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Posts posted by XOG-ogaal

  1. geele maxay somalidu ku maah maah daa (afkaaga caano lagu qabay)


    sxb beenta yaa ku sheegay


    those guys your talking about were geeljire include aways muranka iyo madaxa ageega meeshas ayey kusoo barteen as for cadow and shariif xammaraawi waaye kaluumesato and that is how they become softy because they had persuade the fish to eat meat. get it

  2. lacagto wax walbay ayeey qabtaa



    Kaaliyaha Xoghayaha Arrimaha Dibadda ee Mareykanka Mss. Jandayi Frazer oo soo gaartay Baydhabo maanta ayaa waxay qudbad u jeedisay xubnaha baarlamaanka Federaalka Soomaaliya ee ku sugan Baydhabo, waxayna ka hadashay arrimo dhowr ah.



    Frazer waxay sheegtay in Dowladeeda ay taageerayso xabadjoojintii dhawaan ka hirgashay Muqdisho ayna codsanayaan in la sii adkeeyo xabbad-joojintaas, waxayna carabka ku dhuftay inay soo dhaweynayso in wax walba lagu dhammeeyo nabad iyo wadahadal.



    "Waxaan idiin caddeynayaan in 2009-ka Dowlad Dimuquraadi ah laga dhisayo Soomaaliya oo aad idinku hormuud ka tihiin aadna dooranaysaa ciddii aad doontaan idinkoo xor ah" ayay u sheegtay Frazer Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ee fadhigiisu yahay Baydhabo.


    "Waxaan taageeraynaa howlaha ay ka wadaan ciidammada AMISOM ee ka socda dalalka Afrikaanka ah eek u sugan Soomaaliya howlaha ay ka wadaan gudaha Soomaaliya, waxaana soo jeedinaynaa inay sii wadaan howlahooda tan iyo inta ay nabadda Soomaaliya ka soo celinayaan" ayay mar kale tiri Frazer.


    Jandayi Frezar waxay qirtay in Shacabka Soomaaliyeed ay ka soo daaleen dagaallo sokeeye iminkana aysan meel uga bannaanayn in dalka Soomaaliya uu noqdo meel ay ka dhacaan dagaallo sokeeye, waxayna sheegtay in Mareykanka uu xoogga saaray inaysan Soomaaliya ka dhicin dagaallo kale oo hor leh.


    Mss. Jandayi Frazer Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ayaa waxay ku ammaantay Baarlamaanta Federaalka Soomaaliya inay ku dhiiradeen inay Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya u rareen Muqdisho, waxayna sheegtay inay taas si weyn u soo dhaweynayso ayna ku faraxsan yihiin.


    Wafdiga ay hoggaaminayso Frazer oo uu ka mid yahay Safiirka Mareykanka ee Kenya Michael Renniberger ayaa waxaa lagu wadaa inay galabta u duulaan dalka Kenya oo ay markii hore ka soo duuleen.


    Maxamed Xuseen Jantiile

    Wakiilka Puntlandpost - Mogadishu

    E-mail: Jantiile@gmail.com

  3. MUQDISHO: Gacmo-dheere: "Xaaladda Magaalada Muqdisho waa mid caadi ah xilligaan kamana jirto dhibaato

    Posted to the Web Apr 07, 15:27



    Muqdisho (PP) - Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha Soomaaliya Maxamed Maxamuud Guuleed(Gacmo-dheere) ayaa sheegay in xaaladda Magaalada Muqdisho ay tahay mid xasilloon xilligaan.



    Gacmodheere wuxuu sheegay inay jirto xabbad joojin laga gaaray dagaalladii ka dhacay Magaalada Muqdisho toddobaadkii hore, wuxuuna sheegay in xabadjoojinta ay tahay mid ay Odayaal ka tirsan ****** la galeen Saraakiil Ethiopian ah ee ku sugan Muqdisho.




    Wuxuu sheegay Gacmodheere in Dowladdu ay qorsheynayso inay la hadasho odayaasha ka tirsan beelaha ****** ee wada xabad joojinta ay dowladdu wax walba ku dhameynayso nabad iyo is afgarad.




    "Dowladdu way la hadlaysaa cid walba oo ay u aragto inay nabad ka shaqeynayso, waxayna dagaalkii ka dhacay Muqdisho ku badalaysaa nabad iyo wax walba lagu dhameeyo wadahadal, waase haddii ay Odayaasha ka tirsan ****** ee qorshaha xabad joojinta ah la galay Ethiopian-ka ay aqbalaan taas" ayuu yiri Gacmodheere oo intaas ku daray: "Dowladdu waxay u sheegaysaa shacabka Soomaaliyeed inay is dajiyaan, wax walbana lagu dhameynayo nabad".




    Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha ayaa dhanka kale, sheegay in la wado qorshayaal lagu doonayo inay maamullada degmooyinka Gobolka Banaadir ay shaqeeyaan, isla markaana uu maamulka Gobolka Banaadir howlihiisa caadiga ah uga billaabi lahaa caasimadda Dhexdeeda.




    Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya oo dhowr jeer oo hore dhegaha ka furaysatay inay aqoonsato xabad-joojinta Muqdisho ka dhacday ayaa waxay tani u muuqataa inay ogolaadeen xabad-joojintaas.


    Maxamed Xuseen Jantiile

    Wakiilka Puntlandpost - Mogadishu

    E-mail: Jantiile@gmail.com

  4. jaylaani


    Are you suggesting Somaliland was supporting Yey and butland militia? I think you’re living in LaLA land saaxiib. Get your facts straight.


    The only thing that i said was give us a feed back when they come back. if the people of sland pland care about xamar there would've been demonstration, but then i don't see that .......siilaanyo hanoo laado the only man who got the guts to say anything.

  5. This is a somali site and my somali friend translated it for me and it's easy to see the number of 196 dead woyanne soldiers...he also translated to me that the woyanne soldiers that were wounded are being moved to GEDO for treatment



    Diyaarado Siday Dhaawacyo Iyo Maydad Askar Itoobiyaan Ah Oo ka Soo Dagay Magaalada Doolow Ee Gobalka GEDO

    Apr 02,2007

    by Doolow-GEDO-NN


    Magaalada Doolow ee gobalka GEDO ayaa galabta waxaa ka soo dagay labo diyaaradood oo ay leeyihiin ciidamada Itoobiya oo dhowaacyo iyo askar mayd ah ka keentay goobaha ay dagaaladu ka socdaan ee magaalada Muqdisho sida uu Gedonet u xaqiijiyey masuul ka tirsan maamulka degmada oo codsaday inay magaciisa la sheego.


    Waxaa sidoo kale soo gaaray magaalada Doolow saaka iyo galabta ilaa iyo todobo gaari oo ka yimid gudaha wadanka Soomaliya oo ayaguna la sheegay inay wadeen askari dhowaac ah oo ka tirsan ciidamada Itoobiya oo la xaqiijiyey inay ku soo dhowaameen dagaaladii ka soconayey dhowrkii cisho ugu dambeeyey gudaha Magaalada Muqdisho.


    Amaanka garoonka diyaaradaha ee magaalada Doolow ayaa waxaa si weyn u joogay ciidamado ka socdo kuwa wadanka Itoobiya oo isugu jira kuwa horay u degganaa magaalada iyo kuwa ka soo talaabay magaalada Doolow oo kuwa dadka magaalada inaysan guryaha ka soo bixin inta gaadiidkaasi ay ka talabayeen xuduudka ay Itoobiya ay wadaagto wadanka Soomaliya.


    Mid ka mid ah maamulka degmada Doolow oo codsaday in magaciisa la sheego oo hadalkiisa sii wato ayaa sidoo kale Gedonet u sheegay in tirada askarta dhowaaca ah iyo dhimashadu uu ku sheegay ilaa iyo 196 askari oo uu yiri maydka la keenay waxa ka mida ahaa duuliyaashii waday diyaaradii qumaatiga u kacaysay oo dhowaan lagu soo riday magaalada Muqdisho.


    Dadweynaha Doolow ee dhanka Itoobiya ayaa la sheegay inay diyaarinayeen tan iy o galabta godad waaweyn oo lagu aaso askartaasi maydka ah sida ay u sheegeen dad goobjoogayaal oo ku sugan dhanka Doolow ee Itoobiya.

  6. bench sebari


    Joined: 25 Dec 2006

    Posts: 102


    Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 2:36 am Post subject: Reply with quote -






    You are right this Shabian tererist gorila tactic is working. ofcourse shavbia is the master of gorila warfare. The Ethiopian soldiers has to abandone all military operations in Somalia complitlly before this Shabia and Somali terrerists suround them and finish them. You are a genius Ron. i should listened to you in the first place.



