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Everything posted by Maqane

  1. Welcome on board Safani. Wish you all the best in locating and finding your beloved neighbors.
  2. DoctorKenney;990344 wrote: My Mom "forced" me to learn how to read English when I was 4 years old. She also "forced" me to play sports. She also "forced" me to learn mathematics. But that's totally fine. But when Somali parents "force" their children to read the Arabic script, that's a totally bad thing. Wallahi I hate these double-standard Somalis, these inferiority-complex ridden Somalis, these self-hating people. Authubilah Inaar, marka hore isdeji bal, aniga shaydaan mi'ihi ee ha'iga cuudu bileesanin mida kale مَكُلَ هَبُونْتَهَيْ سِدَنْ؟ mise 'sidan baa kula haboon?' Btw, When you say ''these'' , are you also including me abti?
  3. Qofdhan oo xubin siyaasadeed ka mid ah baa ku hadlaysa afka guriga. Wax lala yaaba ma'ahan saa xilka waddo dheer uma soo marin oo waxbarasho u gaar ahna maysan soo dhigan marka eedda iyada iskama laho. ''Meesha sida ay u taal baal loolayaallaa'' baa layiri... marka, waa uun iska Soomaali siyaasadeed. -- PS: @Apo, i think It's through choice.
  4. OdaySomali;990296 wrote: To those who are proponents of the latin script I say that is fine but we have to be pragmatic and work with what will be most effective in our situation. We have to put our pride and any anti-Arab sentiment aside. The reality is that most Somalis can read and write the Arabic alphabet. Why waste money time and effort teaching them a nee alphabet that is completely new and alien to them? Because the majority can read and write the Alphabet doesn't mean they can easily adapt it. Based on my experience, I'd prefer and go for the Somali Latin script because it doesn't require much then the Arabic does plus I've learned the Arabic Alphabet by force and so did the majority of Somalis and maybe including you .
  5. I suspect Oba's scripts!
  6. ^ 'Bac baa ku xiran' afsuuqa aad baa looga yaqaan. Soomaaligii baa halis ku jira marka way ila haboontahay inaan qaamuus gaar ah u sameyno afkan, intuusan Afsoomaaliga caadiga ah la wareegin!! --- Waa kan qodob kale uu MMA 2008dii soo dhigay oo kusaabsan Afsuuqa
  7. Oraahyada qaarkood way isku haboonyihiin saa qofkii tahriib gala naftiisuu dhigayaa @_@ Mida kale haddii "loo raranyahay" - 'uur baa loo leeyahay' loola jeedo ; maxaa looga dhigay 'qof kalee u rarantahay - 'qof kalee la sheekaysataa ' oo looga dhigi waayey 'qof kalee uur u leedahay? :D baddaa ku kacsan Waad ku mahadsantahay kista yar aad iga qoslisiisay.
  8. ^ Saff, Al is Ciyaal suuq fooqal Ciyaal suuq so be careful!
  9. Imagine crack was in birth Imagine the earth wasn't hurt, imagine no homeland alerts Imagine no record locater So I wouldn't have to get a criminal waiver Imagine the peace wasn't in my briefs Instead peace could stretch across the seas So finally we could just rest and ease, no refugees #Somalia
  10. Waa maalin aan la iloobi karin!
  11. Safferz all the way. Go girrrl. PS: Why is General Duke in that list, or is this sort of conspiracy theory Poll? That guy has already won and is no more a Nomad so get over it!
  12. LOL @Gheelle, isha baad ka tuurtay, i was about to ask the same Al's new script 'the gibberish version'?!
  13. You're welcome @Tallaabo, very sad indeed. unfortunately it's happening in every corner whether south,east,west or north.
  14. Presposterous;985861 wrote: The way she stinked you would've committed sudden suicide ..done of us just came straight out if baadiyo . . .. . . . . . . . . . . ,.-‘”. . . . . . . . . .``~., . . . . . . . .. . . . . .,.-”. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .“-., . . . . .. . . . . . ..,/. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ”:, . . . . . . . .. .,?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . . . . . . /. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,} . . . . . . . . ./. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,:`^`.} . . . . . . . ./. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,:”. . . ./ . . . . . . .?. . . __. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :`. . . ./ . . . . . . . /__.(. . .“~-,_. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,:`. . . .. ./ . . . . . . /(_. . ”~,_. . . ..“~,_. . . . . . . . . .,:`. . . . _/ . . . .. .{.._$;_. . .”=,_. . . .“-,_. . . ,.-~-,}, .~”; /. .. .} . . .. . .((. . .*~_. . . .”=-._. . .“;,,./`. . /” . . . ./. .. ../ . . . .. . .`~,. . ..“~.,. . . . . . . . . ..`. . .}. . . . . . ../ . . . . . .(. ..`=-,,. . . .`. . . . . . . . . . . ..(. . . ;_,,-” . . . . . ../.`~,. . ..`-.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . / . . . . . . `~.*-,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..|,./.....,__ ,,_. . . . . }.>-._. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .|. . . . . . ..`=~-, . .. `=~-,__. . . `,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .`=~-,,.,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . `:,, . . . . . . . . . . . . . `. . . . . . ..__ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .`=-,. . . . . . . . . .,%`>--==``
  15. Dalmar qurbaha buu isaga riyoonayaa, waa marqaan markii uu qormo soo dhigayo. Waryaa kakac hurdada oo caadi iskadhig.
  16. Welcome to Sol btw Here 're some videos i recommend you. Take the time to watch 'em. 1.Love Yourself 2.Master Your Emotions (watch also other parts) 3.Build Confidence 4.Don't Kill Yourself
  17. Just learn to love yourself, be comfortable within yourself because that's the core foundation of confidence. Caasho qurunleey doesn't define you and the whole race. If it was meant as insult against her then it's plain wrong. Killing yourself will not make things better. Ignore the bullies who blame whole race based on individuals actions. You're a Somali, so do I and there's nothing wrong with that.
  18. Saalax;985635 wrote: AUN Aniga waxaan inta badan ka walwalaa, fiilooyinkan/xargahan korontada ee meel kasta ka laalaada, dhacdooyinkan oo kale khatar bay geeysan karaan. The government should pay special attention to this and and must invest in electricity infrastructure because it will surely save many lives.
  19. " data-width="550"> Bericht door Qosol Iyo Qaraaxo.
  20. Hope this will come to an end soon. Please do whatever you can to support the people affected by the disaster.
  21. TIL that Caasha's cirib dheer were actually condensation trails/contrails. *hadda lee indhaha kala furay*
  22. Well, i think Apo & Hawdian raised a valid point here with regards to these illustrated stories. Some of these stories could be real balse intooda badan waa 'Calaacal' . When Somalis (my people) the ones from rich families make to Europe, most of them must go through asylum seeking process, during the process they 're interviewed the situations back home (what made them flew and what they went through), most of them make up fake stories, this is called "Calaacal". The powerful the Calaacal the faster the process. It's not because they're liars but because they 're forced to do this otherwise won't be given a residence. If i go on-topic, i find Saafi's story very emotional indeed. Thanks Ibti for sharing.
  23. LayZie G.;985561 wrote: Nuune's new video: I was expecting the real Nuune on SOL