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Everything posted by walaalkis

  1. Sensei;961391 wrote: Laughable wallee. There hasn't been a place in Somalis of all kinds walked freely, and happily. You should stay away from statements that make you look less than smart my dear friend. Right I would believe you what you just have wrote,if I was not Somali and didn't know anything about Somalia. C'mon we all know that if president's clan members or fellow groups was to walk down in Garowe they will be either accused of belonging to alshabab or looking like alshabab. one the other hand all kind of people walk and do busines the capital. Why is that your kin hate anything that gets to do with mogadishu ? why can't they open a dialogue and address it, if they have political difference with the president rather than accusing everyone from mogadishu stealing your properties and against livelihood ? dont you think , there's better way of reconciling our difference without making up stories on your proganda sites ?
  2. peasant;961376 wrote: It is very obvious why they dont want to develop beyond Galkacyo and towards Garowe. Once again the so called government is manifesting it's clan based agendas openly. maybe the day all somalis can walk free in Garowe other than few groups. Dadkaan qali xumaa
  3. Is no different from any other crime that takes place in Somalia. Don't make it sound like its holocaust. What Somalia needs is education and specialized doctors to treat people who r suffering from qabyaalad. Didn't we learn anything from last two decades ?
  4. I guess Amin arts is doing what he does best Draws a cartoon for whoever pays him better...corrupted skill.
  5. Some folks are just hoping for another civil war Umadan gormee wax fahmi 20yrs of civil war didn't take us any where
  6. Maaddeey;959418 wrote: Lol. War yaa Alle yaqaan!, Waranle, goormeed sidan noqotay?. with this all these madness sometimes I'm surprised that the admin allow it and later when someone else does something similar they are banned
  7. Yesterday he was running for presidency now he change his heart Maybe tomorrow he will have another change of heart to Go back to the union . Confusion at its worse
  8. Salahudin;958085 wrote: Chimera is too innocent to understand the above picture of Culusow and his fellow HAG thugs Walee some people are sick in the soul , Just because his clan wasn't present he just spits qabyaalad infested opinion Get off your seat and do something for your clan instead of complaining about presidents work. Is not what your country can do for you but it's what you can do for your country Sidii habar 60 jir buu calaacal la fadhiyaan 24/7 whining is not going to change the fact that Somali will come to the world stage
  9. A person who's not president of somalia who is not part of Somali parliament or government Flys to different country so he can discuss with them Somali affairs Don't get me wrong but look why do we have parliament ? Or government if everyone from every region in Somalia Can just fly to Kenya and present himself a leader of the country affairs Just so discredit Somali government Qabyaalad it's disease itself just like people with mental illness .... If Somali president is against jubaland there is parliament we don't need Kenya or Ethiopia to think for us Why can't we solve our own problem face to face in civilized matter. as long we see ourself enemies Somali will never be a country , Kenya or Uganda or Ethiopia don't care people in Somalia They care their interest ,
  10. Looks like amateur writing Not from the goverment and no one else is reporting Xaaji you sure this ain't written by you
  11. ummad baa dagaal sokeeye ilaa hada doonaya. maxaa dhacey oo sida tan parliament ka dhigey back to squire one.
  12. I don't suppor this and never will. I wonder how the people in Khatumo and awdal state feel about this . Lets talk to the real people not the one in power
  13. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;951967 wrote: Aad ugu mahadsanyihiin walaalaheena Turkiga, laakiin: Tabeelaha Afsoomaali ha lagu qoro. Waxaan kale rajeynaa barbaarta agoonta iyo rajada dhabta ah inay helaan waxbarashadaas. Soomaali waa isnaqaanaa, wax isdabamaris waaku dheereynaa iyo masuqmaasuqnimo. Carruur aabayaashooda soo taagan oo shaqeysto meeshaas in la geeyo ka cabsanaa. Turkiga ha iska ilaaliso sirtaas, yeynan sirmin. maxaa somaliga looga tagey bal ?