  7. Finot


    Joined: 05 Jan 2007

    Posts: 169


    Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 5:51 am Post subject: Reply with quote -





    Meles made his bed, now he should get ready to lie in it.



    Somali-King, I like the way you express yourself. Was that a somali saying/ proverb?


    I believe you missed one major fact though. You can't apply the same methods used against the western troops in the case of African forces. You drag one troop and the west gives in because of public opinion. But this is not the case when it comes to African troops. Public opinion in Africa doesn't change or may change but may not matter because African governments and armies are stronger than the people. Dragging dead bodies would only tarnish the image of Somali fighters internationally but has no impact on any force from Africa. I give you the example of war casulities in the 1998 -2000 war between Eritrea and Ethiopia. Sadly, that is African reality. The west reacts to high casulities and inhumane methods against its troops but not in our case.

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    Joined: 31 Mar 2007

    Posts: 11


    Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 5:36 am Post subject: Re: CLEAN UP OPERATION WAS PERFECT Reply with quote -




    Thomas H wrote:

    Hi Arat Kilo,


    Believe it or not,our heroes(members of the Ethiopian army) did a successful job.It was the BEST CLEAN UP OPERATION SO FAR DONE by any army in the war on Terrorism.Mogadishu is now free from ANY INSURGENTS.Those heroes who died in Somalia are BRAVE SOLDIERS because they died for what they believed.For you guys may be the burning of dead bodies make you happy,but in a battlefield it is JUST A NORMAL PROCEDURE to see dead bodies being burnt.Just for your information the HINDUS burn dead bodies and still it is a normal custom. 15 brave soldiers died from the Ethiopian army and one helicopter shot down,but the insurgents were totally DESTROYED.300 of fanatics who declared JIHAD on Ethiopia have surrendered.Now our mission is almost accomplished and our next DESTINATION is ASMARA.Make no mistake it is our responsibilty to make sure that the Horn of Africa is STABLE.By the way,I have heard that Kaliti Prison is going to issue PERMANENT RESIDENTS CARD for prisoners and all CUD officials are elligible to get the card and I would like to congratulate you guys for this fantastic news.


    With love

    Thomas H



    Are you serious Thomas? The Ethiopians are so scared they are resisting orders to get in the city again, they are right now in CARMISKA which is an entrance point to Mogadishu from the Middle Shabelle Region. The fight is still continuing on and the Resistance as not only pushed the Ethiopians and their tanks so badly but they are almost close to taking over Villa Somalia and making the fake and puppet transitional president flee for his life. Some are actually saying (and there are no secrets in Somalia) that he has already been evacuated from Villa Somalia by the neutral Ugandan peacekeepers who are being given free pass everywhere. No one touches the Ugandans and the Ugandans have refused Ethiopia to join them in the war in Mogadishu. The Ugandans have said they are peace-keepers, neutral to Somalia's political strife and will only fire to protect themselves and instead of being attacked the Ugandans are going to lunch parties every single day in their honor. The Ethiopians will flee and they know better then to bring their copters out. American black hawks were shot down with 5 minutes of each other and the Ethiopians yesterday as soon as they rose over Mogadishu and started firing.


    Somalia will become the DEATH of Zenewi's Woyane government. He is facing two choices and both of them are not in his favor.


    1. Either withdraw and get yourself out of this mess but mess up your credibility and risk the Oromos and others increase their attacks seeing you can be forced to withdraw. Maybe even the Amhara will arm themselves also and join the effort




    2. Continue to stay in Mogadishu and loosing your soldiers in an urban combat you are destined to lose until you become weakened so much by keeping up the effort of occupation that you become powerless in your own country.



    Meles made his bed, now he should get ready to lie in it.

  9. http://www.ethiopianreview.com


    Ethiopians should learn a lot from the Somalians.


    Thank you Somalians for killing the Agazi soldiers and dragging them on the street. Thank you for killing the Hagosses and Berhe's who massacred innocent childern on the street of Addis. Kill them as much as possible as that is the only way you can get rid off them.


    The so called poltical parties and civic associations - who wrote a begging letter from their safe hiding to Zenawi should stop giving a false hope to the Ethiopian people. Just leave Ethiopians alone or else go to Ethiopia and start the struggle from with in.


    Everything has been tried to engage Zenawi through dialogue. The jailed leaders, the elderly, scholars and the western government tried and failed because Zenawi do not understand peacful negotiation. So there is no point writing him a letter unless you want to say I have done this and that.


    We can get rid off Woyanie only by a military means.