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Posts posted by Xaq

  1. Citizenship shouldn't be based on ethnicity. That model expired in the 20th century. Citizenship should be given to those who choose to make Somalia their home and contribute to its future - it shouldn't matter where you are from originally.

  2. What do you guys think will come out these meetings? I'm thinking it will ultimately lead to recognition for Somaliland. These talks could pave the way for setting up a process for the recognition without embarrassing the Somalia government. Maybe it will be along the lines of the Sudan split - a few more years in the federal system and then an independence referendum.

  3. Kenya: Somalia seeks EAC membership


    The Transitional Federal Government of Somalia has made an official request to join East Africa's economic bloc, Kenyan officials said on Tuesday.


    A statement from Kenya President Mwai Kibaki's office said Somalia has formally asked to join East African Community (EAC) comprising of Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda and Burundi.


    "The Republic of Somalia has placed an official request to be admitted to the East African Community.


    The request was today made in a letter to President Mwai Kibaki, who is the current Chair of the EAC," the statement said.


    The statement said the letter was delivered to Foreign Affairs Minister Moses Wetangula by Ambassador Abdi Hakim Ali Yasin, the special envoy of Somalia's government President Sheikh Shariff.


    Wetangula who received the letter assured the people of Somalia that the request would be considered by the necessary EAC organs and forwarded to the EAC Summit during its next meeting.


    "The request follows major developments in Somalia that have seen the country begin the journey to stability and peace after several years of civil strife," it said.


    The latest development comes three months after the five-nation regional economic bloc rejected an application by Sudan to join the EAC due to its geographical location.


    The African leaders who met in Bujumbura in November last year for the EAC summit said the application by Khartoum did not meet the criterion on geographical proximity and contiguity and thus could not qualify to be admitted into the bloc.


    The EAC has also pending application by the Republic of South Sudan which has been waiting since last year for the regional leaders to examine it before being admitted to the EAC membership.


    The Bujumbura summit directed the Council of Ministers from the five member states to verify the application by the world's newest state on the basis of the criterion for admitted of foreign countries and submits its recommendations to the tenth extra ordinary meeting which may be held later this year.



  4. http://www.nation.co.ke/News/politics/Mogadishu+rumbles+back+to+life+as+the+Shabaab+falters+/-/1064/1358880/-/item/0/-/s4d7pd/-/index.html


    For the last 20 years, Mogadishu has been comfortably unchallenged as the bad news capital of the world.


    Displacement of populations on a scale and consistency not seen anywhere else, deaths from disease and famine, war and yet more war; those have been the consistent story lines coming out of a port city that was once one of the greatest centres of commerce on the East African coastline.



    But that narrative of death and unending despair is changing. The defeat and disorderly retreat of al-Shabaab militants from the Somalia capital just over seven months ago has given way to a spurt of reconstruction and regeneration Mogadishu has not seen in decades.



    Business is booming. Everywhere the visitor to the city turns they are confronted by the sight of wheelbarrows piled high with bananas and mangoes being ferried to markets which are beginning to reopen.



    Women in bright blue, pink or brown lessos sell dry grains, spices and juice and cooked spicy potatoes at newly repainted roadside cafes that also offer sweetened tea and strong, black coffee. Mogadishu is a good place to be today if you are a cement trader.



    Because more buildings are bombed out shells than those that are intact, a construction boom is under way.



    Donkey carts driven by merrily chaotic teenagers lug mabati, cement and concrete blocks to the construction sites that are seeing action for the first time in years.



    Traffic police in dark glasses, white shirts and blue trousers struggle to control the traffic with their whistles; although it is hard to see how they can catch up with offenders because more cars have no number plates than those that do.



    Mogadishu today is completely unrecognisable from the besieged war zone it was just a year ago. The airport is undergoing a $150 million make over financed by the Turkish Government, which was one of the first to spot the sea of change in the security environment in the city since the Shabaab were pushed out under pressure from an African Union troops.



    The airport is now receiving a surge of traffic, hitting a high of 380 passengers in the month of December as more and more Somalis return home to the city.



    International airlines are making a comeback. On Tuesday, the first Turkish Airlines flight will touch down at the Aden Abdulle International Airport becoming the first major international airline to run a passenger service to Mogadishu since the late 1980s.



    They will seek to offer competition to Kenyan operators Africa Express, Fly 540 and East African Airways, which have already stepped into the market with twice daily, albeit rather irregularly scheduled, flights.



    Opening bell



    The diplomats have also surged back to the Horn of Africa country. On August 19, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s jet touched down at the Aden Abdulle Airport and signalled the opening bell of a surge of diplomatic activity as various countries seek to “win the peace” in the country.



    Mr Erdogan was accompanied by his wife and several ministers also with their wives and children and that early visit seemed to have made a major psychological impression, indicating that Mogadishu was slowly beginning the journey to reclaim its place among the community of nations.


    Rest of the article...


  5. Dowladda Soomaaliya oo sheegtay inay dib u dhigtay qorshe dagaal oo ay ku qaadi lahayd xoogagga kasoo horjeeda ee ku sugan Muqdisho


    Isniin, April 05, 2010 (HOL) Dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa sheegtay inuu dib u dhac ku yimid dagaal ay doonayso inay ku qaaddo kooxaha kasoo horjeeda ee ku sugan Muqdisho iyo Gobollada dalka qaarkood.


    Saraakiil ka tirsan Dowladda Soomaaliya oo wareysi gaar ah siiyay Wargeyska Al-sharqal-Awsat oo diiday in magacyadooda la xuso ayaa sheegay in dhaqaale la'aan lasoo daristay Dowladda iyo ciidamada oo aan habeysnayn ay sabab u tahay in dib loo dhigay dagaalladaas.