  14. As long one believes IGAD will save them from his own. Things are due to fail. World is not a play ground and nothing happens from kindness nowadays. IGAD is after the country of somalia The land the people and the sea. You might think Uganda is there to protect Mogadishu and Kenya is there in Kismayo to protect It's borders. Soon or later, they wll explore the ocean and give 1 cent from each hundred dollars to the people in control Uganda and rest of the peace keepers are there for the money. they don't have love for somalis nor do they care. Somalia is going down for many years to come. Best thing for this goverment to do is train it's security forces and slowly regain stregth
  15. oba hiloowlow;950653 wrote: its not that dangerous you should see it with your own eyes the media is exaggerating a lot , my walaalo are there right now i skype with them almost everyday the security is tight,, The only places which are dangerous is Dayniile,suuqa xoolaha,huriwa and the bakara market. I have yet to understand when this government travels alot and yet it's own soldier at times do something like this. How can we say city is recovering and it's security is tight when you can get blown out and shot in the back. Oba, looks like Mogadishu is dangerous as ever or even worse. There's targeted killings and so on. Maybe next coming years, but not currently
  16. oba hiloowlow;950641 wrote: compare mogadishu's situation with some years ago.. you didn't even have hopes now i see that your way of thinking has changed Before the alshabab era , mogadishu was better shape than now because everyone knew who the enemy was but now you got suicide bombers, moryaans in uniforms and corrupt officials. The city is dangerous as ever. You got daily killings. Road side bombs. What the government should do is concentrate on it's soldiers, they are more damaging and serious.
  17. Che -Guevara;950613 wrote: Saalax..They speak Somali, eat Somali and live Somali, they are Somali. And what proof do you have to say they came from Mozambique. If anything, you are less Somali since you claimed to be a descendant of some phantom Arab Sheikh. Walaalkiis. Faraha xanuuna when Saalax types Somaliaonline to access the site. They need to realize this fantasy will come to stop. How can you have somaliland when there's already people within somaliland claiming to be their state such as awdal and khatumo state. If they think they can get away with , they are day dreaming. Somalis know each other pretty well. Have your own area code, what's the point lol.... I'm looking forward to khatumo state and awdal with their soon......
  18. Kooxo hubeysan oo gudaha u galay Xarunta Shirkadda Dahabshiil ee Muqdisho iyo ciidamada Dowladda oo ku hareeraysan Arbaco, May 15, 2013 (HOL) — Kooxo hubeysan oo burcad ah ayaa gudaha u galay xarunta shirkadda Dahabshiil ee Muqdisho, iyadoo ay ku gadaaman yihiin ciidamada dowladda oo goobtaas soo gaaray markii ay kooxdan gudaha u galeen xarunta. Mid ka mid ah ilaalada shirkadda ayay kooxaha hubeysan toogasho ku dileen, iyadoo iska-horimaad dhacayna lagu dilay qof rayid ah, iyadoo goobta oo dhan ay ka taagan tahay xiisad kacsanaan ah. "Dableydu waxay ahaayeen tuugo doonayay inay dhacaan xarunta, markii ay galeen ayaa waxaa goobta soo gaaray ciidamada dowladda si ay kooxahaas uga hortagaan, welina waa la isku horfdhiyaa," ayuu yiri ganacsade dukaan ku leh agagaarka xaurnta Dahabshiil oo HOL la hadlay. Ganacsadaha ayaa sheegay in ciidamada dowladda ay ku hareereysan yihiin goobta kooxaha hubeysanna ay gudaha ugu jiraan xarunta, iyadoo falkan uu noqonayo kii ugu horreeyay noociisa oo ka dhaca