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Posts posted by xiinfaniin

  1. It is funny: Hassan Sheekh's government is turning into a dysfunctional entity with competing interest. Parts of the government want to fight and dominate, while some other parts want to reach agreements and reconcile.


    As to this story, the ill will and bad intent is clear. However, there is no way current federal government can enforce what the minister said.

  2. Axmed Madoobe "Barre Hiraale cidii markab ku geysay Kismaayo ayaa laga rabaa inay hadana soo kaxeyso"



    Hogaamiyaha Maamulka KMG ah ee Jubba Axmed Madoobe ayaa sheegay inay soo dhoweynayaan Ciidamada Barre Hiiraale iyo dhalinyarada u dagaalanta Shabaab, hadii ay isu soo dhiibaan maamulkiisa.


    Axmed Madoobe oo shalay shir jaraa'id ku qabtay Kismaayo ayaa sheegay in maamulkiisa nidaam u diyaariyay cidii ka soo goosata Shabaab, isagoo ka hadlay xaalada Barre Hiiraale oo uu xusay inuu Al-Shabaab la joogo.


    Waxaa uu sheegay in looga baahan yahay cidii Barre Hiiraale markab ku geysay Kismaayo inay ka soo kaxeyso, isagoo xusay in hadii Al-Shabaab la joogo iyo col kale, waxaana uu xusay in mashruuciisa uu dhamaaday.


    Sidoo kale Axmed Madoobe ayaa tilmaamay in maamulkiisa uu gacan bir ah ku qabanayo ammaanka, isla markaana ciidamada ay habeen iyo maalin sugi doonaan ammaanka magaalada Kismaayo.


    Barre Hiiraale oo ka mid ahaa siyaasiyiin looga itaal roonaaday dagaal ka dhacay Kismaayo labo bil ka hor, waxaana uu dhowaan iska fogeeyay inuu ku biiray Shabaab, isla markaana uu ku sugan yahay deegaano duleedka ka ah Kismaayo oo Al-Shabaab ay ka taliyaan.

  3. Unfortunately, and thanks to Hassan Sheekh, Brussels Conference made it clear that Somalia is not politically reconciled. Hassan Sheekh's government has been practically demoted to be one of the stakeholders in the country. Another roadmap has been put in place. For that reason expect following for Somalia


    1. Political infighting. It already started, Shirdon sensing that he is expendable, is showing more vigor to stay in the game.

    2. Jubbaland is expected go its separate ways while Mogadishu political infighting ensues

    3. Politicians , Ministers in the federal government are expected to stampede on making rushed statements, propose unfeasible defense and resource sharing policies to show thier relevant as a central authority , which will undermine negotiations with SL, and reconciliation with PL & JL.


    4. Puntland and Somaliland are expected to be strengthened diplomatically , which will result in more development money.


    5. AMISOM is expected to expand in the south central, making the defact ruler


    All of these are nothing but a far reaching manifestation of novice politicians and incompetent leaders at the helm of federal government.

  4. Puntland iyo Kuwait oo heshiis muhiim ah kala saxiixdey(Sawiro)


    Manta 7/10/2013 waxaa heshiis horimarineed kala saxiixdey Dowladda Puntland iyo Kuwait Fund, Amiirka Kuwait Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah ugu deeqay Puntland Airpork Garowe iyo Jamacad Baran(Makhir University), labadaa mashruuc oo qeyb ka ahaa mashariicdii loo balan qaadey xiligii Madaxweyne Farole uu la kulmey Amiirka kuwait.

    Heshiiska manta waxaa saxiixay Wasirka Maliyada Puntland Farax Cali shire iyo Hamad S. Al Omar(Deputy Director of Kuwait Fund).


    Waxana xaflada saxiixa ka soo qeyb galay Wasirka Arimaha Gudaha Puntland Abdullahi Ahmed Jama oo Dowladda Puntland wakiil ugaha diyaarinta iyo xiriirinta mashariicda kuwait ka hirgalineyso Puntland iyo Safirka Somalia u fadhiya Kuwait.






  5. Che -Guevara;980156 wrote:
    Both have not been seen in awhile, and there is a theory that XX and NGONGE might have been one and the same.

    lol@XX and NGONGE being the same


    NGONGE has not retired ; he was forced to retire as the separatist project he so readily endorsed is coming to a grinding halt.


    Even Jacayl speaks with a muffled voice. Gone are the days with instant updates from Hargeysa and the didactic single lines...

  6. Xagee kuugu dambeysay gudoomiyihii gobolka Shabeelada Hoose?


    October 1, 2013


    Wararka ka imaanaya magaalada Muqdisho ayaa kusoo waramaya in Gudoomiyihii Gobolka Shabeelada Hoose Cabdiqaadir Siidi oo kamid ahaa xubnihii wafdigii ka socday DFS ee lagu marti qaaday shirkii New deal ee Brussels uusan dalkii Somalia dib ugu laabanin walina uu ku sugan yahay Yurub.


    Hadii warkani uu dhab noqdo wuxuu masuulkani noqon doonaa masuulkii ugu horeeyay ee soomaaliyeed oo isagoo gudoomiye gobol ah iska dhiiba wadan shisheeye.