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Posts posted by Mustafe

  1. Hertz is over-reacting in this case by sacking that many people, I'm sure they had other options to resolve this issue. But, at the end of the day its the Somalis' fault that the problem even escalated to this point. If I know Somalis, my guess is that one hot headed dude or duddette took the p!ss with one of the managers regarding clocking out/in, and the rest of them probably sided with the brother/sister because they are Somalis and always stand their ground, lol.

  2. Zac,


    Sxb, since she is not in the same state as you, you might be in luck if you do all you're expected of; but if somehow she ends up workin in the same building as you waxad yeeshaa sida soo socota:


    - laba rakcadood oo istikhaaro ah tuko in uu qoftaas qof fiican oo caqli u saaxib ah ilaahay ka dhigo


    - always be prepared to adopt to her ever changing moods, and be atleast one step ahead of her at all times


    - be a yes man, majaajilada iyo camiraadana badi, wax kasta oo ay sheegtana - absolutely iyo nacam waxaan aheyn haku jawaabin-that way she will develop a softer side for you


    - try and confuse her at all times; haddaad aragtid iyadoo wejigeeda xanaaq ka muuqdo oo kugu soo socota, oo ay, why isn't such and such thing complete ku dhahdo topic kale u saar, never take her on directly hadii kale way ku boobsiinaysaa sida bariiska


    - finally, and this is very important;- hadii qof ama group ay necebtahay for whatever reason ay meesha idinkala shaqeeyaan la xamo ama la cay, whether she is in the right or not. Maxaa adiga dadka kale kaa galay, nin fariid ah oo shaqadiisa ilaashada noqo weligaa lol.


    Good luck sxb, wabilaahi tawfiiq.

  3. Ahlu sunna waljamaacah waa wadaado fiican; sida kuwan cusub ee al-shabab ookale argagixiso maaha. They usually mind their ow business. Laakiin, iyaguna dadka masaakiinta ah bay xoolaha iyo raashinka ka dhameeyaan. Siday u joogaan bay ku odhanayaaan shkh A jeylaani siyaaradiisii baa soo dhow e laba jawaan oo canbuulo ah iyo sadex neef oo adhi ah keen. Haddana siyaasaddii bay geli rabaanba oo xaalkoodu waa bariga dhexe.

  4. N. Nugaaleed,


    Your not one of those people who automatically accept, "the official transilations", of the man's speeches are you?

    And even if he comes accross as a retard, - which he sometimes does-, he is mostly closer to the truth than most western leaders who are shameless, corrupt, and would sell their soul in order to appease a genocidal state like Israel.


    In any case, if the alleged story is true, these starving ambassadors should've known better than to disrespect the head of a nation who single handedly donated, or in the process of donating more aid to the famine victims than all the other donor countries combined. And for no obvious good reason at all. Absolute disgrace!

  5. A khadar,


    Did you say qarannews is one of the most reliable sources in S/land lol? In any case there are alot of injustices that occer in S/land on a regular bases, especially to minorties or vulnerable people; even silanyo himself said so, but the fact that these incidents are being addressed is atleast a good start me thinks.

  6. NASSIR;740364 wrote:
    Nice Thread MMA. I Lived in Eastleight back in 96 before moving from a place call Mandoni, Mombasa (I hope I spelled correctly ) with the family. Islii is now actually transformed but with very marginal progress in terms of social mobility other than serving as a transit point for the Somali refugees and a place to invest for those who as you said can match investors and developers. It's like a small stock market. However money laundering, poverty, drugs, prostitution, extortion by the Kenyan police all define Eastleight. Some call it a safe haven for the criminal enterprises in Somalia.


    Btw, I remember the Matatu mini buses painted with labels of Hip-hop artists, overcrowded streets & the dust. We were probably the first wave of refugees from Somalia who turned Eastleight into a competitive marketplace. The first time I could remember seeing the streets of Nairobi was back in 1992.


    So you lived in Mandoni too Nasir, the beautiful xaafad where the Somalis used to put salli/derin/qadiifad outdoors infront of their houses in the evening, and chill under the mango trees till late at night due to the excessive heat of Mombasa? I too lived there in 94/95 until we moved to Nairobi in 96. Mandoni was amazing, 15 years later I still have vivid images of the qumbo and mango trees, the heat and xaraarad, the constant kaftan iyo sheeko at night. I only hated the fact I was so young because I wanted to take part of the drama of the old people.

    I particularly hated it when I see wiilasha iyo gabdhaha waayeyn oo fiidkii is shukaansanaya; alla maxaan xanaaqi jirey. Ilaahoo mar keliya yaa nin weyn kaa dhigaa i qaban jirtey adna aad gabdhaha shukaansatide, lol. Ciyaalnimo waa ciil laga koro. Laakiin waa iska caadi, kuwii berigaa gabdhaha igu hor shukaansan jirey hadda adduunka way ka xaroodeen, waayo waa mid/late 30s to 40s, aniguna hadda ayaan dhalin yaro ahay oo wixii aan sheeko xariireed berigaa dadka waa weyn ka bartay gabdhaha ku maaweeliyaa looool.





