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Posts posted by Gar_maqaate

  1. Mr Hoehne appears to be a Kacaan revisionist. lol


    Seriously though on the whole, it is a fair and balanced Essay

    i only notice a one minor mistake


    In this period, the Dervishes also gained their most prestigious victory in the battle of
    (near today’s town of Bur’o). In this battle, the British commander of the new Camel Constabulary, Richard Corfield, was killed by Dervished on 9 August 1913

    Richard Corfield was killed in Calmadow and not jidaali. Jiidali is in sanaag and it was Dervish fort.


  2. <cite>

    ^ the only reason you are shamed is because you from SOMALiYa Moqadisho where you people kill hate , and are all criminals , Im very proud that my family fought against babaric Cannibals Criminals like you . The British did not do Genocide in Somaliland you family and most like you did 1 million innocent civilians ,Killed by Your Siyad Barre Regime And Still you have the stupdniss to come here and point fingers. Haweyeen fuqul Hawiyaan, I dont feel shame for u I feel pity for you likes. Properly the most humane thng would be to put your likes down.

    Listen walaal I am not condemning your ancestors for serving the British. After all they were just a illiterate provincial peasants who got caught up in a system they did not understand. The British were not there to help our forefathers. in fact they were there to subjugate our ancestors and to expropriate whatever resources and wealth they could from our land. They saw your forefathers not as equals or as fellow human beings but as an uncultured primitive savages whom they had over a God given dominion. However, if you wanna take pride in that then it is up to you.

  3. <cite>

    Somaliland Hargeysa

    Somaliland Borama

    Xaaji sorry to ruin your nostalgia for the glory days of colonialism but that is not the Queen, it's the duke and Duchess of Gloucester, lady Alice Montagu Douglas Scott and prince Henry.

    When I saw your heading I automatically knew you were going to be wrong. In fact when it comes to history I always see Somalilanders telling either a half truths or a complete lies. lol.

  4. <cite>

    Very nice to see . Its like looking back at my own family history as many of my family members served for The British and fought both in Africa ( Mad Mullah rebellion) and in other parts of the British Empire ( in British Burma).

    Wow, no only do you disclosed that information freely but you also see it as source of pride. I'm shamed and embarrassed on your behalf!


  5. The Gish Gallop is the debating technique of drowning the opponent in such a torrent of small arguments that their opponent cannot possibly answer or address each one in real time. More often than not, these myriad arguments are full of half-truths, lies, and straw-man arguments - the only condition is that there be many of them, not that they be particularly compelling on their own.
    They may be escape hatches or "gotcha" arguments that are specifically designed to be brief, but take a long time to unravel


    I still believe that the similarities are purely coincidental.

  6. Dear me, what a pitiful load of nonsense. In order to address every one of your half-truths, lies and straw man argument one would need write several books. Incidentally, this train-wreck prolix posts reminds of a form of debate called Gish Gallop.

     Gish Gallop is the debating technique of drowning the opponent in such a torrent of small arguments that their opponent cannot possibly answer or address each one in real time. More often than not, these myriad arguments are full of half-truths, lies, and straw-man arguments - the only condition is that there be many of them, not that they be particularly compelling on their own.

    However, the similarities between the Gish Gallop debating form and your rant are purely coincidental that has arisen from your disorganised thought process. But to be fair there is really no eloquent or educated way to articulate tribalism as the bases for nationhoodd.

  7. <cite>

    Somaliland nationalism is stronger than what ever. Somalia based ethno nationalism

    What next Xaaji, how black is white?

    The truth is Somaliland is based on extreme tribalism, xenophobia and imagined differences. Despite the artificial construction of tribal identies such as Somaliland, there is only one Somali nation, which is united by ethnicity, culture, religion and language.

  8. <cite>

    I personally believe it is a very wrong headed policy. It's one thing to pursue unilateral secession, but it a whole different ball game when Somaliland
    makes allies out of a known international terrorist organization such as Al Shabab.



    Where i have heard this type of allegations before?

    Oh.. could it be because it has been a very popular strategy deployed by every known tyrant, demagogue and opportunists in the world since 2001.

  9. <cite>




    C/llaahi Sheekh Xasan

    Ma jecli inaan u jawaabo Faarax Macallin
    , haddana waa aflagaado ka soo baxday nin dhunsan oo dhalasho kale haysta” ayuu yiri C/llaahi Sheekh Xasan oo xusuusiyey Farax Macallim inuusan ku mashquulin Qowmiyadaha Soomaalida, maadaama uu isagu Kenyaati yahay.

    C/llaahi Sheekh Xasan, waxa kale oo Faarax Macallin kula taliyey inuu ka hadlo Falkii ay Kuukuuyada u geysteen awoowayaashii iyo Ehelladiisa nolosha lagu gubay 80-maadkii iyo Xasuuqii Wargalo. ............................“Faarax Macallim waxa uu ku saaqiday Siyaasadda, markii uu Guddoomiye ku xigeenimadda iyo Kursigii Barlamaanka waayey waxa uu noqday qof aan

    caadil ahayn” ayuu yiri C/llaahi Sheekh Xasan.

    And start proceedings by stating. Ma jecli inaan u jawaabo Faarax Macallin,. and then he follows it up with a torrent of abuse and personal insults. Very Classy. looooooooooooooool

  10. <cite>

    he saw the corruption the deception the dishonesty the betrayal in Somalia,.

    Precisely!... He finally found a profitable scheme to siphon money from and credulous flock to lead to the "promise land". The guys is an archetypal Somali politician, a transparent huckster and shameless self publicists, whose only concern is for self-preservation and material wealth.



    said:</cite>. And if you want tit for tat nin xiiniyaha laga ma taabto. ma sidaasad garateen , than i will join my kin in hargeisa he said. And we will break up this diseased republic god willing

    What kind of a bloody logic is that?