerartay". It seems that the old men of SNM actually have some kind of fetisch and nostalgia for the horros of the civil war. The federal government of Somalia should have simply not even botherd to reply to a bana republic called "Gunea". By cutting the relations to that reublic they have given life what feeds the seccionists, mainly "XAMAR AYAA NA HAYSATA". The sad thing about this is the thousands of somali youth in hargeisa who are fed this drama tactics as a form of deflection so that they do not ask accountability from their leaders.
  19. Let's hope our boy Jawar and his like launches a media campaign on the axmaarta. His kind of oromo, and not Abey Ahmed are the ones who whill finally put Meneliks project in the dustbin of history.
  20. As if sitting one of those dark rooms of Nayroobi is somethin to be pride off. We Somalis have simply faliled to understand what political opposition consists of. Have your ideas and try to sway the people to it. Meaning being an oppositional political does not mean taking litres of gas and trying to burn down everuthing. Waxaaba iga daran,. The one who sold of Somalias coastline to Kenya in the doomed MoU agreement is now happily smiling infront of the cameras. Yaab!
  21. No doubt that foregin pressure of transparency has brought this. Somalia is number uno leading in corruption. But is the "gaalka"a Somali citizen? If not, would a non british-citizen be appointed to the governor of the central bank of Britin?. Gooni, your anology of comparing Ilhaan Omars victory is flawed sxb. Ilhaan Omar is an american citizen unlike person above. No one doubted that Somalia needs help with its recovery. We are slowly recovering but does it have to be like this? A british person to be appointed to a highly sensitive post? Yaab. Waxaad mooda in fudeedka ka batay dadka awaamirtaan soo rogay!
  22. Dalmar. Somalia is making slow steps normalisation and their is no going back to the days of warlordism and anarchy. By the way, you should now that their is no winner in a brutal civil war. In conclusion, no one actually won by having a brutal somali civil war that dispersed and maimed Somalis.
  23. Why arrest the guy? If Shaykh Sharif could defect and become a leader why not Roobow?