    Sxb adna islii baad nasoo xasuusisay duco hakugu dhacdee. Its yet another place I have fond memories of, with the exception of the qashin, dhiiqo, and mean dugsi quraan teachers. Insha'allah I will visit there mid next year for the first time in 14 years, and one of the first things I wish to do is get even with a certain macallin quraan who once belted me for no good reason. I have been told he has become very wealthy since and no longer teaches quraan. My innitial plan was to bribe two police men and instruct them to put him in bengani for two days, but since according to you police corruption decreased in islii I will just have bribe two jokaraa kids instead lol.

  7. Oodweyne;736946 wrote:


    Well, it's already
    in; but, what you seemed to have over-looked is that, this company and it's partners, have been
    "tarting it up"
    their prospect recently on the back of this exploration.

    Lool, that craked me up. But can I ask how you came to know that? How did you end up following the progress of this, "company and its partners", if you don't mind me asking?


    Oodweyne;736946 wrote:
    Hence, they have gone heavily in PR campaign across the various stock markets on the back of this particular well. Consequently, their investors will largely take a dim view of this incident; particularly once it become clear, that, this is not a one off incident, but, in reality it's a long line of
    "political incident"
    after incident. And, therefore, this may even stop any further exploration going ahead, at all.


    And, the up-shot of it, is that the shares will reflect the
    "lost of confidence"
    in the prospect of this company ever producing anything of a worthwhile from that so contentious of a well, indeed...

    You might be right, but thats assuming the investors of this company are smart enough and will take such precaution. Not to mention you under-estimate the natural talent Somalis have at misleading gullible white people. I mean, how can you be so sure that everything will not go as planned, or atleast events won't pan out? This is Africa man, or as the crooks of the continent would say, TIA, lolz.

  8. Waxa la yidhi mid geeljire ah oo aan weligii naag arkin baa maalin maalmaha ka mid ah gabadh qurux badan oo banaanka tuulada maraysa arkay markaasuu is yidhi shukaanso. Gabadhii baa diiday, markaasuu intuu xanaaqay kufsaday. Gabdhiibaa reerkooda u dacwootay, reerkiina odayaashii tuulada ayay arintii soo hordhigeen. Waxaa go'aan lagu gaadhay in nimankii tuulada iyo baadiyeheeda oo dhan lasoo uruuriyo si gabadha kii faraxumeeyey u sheegto kuu ahaa. Sidiibaa la yeelay nimankii oo dhana safbaa la geliyey.


    Xariifkii dembiilaha ahaa ayaa arkay sheekhii tuulada oo safka dhinaca ugu shisheeya ka taagan markaasuu dhinaca kale ka sii istaagey.


    Gabdhiibaa lagu yidhi bal soo saar kii waxan sameeyey si loo ciqaabo. Gabadhii dhinacii dembiilaha iyo wadaadka mahee dhinacii kalay kasoo bilowday.


    Maya kan maah..maya kanna maaha, say u lahaydbay soo gaadhay kii sheekha ugu dhowaa oo tidhi kana maaha.


    Halkaa markay marayso oo dembiilihii iyo sheekhii keliya hadheen ayuu macalliink is hayn kari waayey, markaasuu intuu soo boodey yidhi...Alla,.. naa miyaad waalatay, oo hadda ma aniga iyo wadaadkaad u danleedahay..lool.

  9. They are indeed the worst thing that happened to the Somali people, they are cancerous and should be eradicated as soon as possible. Unfortunately I fear it might be too late by then. Now there is enough aid available from all over the world to relief atleast most of the people effected by the famine, yet they continue to stand in beween that aid and the poor victims.


    Waxay ku leeyihiin dadkan christian bay noqonayaan, and only Somlis are allowed to give aid, and they even harrass those Somalis on a regualr bases. Ma qof gaajo iyo harraad u dhimanayaa christian noqonaya, toodii baa haysta bee? War waxan caqligoodii iyo bini adamnimadoodii aaway?


    After this disaster is over,( and it will, god willing)', they should be hunted down one by one like the dogs they are and killed off once and for all, the kids they brainwashed included. Waxan ma daawan karno, qalbi xanuun bay nagu rideen.


    Xataa kuwa akhwaanul muslimiinka iyo itixadka isku sheega hala soo qab qabto oo xabsi halaga buuxiyo ileen iyagaa waxan dhalee.

  10. Farmaraa;736023 wrote:
    kkkk.. building a nation !!! you are building Qabiil entity called themselves SOMALILAND.




    Somaliland is a nation of many of many qabiils, and will continue to be so. The good news for you is that all Somalis will be welcome no matter where they are from, and live there happily, provided ofcourse they follow its rules and laws:).