Muqdisho. Warar ku dhowdhow Dahabshiil ayaa sheegaya in kooxaha hubeysan ee ku jira gudaha xarunta ay tiradoodu tahay laba qof, halka kuwo kale oo tirsanaa burcaddana ay goor hore baxsadeen, iyadoo aan la ogeyn cid ay ka tirsan yihiin kooxdan galay xarunta Dahabshiil. Ciidamada dowladad ee goobta gaaray ayaa isku dayay inay gacanta ku dhigaan kooxaha burcadda ah ee ku harsan gudaha xarunta, iyadoo aan la sheegin wax lacago ah oo laga dhacay shirkadda. Xarunta Dahabshiil ee Muqdisho oo ah midda ugu weyn Koonrfuta iyo bartamaha Soomaaliya ayaa bil ka hor waxaa illinka hore ee xarunteeda lala beegsaday qarax khasaare gaarsiiyay mid ka mid ah albaabbada ugu waaweyn xarunta. Wixii warar ah ee arrintan kasoo kordha waxaad kula socon doontaa wararkeenna dambe haddii Alle ogolaado. Maxamed Xaaji Xuseen, Hiiraan Online less moryaan more peace. As much the I love Mogadishu , we got too much moryaan infested people walking around doing the unthinkable. Maybe the president should stop his trips abroad and concentrate what's happening in his background. Soon or later, they will rob villa somalia. These gangs need punishment to the fullest
  19. Che -Guevara;950597 wrote: Perhaps you could bleach your skin, look less Somali physically and quit speaking the language as well. I guess it's time for them to come up with somalilandonline.com if they want less link with somalia lol dadkan qaadka sidey u cunaayey bey iska walaan walaahi
  20. Good step good job peace loving Somalis for taking all the action to stop IGAD being the Master of Somali affairs
  21. Jimco, May 03, 2013 (HOL) — Madaxda dalalka ku bahoobay IGAD ayaa isku raacay in dowladda Soomaaliya ay hormuud u noqoto dadaallada maamul u sameynta gobollada Soomaaliya, iyadoo warkan lagu sheegay war-murtiyeed laga soo saaray shirkii madaxda IGAD uga socday magaalada Addis Ababa ee xarunta dalka Itoobiya. Qodobkan ayaa wuxuu ka mid ahaa qodobbbadii uu hordhigay madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh madaxda dalalka IGAD, iyadoo sidoo kale la isku raacay in dowladda Soomaaliya lagu ixtiraamo dastuurkeeda, lana taageero qorshaha ay dowladdu ku sameynayso maamullada. Sidoo kale, war murtiyeedka waxaa lagu sheegay in urur-goboleedka IGAD uu taageero qorshaha ay dowladda Soomaaliya iyo AMSIOM ku doonayaan inay Al-shabaab kaga saaraan deegaannada ay gacanta ku hayso. War-murtiyeedka ayaa sidoo kale lagu sheegay in la xoojiyo ciidamada dowaldda Soomaaliya la tayeeyo si ay awood buuxda ugu yeeshaan inay la wareegaan ammaanka guud ee Soomaaliya, haddii ciidamada caawinaya ay isaga baxaan dalka. Madaxda IGAD ayaa sidoo kale isku raacay in wafdi heer sare ah loo diro magaalada Kismaayo ee xarunta Jubbada Hoose, waxaana lagu sheegay qodobka 10-aad ee war-murtiyeedka in wafdigaas ay hoggaamin doonaan madaxda IGAD, howlwadeennada ururka iyo xubno ka socda waddamada ku jira ururka. Howsha guddigan ayaa waxay noqon doontaa inay soo indho-indheeyaan xaaladda degmada Kismaayo ayna soo ururiyaan warbixinno lagu soo bandhigi doono shirka soo socda ee IGAD ay ku yeelanayso magaalada Addis Ababa ee dalka Itoobiya dhammaadka bishan May. Degmada Kismaayo ayaa waxaa ka socda shir maamul loogu sameynayo gobollada Jubbooyinka iyo Gedo, kaasoo ay dowladda Soomaaliya kasoo hor-jeesatay kuna tilmaantay mid aan waafaqsanayn dastuurka dalka u yaalla. Shirkan oo looga hadlayay ammaanka Soomaaliya ayaa waxaa shirkaan uga qaybgalay madaxweyanha Soomaaliya, Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud iyo wafdi uu hoggaaminayo, iyadoo madaxweynuhu uu sharraxaad ka siiyay madaxdii IGAD shirka lagu qabanayo London ee looga hadlayo arrimaha Soomaaliya.