    "Waxaan weli la hayn dhaqaalihii loogu talogalay in dagaalka lagu galo, sidoo kale ciidamada ayaan habeysnayn, taas ayaana keentay inuu dib u dhac ku yimaado dagaalkii ay Dowladdu qaadi lahayd" ayay yiraahdeen saraakiisha u hadlay Dowladda Soomaaliya.


    Xukuumadda Soomaaliya ayaa waxay horay u sheegtay in la wareegayso inta badan goobaha ay gacanta ku hayaan xoogagga Dowladda ka horjeeda, kuwaasoo ay ka mid tahay Muqdisho, si ay ammanka u soo celiso.

    Magaalada Muqdisho ayaa waxaa inteeda badan gacanta ku haya xoogagga Dowladad Soomaaliya ka horjeeda, iyadoo Dowladduna ay gacanta ku hayso in yar oo ka mid ah caasimadda.


    Saraakiishan u hadlay Dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa sheegay inaan laga tanaasulin dagaalka ay dowladdu ku qaadayso xoogagga kasoo horjeeda, balse la qaadi doono, inkastoo ay ka gaabsadeen inay sheegayaan xilliga la qaadayo..


    Maxamed Xaaji Xuseen, Hiiraan Online


    Muqdisho, Soomaaliya

  6. Why do Somalis get emotional about Israel?


    Israel's beef is with the arabs. Why do Somalis have to get involved?


    Being a an ally of Israel is good for any developing nation. They were once a developing country and now they one of the richest countries in the world.


    It doesn't matter if its the Somaliland or Somalia, having good relations with Israel is infinitely better than begging arabs for bread crumbs.


    We are not arabs. So we should not get caught up in their issues.

  7. I'm not an insider. All I can give you are the things that I have gathered from the Somali news sources over the last couple of years.


    What is the TFGs opinion of Ahlusunnah Waljama'a Network?


    The TFG looks upon Ahlu-Sunnah quite favourably. They are desperate for any support against shabab and h/i.


    The TFG would like Ahlu Sunna to formely join the government. However, this will not be happening any time soon. The TFG is extremely weak, fractured and incompetent.


    would you consider them a terrorist organization and why?


    These people are mainly locals that live in central Somalia (mainly Galgaduud region). They are a very localized group. Therefore, they don't appear to have any broader goals beyond Somalia.


    They don't commit suicide bombings or anything of that nature. They are not a terrorist group.


    Does the US/UK consider them a Terrorist Organization?


    No. the group is not on the terror list in the US or UK. Ahlu Sunna is armed and funded by the Ethiopian government. The ahlu sunna leader was in Adis Ababa a few days ago talking with the Ethiopian foreign minister. Ethiopia is the US's designated sherrif in the Horn of Africa region. Therefore, the fact that they are arming Ahlu Sunna means that they are not considered terrorists by the US or UK.


    Plus, the number 1 enemy of the US in Somalia is al-shabab. Anyone who is fighting them is considered a moderate.


    Why are they fighting Shabab & H.I. ?


    They are fighting shabab and h/i because of clan and religious differences. Ahlu sunna are sufis and therefore they are targets of the shabab. If the shabab took over, they would not be able to practice their traditions.


    Another reason is that Ahlu Sunna knows that they can get backing from the ethiopians who see the border areas as a buffer zone. Therefore, Ahlu Sunna knows it can hold off the shabab.


    What is this groups goals in Somalia


    At the moment their aims appear to be localized in nature. They are just trying to stop the al-shabab from taking over their towns. Their goals may become more expansive if they are successful against the shabab.

  8. Meydadka Labo ruux oo si xun loo dilay oo Saakay laga helay Xaafadaha Waqooyiga Magaalada Gaalkacyo ee Xarunta gobolka Mudug.

    12/17/2009 9:46:00 AM


    Mayadadka Labo ruux oo la sheegay in ay ka soo jeedaan koofurta dalka Soomaaliya ayaa saakay waxaa laga helay Xaafadaha Waqooyi beri ee Magaalada Gaalkacyo iyadoo ay maydadkaasi jirkooda ka muuqdeen Rasaas xoogan.


    Saakay abaaro 8-dii subaxnimo ayaa Xaafadda buulo Bacleey ee waqooyi Bari ee Magaalada Gaalkacyo oo ay ku suganyihiin dadkii barakacayaasha ee ka cararay koofurta dalka Soomaaliya waxaa laga helay meydadka labo nin oo aan la aqoon cid dilkooda ka dambeysay.


    Maydadka labadaani nin ayaa waxaa ka muuqday Rasaas farabadan waxaana in mudo ah ay yiileen Xaafadaasi Buulbacley iyadoo markii dambe mid ka mid ah maydkaasi la aqoonsaday islamarkaana goobta laga qaaday.


    Arintaani ayaa cabsi ku beertay dadka ku sugan halka Maydadka lagu arkay oo u badnaa Barakacayaasha ka soo jeeda koofurta dalka Soomaaliya waxaana qaarkood saakay ay aad uga xumaadeen dhibaatada loo geystay dadkaani.


    Ilaa iyo hadda lama oga cida ka dambeysa dilka labadaani nin iyo dadka goobtaasi soo dhigay meydadkooda hase ahaatee waxaa ay daba socotaa dilal mudooyinkii ugu dambeeyay dadka koofurta ka soo jeeda loogu geysanayay Waqooyiga Magaalada Gaalkacyo.


    Majirto cid ka hadashay dhacdadaani saakay lagu arkay Magaalada Gaalkacyo hase ahaatee waxaa ay arintaani abuurtay hadal heyn badan oo ay isla dhexmarayaan dadka ku dhaqan waqooyiga iyo koofurta Magaalada Gaalkacyo ee Xarunta gobolka Mudug.