  22. Xaaji Xunjuf;945583 wrote: Breaking News– Puntland Government Position on London Conference II for Somalia (Press Release) Puntland State of Somalia Garowe Puntland Government Position on London Conference II for Somalia PRESS RELEASE 03 May 2013 Puntland Government values the commendable efforts and role Her Majesty Government continues to play in Somalia. Puntland is ready to contribute towards rebuilding a prosperous future for the Federal Republic of Somalia and its people. Puntland contributes to peace and stability in Somalia. The State consists of an area in northern Somalia approximately one-third of surface land and 1,300-km coastline in Somalia. Puntland played an instrumental role in the national constitutional process and ending the transition in Somalia. The State has also been at the forefront in the fight against extremism, terrorism and piracy in Somalia. For years, Puntland has expressed at international public forums its genuine concerns regarding the misbalanced international assistance to Somalia. As such, Puntland hoped that the London Conference of May 7, 2013, would propose a new comprehensive approach to international engagement in Somalia that takes into account existing realities on the ground and Puntland’s rights, as accorded by the Provisional Federal Constitution (PFC). President of the Somali Federal Government (SFG) H.E. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud paid an overnight official visit to Puntland on April 28, 2013. Despite the short notice, a big welcome ceremony was prepared for the President’s delegation and the President of Puntland, H.E. Abdirahman Mohamed Mohamud, hosted well-organized dinner at State House in Garowe. A large audience attended the State dinner from different sectors of civil society, which offered President Mohamud an opportunity to address the people of Puntland, and the Somali people more generally. Puntland prepared a thorough agenda to discuss with the visiting SFG delegation. The agenda points included: a) implementation of SFG-Puntland Agreement of March 11, 2013; b) security cooperation; c) respect for Puntland’s constitutional rights; d) implementation of federal system; and e) serious concerns about tampering with the PFC, equitable sharing of international assistance, issues related to natural resources, and a lack of SFG consultation of national affairs with the Federated States, as sanctioned by the PFC. President Mohamud and President Farole agreed in principle on: a) continuation of the national peace and reconciliation process; b) the eventual reintegration of Somali National Forces in a consultative process; and c) the implementation of SFG-Puntland Agreement of March 11, 2013. However, the SFG delegation arrived in Garowe without an agenda and posed major obstacles by categorically refusing to discuss the agenda of national affairs submitted by Puntland. President Mohamud’s delegation also presented obstacles to the speedy implementation of the federal system, most notably by opposing the voluntary formation of ‘Jubaland State’ in southern Somalia, in line with the PFC. Puntland calls on Her Majesty Government to take into serious consideration existing realities in Somalia and the critical need for Federated States (Puntland) to fulfill their mandate under the PFC, on international assistance, economic matters, treaties, and important international accords (Article 54), and national security and federal affairs (Article 208). Additionally, Puntland is seriously concerned with the tampering of the PFC, endorsed by the Roadmap Signatories in Nairobi on June 22, 2012, co-signed by the U.N. as a guarantor, and adopted overwhelmingly by the National Constituent Assembly in Mogadishu on August 1, 2012. Puntland calls on the SFG President, as Custodian of the Constitution, as well as the Speaker, and the SRSG, to launch a full inquiry urgently and to declare an explanation to the citizens of Somalia. Regrettably, as Puntland did not receive an official invitation from any party, Puntland will not send an official delegation to attend the London Conference. Puntland will soon forward a Position Paper on Somalia to the London Conference II. — END — For all this goverment saying no to juballand I think puntland stil hanging to haywiyye vs darodd Wax lalayaabey Big day for somaliland xaaji
  23. Qof kastoo niyad fiican sida tan buu u hadlaa. Ninkii uqdad qabo waligii dagaal iyo colaad ka hadlaa good job mr farah